I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 710 Don't even think about running away

"Junior Brother Zongjie..."

This man who appeared directly behind Kato Junko like a shattered void, like a human ghost, was none other than Araki Sousuke, who was at the ruins of Honmyoji more than 30 kilometers away a few seconds ago!

In the quiet cemetery lined with Buddhist pagodas, the two naked and frank people, it seems that after the protagonist enters the scene, the director is about to call ACTION to start the shooting scene of "The Survivor" in the section of "devotion before the soul"...

However, the appearance of the "male protagonist" seems to have brought the plot in front of him to the "spiritual version".

"No, not yet, let me..."

Ignoring the gorgeous atmosphere in front of her eyes, as the "heroine", Junko Kato subconsciously wanted to escape again under the extreme sense of fear...

"Hey hey hey... Kato-sensei... the hero has entered the stage with arrogance, isn't it too late to say 'no' now?"


Before the powder flame covered Kato Junko's body surface, Araki Sousuke's hand knife, dragging after shadows, had already struck mercilessly on the back of her neck.

"Besides, a fake is a fake. No matter how many thermos cups and dolls you buy, and how many mobile phones you play, you won't have a girlfriend!"

Under the tremendous force, the unformed "Incarnation of Bliss" on Kato Junko's body surface shattered again, and the whole person spun wildly and flew out...

Although it is not clear exactly how he came directly from Honmyoji Temple, Araki Sousuke has now entered a state similar to "Kenshin Awakening", but more subtle and nuanced.

Junko Kato, whose pupils vibrated and frothed wildly in mid-air, the dark red fur on his arm bursting with powder flames, the breeze blowing his long hair, crickets riding together in the grass, entangled earthworms, a square buried deep in the soil Sawtooth plastic bag...

As far as the mind goes, the world in front of you can be controlled as if you can freely press "slow", "pause" and "replay".

Therefore, he also knew that with the strength of this knife, it seemed that the invincibility seemed weak, but in fact it was Kato Junko, who had practiced martial arts since childhood, was strong and strong, and was indomitable.


Kato Junko's body was still in the air, and the piece of fur wrapped around her arm quietly left her body like a living thing, and floated towards the dawn sky as if fleeing for her life.

At the same time, Sousuke Araki, who was standing on the spot, disappeared without a trace again.


Until this moment, Kato Junko, who was brutally "slashed by the heartless hand", bumped into one of the stupas and fell to the ground alone.


Above the night sky more than 20 meters high, the dark red fur that had abandoned Kato Junko to ride the wind was rising towards a higher sky at a seemingly slow but fast speed.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie, you have offended me..."

Laughing wildly, Araki Sousuke, who was bursting with fire patterns all over his body, his eyes were shining brightly, and the corners of his mouth was about to reach his ears, suddenly broke through the air on his advancing route...

"...don't even think about running away tonight!"

The thick arm with burning scriptures grabbed the dark red fur in mid-air that was "stopped" by this scene!

"Forget about this piece of broken fur... and you..."

With a slight movement of his ears, he seemed to sense something, his feet danced in the air, and the figure disappeared again...

"It's so noisy that people are going to die, and it's making trouble for Lao Tzu again and again!"

Araki Sousuke's figure returned to the side of Kato Junko, who was lying on the ground like a ghost, and grabbed the breeze that was flying past her and wrapped in wisps of scarlet energy!


Grasped ruthlessly by that evil hand, those scarlet filaments in the breeze struggled frantically in his palm like earthworms dug out alive...

"The sound of the sky is getting louder, will all living beings know it"

Fragile, irritable, layer upon layer of singing voices erupted from the blob of scarlet energy, and spread to the bottom of my heart along the palm of my hand...

Araki Sousuke was suddenly placed in the endless void.

In the darkness, a pitch-black gap opened, revealing an iron-red planet.

Like a blood-red single eye that just woke up from a dream and just opened its eyes, it "looked" at Sousuke Araki hungrily.

"Oh? What's going on here... The eyes are the windows to the soul, so can it be interpreted that way?"

In the consciousness of the bottom of his heart, Araki Sousuke, who stood still in the "void" with golden and white eyes blooming, stared back without fear.

"Music is played by the gods, and the ants don't understand it, but the earth listens to it"

Amidst the ear-piercing singing, this person and the ball are truly "looking at each other" together.

"Hi... and... snail..."

An erosive will eager to "establish a connection" came along with the "gaze" of the planet, but was directly ignored by Sousuke Araki like a wink thrown at a blind man.

"Strange, is this an eye... or a planet..."

"Could it be that this is the 'Happy Planet' that Kato Junko said? ! 』

Looking at this strange existence with great interest and no fear, Sousuke Araki, whose eyes are like torches, can even see clearly that the surface of this planet, which looks far from the eye, is densely covered with a "scarlet ocean" composed of liquid and gaseous iron. ...

Under the huge gully on the surface of the star, there are "pupils" and "whites of the eyes" composed of ruby-like ore and unknown white matter.

"If there is an 'eyeball planet', will there be other body organs..."

"Such as gold and jade, golden rods, chrysanthemum patterns, etc., and then form a set of 'eight planets in the lower body of the Milky Way'? ! 』

"Sunken City, Lightless Cave, Dark Vault, Gods Listen"

The ear-piercing singing voice was fully activated, with a hoarse rhythm and volume, and sang harder, but it still did not prevent Araki Sousuke from continuing to comment on him.

"Also, as the first person to observe this star, can I name him?"

"'Araki Star', 'Zongsuke Star', 'Araki Gold and Jade Star', 'Zongsuke Death Gazing Alpha Three Series Kron Star'...it's really hard to choose, it seems that I have to reserve a few in advance to set off the discovery when I go back. Who is handsome, majestic, stalwart and heroic? ! 』

Just when the "planet discoverer" Sousuke Araki was thinking about this nearly stopped sea of ​​consciousness, and was troubled by the name of the star in front of him...

Facing this weird scene of "refused to receive the signal", the bloody "one-eyed" eyes froze slightly and blinked "eyes" blankly.

It seems that Araki Sousuke ignored his own "will" and was still "looking at each other" during the singing...

For him who has crossed the end of the universe, ignored the long river of time, and witnessed the destruction and rebirth of countless stars, occasionally some existences will sense him by accident, or establish a connection indirectly through "families".

But these "weak" individuals are often wiped out because they can't bear the singing, and the stronger individuals will also go crazy because of this, incarnate and lose their minds and destroy all existence.

The current situation of "you stop receiving the signal and I can't find it" is almost never happened.

Because of too many business trips and busy work recently, I am often in a state of drunk DEBUFF blessing due to entertainment, and this month is temporarily changed to the "salted fish mode" that is updated every day, forgive me.

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