"Principal Fujiwara, everything has been arranged here. You will take the next Shinkansen to Hakodate."

With infinite admiration and moving eyes, Onodera raised his body slightly and returned to the respectful posture of bowing at forty-five degrees.

"But, Priest Fujiwara, do you really decide to go alone?"

Immediately, he showed a hesitant expression again: "Vice-captain Sen Luo led a 100-member brigade, which has already set off from Tokyo and is expected to arrive in four hours, why don't you take a break here , after joining them..."

Due to his own severe frostbite and fractured right arm, and the severe hypothermia of the other three team members who were sent to the hospital for rescue, their team, which was originally responsible for accompanying Fujiwara Takumi to Hokkaido, has lost the ability to continue to perform tasks.

"No need, that bus has been missing for sixteen hours, and the golden rescue time should not be wasted."

Fujiwara Takumi raised his hand and glanced at his watch, then shook his head expressionlessly: "When we get to Hakodate, there will naturally be local spirit eliminators and search and rescue teams to respond, Captain Onodera don't have to worry about it."

At the same time, a blue train broke through the wind and snow and entered the opposite platform.

"The car is coming..."

Glancing at the blue Hokkaido Shinkansen on the opposite side, Fujiwara Takumi bowed slightly to Onodera: "Let's leave it alone and heal your wounds!"

Then, he walked neatly towards the underground passage leading to the opposite platform.

"Principal Fujiwara..."

Looking at the back of Fujiwara Takumi who said "it's over and go away", Onodera bowed deeply and watched him disappear down the stairs with eyes full of awe: "I wish you good luck!"

"Huh, I finally got rid of these guys..."

Walking into the empty first-class cabin, and glanced at Onodera who was still standing on the opposite platform respectfully, Fujiwara Takumi heaved a sigh of relief: "...if they see Sousuke, I'm afraid this train won't have to leave gone."

Thinking of this, Fujiwara Takumi looked around with a guilty conscience.

"By the way, what about Sousuke and others? They agreed to meet in the first class..."

After helping Captain Shencheng Wenji retire, Araki Sosuke, who was inconvenient to show up because of multiple crimes such as prison escape, speeding, assaulting the police, obstructing official duties, destroying property, and public obscenity, snatched him a pair of trousers and disappeared without a trace. trace.

"The train will start in three minutes. Could it be that you let me go?"

Not yet out of the shadow of Captain Kamari Fumichi, and now alone again, Fujiwara Takumi's calf began to tremble unconsciously...

"Wow, first class is great, there are such spacious seats that you can even lie down on!"

One second before the train door closed, under Fujiwara Takumi's eager gaze, a man in a baseball cap rushed in with a large bag in his hand.

"It's too slow, idiot, I thought you were arrested by the police! If you miss this Shinkansen, I don't know how long you will have to wait..."

Seeing clearly the criminal face under the extremely low brim of the hat, Fujiwara Takumi let go of his hands tightly clutching his knees.

"Hmph, getting in the car early is easy to be inspected. It's safer to get in at the end. This is the basic quality of being a wanted criminal..."

"It's been said that this kind of 'basic literacy' has nothing to brag about!"

The person who came was Sousuke Araki who Fujiwara Takumi thought was "too late".

"Although the identity certificates given to me by Gong Xing include driving license, national health insurance card and watermelon card, they were originally prepared for him to run away one day. There is an irreparable gap in the value, and it will definitely be exposed once it is inspected."

Sousuke Araki sat down next to Takumi Fujiwara carelessly, and skillfully pulled down the small table in front of him, and put the things in his pockets on it one by one: "Besides, just now, in order to pry open the freight car and help the warriors of the Warring States period sneak in, It took a lot of work.”

"What, you want to get on the Shinkansen and forget about it, but you even brought that locomotive with you?!"

"Hey, just like your reaction, the police naturally wouldn't think that I, who was running around on a motorcycle, would actually take the Shinkansen..."

"I'm afraid those guys are still foolishly setting up cards on the roads along the way... Wahahahaha, this is the basic quality of being a wanted criminal..."

Facing Fujiwara Takumi's astonishment, Araki Sosuke looked up to the sky and laughed wildly: "Besides, the Shinkansen is the only way to enter Hokkaido now, otherwise you, young master, might have sat on the special plane?"

"It's...it's true."

Listening to this criminal theory, Fujiwara Takumi nodded dumbfoundingly, but had to admit that the other party's words were not rough.

Hokkaido, as the only "road" among the forty-seven "prefectures and prefectures" in Japan, is not only the northernmost first-level administrative region, but also the largest island other than Honshu.

Honshu and Hokkaido are separated by the Tsugaru Strait, which is about 40 kilometers wide.

At the beginning, the transportation between the main island and Hokkaido was extremely inconvenient, and there were only two kinds of sea and air transportation. This is one of the reasons why the development of Hokkaido has always lagged behind the main island.

On September 26, 1954, the Japanese Seikan liaison ship "Toya Maru" was hit by Typhoon No. 15, causing the ship to capsize and sink, killing 1,155 of the 1,337 people on board.

The deadliest shipwreck in Japan so far has made the government determined to build a safer and more convenient mode of transportation.

From the beginning of exploration in 1964 to the official opening to traffic in 1988, it took 24 years and cost 2.7 billion US dollars. The Seikan Submarine Tunnel connecting Honshu and Hokkaido came into being.

Right now, the snowstorm is raging in Hokkaido, flights and ferries have long been suspended, like a closed "island".

Taking the Shinkansen through the Seikan Submarine Tunnel built under the seabed has become the fastest and only way to reach Hokkaido.

This is also the reason why Sousuke Araki, who is a "wanted criminal", and Takumi Fujiwara, who is an "official special exorcist", appear on the Shinkansen at the same time.

"This, these are... Gudong..."

When he came back to his senses and saw the things on the table that were getting higher and higher, Fujiwara Takumi subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva: "...Didn't it mean that time is running out, and you still have time to buy a sea urchin bento?!"

Sousuke Araki stacked them neatly on the table, and there are ten exquisitely packaged long wooden boxes with the words "Sea urchin and sea urchin and sea urchin comparison bento" printed: "Of course, the sea urchin bento that is limited to stations in Aomori area, But the 2CH forum voted first in the 'Most Wanted Bento'! Just saw it before getting on the bus, how could I miss it..."

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