
Shencheng Wenjina still had a royal coin inserted in the abyss mouth, and just uttered a word vaguely, his whole body suddenly burst into a hot white light like a lighted light bulb!

"Uh...cough cough cough cough..."

Fujiwara Takumi only felt the pressure on his neck loosen, the chill all over his body dissipated, and he fell to the ground from mid-air.

"This, in the end is..."

He clutched his unconscious neck and looked in front of him blankly.

Appearing in front of his eyes was a middle-aged officer in an old-fashioned winter military uniform, with a meticulous hairstyle and white light shining through his body.

"Hey, hey...cough cough...I'm telling you...you can kill a soldier, but you can't..."

Looking at the zipper that the other party brought close to his face, just at the same height as the tip of his nose, Fujiwara Takumi covered his mouth unyieldingly.

"Captain Shencheng Wenji...with 198 people from the Second Brigade of the Fifth Infantry Regiment of the Eighth Division...request to retire and return home!"

The officer put his feet together, solemnly, slowly and powerfully raised his hand to Fujiwara Takumi, and then scattered a large white light spot.

On both sides of the train, the undead soldiers who were fearlessly attacking the "land protected by the gods" stopped their movements at some point.

The original dilapidated military uniform, wearing frost and ice, has become simple and neat...

The suffocating mouth, the black and empty eyes, and the incomplete limbs all disappeared...

There was only one man with an ordinary face and gratified eyes: "All of the Second Battalion of the Fifth Infantry Regiment of the Eighth Division... request to retire and return home!"

They lined up neatly in a row, saluted slowly in the direction of the train, turned into groups of white "fireflies", and drifted away in the violent wind and snow.

"Well, I said who was screaming so loudly outside the toilet just now..."

In the carriage, after dazzling light spots poured out from the broken window, Takumi Fujiwara with a dull expression appeared in front of him, and there were two thick, curly-haired, naked thighs...

"Not only is it replaced, but it's also taken off, off?! I said it all, you can't kill a soldier!"

He was so scared that he covered his mouth even more tightly.

"Yo, I didn't expect that the spirit remover who was sent to Hokkaido to support was actually you... John Kang..."

"Why do you know this name...you are..."

After confirming that the other party did not make any "further" moves, and being called out his "Destroyer code name" by this somewhat familiar voice, Takumi Fujiwara took the courage to look up at the person who came...

Looking upwards along the opponent's "flesh-colored woolen trousers", Xiaolu slammed past the overly bulging boxer pants and the thick down jacket on the upper body, and then appeared under the brim of the baseball cap...

It was a face full of sinful aura, and golden and black pupils with evil spirits.

"... Araki Sousuke?!"

Recognizing the familiar face of this person, Fujiwara Takumi, who was still in shock, subconsciously asked the most irrelevant question at this moment: "You, you dyed your hair black?! Where is the eye mask that looks like a T? !"

That's right, this man who walked out of the first-class toilet for some reason, wearing a "flesh-colored wool pants + underwear + down jacket" off-season fashion suit, with a pair of wet trousers hanging on his hand, was the one who was issued a national arrest warrant Suspected person, Sousuke Araki.

"As a wanted criminal, hiding the conspicuous features like blond hair and blindfolds is of course a basic quality, otherwise, wouldn't the public be reminded to report me at any time?"

"Hey, don't take this criminal behavior of evading arrest so much for granted!"

"By the way, for the life-saving grace just now, you don't need to promise anything with your body..."

Just when Fujiwara Takumi had tears in his eyes and wanted to tell the other party his sadness, hesitation, helplessness and fear all the way...

"For the sake of my last meal and my next meal, let me give you a pair of trousers first, Master Takumi... Ah Choo!!!"

Araki Sousuke had already squatted down, and pulled up Fujiwara Takumi's trousers with both hands very skillfully.

"Bastard, bastard, don't come here, you stink!"

"My smell is very strong, you have to bear it, the sense of smell is paralyzed... Wait, why do your pants feel wet?"

"Shut up, shut up... stop, don't talk, I have, there are several pairs of pants in my bag!"


After one hour.

Aomori Prefecture, Aomori City, Okutsugaru Imabetsu Station.

The turquoise train with broken windows and a mess is stopping at the edge of the snow-white platform.

"Let's go, let's go, there are wounded here!"

The medical staff in white coats overcoats were back and forth using stretchers to push the unconscious passengers out of the carriages and send them to the ambulances parked below the platform.

"Hiss... Aomori is already this cold... I don't know what will happen in Hokkaido..."

Takumi Fujiwara stood on the side of the platform tremblingly with his arms folded, staring blankly at the snow that was getting thicker and thicker in the sky.

After the "Captain of Ghosts and Gods" Shencheng Wenji "became a Buddha" under the anger of a man who was disturbed in the toilet and lost his trousers, the Shinkansen was quickly restarted with the cooperation of the crew who regained consciousness. It took half an hour to reach the station.

Although a large number of passengers suffered from mild hypothermia and frostbite due to the erosion of resentment and extreme cold, fortunately, a large number of ambulances and medical personnel were waiting at the station in advance to treat them as soon as possible. The overall situation is not too bad. .

"Principal Fujiwara."

The man's voice brought back Fujiwara Takumi's thoughts.

"Captain Onodera..."

Standing behind him was Onodera with one hand hanging on his chest, wrapped in a thick bandage.

"This time, thanks to your presence, casualties can be kept to a minimum!"

Onodera straightened her waist, pouted her buttocks, put her legs together, and bowed deeply to Fujiwara Takumi.

Under Hakkoda Mountain, his memory was frozen at the moment when he was shooting at those undead soldiers...

When Onodera regained consciousness, the endless white undead army wrapped in the wind and snow had disappeared.

All that was left in front of me was the carriage filled with inexplicable stench and yellow water stains...

And Fujiwara Takumi, who is only wearing briefs and is changing his pants while maintaining the "Golden Rooster Independence" posture.

"You don't have to thank me, there are other people who saved this train."

Fujiwara Takumi turned his face sideways and took a step back, as if he was not willing to accept the other party's bow.

"I know that with your identity and your low-key personality, you naturally disdain others to care about these credits..."

From Onodera's point of view, although he doesn't know the details, it must be that the "one-in-four-thousand-year god-favored person" in front of him finally showed his true skills. The undead army was wiped out.

"On behalf of myself and the three team members who were sent to the hospital, I would like to express my gratitude for your life-saving grace. After all, without your protection, we would be more than just broken bones and frostbite..."

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