I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 389 One Eye on Heaven, One Eye on Hell

After the morning class, the monks who came out of the temple one after another, regardless of their seniority, would pay respect to the "extreme monk" when they passed by.

After the man warmly greeted the passing monk, he didn't care about the strange eyes of others, but just stared at the mobile phone screen, pouring wine into his mouth one after another.

It seems that only at this time will his frown be relieved.

"Akagi Meow-chan: Araki-sensei, good morning."

"Chicheng Miaomiaojiang: Tomorrow is the last day of "retreat and practice", how do you feel, are your eyes still uncomfortable?"

On the LINE interface, a pink KITTY cat head is flashing.

Seeing this news, a smile appeared on the corner of the man's mouth, and he pressed his fingers awkwardly on the phone.

"Big Lonely Man: Don't worry, I'm getting used to it."

"The Lonely Man of Sutra: Although Hanyu's extracurricular teaching is profound and unfathomable, at least it gave me a strong interest in science and a desire for in-depth understanding. Much more useful..."

"Akagi Miaomiaochan: I replied so late, could it be that I was drinking at a bar early in the morning? Alcohol can paralyze yourself, but you should also pay attention to your body."

"Big Lonely Man: Hahaha, what are you talking about? I was seriously leading those bald men to have morning classes just now... By the way, is there any news about the situation of that girl Mochizuki?"

"Akagi Meow-chan: Sorry, Araki-sensei, I still haven't been able to find out. It is said that only Tokimoto-sensei knows the situation in the Spirit Eliminators Association."

"Big Lonely Man: Is that right, that cunning old man, then I can only follow the agreement and ask him when I leave the customs in person."

"Amitabha, when false thoughts arise, all illusions will arise. When false thoughts cease, one mind will exist. There should be no place to live, and the mind will be born."

Just as the man was sending the message with a blushing face, a middle-aged monk with a firm face and a solemn treasure came out of the gate, came to him, and bowed.

Impressively, it is the current presiding officer of the Kawasaki Daishiji Temple with a level of "three" exorcism exemption, and propagandizes the Dharma.

"Master Araki, alcohol can only alleviate the pain for a while, and only by keeping one thought can you get rid of delusional thoughts and stop being attached to the truth."

Even if it is the presider of Hongfa, he can only persuade respectfully and respectfully in the face of this man who "corrupted the family style" blocking the temple gate early in the morning.

Because, this unscrupulous blond young man wearing a monk's robe and drinking and playing with his mobile phone at the gate of the temple is Sousuke Araki

After the gate of hell was opened, he went all the way from Akihabara to Taito District, and transformed countless ghosts and ghosts into Buddhas...

Under the Tibetan apartment, defeated the "Evil God of Gaps", summoned the blessing of the Black Buddha, and forcibly opened the gate of hell...

Repeatedly going in and out, completely collapsed the gate of hell that was originally closed to thank guests...

Throwing herself into hell to save Ayano Mochizuki...

Sosuke Araki.

At this moment, Sousuke Araki had a beard and a haggard expression, and the little golden oily head that was so energetic that it could cure a child's night cry was nowhere to be found, and his half-long hair was messed up like a chicken coop and covered his eyes.

Under the cover of bangs, he could vaguely see his confused and painful eyes.

His left eye was as golden as amber.

Although I have no memory of what happened before and after entering the giant door until returning to the rooftop of the Kuramae apartment...

But since his return, his left eye and the world in front of him have undergone earth-shaking changes.

"It's Brother Hongfa... Hiccup... Do you want to have a bite?"

Seeing that the other party declined the wine bottle handed over to him, Sousuke Araki, who was belching and drunk, took another sip on his own.

Under the setting sun, blue sky and white clouds, a circle of golden light faintly appears under the solemn Baoxiang preaching monk, the elegant stone road, the ancient temple and the bustling shopping street.

If it is on weekdays, it must be a simple and beautiful landscape painting in front of you.

But at this moment, looking through his left eye, Monk Hongfa has a thick golden aura circulating all over his body.

And on those stone roads and buildings, black and dark red marks and dirty bloodstains left by various body parts can be vaguely seen.

In the bustling stream of people in front of the temple gate, from time to time, you can see all kinds of horrific and miserable spirits, entangled in the pilgrims who don't know it.

Even on the mobile phone and wine bottle in front of him, traces of "spiritual body" activities can be vaguely seen.

From the day he returned, the world in Araki Sousuke's left eye was covered with a layer of dark red blood and filth.

All kinds of extraordinary creatures and energies, such as spiritual power, spiritual body, resentment, ghosts, etc., as well as the traces of these things' activities and left behind, are all displayed in detail before his eyes...

Through Hanyu Mai's "comparative experiments" during this period, it can be confirmed that in the past twenty years, he has been able to see the "hidden energy field life forms" that ordinary people cannot see.

It's just that the images he sees are the same as ordinary people and things, so they can't be distinguished.

According to the incomprehensible Zen mechanism of monk Hongfa, what I see with my left eye is the "false self" of those things, while what I see with my right eye is the "true self".

For Araki Sousuke, it was like watching a harmonious and happy pure love movie for more than 20 years, and suddenly being "magically changed" into a horror movie.

All in all, the completely different but equally real worlds seen by the left and right eyes are superimposed in such a brutal way, presented in front of Araki Sousuke without warning, in detail, and cruelly.

It can be said that one glance at heaven and one glance at hell.

This drastic change caused him, an atheist who believed in science, to directly collapse his worldview.

This phenomenon doesn't just happen to Araki Sousuke, but it generally exists in all people who wake up to inspiration and can suddenly see certain existences.

For this special group of people, the Spirit Eliminators Association and the Ninth Class will provide them with the "Public Confidentiality Regulations", psychological counseling, and conventional self-help methods.

Including Gu Yuansha, who also received a period of counseling training after the hell apartment incident.

However, for Sousuke Araki, who was in a special situation, it evolved into a 30-day "retreat practice" that was secretly carried out by the Spirit Eliminator Association, and was jointly tutored by a genius scientist and a temple, integrating science and theology.

During the period of "retreat and practice", the great scientist Mai Hanyu who was in charge of giving him daily "extracurricular lessons" and teaching various scientific knowledge, based on the "integration of science and theology" combined with the "holographic hidden energy field theory", for He created a new "scientific worldview".

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