I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 824 Green Fruit

Mount Yotei, on the mountainside.


Beside the icy road that is as smooth as a mirror and leads directly to the top of the mountain, the cassock hanging like a hill has just recovered from the grief of "losing the left eye" and stepped forward...

I saw a "brown bear" whose height was less than his knees, frantically waving its hands and feet like a 100-meter sprinter, passing by itself, setting off a violent wave of air and taking away countless gray breaths...


Seeing that this "subordinate" not only ignored him, but also snatched away a lot of his "original power" the moment he passed by, Kao Shaxuan angrily threw himself at him from behind!


This "angry bear" running wildly on the ice road is naturally Sousuke Araki who has been chasing him all the way from behind!

This ice road is very slippery, and only he can use this strange strength to step on the depressions, so that he can run up like walking on flat ground!

"Bastard, don't get in the way!"

Sensing the gust of wind blowing from behind him, he jumped up high like a conditioned reflex...

The cassock that leapt out passed under his feet by a hair's breadth, smashed hard on the mirror-like icy road, and continued to slide forward...

In the next second, Araki Sousuke, who landed on the ground, had already stepped on the back neck of this ten-meter-long giant bear!

"I've said it all, my uncle is very busy!"

The surging power of ghosts and gods in the hanging fur of the cassock, like the ink of a sponge, frantically converged towards his body!

And at the point where his toes touched, a touch of whiteness bloomed from the black mane of the cassock, and it began to spread around...

"This... this feels... great!"

As if drinking fifty cans of kidney function drinks, Araki Sousuke only felt a surge of enthusiasm in his blood, and his whole body was unprecedentedly energetic.

If it wasn't covered by the bear skin on his body, he would definitely be able to see the tattoo under his bear skin, which turned into lava-like crimson as if it had been ignited.

"Araki-sensei...are you alright?!"

"I...I'm fine...no, I should say I'm fine!"

Araki Sousuke didn't recover from the strange feeling until the soft voice of Kotori Yumaumi rang in his ears.

After the distance gradually widened, the "connection" between the two people, not to mention "sharing the picture", even the sound began to be intermittent.


Immediately, he found in embarrassment that the cassock hung under him, unable to move, and one-third of his body glowing white, was going down the mirror-smooth ice track just like a sled in a downhill race. rapid slide...

"Hey, hey...are you kidding me...this is not the car to go to the top of the mountain..."

Just for a moment of stupefaction, the "cassock hanging sled" has already slid down a distance of hundreds of meters!

"Master, I..."

Seeing the bus sprinting towards the top of the mountain and disappearing into the wind and snow, Sousuke Araki, who was descending faster and faster, panicked, and his golden eyes flashed away...

"But it was hard to climb up..."

In desperation, a huge arm with surging fire patterns and swelling muscles sprang out from his back like a tornado!

He grabbed the long, dark, mane-covered cassock hanging between his legs...

bear tail.

"...Give me the brakes!"

As the giant arm mercilessly pulled and lifted the bear's tail in its hand...


In the mountains and forests, there was a harsh friction sound similar to the bite of brake pads.


The cassock hanging prostrate on the ground, stretched out its long tongue, let out a wailing in pain, and its huge body began to slow down sharply as if someone had stepped on a sudden brake...

"It's not enough... give me a complete... stop!"

Following Araki Sousuke's impetuous roar, the huge arm pulled the bear's tail up a lot...


"Uh woo!!!!!!"

The sound of something breaking, mixed with the mourning of the cassock, reverberated around the mountainside of Yotei.

One person and one bear slid down rapidly, and then stopped abruptly.

"You idiot bear, if I can't catch up, I will definitely come back and crush you!"

The threat of tongue-tattling sounds was still in his ears, but Araki Sousuke's figure had disappeared in the direction leading to the top of the mountain.

The smooth icy road spreading down from the mountainside seemed to have been plowed by something from top to bottom, and a thick and long gully appeared...

A large pool of dark "blood stains" remained lonely somewhere in the ravine, extending all the way to the cassock hanging under the body.

At this moment, this ghost bear, which once intimidated Hokkaido, is lying firmly on the steep ice road, and its mane is full of fluorescence...

A pair of huge bear paws, stretched out to the position of the head at some time, closed tightly.


At the foot of Mount Yotei.

Inside the pitch-black and icy Iron Maiden, Fujiwara Takumi's painful wailing could no longer be heard, and it seemed extraordinarily quiet.

"Hey, I originally thought that the 'one-in-four-thousand-year favored person' could last a little longer..."

Sensing that the breath of life and spiritual power in the Iron Maiden disappeared rapidly and returned to "nothing", No. 2 withdrew his raised arms in a little disappointment.

"Sanwulang, you fallen from the gods, Xiong Ling will never forgive you! If you have the ability, you can kill me too..."

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Seeing the "snow maiden" pouring out a lot of blood, the city assistant and the Sengoku warriors who were struggling on the snowy ground but couldn't get out, wailed in unison.

"Hmph, originally on that snowy slope, I planned to have you buried in ice with them...but now, I've changed my mind..."

After flapping its wings twice, Number Two's eyes fell on the mountainside in the distance.

"I want you to live, to witness the return of this land to purity, and to witness the rise of Utali!"

"Uh woo!!!!!!"

There, the huge cassock was lying on the ice for some reason, screaming and sliding towards the foot of the mountain...

"Sure enough, even Kasaoxuan is not Araki Sousuke's opponent... Sorry, the good show over there is about to begin, I have to go first."

"The real battle has just begun..."

Just when No. 2 raised the altitude and was about to fly towards the mountainside, the young man's cold voice sounded from the "Snow Maiden" under his feet.

"Go through the wind, this yearning, will you run away in battle?" 』


When "No. 2" turned around in amazement, she found that a crack had appeared on the quiet and pretty face of the indestructible "Snow Maiden" made of dark ice.

"Say goodbye to tenacity, haven't you fully matured yet? 』

"Kach... Kacha... Kacha..."

Amidst the imperceptible cracking sound, the crack continued to spread and expand...

"You green fruit, quietly close your eyes and hold the little seed tightly"


No. 2 subconsciously drove the ice and snow, trying to mend the snow maiden, but found that it couldn't keep up with the melting speed of the dark ice.

"If I set off now, I will be able to convey this thought to you."

It was as if something extremely hot was burning in it!

"Can you please give some more power to me?"

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