I'm simulating all the worlds in fairyland

Chapter 126 Am I going to be the chief executive? Defeating the golden cicada, simple and crude (tha

Li Hao looked at the scene in front of him in astonishment. He didn't expect that the movement of his breakthrough was so big that even the place where he lived was shattered.

"Congratulations on getting another pillar of Zhenbeicheng!" Hearty laughter came from the sky, and the next moment Mr. Qiu's figure appeared in front of him.

It's still the stereotype in Li Hao's mind, with a long smile and a beard stroking, looking like a kind old man.

The Four Symbols Realm will receive great attention no matter where it is.

Even in places like the Pure Land of Glaze and Mingyue Mountain, one can achieve the position of an elder and be respected by others.

Even in Zhenbei City, the number of Four Symbol Realms is countless and they will not be taken lightly.

Although it is a bit exaggerated to be commensurate with a pillar, it is definitely worthy of these two words.

"Mr. Qiu..." Li Hao nodded: "I didn't expect to wake you up."

"Haha..." Maybe it's because even though Li Hao entered the Four Symbols Realm, he still respected him very much and didn't change at all.

Therefore, his laughter became more hearty, and he couldn't help but joke: "I don't even want to know about such a big news."

Li Hao was about to reply when he heard a voice.

"Congratulations, Brother Tao, for entering the Four Symbol Realm."

Qi Wuji flew up, with a sincere tone and a look of emotion on his face: "Brother Dao, you have left me far behind."

"Congratulations, Brother Dao." Jiang Chen's tone was sour, and Li Hao seemed to be able to hear the sound of his back molars rubbing together.

"It's just a step ahead. You two will catch up with me sooner or later." Li Hao said modestly.

"Haha..." Mr. Qiu said with a smile: "I don't know if you are the youngest Sixiang in the record."

"Go to Tianji Pavilion to confirm when you have time."

Li Hao shook his head: "It's just a false name. Taking on this name may cause a lot of trouble."

"That's wrong..." Mr. Qiu said with an expression of "You don't understand, kid": "If the four elephants are really the youngest in history, many people will be happy, like the prince..."

"Or Your Majesty..."

Li Hao was stunned for a moment, but he realized in an instant that Jiang was still too hot, and he really hadn't thought of this.

For the Emperor of Xia, he was a living auspicious person, which proved from the side that the Xia Dynasty was prospering under his leadership.

Of course, he may not care about this kind of thing himself, but he certainly won't be unhappy because of it. There may be other benefits to brushing his face again.

"You are still thoughtful." Li Hao responded immediately.

The few chatted for a while and then landed on the floating island where Qi Wuji was.

"However, it's best not to publicize the fact that you have entered the Four Symbol Realm for the time being." Mr. Qiu warned.

"Oh?" Li Hao was a little confused.

"It has been some time since the Seventeenth Prince came to Zhenbeicheng. In recent days, his hands have become more and more reckless. He even wants to interfere with some of the prince's decisions." Mr. Qiu's expression calmed down: "Perhaps, the prince wants to use this momentum to do something matter."

It turned out that he was asked to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger.

Li Hao's eyes moved slightly. The friction between King Zhenbei and the seventeenth prince was expected. There is no room for two tigers in one mountain. This is an inevitable situation.

In addition, some people in Zhenbei City were uneasy and turned to the court, which further fueled the Seventeenth Prince's arrogance.

"Okay." Li Hao thought for a moment and nodded slowly.

"Brother Qi and I have some things to discuss, so I'm going to leave first." Jiang Chen was sweating when he heard this. He didn't want to get involved in the game between high-level figures.

After exchanging glances with Qi Wuji, he took the initiative to speak.

"Okay, you guys, let's go out first." Mr. Qiu also had this intention. After the two of them left completely, he looked solemn and actually set up formations around him before saying:

"Now that you have entered the Four Symbols Realm, there are some things you should know."

"It's something about Ji Silin."

"Please tell me." Li Hao couldn't help but sit upright after hearing this.

"We, together with people from the Central Territory, searched for Ji Silin's soul and found some amazing things."

"The giant bronze gate is called the Gate of Ghosts."

Mr. Qiu's eyes were deep: "Do you know why they triggered the ghost gate?"

"Why?" Li Hao asked.

"Reincarnation..." He uttered two words, and Li Hao's eyes showed confusion: "Reincarnation?"

Mr. Qiu nodded: "This is about some secrets about the untraceable era. There are some unimaginable creatures in the untraceable era. They are powerful..."

At this point, Mr. Qiu paused and then said: "Even for me, it can be called unimaginable."

"But for some reason they all disappeared, but those people were too powerful and reincarnated through some special means."

"The birth of the ghost gate will gradually induce the awakening of the soul of these reincarnated people, bringing with them many magical powers and scattered memories of past lives..."

Although Li Hao pretended to be surprised by these things, he actually knew them all clearly.

But what Mr. Qiu said next really surprised him.

"There is a great saint in Shiling who possesses a special magical power. He can plunder the souls of these reincarnated people and obtain their magical powers." Mr. Qiu sighed:

"Although Ji Silin's cultivation level is already quite good, it is still far behind those creatures whose era cannot be traced back."

"With such temptation in front of him, it's hard for him to stick to his heart."

"Is this so?" Li Hao murmured to himself, he was also surprised.

I have to admit that this is a feasible method with great potential.

Wanren's son is the reincarnation of the clairvoyant. He is now very weak and unable to exert the power of awakening supernatural powers.

Anyone can rob it away, thereby mastering this magical power and making themselves stronger.

Even Tie Nanjun could not stop the actions of those senior figures in Shiling.

The soul was taken away.

If they have a way to deal with the "body grabbing" problem that may arise after the large-scale aggregation of Yuanling fragments.

Then they will become new immortal gods and gain all the strength and status of those former immortal gods.

Mr. Qiu secretly observed Li Hao, not knowing whether the boy's surprised expression was real or fake.

Because in their speculation, Li Hao is also the reincarnation of a big man whose era cannot be traced back.

However, whether it is Zhenbeicheng's intelligence network or Daxia's intelligence network, it is now possible to collect many reincarnations of beings who are suspected to be untraceable.

It is not surprising that these people will show something different from ordinary people, either awakening magical powers or understanding the secret method in their eyes.

"They have already started taking action, so the people in Shiling are not willing to confront us head-on, because that would mean nothing to them." Mr. Qiu looked solemn:

"There are many people in the North who suddenly awakened to their innate magical powers, but they all met with poisonous hands for no apparent reason."

The purpose of Shiling's triggering of Guimenguan was to plunder Yuanling, so it was naturally impossible for him to continue to entangle with Zhenbeicheng.

"What's the situation at the Hell Gate now? Has anyone gone in?" Li Hao asked instead.

"It's hard to say..." Mr. Qiu shook his head: "The first batch of people haven't been sent near Guimen Pass yet, but according to Ji Silin's soul memory, Guimen Pass is just an introduction."

"Shiling doesn't care about the gate of hell."

"You should already know that behind the gate of hell is the underworld..." He suddenly mentioned this matter.

Li Hao said calmly: "Well, Jiang Chen has already told me, and Taoist Beiling also knows some information."

"Ji Silin's soul memory shows that Shiling has completely abandoned Guimen Pass, because behind Guimen Pass there is just a ruins with no value." Mr. Qiu shook his head, looked at Li Hao, and said calmly:

"Do you have any scoop?"

This question is really interesting. It's like asking him openly, are you reincarnated? Do you have any fragmentary memories in your brain?

"I don't know much. It's all second-hand information I got from Lin Fei and Jiang Chen. You should have known it for a long time." Li Hao shook his head, not wanting to admit it, but he didn't deny it either.

"What a pity..." Mr. Qiu said inexplicably.


While the two were talking, the impact of the vision in Tianqi Academy was still spreading.

In the palace, King Zhenbei looked far away and whispered: "Someone from Tianqi Academy has entered the Four Symbols Realm. I don't know who it is..."

Mr. Qiu activated the academy formation, blocking the eyes of all outside prying eyes. Even the King of Zhenbei could not see clearly.

He passed through many figures in his mind, but none of them met the conditions of being about to break through the Four Symbols Realm.

But he is not in a hurry, Mr. Qiu will come to report to him sooner or later.

At this moment, a voice sounded from the corner: "Sir, he is awake."

It's Zhong Qi.

"How?" King Zhenbei's eyes changed slightly and his tone was cold.

"No, there are many restrictions placed on his Yuan Shen, not only the Yuan Qing Forbidden God Talisman, but at least eight different levels of Yuan Shen blockades." Zhong Qi shook his head, not knowing who he was talking about.

"And these eight kinds of Yuan Shen Restrictions are combined to form a new Yuan Shen Restriction. It is very complicated. Those elders have never seen it before."

"I'm afraid it's not an ordinary person who can plant such a restriction." King Zhenbei's eyes were cold: "I'm very curious about what kind of organization the Yinsi is."

"Let's go see him!" He strode away from here.

In a deep room somewhere, Huai Yuan's figure was firmly imprisoned by chains on the central stone platform, surrounded by some complex lines and formations intertwined with each other.

There were several gray-haired old men around, all staring at this person with frowns.

As the sound of footsteps approached, the old men looked slightly solemn and respectfully said: "Your Majesty..."

"Yeah." King Zhenbei nodded, and one of them smiled bitterly and said: "Your Majesty, it's our fault that we are doing things wrong. The restrictions in Master Huai's soul are really unheard of. Even Master Ji Silin Ji, the restrictions in his soul have not blocked ten days. .”

"Yes." King Zhenbei nodded and waved everyone away.

The shadow enveloped Huai Yuan on the stone platform. Huai Yuan grinned with blood and said with a smile: "Father, you finally came to see me..."

"How do I treat you?" King Zhenbei said in an indifferent tone.

"Treat it as your own."

"Have I ever treated you badly?"


"Have you ever felt resentful towards me?"


In the quiet space, the conversation between the two people continued to sound.

Finally, an angry look appeared on King Zhenbei's face, his cheeks trembled, and he shouted: "Then why did you betray me!?"

It can be seen that he is indeed heartbroken by Huaiyuan's betrayal.

"Betrayal?" Huaiyuan sneered: "Father, how have I ever betrayed you?"

"When the tribe attacked, I didn't kill the enemy with all my strength?"

"When the monsters invaded, I wasn't on the front line?"

"I just want to do something you don't know about. It won't have any impact on Zhenbeicheng. Can it be considered a betrayal?" Huaiyuan also asked: "If your son does this, is it considered a betrayal!?"

"In the final analysis, you regard us as your subordinates and tools. If you have any secrets, it is betrayal! Disloyal!"

"That Mi Lao..." Zhenbei King's eyes flashed with unexplainable emotions, but he was directly interrupted by Huai Yuan:

"I just killed Mr. Mi by mistake. Even if the merits and demerits are equal, it is enough!"

King Zhenbei was silent, Huaiyuan stopped talking, and the elders next to him were silent and lowered their heads, pretending not to hear anything.

"What exactly did you do in Fuyang City?" King Zhenbei said in an indifferent tone.

"Fuyang City..." Huaiyuan's hair was disheveled and his body was dirty, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "It has already happened..."

"Zhang Mingyu..." King Zhenbei spit out a name. Huaiyuan's eyes changed slightly, but he did not speak.

"Yinsi..." Zhenbeicheng said again.

The smile on Huaiyuan's face faded. He was a little surprised. He didn't expect that King Zhenbei could find out to such an extent that he even knew the name of Yinsi.

King Zhenbei had no reason to arrest him, and now he had only met him for the second time.

"It's just a young man. Why did the Yins try every possible means to get him?" King Zhenbei asked again. Even though he knew that Huaiyuan could not tell him, he still asked.

"Zhang Lianyun was discovered by us. Your underworld's hand is indeed very deep."

Zhang Lianyun?

Huaiyuan was a little confused at first, and after thinking for a moment, he was sure that he was the lord of Fuyang City.

Why did he suddenly mention Zhang Lianyun?

Seeing what he means, do you think Zhang Lianyun is one of ours?

How could he have such an idea?

Huaiyuan was puzzled. It was obvious that something happened in Fuyang City that he didn't know about, and it was also something that shouldn't have happened in their plan.

But he didn't defend or deny, he still had the same expression, looking inscrutable.

Seeing that the preparation was almost done, anger appeared on King Zhenbei's face: "You said you will not harm the interests of Zhenbei City!?"

"Let me ask you, what happened to Li Hao!?"

"For Zhang Mingyu, the people from the Yin Division almost destroyed the entire Fuyang City!"

"And General Lin...!"

"You..." King Zhenbei was furious, and the anger in his eyes seemed to be ready to burst out at any time.

"Li Hao? What's wrong with him?" Huaiyuan's eyes flashed slightly and he asked hesitantly.

King Zhenbei's heart moved slightly, and he asked three questions about Li Hao, Fuyang City, and General Lin.

He expressed these three things in a specious way, but the first thing Huaiyuan asked about was actually about Li Hao.

"The Yin Division actually sent out three statues of the Four Elephant Realm to attack and kill him, three statues of the Four Elephant Realm!" King Zhenbei suppressed his anger on the surface: "Your Yin Division is really generous. You just attacked and killed a Dragon Transformation Realm statue, but you actually sent three statues of the Four Elephant Realm statues to kill him!" Xiangjing!”

Huaiyuan's eyes moved slightly, and he was determined in his heart. It seemed that the Yin Division had succeeded, and the Fengdu seal should have been snatched back by them.

After hearing the news, he lost the desire to answer King Zhenbei and simply closed his eyes.

The reason why the King of Zhenbei told Huaiyuan that the Three Saints and Four Symbols successfully attacked and killed Li Hao was to see the other party's reaction.

After Jian Huaiyuan learned the final result of the matter, he stopped talking, no longer even had any doubts, and did not care about the inside story and reasons.

I'm afraid, it's most likely because I already knew that Yin Si would attack Li Hao.

It seems like their target is really Li Hao...

The real reason for attacking him was probably not because he found out about Huaiyuan's problem.

King Zhenbei can basically confirm this matter.

Ever since he knew everything that happened in Fuyang City, he had doubts in his heart.

What Li Hao found out has become a foregone conclusion. Is it necessary for the Yin Division to use such a large force to attack and kill Li Hao?

He suspected that there were other reasons why this happened.

So he came here to test Huaiyuan.

Seeing that Huaiyuan was no longer willing to speak, he simply changed his approach and said directly: "It seems that Li Hao does have the secret you want to get."

After saying these words, Huaiyuan's eyes opened instantly, staring at King Zhenbei.

King Zhenbei seemed to have not noticed anything and said to himself: "Actually, I just lied to you. Li Hao has returned from Fuyang City for several days safe and sound, and he defeated the people from Jixia Academy the day before yesterday. , became famous.”

Huaiyuan's pupils shrank, and three words subconsciously emerged in his mind - Impossible!

Yin Si will definitely make the greatest efforts to attack and kill Li Hao. Zhenbeicheng did not know the secrets about Li Hao before, so he never thought that Yin Si would attack and kill him. How could he fail! ?

His change of mentality was almost impossible to conceal, not to mention the King of Zhenbei who was observing him from all directions.

"Surprised?" King Zhenbei smiled: "I am also surprised. He directly killed the three statues and four elephants of your Yin Division without any loss."

how so! ?

Huaiyuan's mentality was shattered. He had already told the Yin Division to ensure that nothing went wrong.

King Zhenbei must have sensed something was wrong when they took action, and it was very likely that this was their last chance to take action.

Why did it still fail? ?

Three statues and four images?

Why not send out the characters from the Nether Realm! ?

He asked in his heart, but he also knew that this idea was indeed a bit fanciful.

After all, Li Haoming is only in the Dragon Transformation realm.

"Now can you tell me, what is the secret about Li Hao that makes you so coveted?" Zhenbei Wang Youyou asked.

Huaiyuan knew that it was useless to say anything now.

King Zhenbei has already noticed their purpose. The only thing he doesn't know now is the specific content of this secret.

"Ha..." Huaiyuan sneered: "Who doesn't have secrets? You have valued him for a long time, are you going to touch him now?"

"Just because he has secrets like me?"

King Zhenbei looked down at Huai Yuan. He was familiar with the adopted son's character and knew that there would be no results if he continued to question him.

Huaiyuan closed his eyes and made up his mind that no matter what his adoptive father said, he would not speak or react in any way.

When King Zhenbei saw this, he did not continue to entangle here. He waved his hand to activate the formation and turned around to leave.

Li Hao has many secrets, he knows...

Some he didn't want to worry about, but some were different.

Huaiyuan did not target Li Hao from the beginning because he had too many opportunities to take action.

What did Huaiyuan discover? Is Li Hao suspected of being a reincarnated person?

Or something else?

The King of Zhenbei thought about it and paced back. Since Li Hao did not take the initiative to report to him, it must be related to his own interests. If he asked rashly, it would definitely cause the other party's dissatisfaction.

But in other words, if the secret is too big, he thinks he needs to know.

Soon after, his subordinates came to report: "Your Majesty, Mr. Qiu has brought Commander Li to see you!"

"Oh?" King Zhenbei was a little surprised. He was hesitant about whether to go to Li Hao, but he didn't expect that the other party came to the door on his own.

"Let them come in." King Zhenbei nodded.

Not long after, Mr. Qiu and Li Hao entered the hall one after another.

Mr. Qiu smiled and said: "Congratulations, Your Majesty, Congratulations, Your Majesty..."

"What's so exciting about this?" King Zhenbei looked at Mr. Qiu, who was trying to get away with it, and couldn't help but ask.

"Congratulations to the prince for getting another pillar..." Mr. Qiu turned around to reveal Li Hao who was behind him, and at the same time removed his little trick to conceal his aura.

"Huh!?" King Zhenbei stood up suddenly, and overwhelming pressure surged in.

Even now Li Hao felt an indescribable majesty, as if he was facing an ancient sacred mountain.

"Four Symbol Realm!?" King Zhenbei's high-pitched voice was enough to prove that he was not at peace in his heart.

It turns out that the person who entered the Four Symbols in Tianqi Academy turned out to be Li Hao!

"Your Majesty," Li Hao said with a slight bow.

"Were you the cause of the strange phenomenon that occurred in Tianqi Academy not long ago?" King Zhenbei looked complicated, and he suddenly understood what was going on in Tianqi Academy.

"Prince Mingjian..." Li Hao responded.

"Quick, too fast..." King Zhenbei couldn't help but say.

He didn't expect that Li Hao's cultivation speed was so fast. It was like drinking water, and there seemed to be no bottlenecks.

Mr. Qiu stroked his beard and felt an indescribable feeling of joy in his heart when he saw King Zhenbei pale.

"My lord, haven't you been worried about how to deal with the position of head of the Junfa Division recommended to you by the Seventeenth Prince?" Mr. Qiu mentioned another matter and said:

"I just said, there must be a road before the car reaches the mountain."

King Zhenbei's heart moved slightly and he looked at Li Hao: "You mean, let him be the head of the Junfa Division?"

Li Hao was slightly stunned. Although Mr. Qiu had already told him that he wanted to solve some problems for King Zhenbei, he did not expect that he would actually become the head of the Junfa Department.

He suddenly remembered that Lin Fei had said that it was the people from the Junfa Division who presented Rou Yue from Runchun Garden to the seventeenth prince.

Perhaps, this is also an important reason why the Seventeenth Prince intervened in the selection of the head of the Junfa Division.

Once the Seventeenth Prince successfully intervenes in the high-level personnel changes in Zhenbeicheng, the world of Zhenbeicheng will begin to change.

"I did not announce the incident about Huaiyuan to the outside world, which caused people in the city to panic. He took the opportunity to put pressure on me. After all, Huaiyuan and him before..." King Zhenbei paused and said four words:

"The relationship is good."

King Zhenbei said it cryptically, but Li Hao understood that Huaiyuan switched to the seventeenth prince.

But not long after, King Zhenbei imprisoned Huaiyuan without any reason. Isn't this a naked slap in the face of the seventeenth prince? There must be a reaction.

Of course, this was in the eyes of the seventeenth prince. Li Hao had no idea whether King Zhenbei had this kind of intention.

"That's right..." Mr. Qiu nodded: "If he was only in the Dragon Transformation realm, I would naturally not consider this matter, but he has already entered the Four Symbols, and there is no doubt about his strength."

Hearing this, King Zhenbei looked at Li Hao, with an inexplicable meaning flashing in his eyes, and said: "What do you think, I will not force you. You know, once you take over the position of the chief of the department, the seventeenth prince will treat you The impression is greatly reduced.”

"Maybe even hold a grudge against you."

Li Hao thought for a moment, shook his head and said: "Thanks to the blessing of the prince, I have no trouble in Zhenbei City. The prince even sent someone to protect me when I went out."

"I don't care what the seventeenth prince will think."

King Zhenbei's eyes flickered, and Huai Yuan's roar seemed to ring in his ears: "...You just use us as tools. Once you do something that is not in line with your wishes, it will be considered disloyal and betrayal!"

There are not many people who can remember their kindness and don't even mind being targeted by the seventeenth prince.

More importantly, Li Hao has a broader future, so there is no need to do this.

Everyone has secrets...

Various speculations appeared in King Zhenbei's mind, but they all ended up with a sigh. There was no need to pursue it too far.

"Very good..." King Zhenbei grinned and said with a smile, "You have solved a problem for me by breaking through the Four Symbols Realm this time."

Li Hao smiled and took the opportunity to ask: "Your Majesty, as the head of the Junfa Division, is there any way to earn some extra money? I have been short of spiritual source crystals recently."

He said it bluntly. He wanted to figure out where Zhenbei King's bottom line was, so as to avoid getting into trouble when he was trying to make extra money.

"Lingyuan Crystal?" King Zhenbei said casually:

"It's hard to talk about other things. There are a lot of such things as Lingyuan Crystal in the north city of my town. You can make a jade slip and list the purpose. If you take the position of the head of the Junfa Division and take tens of millions of Lingyuan Crystal, you still have this face. .”

The King of Zhenbei is very wealthy, with tens of millions of Spiritual Source Crystals in his mouth.

Li Hao raised his eyebrows. To be honest, these tens of millions of Spiritual Source Crystals may not be enough.

In his hands are the Eight-Nine Mysterious Techniques that are waiting to be fed, the Will of All Realms that is about to evolve, and many magical powers and methods obtained from the previous evolutionary world. It is a bottomless pit.

He didn't say much. When he really got the position, he would naturally know how to make money.

"However, I can't just push you up without any reason." King Zhenbei thought.

"Your Majesty, this is no longer a big deal." Mr. Qiu chuckled: "Have you forgotten the bald donkey on the east wall?"

"I heard that a few people from Jixia Academy seem to be preparing to take action. That Jin Chan combined the Heart Sutra with Buddhist techniques is indeed impressive."

"Wherever I am, I am in a Buddhist country. It is almost impossible for anyone in the same place to come close to me."

This was the first time Li Hao knew what Jin Chan was cultivating.

It sounds like it's very powerful.

Immediately, Mr. Qiu and the King of Zhenbei discussed a specific plan. Li Hao's eyes lit up after hearing this. Mr. Qiu was really good at playing tricks.


Outside the east city wall, the magnificent city wall stretches as far as the eye can see. Every other crenel, there are city guards standing, looking down at the flow of people below, their eyes shining.

Under the stone ring, there were layers and layers of onlookers gathered. There were even people stationed on high platforms, layer upon layer, and they stayed awake for several days, watching here.

There are also people who hold up their jade slips and use the technique of taking pictures to record everything that happened here. There is no doubt that when the matter is over, they will definitely be sold for a high price.

The stone ring has been standing here for nearly ten days, and Xiaohe has not yet tasted defeat. He has defeated all the masters in Zhenbei City, making some people who have lived in Zhenbei City for generations feel ashamed.

But it also makes some people extremely enthusiastic about it, and even has followers. They all shave their heads, wear cassocks, sit cross-legged under the ring, and recite scriptures.


A stream of light came from the city, jumped in as soon as it left the city gate, and finally landed on the ring, which immediately caused a burst of exclamation.

"Someone comes to challenge again!"

"It's been almost a day since no one dared to step into the ring, right?"

"Is this person really not afraid of death, or does he claim to be mentally strong and unable to convert?"

Challenging this little monk is not without cost. Some people will convert on the spot, and their parents and relatives will become strangers and extremely evil.

"Hey, why are the disciples from Tianqi Academy here?" Someone turned around and saw a group of white-robed teenagers pouring out of the city gate, carrying a large number of people in the city with them.

The disciples of Tianqi Academy are highly recognizable in the city. Seeing them going to the city in groups naturally attracts the attention of many people. After calling their friends, more people are brought.

On the ring, Tu Jie frowned and glanced at the group of academy disciples who suddenly appeared.

"Ah? Those on the stage are disciples from Jixia Academy?" Someone asked in surprise when he got the news from nowhere.

"Jixia Academy!? What is it?" the person next to him said in confusion.

"Jixia Academy is the highest academic institution in Great Xia. Our Tianqi Academy is modeled after Jixia Academy. It is said that it is less than one hundred and one hundredth grand."

"Then can he defeat that little monk? I got angry when I saw that bald head with his eyes closed!"

"His defeat of the bald man has nothing to do with our Zhenbei City. This person is not from our Zhenbei City, and it will only further reveal our incompetence in the north!" Someone sighed.

"Someone is deliberately building momentum. Once Tu Jie fails, his reputation will be ruined." Nalan Ruo shook his head in the corner.

"It must be people from Tianqi Academy. They are very dissatisfied with us." Another person said, looking at the woman next to him with a bit of flattery: "What do you think, Ruyi?"

"My name is Qing Ruyi!" the woman said coldly.

"Aren't they here to see the fun?" Tie Nanjun said blankly.

Everyone was too lazy to pay attention to him, but Qing Ruyi said: "When are you going to fight Li Hao again? I'm going to watch."

"When my injury heals, my vertical eye was hit by a punch last time, and it always hurts so much." Tie Nanjun rubbed his vertical eye and said hopefully:

"Brother Li is really powerful. I didn't expect him to defeat me last time, but I'm smarter this time and I will definitely be able to surprise him, hehe."

Tie Nanjun was gearing up, as if he couldn't wait to unleash his fists on Li Hao.

While everyone was talking, the two people on the ring were not idle either.

Tu Jie stared at Jin Chan closely. He thought about it for a long time and had a very good understanding of Jin Chan's strange magical powers.

Moreover, this person is already quite famous, and he has been suppressed outside Zhenbei City for ten days. If he is defeated, he can plunder the opponent's accumulated reputation and achieve his own success.

Tu Jie's eyes lit up, and circles of black patterns appeared near his pupils, exuding an inexplicable aura.

"The Spiritual Eyes of Dajue Tian, ​​after being cultivated, will retain the original soul and not be stained by dust." Jin Chan opened his eyes and told the origin of these eyes.

"Since you understand, you know that your questions cannot disturb me." Tu Jie stepped closer to Jin Chan, and at the same time: "Admit defeat."

Although his tone was arrogant, his demeanor was extremely cautious, and his steps were steady and firm.

"Ask your heart?" Jin Chan shook his head gently: "You are wrong."

He recited the sutra softly, and a dry arm appeared vaguely around Tu Jie's body, stretching out from the ground, ferocious and terrifying, pulling towards his body.

"This!?" Tu Jie's mind was slightly shaken. He felt that his great spiritual pupils were not disturbed in any way.

"how so!?"

He was puzzled. He knew that everyone who was against Jin Chan would fight against his imaginary enemies.

He believes that this is a method of asking people's minds, combining the other party's magical powers to make illusions become reality and dreams become nothing.

But now, he understands that this is not the case at all!

"You're not asking about my heart, but your own heart!?" He said in surprise.

The sound of chanting scriptures stopped, and Jin Chan's tone fluctuated slightly: "Donor, you are the first to see through it."

“From beginning to end, I was visualizing myself, not others.”

"No, this Moko scene can only be found in the underground tower of my Tu family. You can't know..." Tu Jie shook his head and said in a deep voice: "Using your own heart to reflect his heart, what kind of method are you using!?"

Although I was visualizing myself, I was also visualizing others, which was so weird.

"As expected of a disciple of Jixia Academy..." Jin Chan's tone started to waver again. The last time he dealt with that rude man, although his body was amazing, it only took some effort.

But this person is indeed different. After taking the stage for a moment, he revealed the outline of his magical power.

"Donor, it's time for you to lose." Jin Chan's tone was solemn, and he was obviously much more serious. He slowly spread his hands and pushed away.

In an instant, Tu Jie felt an unstoppable force coming towards him.

This is not a physical attack, but an idea, an unshakable idea, an idea that affects the world!

Around the golden cicada, the phantoms of Buddha appeared all over the sky, layer upon layer, covering the sky, looking down at Tu Jie.

"I admit defeat." Tu Jie did not resist, although he was extremely unwilling to do so, but he still said it.

From the moment he found out he had guessed wrong, he knew he had lost.

Jin Chan stopped his hand, lowered his eyebrows and lowered his head again. Tu Jie fell down on the ring, and there was a lot of discussion around him.

"Why were we defeated before we even fought? The people in Jixia Academy don't seem to be very powerful."

"The person in the previous game could still pull twice, but he didn't even pull, so he gave up?"

Some people didn't understand the mystery and immediately sneered.

But some people were secretly frightened, because Tu Jie had forced out Jin Chan's true abilities, and this person indeed lived up to the name of Jixia Academy.

Unfortunately, no matter what, Tu Jie gave up.

Jin Chan remains undefeated.

"Who said there was a drastic change in the arena outside the city today? Is this it?"

"waste time…"

The disciples of Tianqi Academy couldn't help but sigh. Although they didn't like the people in Jixia Academy, they were even more unhappy with this arrogant monk.

They also didn't want to see Tu Jie fail.

Just as everyone was sighing, someone suddenly exclaimed: "Someone is in the ring again!"

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but look up, and many of the academy disciples even asked in astonishment: "Commander Li?"

Some onlookers, after careful identification, were also surprised: "Is it really Commander Li!?"

"How did he get up there? Is his injury healed?"

"Can he defeat this young monk?" Someone couldn't help but ask, with hope in his voice. This was a real Zhenbeicheng person, one of his own.

"It's hard to say..." Some people shook their heads, not optimistic.

"It is said that he defeated a monk in the Netherworld before. Could he still be unable to defeat this monk?"

"Ha..." someone sneered: "Be smart, that's obviously just to create momentum, and he also used some kind of trump card."

"In this situation, with the great monk watching, do you think that kind of trump card will be allowed to be used?"

Jixia Academy and others, who were about to leave, couldn't help but stop and look at the arena again.

"Brother Li goes up, he will definitely beat that bald donkey hard!" Tie Nanjun said excitedly.

Qing Ruyi's voice was cold: "Tu Jie, what do you think?"

Tu Jie didn't like Li Hao, but he had to admit that this person was quite powerful. After thinking for a moment, he shook his head and said:

"It's hard to say. That golden cicada is very scary. It has weird magical powers and is defenseless. It has reached the point where it is invincible in the same environment."

On the ring, Jin Chan opened his eyes again. He recognized this person. According to the reckless man last time, this person had a pure heart.

He is not afraid because he visualizes himself as invincible, that is, he is invincible!

"Where did your name come from?" Li Hao asked, but Jin Chan was a little stunned by the question.

"The name of the Dharma is Jin Chan, just like the name of the donor." He replied.

Li Hao shook his head and strode forward. Jin Chan frowned and recited the scripture again.

All kinds of strange and strange sights appeared around Li Hao, including chains made of Buddha's blood, dried ghost objects, and ferocious bones, but they were all shattered under his steps, and they could not stop him even for a moment.

Jin Chan's face changed slightly.

However, while walking, Li Hao paused and remembered Mr. Qiu's instructions. A look of helplessness appeared on his face and he could only say:

"Young monk, you have been so majestic for so many days, it's time to go down."

How arrogant!

Many onlookers were still discussing, and when they heard these undisguised words, they were suddenly shocked.

You must know that this little monk stood for many days and defeated all the heroes. He also defeated two people in Jixia Academy. He was by no means easy to deal with.

And although these words sound ordinary, in taste, they are very arrogant, as if they were said by a superior.

Jin Chan was silent, just reciting scriptures in a low voice.

Tu Jie sneered: "If you talk wildly beforehand, be careful to get slapped in the face."

Nalanruo glanced at him and chuckled:

"This person is mysterious, maybe there is something... Damn it!"

Before he finished speaking, his eyes almost bulged.

I saw that Li Hao had already walked to Jin Chan, and the various strange scenes surrounding him did not have any impact on him.

He raised his hand, pinched Jin Chan's smooth head, raised his hand, and threw it out!


The moment he took off his hand, the air exploded, and Jin Chan's body turned into a golden stream of light, shooting towards the sky.

Some people with advanced cultivation can still see the stunned and confused look on Jin Chan's face when he took his hand.

He just walked up to Jin Chan, then grabbed his head and threw him out, simple and rough!

The crowds of people around were silent for a moment, and then there was an uproar that echoed across the sky!

The cheers rang out, and the disciples of Tianqi Academy turned red and cheered loudly!

This is something no one expected, even if some people firmly believe that Li Hao can win.

It was only after a series of hard battles that they were able to win with great difficulty. After all, no one could deny the power of Jin Chan.

But now this scene is unimaginable. Not only did he win, he also won so heartily.

It's like being next to the dry and hot fire in the center of the earth, and suddenly drinking a glass of ice-cold milk, feeling refreshed from head to toe!

"Brother Li, it seems that you are a little too strong..." Tie Nanjun looked hesitant and looked at his companions with dull faces next to him.

Thank you bosses for your blessings, thank you very much!

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