According to Wu Yuyu, the development of science is a process of constant self-denial and subversion.

It's just that the current scientific process is too slow to explain some seemingly "theological" phenomena for the time being.

After all, the earth is round, the earth revolves around the sun, the theory of relativity, quantum theory, wave-particle duality, molecular motion, the leaning tower experiment, etc. were once considered unbelievable by mainstream concepts before science was developed enough to explain certain phenomena matter.

According to her "Holographic Hidden Energy Field Theory" hypothesis and observational experimental data, the hidden energy field life forms that have been in physical contact with Araki Sousuke or contaminated with his body fluids may have ablated the hidden energy field due to the "synchronous phenomenon of biomagnetic field" , causing it to be reduced to the most basic soul essence particle.

Although it was a bit of a mess, Sousuke Araki, who claimed to be a time traveler and was optimistic by nature, accepted the facts in front of him bit by bit.

That's right, existence is reasonable, and I can't abandon it just because the development of science is a little slower.

He believes that one day, with the help of sister Hanyu's "hidden energy field theory", everything can find a reasonable explanation.

"Don't worry, I'm just a little bit drunk, I won't get drunk. I would like to thank Brother Hongfa for taking care of me these days. Not only did I get food, lodging and uniform, I was also treated to a lot of good wine..."

"Like the bottle in my hand, it should be very expensive, hahahaha!"

"I saw it on the Internet before, and it seems to cost more than 100,000 yen a bottle..."

Looking at the high-grade sake in his hand, Araki Sousuke touched his head and smiled, then picked up the bottle and brought it to his mouth, without any intention of treating himself as an outsider.

"Shishidai" sake is produced in "Takagi Shuzo" ​​with a history of more than 400 years.

The bottle of "Longquan" series held by Sosuke Araki is brewed with 100% Yamada Nishiki rice and "Sakura Kiyomizu" from the special A area of ​​Hyogo Prefecture. The fruity and floral aromas are complex but approachable, and the entrance is sweet and smooth. The price of a bottle of 180,000 yen is still hard to find in the market.

"That's okay. These wines are accumulated by donations from pilgrims over the years. Sake should not be stored for too long. Drinking alcohol is not recommended in the temple, as long as Venerable Araki likes it..."

Before Hongfa finished speaking, Araki Sousuke in front of him suddenly stopped drinking as if he was "downtime", and his expression was also stiff on his face.

Expensive liquor kept leaking from his mouth because of the "pause" of his movements...

At the same time, the pupil of his left eye was divided into nine parts, and a golden and white pattern of "Nine Radiances of the Moon" appeared, spinning crazily.

Countless black runes slowly climbed up his face like a chain reaction, but they still couldn't get close to his left eye socket.


Caught off guard and looking at Sousuke Araki's left eye, Hongfa felt dizzy, and his entire consciousness was pulled in...

"Master Araki... Please recite the Buddhist scriptures silently and try to control that power..."

With his Dharma practice, he couldn't stand still and sat down on the ground.

After a while, the black runes on Araki Sousuke's face and the patterns in his eyes dissipated.

"Ugh, it hurts..."

He didn't care about the monk's robe that was wet with sake, but he just held his forehead in pain, and belatedly looked at Hongfa who was sitting cross-legged in front of him, sweating profusely.

"Sorry... did I just... have a seizure again?"

Ever since he came back from "behind the door" that day, there seemed to be two different forces in his body, fighting from time to time.

Whenever he "excessively uses his eyes", the black runes on his body surface will take the opportunity to counterattack, resulting in this short-term "brain downtime", and after recovery, he will be accompanied by a tearing headache.

This condition is suppressed only under the cognitive anesthesia of alcohol.

"Honorable One doesn't need to blame himself, it's the poor monk who has a low level of cultivation and is unable to solve His Holiness' doubts."

Hongfa stabilized his mood, got up and flicked the dust off his shirt, his face was full of guilt.

Araki Sousuke's "symptoms" were the main reason why the Spirit Eliminators Association arranged for him to "retreat and practice".

Over the past month, he tried to guide Araki Sousuke to practice the most profound Buddhist teachings at Kawasaki Daishiji Temple, and even sacrificed the real copy of the "Tripitaka on Wooden Board Script" that even he was not qualified to practice in the Sutra Hall.

According to his prediction, Araki Zongsuke, as a "reincarnated venerable", should understand these Buddhist teachings at a glance, and he should be enlightened after one practice, repairing abnormalities in the body, opening the Alaya consciousness, restoring the memory of the previous life, achieving great success in the eyes of the sky, manifesting the holiness in front of people, and promoting Buddhism. Prosperity is just around the corner...

However, the cruel reality gave Hongfa a slap in the face.

It has been a whole month, and Sousuke Araki, who claims to firmly believe in "science", has not cultivated any spiritual power or Dharma except for his inhuman physical fitness and beast-like intuition...

For him, the Buddhist scriptures collected by Daishiji Temple in Kawasaki are more like "hypnotic spells" with excellent effects. He often takes a book and reads it when he has a headache, and he can quickly fall asleep peacefully.

Although on the surface, this person in front of me is the most "unenlightened" practitioner that Hongfa has ever seen...

However, having seen the miracles of Araki Zongsuke's transmigration of common people, roaring of foreign demons, Buddha's manifestation of holiness, and ravaging the gates of hell, it is naturally impossible to think that this is the other party's problem.

This must be because his own practice is too superficial, and he is not qualified to teach a venerable.

"Well, although I can still see those crap, my body also becomes strange from time to time..."

Seeing the guilt on Kobo's face, Araki Sousuke showed a bright smile instead, and in turn comforted him.

"But didn't you also say in the "Two Entrances and Four Elements" that you taught me yesterday, 'Gain and loss follow fate, and the heart does not increase or decrease. Any pursuit is suffering, and nothing is joy'. I believe that there is always a way to solve it. .”

"Amitabha Buddha, there is a definite number of dependent origination and cessation. The venerable teaching is correct. It is a poor monk's vision."

Hearing Araki Sosuke's words, Kobo also showed a relieved smile.

"Very enlightened, sleeper!!!"

The woman's mad and sexy voice suddenly appeared behind Araki Sousuke.

Leaning on the steps, Araki Sousuke subconsciously leaned back, but only saw a pair of majestic busts that covered the sky, made his nose itchy, and felt that his "symptoms" were about to flare up again.

"Miss Hanyu?! Isn't extracurricular lessons in the afternoon..."

Although the other party's face was covered, but relying on this pair of round, soft and extremely familiar things, Araki Sousuke instantly recognized the identity of the visitor.

Mai Hanyu, still dressed in the eternal white coat, shirt, skirt, black stockings, and high heels, stood behind him at some point.

"Look at the mountains from the side, look at the side peaks from the side, the distance and height are different, I don't know..."

Just when Sousuke Araki's nostrils were enlarged and he recited the poems of the Dragon Kingdom with unknown meaning with a smirk on his face, a black object with body temperature fell lightly on his face, covering his scorching sight.

"This... what is this?"

Taking off the things covering their faces, Araki Sousuke and Kobo got together curiously, and looked at the slightly elastic silk fabric in their hands, which was connected by two slender ropes and a small black round cloth. ...

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