"Last time, the reason why that guy from Chongdeyuan came to him was because I destroyed his body of ghosts and gods at Baifeng Shrine before I was alive. The cause and effect of this is because of me..."

"It also coincided with the opening of the gate of hell and the expiration of the thousand-year contract, so I was able to descend from God for a while."

"As the son of God appointed by me, this time, you have to rely on yourself..."

He was talking to himself, but he didn't notice that Fujiwara Takumi not far away had slowly buried his head in the shadows and clenched his fists.

"The hand-picked son of God?! On my own?!"

"Why do you turn over my brand name and choose me as a son of God?!"

Trembling all over, Fujiwara Takumi unceremoniously interrupted the god he had enshrined since childhood: "Could it be, just rely on your useless rotten chrysanthemum?!"

"Rotten...rotten chrysanthemum?!"

Hearing these three words, the tip of Lu Ren's tongue that was sliding on the lollipop froze instantly.

"Yes, rotten chrysanthemum!"

Every scene from birth to now is unbearable to recall, like a revolving lantern flashing back in Fujiwara Takumi's mind.

"No matter how hard I try, I practice homework, practice Shinto, and pray devoutly day and night..."

When I was five years old, I stared at the pure and pious eyes, praying to the "Master God" day and night in front of the shrine...

"It's all useless!!!"

When I was ten years old, under the big torii gate, I sprayed urine on the soles of my feet and watched the "separated souls" of the Sotoku-in Temple slaughter several priests on duty...

"What's the "God's favored one who meets once in four thousand years", what is your hand-picked son of God, it's a joke..."

When I was 20 years old, I was under the big torii gate again, and watched as Shutokuin pulled out Uncle Keigo's heart...

"I can't even prove that I'm weak!!!!"

The only difference is that on that day, he also enjoyed the same "black tiger's heart out" treatment, and he spurted out his blood.

"I would rather be just an ordinary person, born in an ordinary family, and live an ordinary life..."

But this time, Class 3 of Shinjuku Metropolitan High School, including Chiyoko, was in danger, and he was ordered in the face of danger and had high hopes. If he hadn't been hanging on Araki Sousuke's lap like a sloth along the way, he would not be warming up at the search and rescue camp. Eating instant noodles is turning into a hedgehog on a small sampan in Lake Toya!

"...At least in this way, those expectant eyes will not turn into disappointment in the end!"

The emotions suppressed in Fujiwara Takumi's heart for so many years, like a waking volcano, spewed out towards this "own god" who never answered his prayers!

"Well, that's why I just said that you are stupid..."

"It seems that you have found some tricks recently. I planned to let you understand it by yourself, but it was too late..."

Putting the lollipop into his mouth, Lu Ren held his head in both hands, and without even looking at his own "God Son" who speaks impolitely, a strange smile appeared in his eyes: "As soon as you were born, I sent down an oracle, The connection between them has never been broken, so why pray?"

"The glazed divine body, as the human body of a god, is born to share a steady stream of divine power from me, why cultivate?"

"Divine power?!"

Hearing which pot was not opened and which pot was being lifted by the other party, Fujiwara Takumi shook out a large number of "sixteen petals and eight layers of chrysanthemum patterns" in a rage: "This rotten chrysanthemum that is useless and full of volume can not only let the spiritual power In addition to feeling your so-called 'magnificence of the gods' and improving your fortune for the new year, even purifying a resentful spirit is difficult, how dare you call it divine power?!"

"Tsk, 'cleansing', 'blessing' and 'coercion' are just the characteristics of my divine power itself. Except for the half-baked "purification", you haven't even used a real 'magic' Pass……"

"Since it is divine power, how can it be driven by mundane techniques? Why should you copy the mundane Shinto techniques in a regular manner?"

"Those old men who can only flatter horses in the temple, what qualifications do they have to teach the sons of gods who were born and raised?"

Lu Ren's harsh words made Fujiwara Takumi's anger gradually freeze on his face.

"If I remember correctly, Emperor Meiji seemed to have died of diabetes? 』

Looking at the way the other party wrapped the lollipop that was bigger than his face in his mouth, but his speech was not affected at all, he couldn't help thinking.

For so many years, I have obviously practiced Shinto arts seriously and hard, but the divine power in my body can't drive higher-level Shinto arts except for "purification".

"Takumi, like me, cross your toes, hold your breath and raise your hips, and hang your head at forty-five degrees, praying to the gods... As long as you have a standard posture and a pious heart, the gods will give you divine power. Have you learned it?"

"Tuo Hai, your divine power and coercion are far superior to mine. From now on, the royal family's visits and ceremonies during festivals and festivals will be entrusted to you... The structure of the few techniques that I just passed on to you will be hard to figure out. Did you learn it?"

"Takumi, this type of formation is the secret of my Meiji Shrine. You need to practice hard day and night, and don't let it go to waste. Have you learned it?"

The scenes of practicing Shinto with his father in the past can't help but emerge in his mind.

"Learn... have you learned?"

A self-deprecating smile twitched at the corner of his mouth.

"Bastard Fujiwara tree, I've learned... I'm useless!"

It's as if, after a lot of hard work, you've reached LV99 with krypton gold, and the gorgeous aura just lit up under your feet, and the passing administrator told you: "Dear player, hunters want to add DEX, you add all STR numbers, training is useless. .”

"Then you've been talking for a long time about how to use this 'divine power'..."

The account is disabled, you can restart it...

Life, but can not be repeated.

Fujiwara Takumi could only look forward to watching the "old military doctor" to Lu Ren who was lying in the stamen of the chrysanthemum and licking a lollipop.

"The so-called divine power is the power of faith and vows of all living beings... It is the law of uncertainty, the power of the mind..."

After reading a lot of misty words, Lu Ren suddenly stood up and met Fujiwara Takumi's eyes: "In short, use it as you want!"

"Use it however you want? I..."

Seeing the chrysanthemum patterns spinning rapidly in the opponent's pupils, Fujiwara Takumi showed an expression of enlightenment.

"That's right, to transform divine power into one's own power, the key is to rely on one's own will and belief, rather than illusory spells. It is precisely because of this that the Son of God can risk his life to fight!"

As the cheeks swelled and shrunk, Lu Ren pulled out the huge lollipop that was dripping from his mouth.

"And the key to driving divine power is absolute self-confidence and imagination! Even I can't believe in myself, I can't imagine the limit of what I can do, how can divine power manifest..."

I saw a golden glow surging, and the lollipop turned into a slender and delicate long knife, and slashed towards Fujiwara Takumi: "You who only have purification skills in your mind, are you not confident or not?" Dare to think?"

"Not confident?! Don't dare to think?!"

The long knife cut across, and the world in front of Fujiwara Takumi's eyes returned to darkness.

"Are you kidding... If possible, I also want to become light, become light, fly higher..."

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