I'm simulating all the worlds in fairyland

Chapter 127 Announcement! sensation! Influence!

The golden cicada that flew out quickly did not rush too far before it was intercepted by an invisible force and landed firmly on the ground.

He was no longer as calm as before, looking at Li Hao standing on the ring in shock.

He could vaguely feel some pain in his head. When this person had just attacked him, he had an unstoppable feeling. It seemed that he could only watch.

He almost tried his best, but it didn't have any impact on the other party.

He didn't believe that someone in the same realm could crush him to this extent.

"Donor, isn't it too much to use your circumstances to pressure others?" He spoke in a gentle tone, as if he was unwilling to admit his failure.

"Using circumstances to oppress people?" His words sparked a discussion.

"Why do you use your realm to suppress others? Aren't Commander Li and this young monk both from the Dragon Transformation Realm?"

"That's right, if you lose, you lose. Why are you so quibbling?"

"How shameless!"

The voices of the onlookers were not disguised at all. Most of them were residents of Zhenbei City. They had long disliked the young monk and had been suppressing him outside Zhenbei City for such a long time.

Now that I have avenged my shame and am having a great time, how long will it take until I don’t ridicule him face to face?

"However, it is a bit strange. Commander Li is indeed very strong. I heard that he defeated the people from Jixia Academy in Tianqi Academy a few days ago, but that battle was not so clean and tidy." Some news compares The enlightened practitioners discussed in low voices.

"Yes, I heard that we went through a hard battle and turned defeat into victory at the last moment."

"Could it be that Commander Li really used his status to suppress others? Then wouldn't he have stepped into the Four-Elephant Mirror now?" Someone suddenly made a guess.

His voice was not quiet, and even the most ordinary people in Zhenbei City had some level of cultivation and sharp eyes and ears. Many people heard his words, which immediately plunged the area into silence.

Already entered the Four Symbol Realm?

Why does it sound more bizarre and fantastical than the scene in front of me?

"Cultivation is not about drinking water and eating, how can it be so fast..." the middle-aged practitioner said reluctantly.

In the way of thinking of these more traditional practitioners, the dragon transformation realm is still something that young people can achieve.

But the Four Symbol Realm is different. It can be called Su Lao, Senior, Elder...

"Yes..." Everyone agreed, but they seemed to be a little absent-minded and in a daze, and they hadn't reacted yet.

If anything, most of the onlookers couldn't believe it because it was so shocking.

But the people in Jixia Academy were different. Tu Jie clenched his fists and stared at Li Hao.

He had just faced Jin Chan directly and knew how difficult the opponent was. To defeat the opponent so easily, he thought it was impossible in the Dragon Transformation Realm.

But the other possibility is equally fantastic and incredible.

"What do you mean..." Tie Nanjun scratched his head: "Does this bald head mean that Brother Li has become the Four Symbols Realm?"

"But why can't I feel it?"

Nalanruo also put away his usual smile and looked solemn, whether it was Tu Jie or Tie Nanjun.

They are all in the same situation, there is not much age difference between them, and they have many victories and defeats with each other, so the gap is not big.

Even though Li Hao defeated Tie Nanjun before, Nalanruo admitted that he was very powerful, but still subconsciously believed that they were on the same level.

But if Li Hao reaches the Four Symbols Realm, it means that the opponent has left them far behind and cannot be regarded as a competitor at the same level.

Even if he appears calm and calm on the outside, he still has his own pride in his heart.

But seeing someone leaving them far behind made them very uneasy.

On the ring, Li Hao's expression was calm: "Jin Chan, how long have you been practicing?"

"It has been nine years since I entered the temple..." Jin Chan's expression changed slightly, as if he had thought of something, but he still responded.

"Nine years..." Li Hao nodded and said, "It has only been half a year since I truly entered the path of spiritual practice."

"I haven't said that you bullied others because you have practiced longer than me, but you accused me."

"Donor..." Jin Chan said helplessly, "You can't say that."

"Why?" Li Hao chuckled, his eyes gradually became sharper, and his voice reached the sky: "If you give me nine years of practice time, you may not even be qualified to stand in front of me!"

There was silence all around, and then the sound got louder and louder.

"That's right, do you really think there is no one in our Zhenbei City!?"

"I can defeat you just by practicing casually for half a year, so go back and recite sutras!"

The stronger Li Hao appears at this moment, the more likely he will resonate with the people in the north!

Li Hao looked around and couldn't help but curse. The lines designed by Mr. Qiu were really effective...

However, it is true that according to the speed of his cultivation, if he is really given nine years, he doesn't know where he will reach.

Jin Chan remained silent. After thinking carefully, he had to admit that what the person in front of him said made sense.

The other party has not been practicing for a long time, but he has already reached this level, which is unparalleled.

But now the two have different positions, and even if they agree, they cannot say it.

"Sharp teeth and sharp mouth!" A sharp shout suddenly sounded.

Between the sky and the earth, the wind and clouds moved, and the Buddha's light surged, the shadow of a giant Buddha appeared, sitting cross-legged between the heaven and the earth.

It was as high as the city wall in the north of the town. Although they were kind-hearted, everyone felt a feeling of palpitations.

Li Hao felt more real, and the terrifying pressure rushed towards his face. He looked up at the giant Buddha, and the breath in his body couldn't help but rise to the sky.

"This...this...this..." Someone was so shocked that he couldn't speak, and pointed at Li Hao's figure with trembling fingers.

The great monk took action to suppress Li Hao, directly breaking the concealment method on Li Hao. His cultivation in the Four Symbol Realm was no longer concealed and was displayed naked in front of everyone.

"It's really the Four Symbols Realm!" Everyone was shocked. Even the phantom of the giant Buddha did not shock them as much as the current scene.

Most people in Zhenbeicheng are very familiar with Li Hao, because from the first day he entered the city, he has continuously stirred up troubles in Zhenbeicheng.

In a sense, they witnessed Li Hao's rise and also witnessed Li Hao's terrifying cultivation speed.

But now, their concepts of practice have been refreshed, and someone murmured in a low voice:

"At this age and at this speed of cultivation, he won't be the youngest Sixiang in the history of Daxia, right!?"

"You people in Daxia are so shameless. If you can't defeat them in the same realm, just send high-level practitioners here!" The giant Buddha spoke with a thunderous voice: "You are so shameless!"

He opened his mouth with a burst of insults, and the map cannon covered the whole place. Everyone present could not help feeling depressed, but they did not dare to speak due to the opponent's strong cultivation.

"Master is joking..." Li Hao shook his head: "You guys set up the arena, but there are no rules. Why do you say that now?"

When Jin Chan stood in the ring, there were indeed no rules, and Gao Jing was welcome to come and challenge.

However, the reason why they did this was because they set up the arena without Zhenbeicheng's consent, so naturally they could not set up complicated rules.

Zhenbeicheng can expel them at any time.

But even if there are no rules, there is no Four Symbol Realm that really overwhelms people with its environment and comes to challenge.

After all, most people who have practiced to the Four Symbols Realm are quite old and have practiced for a very long time.

Doing this kind of thing has no benefit except to make people laugh.

"Strong words!" The giant Buddha sneered: "It's not because of fear. Otherwise, when you return to the city, why don't you come up to challenge?"

"Afraid?" Li Hao smiled and asked: "Master, if you say I'm afraid, then let me ask, why doesn't Taoist Brother Jin Chan break through to the Four Symbols? Do you not want to?"

"Did I stop Taoist Brother Jin Chan from breaking the mirror?"

The giant Buddha's words were held in his mouth and he couldn't say them out. He felt depressed for a while. These words were simply heart-wrenching.

How could no one want to break through to a high level?

If Jin Chan doesn't break through, of course he can't!

"Sharp teeth!" The giant Buddha was so angry that he actually raised his giant palm, covering the sky, and pressed towards Li Hao. The palm prints were lifelike, the void was distorted, and the invisible pressure fell like a giant mountain.

The strong wind surged, causing some people to stagger around, and the onlookers around were so frightened that their livers and gallbladders split. They didn't expect that this old monk actually dared to take action!

"Arrogant!" An angry shout came from Zhenbei City, and green-gold chains were seen flying like dragons, layer upon layer, binding the giant palm to the sky.

"Kasyapa, who gave you permission to take action in Zhenbei City?" The figure of King Zhenbei, who didn't know when, had already stood in the void and asked coldly.

Many people below could not help but let out a long sigh of relief, and looked at the King of Zhenbei in the sky with fiery eyes. This was the spiritual pillar of their Zhenbei City, and also the god in the eyes of many people.

"This is outside Zhenbei City, not in your city!" the giant Buddha said.

"I don't have time to play word games with you. I don't care whether it's outside the city or inside the city. Why are you taking action!" The spiritual energy around King Zhenbei surged like a frenzy, and the phantom of the sky dragon surrounded him, as if he would take action at any time.

The giant Buddha was silent, as if he did not dare to continue to speak harshly. After a while, the shadow of the giant Buddha gradually dispersed. The old monk sat cross-legged in the void and said: "I was impulsive. I hope King Zhenbei will calm down."

He is scared!

"Only this time, one more time, I will make a decision." King Zhenbei had a strong attitude, as he always did.

Then, his figure fell on the ring, attracting everyone's attention.

At this moment, a lot of people have gathered here, and there is so much movement that it is impossible not to attract people.

All forces in the city sent people to get first-hand information.

Li Hao nodded slightly, knowing that the highlight was coming.

This is Mr. Qiu's general plan. Jin Chan has been suppressing him outside the city for a long time. It has to be said that it is indeed difficult to find someone in the north who can defeat him in the same situation.

However, Li Hao has already entered the Four Symbols and can handle this little monk casually.

At that time, driven by Mr. Qiu, the matter was expanded, and Li Hao entered the ring and defeated Jin Chan.

When the time comes, Kasyapa will definitely discover his state and ask questions.

If Li Hao forces the other party to vent his anger, King Zhenbei can intervene.

The people's hearts in Zhenbei City have rebounded after falling to the extreme. Its huge momentum is enough to crucify the chief minister!

"Your Majesty, your Zhenbeicheng has really cultivated a good seedling." Kasyapa said in a neutral tone, with hidden sarcasm.

Obviously, he still feels resentful about Li Hao's use of circumstances to oppress others.

"Jin Chan is proud of his defeat at the hands of the head of the Junfa Department of Zhenbei City. If he hadn't practiced too fast, he might have seen a difficult fight. It's a pity..." The King of Zhenbei said indifferently, and his meaning was obvious.

We also want to fight in the same realm, but the speed of cultivation is too fast. Who can stop us?

Kasyapa was speechless. Both King Zhenbei and Li Hao used this sentence to block him.

The speed of practice is too fast, and there is nothing I can do...

However, the focus of everyone else present was on another matter.

"Chief of the Division of Junfa?" Someone was slightly stunned and said hesitantly: "Did I hear you correctly? The prince is talking about the chief of the Division of Junfa?"

"That's right... Your Majesty made it very clear..." Everyone looked stiff.

What is the position of the head of the Junfa Department?

In Zhenbei City, there are almost one person below ten thousand people, and they can even rely on the power of Zhenbei Formation.

"Let him take over Huai Yuan's position and fight against the seventeenth prince. Is this what you want?" On the city wall, Wu Sishou's figure appeared at some point and murmured in a low voice.

This incident, on the surface, did not cause that big a stir.

But in fact, everyone felt like they were in a dream.

The events that happened one after another today really overwhelmed them and they needed time to digest.

The issue discussed in the field has changed from the Four Symbol Realm to the change of the position of the leader.

"The previous head of the Junfa Division, Mr. Huai Yuanhuai, is said to be a strong man in the Tongyou Realm. Li... the division chief has only just broken through the Four Symbols Realm. Isn't the gap a bit big..."

"Yes, it is said that several deputy chiefs have been in the Four Symbol Realm for many years. Chief Li may not be able to suppress them."

Someone added faintly: "It's hard to say, maybe our Chief Li will become a Nether Realm after a while."

"Besides, it is appointed by the prince, so what's the problem?"

You're talking to death.

Everyone was hesitant to speak and didn't know what to say. They were not exposed to that level and didn't know how to think about it.

"Chief of the Junfa Department, it turns out that's the case..." Tu Jie said in a low voice, "It turns out that this big show is just the beginning."

As members of the Seventeenth Prince, they also knew some inside information.

"He doesn't have to take sides so clearly..." Nalanruo was confused: "With his qualifications, if he doesn't take sides, His Highness the Prince will not do anything to him."

"You think everyone is waiting for the same price as you. King Zhenbei protects him, so he will naturally repay his kindness." Tu Jie admired this character very much.

Nalan Ruo was too lazy to argue, and just said: "For now, taking over this position is not a good thing for him. After all, His Royal Highness also intends to get involved in this position."

"Even if His Highness the Prince admires him again, in this case, I'm afraid he will leave a mark in his heart."

"What!?" Tie Nanjun said in shock: "His Royal Highness also wants to be the head of the Junfa Department!? Then Brother Li didn't steal his position!"

Veins popped out on Tu Jie's forehead, and Nalan Ruo was speechless for a while.

Li Hao became the new head of the Junfa Department!

For a time, the news broke out quickly, sweeping through the entire Zhenbei City like a storm.

The change of senior officials at this level is bound to cause a storm.

The Junfa Division is also responsible for punishing crimes in the city, and no one wants to be accused of unfounded charges and thrown into prison.

The top leaders of many forces in the city met urgently and held secret talks to discuss various changes that this matter might bring.

As for Jin Chan, no one cares about it.

In the face of such a major event, Jin Chan seemed insignificant. No one seemed to remember that he stood outside Zhenbei City and set up a ring. He held on for ten days and no one could defeat him, overlooking the same area.

Everyone will only remember that Li Hao entered the Four Symbol Realm after practicing for only half a year, and even took over the important position of Chief of the Junfa Department of Zhenbei City.

As Mr. Qiu expected, Jin Chan completely became Li Hao's backdrop.

Mr. Qiu is a master at covering up a less shocking incident with an even more shocking incident.

Of course, Li Hao didn't know these things. He had been brought back to the city by King Zhenbei.

"Haha, how do you feel, Mr. Chief Secretary?" Mr. Qiu joked in the hall.

"Stop teasing me..." Li Hao was speechless, feeling that Mr. Qiu's character was indeed very funny sometimes.

"When this talisman is integrated into the body, it can mobilize part of the power of the Zhenbei Formation in a short period of time." King Zhenbei pinched out a complicated rune and integrated it into Li Hao's body.

In an instant, Li Hao felt a mysterious and mysterious feeling. As his palm floated, formation patterns swirled around him. This was the power of Zhenbei Formation.

King Zhenbei gave him permission.

"However, to use the power of the Zhenbei Formation in this way, you need to use your body as a bearing node. There is no upper limit. Pay attention to your own situation." King Zhenbei warned again.

"Understood..." Li Hao nodded. With this kind of power, he no longer had to hide in Tianqi Academy.

King Zhenbei sighed, "Huaiyuan's mansion has been sealed by me. He lives alone and has no wife or descendants. You can go live there."

Li Hao nodded. He could feel the prince's complicated emotions towards Huaiyuan from some of the details that King Zhenbei talked about Huaiyuan.

After all, he is his first adopted son, so he still has some feelings for him.

"When you open the palace, remember to send an invitation. There hasn't been such an interesting thing in the city for a long time." Mr. Qiu reminded.

"Opening a house? Invitation?" Li Hao was stunned and suddenly felt a little confused.

Mr. Qiu said with a smile: "How can you not hold a celebration to celebrate when you take over the position of chief? It just so happens that you are moving into the mansion in Huaiyuan. With the help of the opening of the mansion, you invite all the major forces in the city. They will definitely present a gift." A generous gift.”

Li Hao's eyes brightened slightly. He was indeed thinking about this matter in his mind, but he just couldn't think of a reason for it.

King Zhenbei watched the two people in front of him openly discussing how to make money, and didn't care.

Li Hao originally wanted to leave and go back to figure out how to maximize his profits.

But suddenly he thought of something, stopped again, and said shyly: "My lord, you said before that the chief executive can directly withdraw tens of millions of spiritual source crystals without any requirements..."

King Zhenbei was stunned for a moment, then waved his hand and said: "You can just go to the secret treasury to withdraw it later. This is the rule, no one will stop you."

"Okay..." Li Hao couldn't wait and immediately left. After leaving the palace gate, he turned to the secret library.

Naturally, the journey was smooth, and King Zhenbei had already greeted him.

He left with ten heavy standard Qiankun bags, each of which contained one million Spirit Source Crystals.

Returning to Tianqi Academy, he came to Qi Wuji's floating island. He didn't know what he and Jiang Chen had gone to do, and they hadn't come back yet.

Li Hao didn't see anyone else, simply closed the door, opened the Xumi space, consumed the rewarded secret book conversion opportunity, and converted the [Eight-Nine Mysterious Skills] into a secret book.

Then he started to charge it, his eyes glowed, and he stared hard.

It took eight million spiritual source crystals to completely fill the [Eight-Nine Mysterious Skills].

This is a terrifying number, which is enough to prove the power of [Eight-Nine Mysterious Technique].

Li Hao breathed a long sigh of relief, held his breath and concentrated, and then integrated the [Eight-Nine Mysterious Technique] into his body without hesitation.

In an instant, Li Hao felt severe pain in his body, as if someone was holding a knife and cutting his body inch by inch.

His skin glowed and became vaguely transparent. It could be clearly seen that his flesh and blood were undergoing great changes. The body that had been completely transformed by Wanfa Yanwu was once again undergoing deep transformation.

All of this was going on inside his body without causing any abnormalities. There was a sound of thunder as the blood surged, and the bones turned golden yellow, becoming heavier and stronger.

The physical body is like a volcano about to erupt, accumulating unimaginable power of Qi and blood. Once it erupts, it can sweep across the sky.

At the same time, a shadow appeared in front of Li Hao, almost exactly like him. It was also sitting cross-legged in the void, and its body seemed to be changing.


The magical power brought to him by the fruit man is so powerful that it requires extremely powerful energy and blood infusion to form a method similar to a backup hidden energy source.

Not only can it provide him with strong endurance in battle, but it can also directly disintegrate the virtual body and merge into his own body. The two merge into one, bringing unparalleled combat effectiveness.

What's more important is that he can transform into a holy body and then create a virtual body. Such a virtual body will bring him even more powerful blessings.

At the same time, just as Li Hao was transforming, the impact of what happened outside the city continued.

In the lobby of the Jingwei Department, Wan Ren was wearing armor and holding a sword, sitting in the hall.

There were soldiers from the Jingwei Division coming and going all around, and many people looked at him, but no one dared to come up and talk to him.

"Team A, No. 16, patrolling the streets of Nancheng!" the herald shouted, and a group of soldiers wearing armor passed by the lobby and headed for their destination.

"Chen Hu, I haven't had any missions for four or five days. What's going on!?" Wan Ren couldn't bear it anymore and stood up to question.

Chen Hu looked embarrassed: "Commander Wan, don't you know what's going on? Don't embarrass us little people."

Wan Ren snorted coldly, his eyes flickering, and he sat down again.

"Isn't this Li Hao's follower? How come he is in our Junfa Department?" came an untimely voice, and a middle-aged man with a feminine look came from the other side, with a white face, a sharp voice, and narrow eyes.

Wan Ren looked ugly and squeezed out a few words from his throat: "Old duck... Yin Lei"

Upon hearing this title, Yin Lei's expression suddenly changed and he said coldly: "Wan Ren, do you really think of yourself as a person?"

"Eating shit inside and out!"

Wan Ren's face turned livid: "Yin Lei, you are seeking death!"

"Hmph..." Yin Lei sneered: "You are also good at talking, and you are a dignified commander of the Jingwei Division. You follow the commander of the Night Guard like a dog every day."

"In the end, it's not like you have to work in the Jingwei Department and clearly define your position. You are from the Jingwei Department, not from the Night Guard."

"You still dare to be disrespectful to Mr. Zhao? You are so tired of living!"

Wan Ren stared at Yin Lei. Many Jingwei generals gathered around him, and there were even whispers of discussion.

"What's going on? Why did Wan Dutong and Yin Dutong get into a fight?"

"You just came back, I heard. I heard that there was a conflict between Wan Dutong and Deputy Chief Zhao some time ago."

"Ah? Is Wan Dutong so brave?"

"It is said that one of Deputy Chief Zhao's nephews is an executive officer of the Junfa Department, and he seems to have opened a place called Jubaofang."

"Some time ago, Wan Dutong's son owed a lot of money to that gambling house, but he was hooked by Commander Li."

"I seem to know about this. Wasn't Wandutong's son framed?"

"Yes, this is a trivial matter, but a few days ago, Deputy Chief Zhao and his nephew were having dinner at Zhenfang, and they happened to run into Wan Dutong."

"...I don't know what Deputy Chief Zhao is thinking. He has to ask Wan Dutong to apologize to his nephew for this matter."

"No wonder, this matter has been revealed. After all, Wan Dutong's son died, and now he has to apologize to others. I definitely can't bear it."

Everyone restored the general outline of the matter in a few words, but someone else added: "This matter is not that simple."

"Everyone knows that our Commander Wan Du has a good relationship with the famous Commander Li. Fighting dogs... cough cough..." The man was halfway through the sentence, but felt that it was not appropriate. He coughed twice and changed his words:

"If you don't look at the monk's face and look at the Buddha's face, there is no need to mention this little matter again."

"Deputy Chief Zhao's nephew is named Zhao Nanfeng, and his immediate boss is Yang Tinghao, Deputy Chief of the Junfa Department."

"There are rumors that he is very close to Prince Ming'an. Master Huai disappeared mysteriously. I heard that the position of the head of the Junfa Department will be changed."

Prince Ming'an, head of the Junfa Department.

These were all involving serious matters. Everyone's expressions changed slightly when they heard this, and they immediately understood the reason.

Today is different from the past. Yang Ting'an has climbed up to Prince Ming'an and has a big backer behind him.

Deputy Chief Zhao will definitely not go to Wan Ren specifically for this matter.

But it just happened that he didn't mind showing his majesty in front of his nephew and at the same time trying to please Yang Ting'an.

I even want to cling to His Highness the Prince!

"Yin Lei, don't go too far!" Wan Ren squeezed out these words, obviously extremely angry.

He also had a lot of helplessness in his heart, but he was still in the system of the Jingwei Department and had to abide by the rules of the Jingwei Department.

Even Li Hao cannot interfere in the internal affairs of the Jingwei Department.

He can only handle this matter by himself.

"Too much bullying? I want to bully you!" Yin Lei said aggressively and sneered: "Perhaps I want to remind you that Mr. Zhao Nanfeng is also a good woman. I heard that Mrs. Wan is pretty. Anyway, she has given it to Li Hao, so why not do it again? …”

"Yin Lei!" Wan Ren's pupils were bloodshot and he roared. He couldn't bear it anymore and the stone slab under his feet was cracked.

The whole person rushed out like an arrow, and with a bang, Yin Lei flew out and hit the wall of the lobby.

His whole body was deeply embedded in it, and he was vomiting blood. There was no obstruction in his eyes. There was a cold light in his eyes, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

"Oh, what a mistake! Why couldn't Wan Dutong hold back!"

"This is in the department, how can you do anything at will? Now that the whereabouts have been revealed, Deputy Chief Zhao will have a way to deal with him!"

Everyone was shocked, and then sighed.

However, they can also understand that Yin Lei is well-known in the Jingwei Department for his sharp tongue, and no one is willing to provoke him on weekdays.

How could Wan Ren endure the insult to Wan Ren's wife today?

"What are you guys looking at? Someone is fighting in the Jingwei Department. Why don't you take this person down quickly!" Yin Lei scolded him. His injuries were real, otherwise he wouldn't be able to deal with Wan Ren.

Wan Ren clenched his fists, his eyes seeming to choose someone to devour. Some generals from the Jingwei Division looked at each other and walked slowly over.

They were also helpless, but there was nothing they could do.

"Wan Dutong, please don't make it difficult for us."

Wan Ren lowered his head, unable to see clearly, and said in a deep voice: "Please help me convey a message to Commander Li, asking him to take good care of my wife and children."

Yin Lei sneered: "We have no interest in provoking the popular person in front of the prince. I believe that he doesn't want to offend us either."

Some people understood that the "us" he was referring to were actually people who were interested in clinging to Prince Ming'an.

Li Hao's family was clear, and he had previously rejected Prince Ming'an's solicitation. He was the real Zhenbei King's faction.

Wan Ren understands that this is a fact. Since the arrival of Prince Ming'an, some people have changed their minds. Some people need to submit certificates to prove their determination and win the favor of Prince Ming'an.

He might become this victim, he just hoped that his wife and children would be fine.

"Stop!" A shout came from outside the hall!

A man wearing armor and holding a sword came over with clanging steps and sinister eyes. Yin Lei raised his eyebrows slightly and scolded: "Wang Lang, what do you want to do!?"

"Wan Ren broke the rules and dared to attack me in the company. Do you want to save him?"

The person who came was none other than Wang Lang. He and Wan Ren had many problems with each other before.

But by mistake, the two became good friends.

In this situation, no one dared to speak for Wan Ren, but he stood up.

Wang Lang sneered and looked around: "I'm just here to deliver some news."

"Outside the city, Jin Chan was defeated, defeated by Commander Li."

Everyone was stunned. This bald donkey had been showing off his power for so long, but he was finally defeated.

Sure enough, we still have to rely on Commander Li, some people couldn't help but think, and looked at Wan Ren.

It's a pity...if Wan Ren didn't hit the gun, and waited a few more years, I'm afraid he would have really skyrocketed.

I don't know how high I can reach by following Commander Li.

However, I'm afraid it's a little late now.

Yin Lei's expression changed slightly, and then he said in a deep voice: "So what!?"

"How?" Wang Lang chuckled and his voice became louder: "Do you know that Commander Li has entered the Four Symbols Realm?"

Everyone was stunned.

Four images! ?

real or fake! ?

How could it be so fast! ?

Wan Ren's eyes were complicated. He made the right choice. That young man had a bright future.


He was respected by the prince and no one dared to provoke him, but now Yin Lei was treating him according to the rules of the Jingwei Division, and no one could find fault with him.

Yin Lei felt horrified and subconsciously couldn't believe it.

But he knew that Wang Lang could not lie about this matter.

He could only force himself to calm down and said with a forced smile: "In the Four Symbol Realm, Commander Li has lived up to the prince's high expectations. It is really gratifying."

Even now, he doesn't think anything will happen to today's events because of Li Hao.

The Four Symbols Realm can only prove that he has extraordinary potential, and it will take time to exchange potential for anything.

"And..." Wang Lang smiled with an indescribable smile.


No matter how shocked everyone was, what else could be worth putting behind the shocking incident of Li Hao entering the Four Symbol Realm?

"The prince announced on the ring that Commander Li will take over Master Huai's position and become the new chief of the Junfa Division. Now we are going to call him..." Wang Lang said loudly: "Chief Li!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone in the hall was shocked!

The new head of the Junfa Department! ?

Chief Li! ?

How can this be! ?

Li Haocai's age, strictly speaking, is not even a fraction of that of some of the people present.

But he has already taken over the position of chief!

Everyone subconsciously didn't believe it, and even thought it was a lie made up by Wang Lang to save Wan Ren.

But the next moment they denied this guess. It was impossible for Wang Lang to make up such a lie, otherwise no matter how much life he had, he would not be enough to die.

Wan Ren's eyes burst into sharp light. He was first shocked and stunned, and then an indescribable joy filled his body, making him tremble uncontrollably.

Chief of the Junfa Department, Chief Li, Chief Li, good...good!

It’s over!

All is lost!

As if struck by lightning, Yin Lei froze on the spot, "Impossible, how is this possible..."

Li Hao took over as the head of the Junfa Department, which has great significance.

Not only does it mean that the other party has completely entered the decision-making level of Zhenbeicheng, it also means that Prince Ming'an's first attempt to reach out will most likely fail.

At this moment, Wang Lang smiled and said to Wan Ren: "Congratulations, Commander Wan."

He was talking about Li Sishou, but in the end he congratulated Wan Ren. It seemed inexplicable, but everyone understood what it contained.

A shadow shrouded Yin Lei. He woke up as if from a dream. He looked up and saw a slap enlarging in front of his eyes. Bang!

Wan Ren slapped him hard on the face. Yin Lei rolled several times in the air and then landed on the ground. His cheek was split and dripping with blood, and he seemed to have lost a few teeth.

But he still didn't seem to react, muttering something in a low voice.

Wan Ren stared at him coldly, then turned around and walked out of the lobby with Wang Lang.

He took action again, but among the many Jingweisi generals present, no one dared to intercept him, and even unconsciously made way for him to leave.

To be more precise, what they were watching was not Wan Ren, but the person behind him...

Chief Li!


Some people are happy, some are sad. In the palace, since the arrival of Prince Ming'an, the Zhenbei Palace has been split into two halves.

King Zhenbei had repeatedly hinted that Prince Ming'an should move out of the palace, but his highness turned a deaf ear and acted as if he didn't know.

The palace, which symbolizes the core of Zhenbei City, has been divided, not to mention the hearts of the people below.

In the hall, soldiers in golden armor lined up on both sides, holding long swords and looking resolute.

Mr. Qingnang's forehead was covered with cold sweat. Prince Ming'an sat on the throne and said with a faint smile: "After half a year of practice, he has entered the Four Symbols Realm. It is really amazing."

"Uncle Wang has high hopes for him and actually asked him to take over as the head of the Junfa Department..."

"Your Highness, there must be a big secret in this person!" Qingnang whispered hurriedly.

"Yes, you know, I know too..." Prince Ming'an nodded with an incomprehensible expression.

"We might as well catch him and see what secrets he has." Qingnang felt something was wrong in the atmosphere and said bravely.

"Catch him?" Prince Ming'an was noncommittal.

Then I heard Qing Nang say: "Even if King Zhenbei knows the truth, he wouldn't dare to do anything to you."

The prince did not answer, but instead said: "Do you know what His Majesty said?"

"Your Majesty?" Qing Nang was shocked and suddenly had a bad premonition.

Not long before the incident happened, His Majesty in the Imperial City already knew about the situation here, and Qing Nang was not surprised by this.

To his surprise, Li Hao had obviously caught His Majesty's attention.

"His Majesty said - this son is very good, and even gave me tens of millions of Spiritual Source Crystals as an encouragement." Prince Ming'an said calmly: "Mr. Qingnang, if I really do what you said, what should I do if His Majesty asks me afterwards? What’s the answer?”

Qingnang hurriedly knelt on the ground, his voice trembling: "I... don't know about this."

Although there are different levels of official positions, most of them are linked to the level of cultivation.

However, the ritual of kneeling and worshiping is not popular in Daxia. After all, practitioners who are not arrogant in their hearts cannot adapt to it.

Qing Nang is now kneeling on the ground, showing extreme humility.

Prince Ming'an only had indifference in his eyes, and he asked: "Mr. Qingnang, how many years have you followed me?"

"Qing Nang...has...already...can't remember clearly." Qing Nang didn't dare to raise his head and was still trying his best to save himself, implying that he only knew how to serve Prince Ming'an and had no time to think about anything else.

"You are too utilitarian..." Prince Ming'an shook his head and sighed: "I didn't even take Li Hao's rejection of my recruitment to heart. Why are you so worried about it?"

"I...I..." Qingnang was speechless. The competition around the prince was too fierce. If he did something poorly, he might be squeezed out of the inner circle.

"Go and apologize to him, for what happened before and for your calculations." Prince Ming'an said, and then added: "By the way, remember to bear the burden of apology."

Please forgive me! ?

Qingnang suddenly raised his head, his face was ashen, and he said tremblingly: "Your Highness, he took over as the chief of the department and disrupted your plan..."

"I don't regret my face, but your face..."

Prince Ming'an smiled gently: "My face is not just my face. Sometimes, it is also good to show weakness."

Qingnang didn't understand it at first, but after thinking for a moment, he suddenly realized it.

Looking at the gentle Prince Ming'an in front of him, there was an uncontrollable fear in his heart.

Of course Prince Ming'an's face is not his own, it belongs to Daxia, and belongs to Emperor Xia.

How arrogant are you, Li Hao, or how powerful is King Zhenbei, to force Prince Ming'an to send someone to plead guilty?

Put the opponent on a pedestal and be in a dilemma.

But he was the victim. He had to plead guilty and his face was completely lost. How could he hang around Prince Ming'an in the future?

And looking at Prince Ming'an's current attitude, he has already made it clear that he has abandoned him.

Haha...Why do you feel so bad about Li Hao's refusal to recruit? This is the reason!

Qingnang smiled sadly in his heart

This matter can be done by anyone, but why it is him? It is not because he failed in recruitment and failed to do things well.

However, he didn't think about whether it was also related to his subsequent small actions.

His face changed, his expression tensed, and finally he bowed his head again, his voice low: "Qingnang, I understand!"

Hehe (shy face), if possible, please vote at the beginning of the month

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