I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 716 Bold Hypothesis and Careful Proof

"Huh, I was shocked, it turned out to be the 'Eye of Truth'..."

"I clearly remembered that it was a Hasselblad H3D, but when did my sister get it on Polaroid again?" 』

After the dazzling white light, Hou Hailudou followed the sound and saw a Polaroid camera propped on a tripod. At some point, he turned the camera to him. At this moment, he was sticking out his tongue and smirking, slowly spitting out a photo.

"The shot is really ugly, there is no beauty filter to slim down the body, lift the buttocks and enlarge the breasts... By the way, don't suddenly turn on the flash to take sneak shots when others are stretching, it will easily flash to the waist!"

In the hot photo, it is Hou Hailu Dou himself who raised his hands as if surrendering, with a silly smile on his face.

The main body of this lens is a SLR lens. Fu Sangshen, whose nickname is "Machan" and whose full name is "Eye of Reality", may have condensed too much resentment against "life forms that cannot observe the hidden energy field" that Mai Hanyu has condensed over the years. Regardless of being installed on any camera or device, it will start to shoot the surrounding objects willfully.

The "creatures" that are photographed simply will not be locked into action like the "spiritual bodies", otherwise if they fall into the hands of people with intentions, it is bound to cause tragic riots such as the "Time Pause Series".

"Heh heh heh heh, let's start to relax now, is this all your awareness, chief hacker Lu Dou?"

"It seems that a lot of interesting data has been observed after a whole night, but it's a pity that I haven't been able to get any samples of the 'flame'. 』

Mai Hanyu, who was buried in the "SLR jungle" to test the equipment and confirm the recorded data, sneered without looking back.

"Although the 'fire' in front of me has been extinguished, the murderer of the 'arson' may still be waiting for the next opportunity."

"The murderer of 'arson', old lady, are you referring to the 'Aum Shinrikyo'? These lunatics who have mastered the power of ghosts, are not afraid of death and love to make trouble, are indeed very troublesome..."

"Ugh, it's so heavy... Wait, where did you get this damn expensive astronomical telescope?" 』

Hearing the elder sister's sneer like the opening scene of a horror movie, Hou Hailudou quickly adjusted his glasses, knelt down consciously and began to help pack up the heavy equipment.

According to the small feedback information of the joint operation, before and after the opening of the "Yoshihara Yanshang" shrine, several cultists did appear near Yoshihara, and even attacked several spirit destroyers and agents indiscriminately.

Therefore, the association initially judged that the culprit who caused the loosening of the hidden seal of the gods that had been dormant for hundreds of years, and caused the birth of ghosts and gods, was naturally the non-famous cult "Aum Shinrikyo".

Confirmed by Abe Temple, several of the female cult members in the information have been swallowed up by the weird kimono.

As for the other three male cult members, after being beaten by Araki Sousuke to the point of fractures all over their bodies and shrinking in size, they have been taken into custody by Division Nine.

However, because of the "burning paranoia" of unknown cause after waking up, he was always in a state of confusion, nonsense, and begging, and could not verify more details.

"No, it's not that simple...Behind all this, I feel the turbulent undercurrent of "Black Claw"! "

"Old sister, the Aum Truth Society has all 'showed up', and this can also blame the virtual villain organization "Black Claw" in your head... By the way, do their senior members use the name of the wine as their code name? "

While chatting, the siblings took the flat trolley from the side, and struggled to put the iron boxes full of various types of lenses and cameras on it one by one.

"Hey, naive! Toyama Park, Sendagaya Tunnel, Yoshihara Enkami..."

Mai Hanyu straightened her tall body, wiped the sweat from her forehead, and lifted the box on the other side.

"Even after the opening of the gates of hell, the energy field of Tokyo Metropolitan has frequent activities, but since the Tokugawa shogunate period, these old antique Shenyin of the same series have been sleeping for hundreds of years. open?"

"In this familiar 'creation' technique and 'work' aesthetics, I smell the smell of that IMB700! After all, there are piles of grave posts on the 2CH forum about the fragmentary legends about these famous supernatural places in Tokyo... ..."

"There is also the 'Aum Shinrikai'. Are they accidental, or do they have some kind of connection with IMB700? If you make a bold assumption, are they both members of the "Black Claw" that has never shown up... …ah! "

Mai Hanyu, who was stacking the boxes while "fictitious reasoning", suddenly frowned, swayed her footsteps, and fell forward with the box...


Hou Hailudou, who was on the side, handed out the box in her hand with an agility that didn't match her body shape, and asked her to use her strength to stabilize it, thus avoiding the tragedy of "experimental equipment worth tens of millions being broken".

"Have you had a headache again? Sister, your problem seems to be getting worse and worse? I told you to take a vacation for yourself, take a good rest for a few days, and check your body by the way..."

While complaining, Atsukai Luto took the box from Mai Hanyu's hand.

Ever since he could remember, the elder sister had suffered from headaches, but recently it seemed to be happening more and more frequently.

"Don't worry, I just had a comprehensive examination last month. Except for the anemia caused by fatigue and eating disorders, there are no abnormalities in the indicators."

Panting, Mai Hanyu sat down on the floor with her head buried, her whole body trembling and rubbing between her eyebrows, but her mouth remained stubborn.

"If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight. For me, who has a brain capacity far beyond ordinary people, a little nervous headache as a side effect is nothing."

It seems that only at this moment, the unique weakness of women will disappear in a flash on her body.

Putting the rest of the boxes away alone, Hou Hailudou also sat down on the ground panting: "Speaking of which, old lady, what you said just now are all assumptions without evidence? But..."

Although he said "there is no evidence", the subconscious mind in his mind has already followed Mai Hanyu's "hypothesis"...

After all, in the days of running "Be careful! Haunted house appraisal" in the past few years, Hou Hailudou has witnessed with his own eyes how crazy the uninspired old lady is in the face of countless "observation failures" and "experiment failures". And persistently believe in and pursue the existence of "hidden energy field life forms".

Before and after the Obon Festival, starting from the "swing and hard call in the car" downstairs in the Jiangdong apartment, until the recent "mandatory door-to-door service by white-clothed technicians"...

A series of events that happened before his eyes one after another, even almost destroying the entire Tokyo, verified some of the "hypotheses" and "theories" that Hanyu Mai had always believed in, and they were all true!

Moreover, Houhai Ludou himself knows best, but if it weren't for the inexplicable "valuation" and "trust" of the elder sister to Araki-kun, I am afraid that the two of them who "have no power to bind the spirit" would not be able to survive from the seemingly "mortal death" several times. "surviving the crisis until now.

Therefore, for any "bold assumptions" that Mai Hanyu said, he can only shoulder the part of "carefully verifying" with fear and fear.

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