"Only Utali who died standing, not Ainu who lived while kneeling!"

Facing such a strange enemy, the Ainu men who had activated the power of the half-demon did not have the slightest fear, and cooperated with the bear spirit to form a formation in tacit understanding, and bravely resisted the torrent of dolls.

They don't seem to feel any pain, and the bloodstains cut by the doll can also recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the beast-like roar, the Ainu men smashed one doll after another in the way of "trading wounds for wounds".

But Kaijiro, who was guarded in the center, would always rescue the fatally injured clansmen at critical moments.

"My doll is a good doll. Playing alone in the house, no matter how much Dad calls him, he won't wake up."

In the ballad of innocence, the center is centered on Nakaijiro and the black doll standing opposite each other. The blood of the Ainu and the stump of the doll, together with the snowflakes, fall to the ground and are slowly swallowed by the paleness.


Outside the battle circle, looking around at the countless dolls on the snowy ground, Araki Sosuke's expression became serious.

"Why, why, if you want to run, remember to tell me in advance, I will move my legs and feet..."

Watching the ferocious Ainu and the creepy "March Doll" set off a bloody storm, Fujiwara Takumi's calf involuntarily softened for a while, shaking off pieces of fine chrysanthemum patterns.

"I'm not going to run."

Sousuke Araki shook his head, staring at the petite doll in black kimono walking in the front with gray arrogance soaring into the sky, and asked in a low voice: "If I say, in every doll in front of me, there is There is a spirit body hiding a child... what are you going to do?"

"What, the child's spirit body... this amount?! Are you kidding me..."

Hearing Araki Sosuke's words, Fujiwara Takumi took a breath, the bottom of his dark pupils turned into gold, and strands of energy spread out, like two golden chrysanthemums slowly blooming...

"How can it be?!"

The world after strengthening the vision, but cruelly told him that this is not a joke.

Beneath the expressionless pale faces of the dolls, there were delicate little faces lingering with resentment.

"This amount of child spirit bodies, where did these puppets come from..."

Compared with adults, children's hearts are purer and they have fewer obsessions.

If it weren't for extremely extreme abnormal deaths or some evil sacrifices, their spirit bodies would often dissipate after death, and they would rarely become wraiths.

Moreover, if there had been a mass incident involving the death of such a large number of children, it would have shocked the whole world long ago.

"These children came from Wannian Temple with Aju... Aju said with a rare and strange expression."

As if hearing the conversation between the two, the black puppet who was in a dazed position took the initiative to answer in an unflattering tone.

In the fierce "Eye of the Storm", she still has the leisure to talk to the two leisurely.

Even though the Ainu defeated many dolls, the wounds on their bodies can heal with time...

But the number of these puppets that can't stand it is too many, as if they are endless.

With the continuous blood loss and injuries, the men moved more and more slowly, and their faces became pale due to overdrawing their lives.

Those incorporeal bear spirits also fell to the ground one by one in the fierce battle group, scattering dark green light spots.

The balance of victory began to tilt towards the puppet little by little.

"Wannian Temple... Aju..."

It seemed that he didn't expect that this terrible doll would suddenly take over his conversation like a girl next door. Fujiwara Takumi was slightly taken aback, and then exclaimed: "Wait, you, you are the chrysanthemum enshrined in Wannian Temple. Humanoid?!"

Beads of sweat dripped from his forehead.

"So, these puppets were originally enshrined in Wannian Temple... I see, so I see..."

"Aju is very popular in Japan...Aju said calmly."

It seems to be very useful for Fujiwara Takumi's surprise, but the voice of that statue is still emotionless, but it can make people feel that she is in a good mood because of being recognized.

"Aju doll? What is that..."

Sousuke Araki, who was on the side, sized up the exquisite puppet with some curiosity, who seemed to have no hostility towards the two of them, but instead had a normal conversation.

Beneath the pale face of this puppet exuding the power of ghosts and gods is a little girl of about three years old with a chubby body.

"You don't know about the 'Aju Doll'? Could it be that you bought your exorcism license..."

Fujiwara Takumi, who was hiding behind him, quickly introduced in a low voice.

"The one in front of me was included in the written examination question bank of the Exorcist. In the past 20 years, it has been popular in major TV stations, leaving a childhood shadow on countless children, causing countless doll factories to close down due to slow sales, and the entire industry is booming. The famous existence of the depression..."

On the eve of the Obon Festival on August 15th in the seventh year of Taisho, a boy named Suzuki Yongkichi gave an exquisite pottery doll to his sister Suzuki Kikuko.

Two-year-old Suzuki Kikuko loves this doll very much and is inseparable every day.

A year later, Suzuki Kikuko, who was only three years old, died of illness. The family enshrined her favorite doll and urn at home, as if Kikuko was still alive.

In 1938, Suzuki Yongkichi was recruited into the army. Since there was no one living in his home, he left the wooden box containing the ashes of the doll and his sister in Mannenji Temple, and did not retrieve it until 1947.

After opening the wooden box, he found that the face of this doll not only became very similar to his sister, but even the hair had grown a lot!

Suzuki Yongkichi and Wannianji presided over the discussion, convinced that the soul of the younger sister was attached to the doll, and decided to continue enshrining it in Wannianji.

After that, the "Aju Doll" became famous and became a household name.

Numerous experts and scholars have tested the "Aju Doll" and found that the hair it grows year by year turned out to be real human hair.

Until now, Wannian Temple regularly holds a "hairdressing meeting" for "Aju Doll" in March every year, trimming her long hair below the waist and presenting it to believers.

The Wannian Temple has also attracted countless parents of children who died in infancy to worship dolls, hoping that their children's souls can find peace.

"In other words, this puppet, like the warriors of the Warring States Period, should have accumulated too many 'hidden energy fields' during the time it was placed in Wannian Temple, and it has become what it is now..."

"However, even Yinyangliao has never heard from Wannian Temple that the 'Aju Doll' has become a ghost and a god!"


Just as the two of them were biting their ears, the last spirit bear collapsed amidst howling unwillingly.

The dozen or so Ainu men who were covered in bruises under the siege of the dolls were struggling to shrink their formation at this time, protecting Najiro Higashi in the center like a rock in the waves of the dolls.

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