I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 786 Puppet Song


In the next second, the Ainu man who was hit on the head suddenly landed on all fours, raised his head to the sky and roared like a beast.



Amidst the roars of different timbres, some of them swelled like bears, some became thin like wolves, and some even opened their eyes wide and turned into owl-like vertical pupils...


"Wow woof woof..."


Various animal characteristics such as animal ears, canine teeth, sharp claws, long tails, and scales began to appear on them.

This appearance is the same as when Shisuke prayed for the "shelter of bear spirit" before.

"After all, there are only a few tribesmen who can win the favor of Bear Spirit like Shizuo, but the totem engraved on the holy stick can stimulate the power of bloodlines beyond their control."

"Hey, although it sounds reasonable, there's no need to knock so hard. Look, that person is bleeding!" 』

"Finish knocking on the head", Nagijiro turned around and explained to the stunned Araki Sousuke and Fujiwara Takumi.

"Hey... here... Roar!"

One of the men, twitching his nose like a dog, suddenly violently slammed his paw into the snow in front of him...


A puppet wearing a blood-red kimono leaped out of the snow pit like a ghost, but still couldn't avoid it, and was broken into several pieces under this claw.

The blood that came from nowhere, then bloomed on the snow.


A trace of blood appeared on the man's arm belatedly.

The moment the puppet was shattered, it used sharp hands and feet to break through the thick bear skin on his body.


The innocent chuckle of the young girl came from inside the doll, like a silver bell ringing abruptly.

Even though it was broken into several pieces, the puppet still stared at the people in front of it with a broken face that seemed to be a half-smile.

"It's okay for this puppet to look so shabby, but it also knows how to hide in the snow and sneak attack, it's really scary!"

Looking at the puppet that finally stopped moving, Fujiwara Takumi subconsciously wrapped himself in winter clothes.

"Hidden in this figure seems to be a resentful spirit..."

Araki Sousuke took off his sunglasses, lifted his blindfold, and fixed his eyes on the broken doll, but he saw nothing except densely packed small palm prints on its surface.

The moment the puppet shattered, he clearly saw a petite pale face flashing away and dissipating in it.

"Ling Xiong told me...more evil spirits are gathering here..."

Looking around the silver-covered forest in the distance, Nagijiro trembled like a flagpole crumbling in a strong wind.


A chuckle like a silver bell, mixed in the whistling wind and snow, could be heard faintly.

"Ha ha……"

It seems that there is a group of lively and lovely children playing in the forest.

But this innocent laughter, at this moment, is more numb to the scalp than the continuous snowflakes falling from the top of the head.

"My doll is a good doll, with bright eyes and white skin."

The melodious and soothing voice of a child hummed a clear and flawless ballad.

"You, look, the one over there is... the March figure?!"

A small "black spot" came out of the forest and appeared in the sight of the sharp-eyed Fujiwara Takumi.

It was a girl doll wearing a black kimono and a pink petal belt, with long black hair dragging to the ground.

She walks on the snow with stiff and slow movements, and because she has fewer joints than humans, her movements appear extremely distorted.

The delicate and rigid facial features on the pale face, and the half-smile expression made people shudder.

"The round face is like a sweeping lady, swaying in the wind."

Black, white, red, yellow, pink...

After she appeared, one after another, bright and tender figures appeared in the eyes of everyone from under the snow and among the woods.

"My puppet is a good puppet. Even though its head is severed, its clear eyes still reflect the blue sky."

More and more girls' singing voices gathered, turning the ballads chanted alone into a pleasant chorus.

I don't know when, on the snowfield centered on this village, the mountains and plains were densely populated with "March figures" of different colors and sizes, but also with exquisite kimonos and stiff faces.

Shocked by this weird scene that looked like a "spiritual figure award", even the Ainu men who were in a state of "beastization" with tyrannical and fierce eyes, did not dare to act rashly for a while.

"Bold and evil, dare to desecrate the land of Xiong Ling, accept the punishment!"

The tall and thin Najiro was the first to come back to his senses, roaring and thrusting the "holy stick" into the ground fiercely, a giant bear composed of dark green light appeared from the sky, and moved towards the black man walking in the front The gown puppet opened its mouth and bit down!

"A biting Xiongxiong is not a good Xiongxiong... Aju said with a contemptuous expression."

A slightly hoarse, yet immature and innocent child's voice came from the black puppet.

A gray-white aura rose from her body, directly crushing the dark green bear's head.

"Ghost, ghost?! Zongsuke, we..."

Seeing this scene, Fujiwara Takumi lost his voice.

Just like the Chongdeyuan that almost killed him that day, the black "March figure" less than 30 centimeters in size is covered by a real and more majestic power of ghosts and gods!


A smear of blood spewed out from the mouth of Jikai Jiro, dyeing his gray beard red.

"Holy stick... unexpectedly..."

Cracks and cracks appeared on the surface of the long stick in his hand at some point.


Seeing that the patriarch suffered a disadvantage, the dozen or so men raised their heads to the sky and roared angrily, and launched an attack on the densely packed dolls around them.

"Only Utali standing dead, not Ainu living kneeling! Sleeping bear spirit, please protect us..."

After Nijiro inserted the holy stick into the snow, dozens of green lights gathered and a lifelike "bear spirit" appeared and joined the battle.

"My doll is a good doll."

In the immature, pure, and chilling nursery rhymes, the petite dolls all over the mountains, the furious man like a beast, and the green bear spirit, like a colorful torrent that converges into the estuary, merge together in an instant.

"Little mouse, she likes to make trouble, even if you ignore her, she still tilts her head."

These dolls seem to be petite and fragile, but they have a speed and a sharp body close to the limit of human vision.

The ballads hummed in unison also carried a magical power that made people feel lost.

Wherever they pass, they can always bring bloodstains on the bodies of the Ainu people.

Even those incorporeal spirit bears were cut into distorted and rippling blue waves.

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