"Stop playing! According to the data synchronized from the Metropolitan Police Department, the last location information of that bus is near National Highway 230 not far from the lake."

After emptying the contents of his stomach, Fujiwara Takumi straightened up slowly, and looked at the four white islands in the middle of the lake with a disheveled face.

"According to Kono Priest, the Ainu tribe lives on Benten Island in the middle of the lake..."

Then, he looked at the empty pier not far away in embarrassment: "In this weather, the scenic spot is closed and the ferry stops. How do I get to the island?"

In the center of Lake Toya, there are four islands in the lake called Nakajima, Kannon Island, Benten Island, and Mantou Island.

From the end of April to the end of October every year, tourists can take a ferry to visit the largest island of Nakajima, and even watch the fireworks display on the cruise ship; while from November to early April of the next year, the cruise ship is in a state of suspension.

At this time, due to the early arrival of the snow season, the scenic spot entered the "closed state" in advance, and the ferry naturally stopped.

"By the way, there are also water-based locomotives... Uh..."


Just as Fujiwara Takumi's malicious eyes fell on the Warring States Warrior, several balls of snowballs flew into his face under the spinning of the caterpillar wheels.

"Good ice... I, I was wrong, don't, don't throw it away!"

In a panic, Fujiwara fell back and fell on a "big rock" by the lake.

"Pain, pain, pain..."

When the snowflakes on the "big rock" fell sparsely, a dilapidated small wooden boat covered with oiled paper appeared in the eyes of the two of them.

"Isn't there a boat here? It looks like it was left by a nearby fisherman. Good luck!"

Just as Fujiwara Takumi wiped off the deadly snow on his face, Araki Sosuke pulled the wooden boat out of the snow and pushed it towards the lake.

"You, don't you want to row this kind of small sampan that may sink at any time... Others left this boat on the shore, maybe it has broken down..."

"Worried about leaking or not, if you push it into the water, you'll know..."

"No problem, fully functional..."

Before Fujiwara Takumi finished speaking, Araki Sousuke had already jumped into the boat that looked like it might capsize at any time, and checked the wooden oars on it.

"My uncle has done 'illegal fishing' in Yokohama anyway, and boating is a trivial matter at all."

"You, are you sure..."

When Fujiwara Takumi stepped onto the boat tremblingly, Sousuke Araki, who was sitting at the stern, danced the oars in his hands like a professional capsizer: "Sit still!"


Amid the screams of Fujiwara Takumi's sudden push back, the dilapidated wooden boat broke through the water at a speed comparable to that of a speedboat, and sprinted towards a few snow-white islands in the center of the lake...

On the moist and crystal-clear sapphire, a small discordant black spot appeared.

By the lake, only a lone warrior from the Warring States Period stood still in the wind, letting the snow cover his body bit by bit.


"Yi Ya Hi, Lan Solan, Solan!"

The chant with a bright rhythm and a heroic tone echoed over the empty Toya Lake.

"Solan, Solan, Solan, hey hey! A five-foot man, with high ambition and courage, ride the wind and waves to the ocean..."

As the tall water spray blasted the water, the wooden boat braved the wind and waves all the way, leaving a fine white mark on the blue gemstone.

"Solan, Solan, Solan, hey hey! Listen to the seagulls singing and singing. Brave fishermen love the ocean!"

At the stern of the boat, Araki Sousuke sang the passionate Hokkaido folk song "Drawing the Net", and danced the oars so airtightly that it was hard to distinguish with the naked eye.

"Ahahaha, it's been a long time since I paddled so happily, speed up speed up speed up!"

Fujiwara Takumi, who was sitting on the bow, didn't care to listen to his noisy singing.

"This is a volcanic lake, not the sea... Row slowly, it feels like the boat is going to fall apart!"

He sat pitifully in the cold wind that cut his face like a knife, his hands helplessly grasped the sides of the boat, and watched in horror as the four islands in the lake in front of him rapidly enlarged in his sight.

If he hadn't "handled" it on the shore before boarding the boat, he should have started to "roar the dragon" again at this moment.

"This muscular idiot, do you think he is an external diesel engine..."

Fujiwara Takumi resentfully turned his head and glanced at Araki Sousuke, who was rowing extremely cheerfully.


The moment I looked back, small black spots like rain appeared in the distant sky.

"That, that is..."

I saw the dense black dots cutting through the wind and snow and attacking the galloping boat at high speed.

"...Arrow?! Quick, quick turn around!"

Fujiwara Takumi finally recognized that the enlarged black dots in front of his eyes were actually pitch-black arrows!

"It's too late to turn around, just rush over to..."

Sousuke Araki, who was behind him, naturally also noticed the abnormality in the air, and he rowed harder...


The sound of wood cracking sounded behind Fujiwara Takumi.

"Idiot, the oars have been cut by you, how can we rush!"

Because of the excessive force, the horizontal oar in Araki Sousuke's hand split into two.

"Who said that if it is broken, it can't be used?"

Sousuke Araki's forearm muscles swelled a circle, and the half of the paddle held by both hands disappeared instantly...


Takumi Fujiwara, who was sitting on the bow of the boat and was about to become an arrow target, was thrown to the bottom of the boat by the sudden increase in the feeling of pushing his back.

"It's over, what kind of netting ditty are you singing, now you're going to be shot into a fishing net..."

Lying on the speeding boat, watching the arrows with hooked tails falling from the sky like rain, he didn't care about the severe pain in the back of his head, so he had time to close his eyes and wait for death.

Countless brilliant "sixteen petals and eight layers of chrysanthemum patterns" spread out from his body, dyeing the entire boat and the nearby lake surface golden.


Beside his ears, the crisp sound of arrows piercing through the air and shooting into the hull rang continuously.

"Death, death, death, death... huh?"

After a long while, holding Fujiwara Takumi who had turned into a hedgehog and woke up, closed his eyes and waited for death, he still didn't feel the pain of the arrow entering his body.

The ship stopped suddenly, as if it had hit something.

"My guest, the boat is docking, do you want to continue sleeping?"

Behind him, Araki Sousuke's words made Fujiwara Takumi open his eyes in disbelief...

"I live, I'm still alive..."

The goal is the gloomy sky with snow falling slowly.

At this moment, on the wooden boat he was lying on, there were at least dozens of quaint arrows made of animal teeth.

And those arrows were all sticking to his side, almost sinking into the hull beside him, outlining a circle of "Tai"...

"This is Benten Island?"

Carefully turning over from among the arrows, what appeared in front of Fujiwara Takumi was a small island in the middle of the lake wrapped in white snow.

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