I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 770 How do you plan to pay

"Don't waste the opportunity created by Priest Fujiwara, keep firing and keep shooting!"

Taking advantage of the fact that the undead army could not get close to the train, Onodera gave out new instructions to his subordinates at the same time as the bullets in his hands kept venting: "Divide two people into the driver's cab and try to start the train. If you continue to stop here, you will only become more and more passive. !"


"The duration of the purification is limited. God knows how many of these ghost things are left. Wait until the spell dissipates..."

Seeing the white army that was continuously being purified into puddles of black water outside the window, but still flickering forward, Fujiwara Takumi's stomach convulsed again due to the bone-chilling fear.

"Don't panic, if those guys are earth-bound spirits, as long as they start the train now, they shouldn't catch up..."

Just as he was lying in the first-class seat, clutching his stomach to comfort himself, and unconsciously scanning the interior of the car...


As soon as he turned his head, a white figure appeared on the seat next to Fujiwara Takumi at some point.

Under the heavy military overcoat and straight military cap, there is a frost-covered, distorted S-shaped face and a big mouth that is cracked like a megaphone...

This is a man who is dressed like the undead soldiers outside the car, except for the "five-stripe" military rank on his shoulders.


The biggest difference was that there was a faint gray aura wafting from the opponent's body.


It is the same as that on Chongdeyuan that day, the aura of ghosts and gods.

"God, abandoned us in this white hell that was abandoned by the gods since ancient times..."

A hoarse voice came from the officer's "O"-shaped mouth, and invaded Fujiwara Takumi's mind with a bone-chilling chill...

Under the extreme fear, lack of oxygen and low temperature, he felt a tingling shudder from his scalp to his whole brain...


The mouth also involuntarily changed into the same "O" shape with the other party, losing the ability to speak.

"The evil spirits of hell want to eat away at our frozen bodies..."

This voice is exactly the same as the man who called himself "Shencheng Wenji" in the "unknown call" before.

"We who were reunited and moved on..."

The entire interior of the first-class cabin was instantly covered by a thick layer of ice, and even the few team members who were focusing on shooting stopped their movements because they were completely wrapped in thick ice.

"...Kill them all!"

In the carriage, the only person who was able to move was Fujiwara Takumi, who was so frightened that his jaw was cramped and he couldn't close his mouth: "You..."

At this moment, the priest's uniform on his body was continuously emitting a thick layer of golden light, dispelling the freezing cold around him, releasing traces of warmth to support his sanity.

"You are... God Cheng Wenji..."

This is also the biggest reason why he has not fainted or turned into an ice sculpture after suddenly admiring the other party's "peerless face" at close range.

"Punish evil and retreat! 213A1A12..."

Under the extreme fear, he subconsciously raised the imperial coin in his hand, smashed it into the abyss of the "captain" next to him, and stirred it like brushing his teeth...

The spiritual power of the golden chrysanthemum patterns erupted in Shencheng Wenji's basin-sized mouth, and the blossoming chrysanthemum patterns faintly appeared through the pale skin.

It's a pity that this is just a random transfer of spiritual power due to Fujiwara Takumi's emergency medical treatment, and no effective technique has been formed, and the actual effect is minimal.


On the contrary, it was his gorgeous "sixteen-petal and eight-fold chrysanthemum pattern" that aroused the sexual interest of the "passenger next door"...

"This emblem..."

Shencheng Wenji, who was "forced to gargle", did not make any movement of resistance, but stared at the chrysanthemum pattern overflowing in the air with his frozen eyes, and shed two lines of blood tears: "My lord!"


Takumi Fujiwara was so frightened that he stirred even harder, and the yellow water column crazily dripped down his trouser legs...

"Yes, yes, the Hakkoda disaster happened in 1902, before Emperor Meiji abdicated!"

After venting, he calmed down a little while looking at Shen Cheng Wenji, who was sitting in the first-class lounge chair with blood and tears on his face, and was deeply moved.

"Perhaps, these **** idiots will have this spiritual power..."

Just when he wanted to use the might of the "Emperor Meiji" to scare away the ghost in front of him...

"Unfortunately, even the glory of the emperor cannot illuminate the northern kingdom abandoned by God!"

The other party's thick and cold arm grabbed his neck.

"Only by eating you, can we forever be bathed in the light of the Emperor!"

The fine hoarfrost spread along Fujiwara Takumi's neck to his whole body, constantly devouring his body's spiritual power.

"Ahem... No, I can't die here..."

As if in an ice cave, feeling the threat of death, Fujiwara Takumi's bloodshot eyes suddenly protruded: "I still want to go to Hokkaido to find Chiyoko!"

He threw away the imperial coin in his hand, and held the other's cold wrist with both hands unwillingly, but he couldn't stop the temperature, spiritual power and consciousness in his body from disappearing quickly...

"Bang! Crash la la la..."

Amidst the sound of the door opening and the sound of flushing water, an indescribable aura spread out from the rear of the carriage.

"I said why the train suddenly braked suddenly, turned off the lights, and played some horrible music. It turned out that you, a bastard, were playing tricks..."

In the direction of the bathroom, the man's extremely angry complaints sounded.

Hearing this voice, Takumi Fujiwara, who was still struggling in mid-air, suddenly felt his heart sink.

The guy who borrowed the toilet before, actually stayed in it and didn't come out? !

"Quick... run..."

He turned his frozen eyeballs in that direction with difficulty, and squeezed his throat desperately to sound a warning.

"...causing people to spray all over their pants at critical moments, and they still stink after washing for a long time..."

Amidst the vicious flicking of the tongue, a tall figure walked quickly towards his position.

Wherever that person passed, the frost that had frozen everything inside the compartment melted away.

"And more...the Emperor's...glory..."

Turning a blind eye to everything that happened behind him, the tearful Kamari Fumichi was still struggling to grab the golden spiritual power shaken out of Fujiwara Takumi's body.

Bathed in the "sixteen petals and eight chrysanthemum patterns", he felt the infinite "glory" and the long-lost "warmth".

"Hey, hey... I'm talking to you, didn't you hear me?"

A big, foul-smelling hand tightly clasped the top of Shencheng Wenji's head from behind: "I said, this is the only pair of pants..."

The power of ghosts and gods in his body is frantically flowing towards the palm above his head...


Before Shencheng Wenji had time to react, his head was turned 180 degrees by "click, click".

"...How do you plan to pay?!"

Appearing in his eyes that have been frozen for a hundred years and covered with thick hoarfrost, is a black-haired man who appeared behind him at some unknown time, with a stinky face with nostrils upturned and veins bursting under the brim of a baseball cap.

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