I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 399 Tit for Tat

"Ah, sorry, I'll deal with it right away..."

Reminded by Atsumi Luto's words, Araki Sousuke seemed to have remembered something, hurried around to the back of the van, and opened the back door violently.

"Enough, you bastard, if you continue to make such noise, the neighbors will complain! I told you, I haven't had time to attend the "Training for Revoked Persons" recently, please bear with me for a while..."

With slight force in his hands, he dragged out from the trunk a black and white locomotive that was constantly struggling and made the unique sound of twisting the empty throttle.

"What, didn't you say that you took you for a ride in Kawasaki before? There are no people in that kind of rural area, and of course no one cares about driving without a license. There are cameras everywhere in Tokyo..."

Unable to resist Araki Sousuke's strange strength, he reluctantly moved the classic black and white motorcycle from the car.

"Stop making trouble, come down quickly! I warn you in advance, the gas price is very expensive recently, I have cut off my salary for a month, and I am not allowed to spray gas everywhere!"

That's right, this "unmanned" classic locomotive launched the ultimate combo skill [Araki rampage + plasma tornado blasting head + burning tires and hot chrysanthemums] on the night of the Obon Festival, which made Araki Sousuke "a shot" Fu Sangshen, a samurai of the Warring States Period.

Since Araki Sousuke returned to the apartment roof, it has been guarding him all the time, and followed him all the way to the Kawasaki Daishiji Temple for "retreat and practice".

"Oh, are you going to leave if you don't go in and sit down? Thank you, Tokai, please send me to get my haircut, and treat you to ramen later..."

After putting the motorcycle aside and saying goodbye to the van that fled for some reason, Sousuke Araki handed a bag of special products hanging on the back seat of the motorcycle to Kotori Yumaumi.

"By the way, Kotori Yushi, I brought you the special products of Daishiji Temple in Kawasaki, 'longevity cake' and 'lucky tumbler'."

"Thank you Araki-sensei..."

"Boom boom boom..."

"Ah, Sengoku warrior, why did you spray oil on my trousers?!"

It was only at this moment that the members of the disaster prevention mobile team reacted from the shock of the "unmanned" locomotive in front of them.

"What is this, an AI self-driving locomotive?"

"Wait, no, this... this is..."

Through the goggles on their faces, it can be seen that the locomotive that gave gifts and then began to "spray engine oil" at the feet of Kengo Yamada, the utility poles by the roadside, and the corners of the wall, etc. Wrapped in black flame-like resentment.

"Fu, Fu Sangshen?!"

"Everyone is on alert!!!"

Even the Disaster Prevention Mobile Team of the Ministry of Defense, which has strict discipline and has been battle-hardened, was so nervous that it immediately set up a shooting formation in the face of Fu Sangshen who appeared suddenly, aiming at the terrifying black and white locomotive.

"Ahem, it's just Fu Sangshen, don't make a fuss..."

Mochizuki, who was wearing sunglasses and covered in black mycelium and flesh and blood, came out through the crack of the door with a few team members who were also covered in mycelium...

With the help of several team members, he managed to crawl out from the disgusting belly of the ghost.

Although it was a bit embarrassing, it was better than sliding all the way down the rectum.

"Put the gun away, spiritual bullets are very expensive, and each one must hit the right place. Where's the target?"

He waved down with one hand, signaling his subordinates to put away their weapons.

"Report, the target has been removed by the spirit remover..."

A member of the team stepped forward to salute and pointed at Sousuke Araki.

"Spirit Eliminator? Take a look at the information."

Wang Yueche took a careful look at the man in front of him, took out a copy from the materials handed over by his subordinates, and read it softly.

"Sousuke Araki, male, 24 years old, graduated from the Department of Social Ethics of Shibuya University of Economics, the last resident of the Kuramae apartment, awakened inspiration on the night of the Menglan Bon Festival, was accepted by Kawasaki Daishiji Temple, and has a registration under his name Fusangshin shikigami 'Yamaha XJR4000-Samurai Samurai'..."

This information was "updated" for Araki Sousuke by the Spirit Eliminator Association after the Meng Lan Pen Festival.

On the night of the Obon Festival, stimulated by the opening of the gate of hell and the influx of grievances and spirits into the human world, a small number of people awakened their "acquired inspiration", and were arranged by the Association of the Eliminators and the Ninth Class to conduct separate training and tutoring.

The last resident of the Kuramae apartment in front of him, Sousuke Araki, was one of them.

"Hey, apart from the item of 'revenue under the door', you have collected quite a lot of information on me. Wearing such shameful toad sunglasses at night, is it possible that your Excellency will come from the town to urge the fee?"

Sousuke Araki put his hands in his pockets, leaned back slightly, and looked at the decadent man in sunglasses with a little displeasure.

"This guy is from the Ministry of Defense. He claims to be Ayano Mochizuki's cousin. Just now..."

Yamada Kengo, who was behind him, immediately approached him flatteringly, and told him what happened before.

"Hmph, it's just pulling out a crippled wraith, and putting on a bad face..."

Through the sunglasses, Mochizuki looked at Sousuke Araki with great interest.

What he was interested in was not the man in front of him, but Kawasaki Daishiji behind him.

According to Yinyangliao's information, before the gates of hell were closed, the black figure that appeared was similar to the "three-headed and six-armed" Buddha in the Buddhist school. It may have something to do with the "chanting monks" and eminent monks propagating the Dharma at Kawasaki Daishiji Temple. .

So much so that Kawasaki Daishiji's limelight among the exorcists can be said to be the same, and even the Ministry of Defense must give enough face.

Being able to be favored by Kawasaki Daishiji, who has not accepted an apprentice for many years, brought him back for "retreat practice", and also tamed a unique Fusangshen, presumably this person must have his specialties.

However, he couldn't feel any spiritual power from this "little bastard" at all.

Did Kawasaki Daishiji miss him, or did he hide his aura deliberately with a secret method?

"So it's Mochizuki's cousin? Under Araki Sousuke, Yelu died bitterly..."

"There's no need to get close. In short, this is already the territory of our Ministry of Defense. The people from the Exorcist Association and Section 9 just leave obediently. Even if you are a monk at Kawasaki Daishiji..."

Directly ignoring Araki Sousuke's outstretched hand, Mochizuki reached out to support his sunglasses, and assumed an official posture.

"Let's not talk about how naked I am like a monk, you toad-like guy... Take a closer look, here, the tenant's rights written in the first article here, and the compensation clause in the third article here!"

Seeing the other party's rude attitude and talking about the "key issue", Araki Zongjie took out a piece of paper expressionlessly and slapped the other party's face.

"Know what happened to the last guy who wanted to trample on the rights of a legal tenant, encroach on someone else's last shelter, and sing as badly as you?"

In his hand was the precious "Housing Lease Contract".

"The lease term of this apartment and the personal belongings inside belong to me. I will take one step and will not back down!"

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