I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 717 Paradox Cycle

"If it was the IBM 700 that turned on these ghosts, then those killers and the Aum Shinrikyo cultists just came towards Araki-kun, and ended up 'burning themselves' by mistake?"

"Also, if the resentment caused Junko Kato to become possessed and 'ignite' the entire Taito District, if it was not a pure accident, but other existences were secretly causing trouble..."

"Impossible, no one can know in advance that Kato Junko will appear there tonight, and just meet that grievance!"

"Uh ah ah ah, it's so confusing, why do I have to think about this when I'm most sleepy?!"

After working all night, Hou Hailudou's brain, which was like a paste, was stirred up by these chaotic thoughts, and suddenly became a mess.

"Well, all in all, ghosts, grievances, cults, and hidden ghosts are all things that like to cause trouble for others, just like the white 'weird' last time!"

He who has always been submissive, took off his baseball cap on a rare occasion, and yelled at the sky above his head.

He participated in the "joint operation" tonight, and the mourning of the loss of life on the front line in the communication channel was like a layer of firm umbrellas, which made him deeply trapped in the pain of being unable to break free and difficult to breathe.

He couldn't imagine how much risk and pressure he was carrying on his shoulders when he came to the scene to face those weird spirit eliminators, agents, and even ordinary execution units.

"Hey, speaking of 'weird', after the recent research, I have creatively named it 'Implicit Energy Field Rule Aggregation', isn't it very appropriate..."

It seemed that the headache had been relieved, and that contemptuous chuckle returned to the corner of Mai Hanyu's mouth.

"After the 'Incomplete Investigation of the Exorcists' secretly carried out by taking advantage of your position recently, you should understand that it's as shallow as you..."

"Even those humans who have inherited special genes need to go through continuous practice and training to better master the driving method of the hidden energy field called 'spiritual power', so that they can barely compete with those unknown existences."

"Although I am sorry for my shallowness, but don't say this kind of prison food so straightforwardly..."

After venting the accumulated pressure by roaring, Hou Hai Lu Dou returned to his Yan Baba appearance, and put his hat back on.

"However, why do you suddenly mention this? After years of hard training, a genius with a good bloodline has become a strong man who slays demons, saves the world, overthrows princesses and ravages princes. Isn't it like this in manga and light novels? It's strange. "

"So, have you ever thought that if ignorant human beings call certain existences 'weird' because they cannot see through, understand, or resist..."

Mai Hanyu stared at the white sky above his head in some bewilderment, and asked in a slightly low tone as if talking to himself: "Then, if existence does not require any 'cultivation', it is inherently impossible to see through and understand these 'weirdness', What should a person who is powerless to resist be called..."

"Weird" is called "Weird" precisely because it seems to be an incomprehensible existence to human beings... When people who have no understanding of "Weird" appear, is "Weird" still "Weird" ? Or, is that 'person' still a 'person'?"

"Whether it's 'weird' or not 'weird', or 'human' and not 'human', it's really a good cycle of paradox..."

Hearing this question, which had never been thought about before, mixed with philosophical and logical loops, Hou Hai Lu Dou also fell into deep thought.

"Hmph, when ignorant human beings find out that there is such a 'non-human' 'similar' existence in their own group, will they enshrine them as gods, or will they be out of fear of the unknown and fear of dominance? The greedy, make other choices..."

"Wow, I accidentally added another interesting observation topic. Because I am too talented, I have too many reserved topics, which is also an annoyance! Hahahahaha..."

Just when Hanyu Mai covered her face narcissistically and let out a low smile that seemed to mock the ignorance of human nature...


The crisp shutter sound of "Eye of Reality" sounded again.

This time, the thick black lens drooped slightly, and it was pointed at somewhere outside the rooftop at some point.

"It seems that the remaining heat and strong aftertaste of the fire tonight will not dissipate for a while..."

Hanyu took the warm Polaroid photo that had just been spat out by the camera, and looked at a small alley below the rooftop with great interest: "A certain 'fisherman' who squatted all night finally wants to Did you close it?"

In that photo, at the entrance of the dark alley below the rooftop, a thin figure in Taoist robes could be vaguely seen passing by.


"My lord, I just came out of the association's command room... That's right, according to the news from the on-site command center, the "Yoshihara Yanshang" Shenyin who appeared out of nowhere has completely collapsed..."

"As for the Black Buddha and White Bones that suddenly appeared and disappeared, the Association and the Metropolitan Police Department are completely unclear about the situation..."

Downstairs, in the dark alleyway, a man in a suit was talking on the phone in a low voice while walking in a hurry.

"About the whereabouts of the lost angels? Sorry, due to the chaotic search and rescue at the fire scene, the association has no more news except for the 'Fangzhu Four' who have been detained..."

It seemed that he was extremely afraid of the person on the other end of the phone. Even though he knew that the other party could not see him, his body was trembling subconsciously, nodding and bowing.

"I also took the opportunity to look up Sousuke Araki's files and background investigation materials. They are all very basic information, which is not much different from that on the job application resume... No, my lord, please listen to my explanation, absolutely I didn't perfunctory you!"

The person on the other end of the phone didn't know what to say, which made him stop in fright and almost lost his grip on the phone.

"Because I'm not on duty tonight, it's reasonable to come here temporarily to support, but it's too obvious to stay in the association to look through the files after the situation calms down...Okay, I understand, I will find a way to continue the investigation..."

"Phew, the president seems to be in a bad mood recently... Bah..."

After hanging up the phone, the pale man carefully took out the calling card, bit it up with his teeth and let out a long sigh of relief.

With the slight morning light falling down the alleyway, one could see that this man was none other than Ishigami-kun, one of Hiroshi Tsuneda's assistants, who had been in charge of this month's Exorcism Exemption Examination.


When Ishigami turned around, he found a thin figure standing behind him like a ghost...

He was so frightened that he directly threw out the mobile phone that had not been replaced with a calling card.

"Why is Shi Shang-kun so panicked? Could it be that he was too exhausted from 'voluntarily working overtime' last night..."

The visitor quickly grabbed the mobile phone that hadn't landed yet, but held it in his hand with no intention of returning it.

"Who are you……"

When he came back to his senses, Ishigami could clearly see the appearance of the person in front of him.

"Shi, President Shiben?!"

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