I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 794: The Artifact of Eight-speed Inverter

"What, you said you are a locomotive, not a sled dog? It was just a matter of urgency, where did you pay so much attention..."

Just when Sousuke Araki was comforting the warriors of the Warring States Period who were struggling to pull the cart and kept protesting...

"Sniff...I can smell...the smell of ghost bears in the wind!"

Ichisuke, who had been silent all this time, suddenly let out a low voice.


When Araki Sousuke stopped the sleigh, he lay on the ground in panic, constantly sucking the breath in the wind with his nose: "This smell...is strong and scattered...everywhere..."

Then, Shisuke raised his head and looked at the tallest snow-capped mountain not far from him, showing an expression of disbelief: "The aura of this ghost bear spreads all over the female mountain and the male mountain...such a wide range , but there is no way to track..."

After passing Lake Toya along National Highway 230, there are two active volcanoes, Mt. Yotei and Mt. Horoshiri, which are shaped like an inverted triangle, densely covered with jungle, soaring into the clouds and smoky.

Among them, Mount Yotei is the highest peak in the southwestern part of Hokkaido. Because it is very similar to Mount Fuji, the mountain is covered with snow all year round, so it is also called "Ezo Fuji".

Because of the eruption of these two volcanoes, a unique volcanic lake landform was created in the severe cold Hokkaido area. Because of their similar shapes and standing side by side, they are honored by the Ainu people as "Female Mountain" and "Male Mountain".

"If the breath is everywhere in the mountains and forests, it will be difficult to handle..."

Looking up at the two majestic volcanoes and the endless mountains not far away, Araki Zongsuke showed a trace of confusion in his eyes: "If we search the mountains, with our speed and manpower, there is no time at all. The warring states warriors carry Not enough oil either."

From the beginning to the end, Araki Sousuke never worried about any "ghost bear".

What he was most afraid of was that he would not be able to follow the breath of this thing and track down the bus that disappeared in the wind and snow.


Just when the few people were at a loss, the long strip wrapped in white cloth that had been quietly hanging on Araki Sousuke's back trembled suddenly.

"Huh? Could it be that..."

Feeling the strangeness in his back, Araki Sousuke's expression changed, and he quickly took the thing behind him into his hands.

"It's up to you to carry it along the way. What the hell is this?"

Seeing his actions, Takumi Fujiwara came over curiously.

As the layers of white cloth were unwrapped, a dilapidated antique sword appeared in front of the three of them.

"This knife..."

Fujiwara Takumi subconsciously grasped the handle of the knife and pulled it out...

"Uh... can't pull it out..."

But he found that no matter how he pulled it out, the knife was still tightly embedded in the scabbard and remained motionless.

"...Is it another prank prop that was stolen by some scenic spot?"

It was as if the handle and scabbard were born as a single piece of steel.

"July Rain is not some kind of trick."

This is the first of Chicheng's three artifacts, known as the "demon sword that never comes out of its sheath", "demon sword July rain".


At this moment, the leather-wrapped knife handle was shaking from time to time, rubbing against the inside of the scabbard to make a crisp sound.

"I knew it, I brought you here specially..."

Observing the activity of Qiyue Yu, Araki Sousuke happily held it in his hand, and spun around tentatively: "Tell me, where is Xiaotiao Youshi? Is it this way? Or this way?"

Before leaving Tokyo, he confirmed with Kotori Yutaro on the phone that Kotori Yumami took away "Kurdan Gouyu" and "Yoyu Yuma" when he was on a school trip.

Therefore, he deliberately asked Ichimoto to go to the Akagi Shrine, and borrowed the first of the three Akagi artifacts that had no chance to participate in the "study trip" because they belonged to "controlled knives" and served the gods alone.

At this moment, Qi Yueyu's abnormality proved his guess...

There is indeed some kind of induction between the three artifacts of Chicheng!

"The amplitude of the vibration hasn't changed...could it be this side...or that side...the one just now seems to be heavier?"

"Damn it, even massage equipment can adjust gears. As an 'artifact', you should have some 'eight-speed frequency conversion' at least!" 』

Just when Araki Sousuke was wandering around the neighborhood holding July Rain like a mobile phone looking for a signal...

"Sniff... there is a strong breath... approaching... very fast..."

Shisuke, who was carefully smelling the wind and scent by the sled, suddenly looked in the direction he was heading in vigilance.

"Uh woo woo woo woo..."

The cute Ainu dogs sitting on the sled with their tongues sticking out, seemed to have sensed something, bent their backs, and growled vigilantly.

"Buzz buzz buzz!"

The July rain in Araki Sousuke's hand suddenly became short and sharp.

"Oh, the frequency is changed, the frequency is changed... that's right, so the vibration is strengthened when the direction is right..."

"Then I named the current intensity as 'Gentle Amateur'. If the distance is closer, you will be upgraded to the next level of 'Sensual Wife'..."

Just as Araki Sousuke murmured words of unknown meaning, a black shadow more than two meters high suddenly stood up from the snow-white bushes behind him...

"Hey... Sousuke..."

"Ghost, ghost..."

Under the horrified eyes of Fujiwara Takumi and Ichisuke, what suddenly appeared behind Sosuke Araki was a giant black bear whose mane stood up like pine needles and whose black resentment was burning like a flame...

"Buzz buzz buzz buzz!"

The rain in July in Araki Sousuke's hand trembled more intensely.

"What are you talking about? The knife is so loud all of a sudden, I can't hear anything..."

"Please don't disturb the work of professional spirit removers...I have made significant progress here..."

"Oh? Have you shifted up to 'Sensual Wife' so quickly? I haven't moved a single step. Is it because we have misunderstood the threshold setting for the upshift, or is it that Xiaotiao Youshi is approaching me?"

Just when Sousuke Araki, who was unaware of the abnormality, tried to "communicate deeply" with Qi Yueyu...

"Idiot, I don't know if Xiaoniao Youshi approached you, the ghost bear has already stuck to your back!"

"Get out of the way!"


The tall ghost bear behind him was salivating and his eyes were red. While the two exclaimed, he slapped Sousuke Araki on the back of the head forcefully...

Unlike the illusory wraith, the ghost bear has a strong body and can break mountains and rubble with his bare hands!

"Thinking of the smell of smashed watermelon in the snowstorm, the boy who spent the whole summer doing nothing in Okinawa"

At this moment, standing under the vast snow-capped mountains, seeing his friend's bear's paw approaching, Fujiwara Takumi somehow recalled that hot summer in Okinawa last year in his mind...

"But you can't even find your head in that bloody ski hat covered with claw marks."

And, when playing "Blindfolded Watermelon" on the beach, the expensive Hokkaido specialty black watermelon was smashed to the ground by Uncle Keigo and the juice flew all over the place.

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