I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 798 Tradition

"woo woo woo woo……"



In the cold wind and snow, there were suddenly bursts of low barking of beasts, which made the expression on his face freeze.

"Beep beep beep beep beep beep beep!"

Amidst the rapid beeping of the detector, a two-meter-high figure walking upright like a human slowly walked out of the dense forest...

"At twelve o'clock, I saw a ghost bear and asked to shoot..."

Seeing the scarlet eyes, drooling mouth and black fur, all the team members subconsciously raised their guns to aim.

"Attention, the target did not launch an attack, the situation is abnormal!"

After the ghost bear appeared, it did not charge like the "senior" who fell on the ground...

It just stood there blankly, scanning the "prey" back and forth with its bloodthirsty and greedy eyes.

"Beep beep beep beep beep beep beep!"

"The grievance reading is still soaring... 5000... 6000... 7000..."

Because, even after the appearance of this ghost bear, the readings of the detectors on everyone's watches are still soaring, directly breaking through the 10,000 mark.

"Three o'clock direction, one!"

While the ground was shaking and the snow was rustling, another tall black figure appeared from the snowy forest on the other side.

"Five o'clock direction, one!"

"Nine o'clock direction, two!"

Under the dull eyes of the team members, not far away on the originally flat snow, a "snow mound" gradually bulged up, bursting out like a volcanic eruption, and three other tall and strong ghost bears were drooling and breathing black air.

"These guys buried themselves in the snow in advance?!"

"We're surrounded, switch to Spread Formation II."

It's just that in the blink of an eye, this team of nearly a hundred people has already been surrounded by five ghost bears...


These ghost bears did not immediately attack the prey in the encirclement, but stood there with the appearance of an old god, with a hint of playfulness flashing in their bloodthirsty eyes.

"So, the first ghost bear was just a bait, deliberately delaying our time and letting us fall into the encirclement of the bear group..."

Seeing the extremely humane performance of this ghost bear, Sen Luosi couldn't help feeling an inexplicable chill in his heart...

Ordinary people are often misled by the first impression of Xiong's naive appearance and fat stomach.

But they don't know that this kind of animal not only has a thick body and powerful limbs, but also has extremely strong speed and physical strength.

The most important thing is that because of its large brain capacity, its IQ is far superior to that of cats and dogs.

The bears in the zoo can turn on the faucet to drink water by themselves, dig tunnels to cross the barbed wire, accurately distinguish people's emotions, bribe people with leftover food, and recognize the leader of a group of people in the first place...

Fortunately, such a powerful creature rarely lives in groups except during the mating period, and even female bears will take the initiative to "run away with the ball" because they are afraid that the male bear will kill their cubs.

"What about the electromagnetic barrier generator, how much energy is left?"

"Report, there are 38% left on the one just now... The two spare models are starting up!"

Behind Sen Luosi, several team members hurriedly placed the other two cylindrical instruments on the snow.

"Hiss... hiss... roar!"

Seemingly aware of the continuous deployment of the electromagnetic barrier, the ghost bears roared and attacked everyone from several directions at the same time.


The dense gunshots sounded again in the snowy forest...

Amidst the hail of bullets, the five gigantic ghost bears displayed a ghostly speed that didn't match their size at all...

In just a second, five dark afterimages slammed into the electromagnetic barrier, causing a large crack!


Behind everyone, the cylindrical magnetic field barrier generator suddenly emitted a puff of black smoke.

"Steady the firepower and report the energy status!"

"The energy of the first generator is exhausted, and the energy loss of the backup generator is 18%... 20%..."

Immediately, some team members hurriedly broadcast the energy consumption situation amidst the chaotic gunfire.

"Did the collision just consume so much energy?"

As long as there is a resentment reaction in the body, neither the resentful spirit nor the possessed person can penetrate the barrier that is deployed by the electromagnetic drive and simulation formation.

The only disadvantage is that it consumes too much energy and is not durable enough.

"Tsk, the amount of ammunition is almost running low, if this continues..."

Analyzing the battle situation in front of him quickly in his brain, Sen Luosi frowned, with a hint of bitterness at the corner of his mouth: "All listen to the order!"


"According to the ranks in reverse, leave five people with me!"


"After the rest broke out in different directions, they reunited with the signpost 'Da Taiyaki Gyro Acceleration Dai Taiyaki'!"

"Breakout?! Vice Captain, we still have the strength to fight..."

"No, there is no chance of winning... If we don't break through now, after the electromagnetic barrier generator is exhausted, at our speed, we can only become the prey of these ghost bears sharpening their minions!"

Sen Luosi shook his head resolutely, threw his backpack into the snow, took a spare rifle from a few team members and hung it on his back, his determination was beyond words.

Because of the march in the snow to catch fugitives, the disaster prevention mobile team without vehicles can only go into battle lightly, unable to carry a large amount of ammunition, protective equipment and special equipment.

Regardless of the amount of ammunition, the electromagnetic barrier generator at hand is obviously not enough to support everyone to wipe out the five ghost bears in front of them one by one.

"No, Vice Captain..."

"Did the recent comfortable days make you forget, what is the tradition we have inherited from the peacekeeping force?!"

Sen Luosi, who had always been gloomy and calm, showed fanatical blood at this moment.

"Yes, but..."

"answer me!"

He directly handed the gun in front of the barrier, and fiercely sprayed bullets towards the giant mouth of the ghost bear.

"The one with the highest military rank will always be at the forefront!"

"That's right...unconditional execution!"


After leaving a few spare guns behind, the team members gritted their teeth and poured all the bullets in their hands on the ghost bears in front of them, making the thick mane pulsate continuously and even distort their body shape.

"Damn ghosts, let me see your skills!"

With a smirk, Sen Luosi held two guns, separated by the cracked barrier, and fired wildly at the three ghost bears at a distance of less than half a meter.

The few team members who chose to stay with him also used their bodies as bait, and each went to the ghost bear to shoot at close range.

"Captain, you..."

"Now, break out!"

Their behavior does not hurt much, but it is extremely insulting...


The ghost bear who couldn't eat the meat in front of his eyes and was beaten by bullets let out a furious roar.

Even though the grievances on the body surface were stirred up in the rain of bullets, they worked hard to gnaw at the electromagnetic barrier in front of them.

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