I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 398 Bald Head and Buried Seat

"Is this..."

Hearing this extremely familiar exhaust sound, Kou Yumaomumi looked around excitedly, but he didn't see the longing figure in his heart.

Accompanied by the roar of the exhaust, a dazzling headlight illuminates the alley in front of the Kuramae apartment.

What appeared in everyone's sight was not the locomotive as imagined...

It was a white van with the words "Caution! Haunted House Appraisal" printed on it, driving slowly.


Even after the van pulled over to the side of the road in a very regular manner, everyone could still hear the intense and manic exhaust sound mixed with the collision sound coming from the back compartment of the old van.

It seems that there is hidden a monster that is about to get out of the cage and choose to eat people.


A man with short blond hair and wearing a commemorative T-shirt printed with the words "Practice", "Kawasaki Master Temple Seal", etc., walked out from the co-pilot door with an irresistible air.


Shiny oily head, arms covered with tattoos, well-developed muscles that cannot be covered by a wide T-shirt...


The most frightening thing is that the slender and ferocious black one-eye patch on his left eye seems to be silently telling others about the magnificent and ups and downs of a great man's life.

All in all, this is a man who is exuding a strong criminal atmosphere all over his body.

At the same time, the ghost with only a huge mouth and short legs just jumped down from the high wall of the Kuramae apartment, and landed swiftly behind the man.

Due to the height restriction, it opened its abyssal mouth to the tight buttocks of the man who just got off the van...

The physical damage is quite heavy, and it urgently needs fresh flesh and blood as a supplement.

"Be careful... protect the people!!!"

However, in the eyes of several disaster prevention mobile team members who had just rushed out of the iron gate and were about to raise their guns to aim, the movement of the ghost that was about to feast suddenly became stiff...


It seemed that he had inhaled some indescribable gas, and the huge mouth that was cracked to the limit couldn't help retching.


Immediately, a dark red flame rose from its mouth...


Feeling something, the man looked back curiously.

But behind him, there was nothing but a pile of ashes.

Turning his head, he found the row of dull eyes staring at him in front of the apartment door.

"Oh, Little Bird Youshi..."

Automatically mosaiced the agents with live ammunition in sight, and the man's eyes locked on the flushed girl in the crowd...

He touched the back of his head shyly: "I'm just going home normally, don't you need so many people to welcome me together?"

"Ms. Araki...just now..."

"Huh? What's wrong with my face? Could it be that the food at Kawasaki Daishiji Temple is too good?"

Seeing the complex expression in the girl's eyes, the man touched his face curiously.


Wearing a high school uniform, Yumami Yuma shook his head slightly, stepped forward, put his hands together, and bowed to him with a smile: "Mr. Araki, welcome back."

Her trembling and choked voice, as well as the ripples in her eyes, betrayed her pretended calm.

There were thousands of words in my heart, but in the end only this sentence remained.

The man who came here in a hurry was Sousuke Araki who had returned to Tokyo from Kawasaki City after his "retreat practice".


Looking at the beautiful girl under the street lamp, the surrounding construction sites, and the Kuramae apartment surrounded by high walls that turned into a military restricted area, Sousuke Araki was slightly dazed, feeling as if he had passed away.

Immediately, a relieved smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"……I'm back."


The tragic roar broke the delicate atmosphere between the two.

A big shiny bald head quickly occupied the sight of Araki Sousuke's right eye.

"...you, where are you evildoers?!"

Looking at the bald man lying on the ground in an extremely humble posture, Sousuke Araki cautiously distanced himself away as if avoiding something dirty, and subconsciously stretched out his left hand to the blindfold.

"It's me, senior..."

"Kengo?! What is your posture? Also, where is your hair?"

It wasn't until the other party raised his head in tears that Araki Sousuke recognized that the dazzling bald head with the word "Apology" on his forehead turned out to be his junior.

"Is there so much pressure in the industry of spirit removers, or is it that you have overstudied recently?! Although there was only green skin before, but the difference is quite big with only one layer missing..."

"My bald head was shaved for today's face-to-face apology!!"

Yamada Kengo curled up, pressed his forehead to the ground, and sincerely expressed his apology.

"Because Tuxiazuo is no longer enough to express my apology, I can only resort to this trick of 'burying the seat'!"

Looking at it from the front, his posture looks like his lower body has been buried alive in the soil, while his upper body is still bowing reverently to apologize.

The combination technique of shaving the head and burying the seat is the highest state in today's Japanese "apologizing culture" except for the seppuku.

"One month ago, on the rooftop, I did such and such a shameful thing to my seniors when I couldn't do it myself. Please accept my most sincere apologies!!!"

When he yelled like this, the people around him cast indescribable gazes at them.

"So, don't use such ambiguous and misleading words. What is it?"

"...Of course, the thing about peeing on the 'shit king hooligan star' that Araki-senpai is proud of!!!"

"Oh, I thought what you were talking about, it's okay, it's okay, I've tried to read Buddhist scriptures recently, and my heart is... Wait, bastard, when did you do it?!"

As he spoke, Araki Sousuke's indifferent expression suddenly became blue veins burst, and he flew into a rage.

"I knew it, after a month, the senior is really still brooding! I really have committed a heinous and unforgivable crime!!!"

"No, because no one told me before, so I just found out, I can't help but get angry..."

"Huh? So, I could have pretended not to know and fooled around?"

"Boom boom boom boom..."

Just as the two looked at each other in embarrassment, the white van behind Sousuke Araki heard a more irritable exhaust sound, mixed with the sound of metal collisions, making the whole van shake at an indescribable rhythm.

"Araki-kun, hurry up and get that guy out, if he messes around inside like this, my car will break down..."

The driver's window rolled down, revealing Hou Hailudou's greasy face.

Noticing the men with automatic rifles strapped to their waists coming out in front of the iron gate, his impatient expression froze on his face, gradually turning into panic.

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