I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 797 Who Goes Last

"Based on the departure route, we are now about 30 kilometers northeast of National Highway 230."

"Probably?! I remember that when reporting the situation of the war, it was forbidden to use this word?"

"Sorry, because the GPS signal has failed and the footprints when I came here have disappeared, so it is really difficult to accurately locate..."

In this weird snowstorm in Hokkaido, which is suspected of magnetic field disorder, GPS positioning, communication systems, vehicles and even compass all failed, and everything returned to the most primitive era.

"Even the escaped prisoner Araki Sousuke knows to use the 'big taiyaki cyclotron jet big taiyaki' as a road sign. Are you not as good as him...Who goes last?!"

"Well, we also prepared snow road signs, but we chased too quickly just now... and it seems that you are the one who led the team away at the end..."

Sen Luosi's team, after chasing Araki Sousuke along the trail for half an hour, found himself sadly...

It was the same as the Second Battalion of the Fifth Infantry Regiment of the Eighth Division of the Army back then...

be lost.


Just when Sen Luosi was struggling between continuing to pursue and returning to the original road, a low electromagnetic sound rang out between the queues.


Everyone raised their hands subconsciously, and found that in the dial on their wrists, a certain value that was originally fluctuating within 100 suddenly soared and broke through 1000...

"There are resentment fluctuations!"

"Attention all, the portable resentment detector has a supernormal response, all switch to the spirit detection magazine!"


The team members who had been resting in the long snake array with the word "one" reacted very quickly and adjusted to a matrix, pulled down the "Spirit Detection Goggle Type VII" on the tactical helmet, and held guns on the spot for vigilance.

"The resentment reaction is still rising, the current value is 1300...1400...1500..."

Ever since they came to Hokkaido, where the snow is falling heavily and electronic equipment is not working at all, the readings of the "portable resentment detectors" on their wrists have been abnormal, and it seems that they have received some kind of weak interference.

Resentment reactions within 100 units are considered normal in "suspected supernatural areas" such as gloomy cemeteries or old houses.

But when such an average concentration of grievances appears in Hokkaido, which is shrouded in heavy snow, it can no longer be described as "normal".

And the current response of more than 1,000 units of resentment can only show that some kind of supernatural existence has entered the sensing range of the detector!

"1700...1800...The reading is still rising, keep your vision clear...1900...It's broken 2000!"

When the team members were sweating profusely as they watched the moment when their grievances soared past the 2000 mark, an aggressive, fiery shadow burst out from the dense snow-covered forest...


It was a brown bear with a stature of about two meters, with fine fangs, blood red eyes, and lingering resentment all over its body!

"I found a suspected target, and I reacted strongly with resentment!"


Facing this dangerous species, the team members shot without hesitation.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Amidst the intense gunfire, dense bullets of spiritual energy continuously impacted on the rushing brown bear.

"Preliminary observation, the target looks like an ordinary brown bear, with a large body, and the effect of spiritual bullets is not obvious..."

The bullet of spiritual power sank into the thick and dark mane, and Youlan's spiritual light and pitch-black resentment exploded alternately...

"Manual comparison with the offline database shows that the target is 86% similar to the legendary 'ghost bear' in Hokkaido!"

During the suppression of firepower, the team members in charge of observing from the side broadcast the battle situation in real time.

"Uh woo..."

The resentful brown giant bear faced the hail of bullets fearlessly, with a speed and momentum not inferior to that of a truck, instantly came to five meters in front of the team members in the first row of the shooting formation, raised its sharp giant palm

"The target breaks through the safe distance, stabilize the firepower, and use tactical containment!"

The team member under the bear's paw rolled back without hesitation...


The bear paw, which seemed to be able to slap people into minced meat, collided with some invisible object in the air, making a crisp sound of breaking through the air.

"Ghost bears have organic entities and cannot be dealt with as conventional wraiths. Start plan III!"

A translucent blue barrier appeared at the slap of the bear's paw, and a large number of cracks burst out, spreading towards the surroundings.

"The electromagnetic barrier generator is in effect, continue to suppress firepower!"

Among the team members maintaining formation and shooting continuously, a cylindrical instrument was quietly standing on the ground, emitting an invisible magnetic field towards the surroundings.

"Aw... hoo!!!"

After a full three minutes, the ghost bear, who was blocked by the barrier and couldn't get any further, fell to the ground in an unwilling wail, kicking up a large canopy of snow.

A large amount of black blood flowed out from the ghostly bear's bullet-ridden, skin-torn body, dyeing the holy snow into pitch black.

"Hoo... ph...confirm, the target has been defeated!"

Glancing at the "portable resentment detector" on the wrist whose readings dropped sharply, a group of team members touched the hot firearms in their hands and silently wiped off their sweat.

"Clean up the remaining grievances at the scene..."

Several team members stepped forward cautiously, inspecting the dead body of the ghost bear, which was full of holes and dissipated with resentment...

"Confirm the amount of ammunition... Spirit power bullets consume 15%..."

The bear is a creature that seems to be bulky and can sprint at a speed of 60 kilometers per hour in a short period of time, while the recorded limit running speed of humans is only 44.7 kilometers per hour.

This ghost bear is faster and more violent than the average Hokkaido brown bear in terms of speed and strength. In addition, the fur possessed by resentment can persist for so long under the dense spiritual energy bullets, which is really chilling.

If it wasn't for the fact that it still follows the simple and direct action rules of bear creatures, and has an electromagnetic barrier specifically for this kind of ghost, I am afraid that the entire search and arrest team would have to confess in this snowfield.

In the distance, countless birds soared from the snow-covered forest and disappeared into the dark clouds.


The snow-white ground trembled slightly without warning, and the thick snow on the treetops fell down with a crash.

"Zizizizizi...cuckoo...beep beep beep beep beep beep beep!"

Just when the heart of the disaster prevention mobile team was still hanging, and the guns in their hands were still warm, the detector on the wrist began to emit short beeps...

"The detector has responded, all units pay attention, stay on guard!"

"Detector readings... wait, 5000?! Still going up?!"

"This thing...is it broken?!"

What made everyone tear up was that the detector on the wrist, which had clearly faded to less than 100, broke through the 5,000-unit barrier in an instant, like a "fairy stock" that suddenly skyrocketed...

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