I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 400 Residents in self-defense

"Lease contract? Clause? Sorry, in the face of the 'force majeure' of the "National Expropriation Order", this is just a piece of waste paper!"

Looking at the document presented by the other party, Wangyueche was a little bit dumbfounded, and grabbed the torn paper in front of him with his arm with afterglow...

"There are also all the items in the apartment. I suspect that they have been 'resented' in the midst of resentment. They must be sent to the research institute for thorough confirmation before they can be returned to you..."

"Hey, do you want to destroy the corpse and wipe out the traces, and refuse to admit it? These are all leftovers from my play..."

Like a prophet, Araki Sousuke calmly withdrew the lease in his hand, allowing the other party to take advantage of it.

"Oh? I can see my movements clearly. It seems that it doesn't look so boring..."

Seeing that the catch he thought was a sure hit, was unexpectedly let go by the other party, the decadent look on Wang Yueche's face disappeared instantly.

Those who are good at chanting scriptures and praying for blessings are often not much different from ordinary people in front of his powerful skills...

He has been on the mission overseas for many years, and it is precisely because of this that he is invincible.

"That's right, let me..."

Although he didn't use the "Power of Great Rivers and Mountains" just now, someone who can dodge his actions without changing his face is definitely not a simple thing.

This may be the reason why Kawasaki Daishiji took a fancy to this person.

"... Let's see how deep you are!"

His suit sleeves suddenly bulged, his left arm turned from white to black, and he suddenly accelerated and disappeared in front of everyone.

In the blink of an eye, Mochizuki Che had already dragged the afterimage, walked around behind Araki Sousuke, and grabbed the contract in his hand again.

"Hey, if you build such a high wall, you won't even be able to see the Skytree in the future..."

However, Araki Sousuke, whose back was turned to him, seemed completely unresponsive, stretched his hands, and looked at the "unrecognizable" apartment, which made him catch nothing again.


Seeing that the other party didn't even look at him, Wang Yueche seemed a little happy to see Lie Xin, and made moves one after another at the contract with both hands.

Facing the swift and indescribable movements of the person behind him, Araki Sousuke didn't even take a look.

"The neighbors around seem to have moved away, will there still be garbage trucks coming..."

He picked his nostrils with his little finger indifferently, and used various postures such as pushing his hips, twisting his waist, retracting his abdomen, squatting, etc., and using a tiny distance, he perfectly dodged the opponent's movements as if playing a game.

At this moment, he didn't care about the opponent's movements at all in his mind, he just let his body act by his intuition.

"Combining various scientific research achievements known in biology, a miraculous phenomenon can be discovered. The human body is a highly automated biochemical and biophysical control system, ranging from breathing, metabolism and weight management to small neural responses, individual The chemical reactions in the cells, etc., are all stabilized and coordinated by the body itself, without the subjective command of the brain..."

"There was once a hypothesis that the main factor behind this was that the evolution of the human brain is too low to control and coordinate the 60 trillion cells in the body to work together at the same time, and this phenomenon is reflected to the extreme in your body. "

"Huh? Can you speak human words..."

"Your situation is like a baby driving the ARX-8 flame sword equipped with AL. The body is much smarter than the brain. At critical moments, you can leave it to instinct to judge..."

"No wonder I always want to study uncontrollably... Wait, why, do I feel insulted?"

During the "extracurricular lectures", a certain conversation with Mai Hanyu couldn't help but come to Araki Sousuke's mind.

"This guy……"

Looking at Sousuke Araki, who was in an ugly worm-like posture, flexibly avoiding his own movements, Mochizuki showed disbelief on his face.

The speed of the other party is obviously not fast, and the movements without rules are also clearly seen by myself...

But this person can always predict the foresight and avoid himself by a hair, this feeling is really too weird.

"In that case, let me see where your limit is."

Mochizuki's tone was serious, the muscles in his left hand swelled again, and his whole arm suddenly accelerated twice, sweeping towards Araki Sousuke with the sound of piercing through the air...

The power of great rivers and mountains, one level.

"Okay...so fast..."

"Teacher Araki..."

Kotori Yumayumi and Yamada Kengo had naturally seen Mochizuki Che's strange force and terrifying speed that tore through the iron gate, and their expressions changed slightly.

"Don't worry, I have control, at worst, let this guy go to the hospital to lie down..."

In the surprised eyes of everyone, accompanied by the huge sonic boom and the steam rising from his arms, Mochizuki Che's fist ruthlessly ran towards the contract in Araki Sousuke's hand.

"Wait... this..."

The feeling of his fist hitting the air made Mochizuki's words stuck in his throat.

The water vapor dissipated, revealing Araki Sousuke who was still standing there with a displeased expression on his face.

The punch he thought he was sure to hit, unexpectedly brushed the opponent's cheek and hit the empty space.


The crumpled contract was still in the hands of Sousuke Araki, flying with the wind of his fists.

"Hey, there should be a limit to your nonsense..."

Against the backdrop of the blindfold, his murderous gaze was like a sharp sword.

For some reason, every muscle on Wangyueche's dark arm began to twitch crazily, as if convulsed with exhaustion.

A vague idea came to Wangyueche's mind...

Could it be that my hand is afraid?

Immediately, he put this ridiculous idea behind him.

What a joke, this terrifying arm that was trying to bite back at him day and night, how could it be possible to feel fearful of this little bastard in front of him!

It must be, taking advantage of the interval between fighting with the ghost just now, I started to wait for an opportunity to fight back.


Not reconciled, Mochizuki dragged his limp left hand and changed his move again, jumped up on the spot, and kicked the contract in Araki Sousuke's hand.

He is definitely not a vegetarian based on his physical fitness that has been honed for many years.

"Dare to do something on camera to a poor resident who doesn't participate in the national health insurance and is about to be forcibly evicted from the apartment, then I must take..."

Mochizuki was still in the air, Araki Sousuke, who seemed to have lost his patience, raised his right arm above his head and waved it down gently...

"……justifiable defense!"

A seemingly slow but fast hand knife hit Wang Yueche's collarbone directly.

Being hit by this seemingly clumsy and innocuous hand knife, Wang Yueche turned into a windmill and spun at high speed in mid-air, before hitting the ground hard.

Beichen One Sword Style·Cut Fall·Hand Sword Version.

"team leader……"

Mochizuki who rolled his eyes, foamed at the mouth, and was unconscious was revealed in the dust.

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