I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 711 You Are Back

As if he had figured out something, the dull eyes that the scarlet "one-eyed" stared at Araki Sousuke gradually turned into disbelief, excitement, sexual arousal and...

Endless resentment, nostalgia, flattery and flattery.

Because, the situation in front of me "almost" never happened, but there is a kind of "outside the theory" that is taken for granted.

"This guy, his eyes can be so agile? Did he take the wrong medicine..."

Looking at the "eyeball planet" that was originally so indifferent and without any emotion, it suddenly looked as pitiful as a kitten "asking for adoption" in a cardboard box on the side of the road. Araki Sousuke raised his eyebrows in bewilderment.

"They...Ge...guess casually, it's not important...he...you have to connect to each other's news... Luo... number to rely on"

Caught off guard, the volume and frequency of the dense, piercing, obscure and chaotic singing voices intensified again, and they were transmitted to the ear like a dilapidated alarm clock...

"Too many people, too many people... Hey... Thing between us Roar... Lo... Roar noise Too many signals... S...weak even the wind will interfere"

It seems that the other party wants to send some message urgently, or is calling for something...

"God understands its meaning, fades away from eternal sleep, welcomes the moment of awakening... God understands its meaning, fades away from eternal sleep, welcomes the moment of awakening!"

Countless noises converged to the end, and only the sentence "back and forth" remained.

"It's so noisy, it's just a few lines to sing with a broken voice, it's ugly and you can't understand it, there's no way to beat the road for nothing!"

Annoyed by the noisy and chaotic "lyrics" of the opponent, Sosuke Araki, whose eyes were shining like a devil, unhappily reached out and flicked a flick in his ear, and roared loudly towards the opposite party with the sound of flicking his tongue.

Then, the "void" in front of his eyes shattered in response...

"Just now, what the hell... is it a hallucination?"

The pitch-black cemetery and the silently standing pagodas once again appeared in front of Sousuke Araki.

In the palm of his hand, that blob of scarlet energy had been completely reduced to ashes at some point, and had completely disappeared without a trace before landing on the ground.

The dark red fur that was originally held by the other hand also disappeared.

"It's gone?! Tsk, could it be that this broken picture scroll again..."

Faced with this familiar situation, Araki Sousuke slowly lowered his head, and found that there was indeed a rectangular rune on the "Taketori Picture Scroll" at his waist.

You don't need to ask, you know, it must be the "Bamboo Tori Picture Scroll" that made a lot of money in a muffled voice, and during this period, the secret treasure of Mochizuki was 'robbed'.

"Huh, this is finally the end..."

Just after he breathed a sigh of relief, the veins on Araki Sousuke's face suddenly swelled...

"Uh ah ah ah..."

Countless flame-exploded tattoos squirmed up towards his face, like thousands of troops defying life and death, constantly colliding with the two flames in his eyes, one golden and one white.

The wailing stopped abruptly, and Araki Sousuke knelt down on the ground silently like a sluggish vegetable, letting the "war between heaven and man" in his body continue to erupt...

"Hiss...what the hell am I..."

At the same time, Junko Kato, who had hit her head on the pagoda with blood dripping from her face and was unconscious, slowly opened her eyes.

"...What did you do?!"

The chaotic memories of being possessed poured into my heart endlessly.

"I am a sinner who has a weak heart, is tainted with killing karma, and plays with hundreds of millions of lives..."

At this moment, there was no greed, unwillingness or anger in her round eyes, only endless clarity, remorse and guilt.

"Wait, this pagoda..."

When she saw the stone inscription on the blood-stained pagoda in front of her, Kato Junko was suffocated suddenly, and even her heart missed a beat...

"When the Buddha lived in the world, he took the Buddha as his teacher, and when the Buddha entered Nirvana, he took the precepts as his teacher... All monks, Konghai, Buddha bone relics are sealed here."

"Take precepts as a teacher... Take precepts as a teacher... It turns out that Teacher Kukai told me the answer a long time ago! Teacher... Zong Chun's aptitude is too dull to understand your painstaking efforts..."

Crystal tears gushed out from Kato Junko's eyes, flushing the blood on his face into two greasy horizontal lines.

"Hahahahaha... It is precisely because I do not abide by the precepts that the Buddha's heart is not strong, I go astray, and I am taken advantage of by foreign demons... If it is not for Junior Brother Zongjie to stop me, I will almost kill all the people in the world!"

At this moment, in front of the Konghai Pagoda, she let go of everything, crying like a child who lost her parents.

"Teacher, if Zongchun hadn't insisted on going his own way and being obsessed with the Joyful Buddha Dharma back then, and he could have served you by your side when you were eliminating demons and defending the Way, maybe you wouldn't have passed into Nirvana..."

Kato Junko suddenly propped up her upper body, looked at the pagoda in front of her, and poured out the guilt that had been hidden in her heart...

"All of this is caused by my sin... I, a sinner, what qualifications do I have to live in this world?!"

The luster in her eyes slowly faded, leaving only the pure desire to die.

"...Zong Chun."

Just when Kato Junko raised her head and chest, and was about to slam into the pagoda in front of her, a faint cry of vicissitudes sounded behind her.

"Old, teacher?!"

The old voice engraved in her heart and never forgotten made her twitch slightly.

"Zongjie... Junior Brother?"

Looking back, not far behind her was Sousuke Araki, who stood on his knees and stood dumbly with his buttocks facing each other, as if he was "thinking about the past".

"What’s wrong with you?"

Sensing that something was wrong, Kato Junko ignored her embarrassment and struggled to crawl towards the opponent, as if she wanted to confirm the state of Araki Sousuke.

At the same time, on Araki Zongsuke's back, between the skull and lotus platform under the tattoo of the angry-eyed Bodhisattva, a star-like white light lit up...

The world in Kato Junko's eyes suddenly changed...

The blood-colored half-round sunset was reflected on the slowly flowing gray river surface, bringing out a touch of evil blood.

Countless green grass and blood-red flowers are swaying under the breeze.

A towering tree shaped like an umbrella and covering a large area of ​​shadows stands on the bank of the river.

"here it is……"

Inexplicably standing among the grass by the river bank, Kato Junko looked around, and her eyes suddenly stopped under the big tree...

"Woo... woo woo woo..."

She tightly covered her mouth with the palm of her hand, and deformed her entire face forcefully, but she couldn't stop the dense tears from gushing out of her eyes.

"Zong Chun..."

Between the thick tree roots, an old monk in gray robe was sitting cross-legged.

"You're back."

The other party's empty eye sockets quietly "stared" at her, and his wrinkled face was full of kindness.


Kato Junko stumbled and ran to the opponent, knelt down in embarrassment, letting the thin arms swing above her head, and big tears fell like rain on the grass among the tree roots.

"Zong Chun, you're back."

This situation is generally the same as every time she goes out to "give alms" and returns to the mountain gate.

Let me explain, although the update is in the "salted fish mode", I don't have "salted fish", and I still have about 4,000 codewords per day... After all, as a social animal, more manuscripts can be obtained in busy work. Buffer and adjust.

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