I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 793 Sled dogs ride on a sled?


Amid the painful cracking sound, a thick shadow shrouded Sen Luosi's head...


The "Big Taiyaki Gyrotron Jet Big Taiyaki" that stood proudly in the snow, because of the sudden root break, was rapidly magnified in Sen Luosi's eyes, and even the lifelike veins on the surface could be clearly counted ...

"Vice Captain Sen Luo, be careful!"


All of a sudden, the snow and dust were flying, and the cold air was flying everywhere, leaving only a vast expanse of whiteness in front of everyone...

"No, don't worry about me, arrest the target first!!!"

Sen Luosi's painful and trembling voice resounded in the misty snow mist.

"Right right B left lower right C left upper right D left left B!"

In the sound of Fujiwara Takumi's unknown "curse", Shisuke slammed the sled in his hand back to the ground and pulled the reins...


Following his growl, a few Ainu dogs dragged the sled and dashed out from the snow fog that enveloped everyone.

"Boom boom boom boom!"


Immediately afterwards, there was the harsh exhaust sound of the Sengoku warriors, and the unexplained wailing of the members of the disaster prevention mobile team.

The splashing snow slowly settled, gradually revealing Sen Luosi who was in it.

"vice captain!!!"

"Don't worry about us, anyone who can still move, let me catch up and open fire freely!"

At this moment, he was being crushed between his legs by the "big taiyaki cyclotron jet big taiyaki" and couldn't move: "...Even if Fujiwara priest got drunk by mistake, I can't let Araki Sousuke run away Already!"

Beside Sen Luosi, there are still a few team members lying on their crotch for some reason, with pained faces.

Araki Sousuke and his party, who were originally surrounded in the middle, have long since disappeared.

On the snow field in the distance, a sled pulled by a few Ainu dogs and a smart black locomotive are speeding away side by side.


"Hurry up!"

Dozens of team members who were not affected by the periphery immediately slid the skis under their feet and chased after them.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

The continuous gunshots echoed on the snowy field again...

"This guy...isn't it...again?!"

In the unwilling eyes of the team members, Sosuke Araki, who was lying on the locomotive a few hundred meters away, once again showed the "inhuman" scene of Miyashita Park in Harajuku...

"Damn it, I don't believe it, at this distance, he can dodge every bullet!"

He didn't look back, his body lying on the locomotive stretched, twisted, and swayed like lightning, easily dodging the airtight anesthesia bomb from behind.

"But, what about the other two and the group of dogs?!"

Forget about Sosuke Araki, even several bullets that "missed the passenger car" and headed towards the sled wrapped in "golden chrysanthemum patterns" also rubbed against Fujiwara Takumi, Ichisuke and a few love slaves The dog's body slid past, but none of them hit.

"Is what we're hunting really human?"

If they hadn't had enough confidence in their instinctive marksmanship honed in the Middle East for many years, all the team members would have thought that the guns in their hands had been replaced with defective ones because of government corruption.

"Don't get entangled, catch up and talk!"

Fire containment had little effect, and they could only slide the sled hard, following closely behind the three of them.

After chasing for more than ten minutes, they found a desperate thing.

In the heavy snow with its inexplicable magnetic field interference and the failure of the electronic control system, the skis under their feet are indeed the most suitable means of transportation for them at the moment.

But with the two-legged sled, how could it be possible to catch up with Sousuke Araki's snowmobile that was speeding across the snow field, and the sled pulled by several strong Ainu dogs? !

"Gentlemen, don't be discouraged. Araki Sousuke's previous consumption records at the gas station show that the motorcycle that has become a fusangshen also consumes fuel..."

At this moment, Sen Luosi, with a bruised nose and a swollen face, led a few team members and stepped on the sled in a twisted posture and rushed up from behind: "Besides, if he wants to continue looking for people in this icy and snowy place, it is impossible for him to leave the sled Local Guides on !

He was still aching between his legs at the moment when he was hit on the head by the "Big Taiyaki Gyrotron Jet Big Taiyaki".

"That's right, although the sled dog's initial speed is very fast, carrying two people will consume a lot of energy, and it will come down soon!"

Received "Deputy Captain's Encouragement♂", the team members desperately moved their legs, followed the sled tightly, and shot from time to time to try to slow down the opponent.

"Sure enough, their speed started to drop!"

Perhaps it was because Ainu dogs were really not suitable for long-distance sprints. In the eyes of everyone, the wooden sled passed an uphill terrain, and its speed began to drop slightly.

"Take your chance, close the distance, shoot freely..."

Seeing that the distance between the two sides was getting closer, the team members became more excited, and the frequency of pulling the trigger was much faster.

"Hmph, as I expected... I don't believe it, can he use a motorcycle to pull the sled away?!"

The prophecy was successful, and Sen Luosi's face finally looked a little better.

"Vice Captain, look quickly..."

In the next second, the locomotive, which was originally walking side by side with the sled, suddenly accelerated amidst the hail of bullets and came to the front of the sled...

"He, what do they want?!"

Then, the tall "Local Guide" wearing a bearskin threw a rope forward and tied it to the back seat of the motorcycle...

A few snow-white love slave dogs that were running wildly, suddenly jumped back neatly and nimbly, and crowded together on the sled obediently together with Fujiwara Takumi and Shisuke.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The sound of grievance in the anger of the warriors of the Warring States Period erupted on the empty snow field!

"Sled dogs... on a sled..."

"Also, can this still be done?"

Under the dull eyes of everyone, the black snowmobile turned into a small black dot on the horizon and disappeared completely, with its rear wheels kicking up monstrous snow waves and dragging the sled behind it.


ten minutes later.

"Yo Hoo...Thanks to my good ears and eyesight, and a good idea..."

On the snow field surrounded by two huge snow mountains, Sousuke Araki, who finally got rid of his pursuers, put his hands on his hips and laughed loudly: "This group of idiots, if I let you catch up with the locomotive with a sled, in the future I will fight against the phoenix." How to mess around?!"

"Oh shit, if you didn't pile up those 'big taiyaki cyclotron-accelerated jet big taiyaki', they wouldn't have come here so quickly... Achoo!!!"

On the galloping sled, Fujiwara Takumi, who "hugs left and right" several Ainu dogs, enjoys the warm soft white hair that makes his nose itchy: "I'm ashamed to say 'a brainstorm'... If it weren't for that Captain Senlu reminded you, I'm afraid you never thought of this method..."

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