I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 779 Special Products of Lake Toya

"In the current situation, there is really no way to wait for rescue..."

Having no time to pay attention to the people in the car, Xiaoniao Youzhengong focused on pulling out the endless stream of resentful spirits in the cave wall without changing his expression.

"But if you continue to scurry in the tunnel, when the fuel is exhausted, you will fall into a desperate situation with nowhere to escape."

Frowning slightly, she silently calculated.

"However, according to the current situation... it should last for a while..."

The endless stream of resentful spirits gushing out from the inner wall of the tunnel seemed ferocious, but compared to the existence that Kou Yumaumi had faced before, it was nothing.

What is really difficult is the endless tunnel itself, which is difficult to leave once entered.

The current situation of this bus is like a canned food swallowed by a monster, soaked in the "digestive juice" and gradually eroded.

Once the shell is broken, what awaits everyone is the fate of being mermaid.

The only hope is that the monster vomited them out because of "indigestion", or...someone performed a "disembowelment" operation from the outside...

"Masumi...you said...if we wait like this, will someone really come to us?"

Below, Qianye, who was lying on the back of the chair with her head buried in her head, asked softly, slightly tired.

"It will definitely. As long as the police find the clues I left, at least they can know that this is not an ordinary accident... At that time, there will be professionals stronger than me to deal with all this."

Raising his hand and shooting another arrow, tearing apart the soles of feet that were made up of countless "mummy human corpses" and stepped on his head, Xiaoniao Yuma bowed his head and encouraged this friend: "Qianye, cheer up..."

"Think about it, when we leave the tunnel, who do you most want to see first?"

After saying this, she seemed to think of something first, and two blushes appeared on her pale face.

"Who do you most want to see?"

Qianye was slightly distracted, and subconsciously blurted out: "Of course it's the Giant of Light..."

"Pfft, giant of light?"

"Sorry, I just wanted to liven up the atmosphere, just kidding."

She laughed at herself, then lowered her head, and complained in a voice only she could hear: "...Anyway, the kind of person who goes out once a week is unlikely to appear in Hokkaido in his entire life."


Hokkaido, Avida-gun, Shikotsu-Toya National Park.

This forest park, located between Hakodate and Sapporo, features active volcanoes, volcanic lakes and hot springs. Under the continuous heavy snow for several days, everything in sight turned pale.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

Amidst the snowy wind, a black heavy locomotive was speeding nimbly on the thick snow.

The snowflakes blowing in the wind turned into moist raindrops the moment they approached the locomotive...

The resentment hidden in it was also quietly sucked away.


However, within a few seconds, the locomotive had vacated several uneven snow hills and landed steadily on the edge of a huge lake.

"It's fine if you don't take the usual way, and it's driving fast and trembling... No, get out of the way, I can't control the prehistoric power in my body... Uhhhhhh!"

On the back seat of the locomotive, Takumi Fujiwara, who was wrapped in thick winter clothes, a snow cap, and sunglasses, stumbled off the car, ran to the lake, bent over and vomited wildly.

"What are you talking about? With such a heavy snow, there is no road. Of course, it is so close and how to drive... Besides, besides the warriors of the Warring States period, are there other motor vehicles that can be used now?"

Sousuke Araki, who was in charge of driving, patted the motorcycle under him approvingly: "Wow, this is the first time you come to Hokkaido, you seem very excited, it seems that the fuel consumption has even decreased?"

Under this snow disaster that covered the entire Hokkaido and contained resentment, the electronic control system of ordinary vehicles would fail from time to time, and it could not be used normally at all.

Therefore, the only means of transportation that is not affected by resentment is naturally Araki Sousuke who "smuggled" all the way from Tokyo to serve as a samurai of the Warring States Period as a locomotive Fusangshen.

"Although the wheels suddenly turned into crawler tracks, I was shocked, but it really helped a lot. It is indeed right to bring you here after traveling thousands of miles..."

At this moment, the original thick and round wheels of the warriors of the Warring States period have become a crawler structure.

And the ferocious inverted teeth on the wheel hub extend out like the fangs of a wild beast, wrapping the entire wheel tightly and endowing it with a strong grip.

Before leaving Hakodate, the two went to a local motorcycle shop and bought a pair of snow chains for the Sengoku samurai.

However, it seems that they are extremely uncomfortable with the "wearing" of the outer layer of the tire. The warriors of the Warring States period roared and spun the wheels on the spot, stirring up the snow chains that had just been "covered"...

Before Araki Sousuke could yell at him, it had already converted itself into a "crawler snowmobile" without authorization.

"So, does the legendary Lake Toya look like this?"

Sousuke Araki, with a long strip wrapped in white cloth hanging on his back and holding a wooden knife in his hand, looked at the extremely comfortable scenery around him: "As expected of Japan's third largest volcanic lake, it looks really refreshing ah."

In the distance, two snow-white giant volcanoes shaped like inverted triangles stood side by side, and thick smoke was still rising from the peaks.

At the foot of the mountain, there is a vast forest that is also dyed white by snowflakes.

Surrounded by all these white mountains, is a blue lake with a diameter of about ten kilometers and a round shape.

Seen from above, it looks like a piece of pure sapphire inlaid on white jade.

This piece of "sapphire", that is, Lake Toya in front of them, is a volcanic lake formed by volcanic eruptions. Because of the beautiful lake water rippling all year round, it is called "the northernmost ice-free lake in Japan".

Even in such a rare heavy snowfall, this vast and calm "unfrozen lake" still has no signs of freezing.

"Wow wow wow wow... you guy, taking the confiscated goods from the tourist souvenir kiosk without authorization is the crime of theft, okay... vomit..."

Takumi Fujiwara, who was still "polluting the water quality" by the lake, glanced contemptuously at the wooden knife in Sousuke Araki's hand.

"Hey, I'm here, I still have to bring a handful of local specialties! As a wanted criminal in Japan, I don't care about such small things anymore, besides, I left five hundred yen coins..."

"What kind of special product, isn't it just a souvenir imported uniformly from Yiwu, Longguo, and the engraved characters are different after being allocated to each scenic spot?"


Ignoring Fujiwara Takumi's complaints, Araki Sousuke waved the wooden knife engraved with the words "Lake Toya" in his hand in satisfaction, and threw it into the lake.

"I don't know if there is any Toya Immortal in the lake who will ask you 'Which one do you want: Golden Toya, Silver Toya, or Wooden Toya?' and will teach you special moves?"

Of course, except for the wooden knife that floated up again after falling into the water, nothing changed on the calm lake.

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