I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 391: Running Under the Morning Sun

"Heh heh heh, according to the comparative test data and various material tests these days, I finally made the ultimate weapon that can solve your pain... Please pay homage to me who sent it here early in the morning!"

Ignoring the strange gazes of the two "monks" in front of him, Mai Hanyu's face was full of excitement, like a primary school student eager to know the answer.

"Why are you in a daze, hurry up and try it on!"

However, Araki Sousuke, who was still sitting on the ground and leaning back, was blinded by certain things, so naturally he couldn't see her excited expression.

"Try it on? Here? It smells stinky, this, this is it!!!"

Holding the weird-smelling textile in his hand, he seemed to think of something, his breathing gradually became heavy, and white air spewed out in the slightly cold morning light.

"So Hanyu-san, you actually like this type..."

Immediately, Araki Sousuke's eyes narrowed slightly, and struggling emotions surged in his expression, as if he was facing a major life choice.

"It's very tempting, but I'm sorry, I refuse..."

After a while, he got up slowly, and under the morning light, he said to Hanyu Mai solemnly: "Little Daisy's family, starting from Uncle Haruto, has been tight-fitting briefs for generations! Want me to betray the inheritance, Put on this shameful masculine thong, unless you also..."

"... Eyes, blindfolds?!"

A minute later, Sousuke Araki, who was full of disappointment and indifference, had a pair of black slender single eye patch under his bangs.

"But, haven't you tried it before? Even if I close my left eye or wear a blindfold, I can still vaguely see those strange energies or figures..."

Ordinary things, even closing his eyes, can't cover the ability of his left eye. After being covered, he can capture the trajectory of those extraordinary things more clearly in the darkness.

"Hmph, this time it's not an ordinary product, it's made of extracted 'special material' and 'special craft' after countless experiments, "Magic Eye Seal Cybele Type I". "

With Mai Hanyu's help, he adjusted the single-eyed blindfold called "Magic Eye Seal Cybele Type I", and opened his eyes curiously.

"This, this is..."

Blue sky, white clouds, black and simple Kawasaki Daishi Temple, endless flow of people...

There are no colorful hand and footprints...

No disgusting traces of something being dragged across the ground either...

Not to mention those wraiths with strange shapes, viscera and eyeballs hanging outside the body, mutilated limbs, and lengths exceeding 18 centimeters, which made me feel extremely inferior...

Although the line of sight is a little bit to the right, the focus is on the world in front of me, and it has returned to the beautiful appearance that Araki Sousuke is familiar with!

"Sure enough, science can solve my problem... The original world, it's been a long time!!!"

With two lines of hot tears on his face, he excitedly carried the wine bottle and ran barefoot to the entrance of the bright shopping street, embracing the rising sun above the white clouds with his hands facing the sky.

Running under the rising sun is his lost youth.

"Amitabha, is this the legendary saying 'one leaf can cover your eyes, you can't see Mount Tai, and two beans can plug your ears, you can't hear thunder'? But, is this really good..."

Looking at Sousuke Araki who was full of excitement and running wildly, Kobo sighed slightly with a complicated expression.

Behind Araki Sousuke, several "passers-by" who passed him in the crowd suddenly stood there with their palms together, their bodies glowing with light...

"This month's experimental data shows that what he can observe with his left eye is far more than you, the spirit removers... Similarly, it also exceeds the limit that his brain can bear, so once it is overloaded, another hidden force will appear." The energy will take advantage of the void and try to distort his cognition..."

At some point, Mai Hanyu took out her mobile phone, smiled and took pictures of the scene in front of her.

"I've already talked to Uncle Shiben. In order to prevent his 'Second Childhood Disease' from worsening, I can only keep out of sight for the time being. Anyway, in the past few years, he also came here in such a muddle..."

The dark circles under the big winking eyes silently explained that what she did for Araki Sousuke during this period was not just as simple as "teaching after class".

Countless late nights, after returning from daytime lectures, Mai Hanyu fell asleep lying on her stomach in the laboratory.

"Indeed, the current state of Venerable Araki has far exceeded our imagination, and the poor monk is powerless..."

Looking back on this month, Hongfa couldn't help but sigh slightly.

Aiming at Sousuke Araki's problem, he and Mai Hanyu tried completely different solutions during this "retreat and practice".

What he advocates is to solve the problem from the root.

Through the practice of Buddhism, the "Buddha nature" of the reincarnated Venerable Araki Sosuke was guided, so that he could have a firm heart and calmly face everything in front of him.

On the other hand, Mai Hanyu, from the perspective of applied science, conducted a large number of inhumane "in vivo experiments" on Sosuke Araki, so how effective it was.

I have to admit that this time, Buddhism was defeated by science.

"That's right, it's not okay to continue to let this guy relax here, after all, the outside world is already in chaos..."

Mai Hanyu pursed the corners of her mouth lightly, showing a look of anticipation.

"Ah, it seems a little tight, Hanyu-san, please help me loosen it..."

Seemingly uncomfortable being strangled by the black string, Araki Sousuke took off the blindfold, revealing a face with strangle marks.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw the people behind him who "accidentally became Buddhas"...

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I accidentally put a few of you on the same frequency..."

According to Sister Hanyu, her own biological magnetic field is extremely special, and it can synchronize the "hidden energy field" that it comes into contact with, thereby melting away the "hidden energy" entangled with these souls, allowing them to restore their original souls, and achieve a disguised state. The effect of "becoming a Buddha" as said by the spirit removers.

"Amitabha, I haven't seen him for many years. Brother Hongfa's Dharma has reached the perfect level. Today, I can testify with my own eyes that my brother has transformed grievances into a Buddha. It must be my Buddha's favor..."

At the same time, a slightly hoarse female voice sounded not far behind Araki Sousuke.

A tall and slender woman slowly appeared in front of the three of them amidst the complicated eyes of passers-by on both sides.

The reason why she is so eye-catching is not because of her black and yellow hair, her pretty face with a little makeup and her tall figure...

It was because of the plain robe, cassock, cloth shoes, Buddhist beads and Buddhist scriptures on her waist...

The dress of this woman is actually the same as that of the ascetic monks at Kawasaki Daishiji Temple.

However, her plump curves that could not be concealed by her wide monk robe, and under her solemn expression, a pair of peach eyes that flowed with strange emotions, under the great contrast, added a strange style.

"Nun... Nun?"

Araki Sousuke fixed his blindfold, and curiously looked at the graceful woman who passed him by and went straight to Hongfa.

Recently, I have also been reflecting, summarizing and growing. Perhaps when the latest plot was put on the shelves, the rhythm would be more in line with the market? After all, there are too many stalks and too much house flavor, which has screened out most readers...

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