I'm the best catcher in martial arts

Chapter 18 The destiny is lost, Jiangxue Xuanshuang

Jiangling County Government Office, morgue.

All the corpses that died in the fighting outside Tianning Temple were stored in the morgue and were registered first. After the registration was completed, the corpses were taken back.

If no one claimed it, the body would be wrapped in a straw mat and buried in a mass grave twenty miles outside the city.

The person responsible for handling this matter was none other than the drunken Jiangling County Magistrate.

Today's county magistrate is no longer the drunken and dreamy person he once was, but rather has a dignified bearing.

Most of the corpses in the morgue were dripping with blood and looked ghostly in the dark night. Not only did the county magistrate not have any fear, he stayed up all night working here.

There are three moments of ugliness.

The county magistrate woke up quietly, walked to a complete corpse, opened the corpse's mouth with a spoon, took out a bottle of medicinal powder from his arms, and poured it down.

After about a cup of tea, the corpse came back to life. It coughed first, then spit out a mouthful of bloody phlegm, and its breathing became smooth.

The dim candlelight shone on his face, like a zombie, which could scare people to death.

Five Cloud Hands, Wan Zhenshan!

Wan Zhenshan actually survived?

How could he survive?

Of course, it is impossible for a dead person to come back to life, but Wan Zhenshan is not dead at all, everything is disguised.

Wan Zhenshan knew that in order to fully control the Jingxiang martial arts world, Shen Yumen would never give him a way to survive, so he took a drug to fake death and pretended to be a fire attack.

According to the original plan, Wan Zhenshan would obtain the Liancheng treasure, then pretend to die of an emergency, support his son Wan Gui, and secretly control the Jingxiang Wulin.

What he does can only be done secretly.

He also needs to live in seclusion for more than ten years, practice the unique skills passed down by the leader, and improve his strength.

Now, everything has failed. Fortunately, the fake death drug he carried with him temporarily saved his life.

Thinking of the cruel methods of the leader, Wan Zhenshan was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat. It might not be a good thing to survive.

The county magistrate said coldly: "Wan Zhenshan, the leader is very disappointed in you. You have paid so much and got nothing. What else do you have to say?"

Wan Zhenshan begged: "Holy Envoy, as long as you spare my life, I am willing to pay 70% of my family property."

"For the sake of your sincerity, I will spare your life. The leader of the church has sent an order for you to go to work in Miao territory, and your son will temporarily seek refuge with Shen Yumen."


Wan Zhenshan was shocked and then reacted.

If the leader really wanted him to die, there was no need for the county magistrate to save him. Those words just now were just to extort property. The magistrate didn't like others, but he was very greedy for money.

After experiencing the Liancheng Treasure Incident, Wan Zhenshan no longer valued money, but he valued children very much.

If the money is gone, you can make it again, and you can continue to strive for status in the future. But if your son is gone, it is really gone.

What kind of person is Shen Yumen?

Look at the elite second generations of famous families around him, look at his heroic and decisive decision to take over Jingxiang, and look at his ruthlessness in eliminating dissenters.

How could Wan Gui defeat Shen Yumen?

Once discovered, it will inevitably lead to death.

The county magistrate sneered: "There is no need for Wan Gui to spy on any information, and there is no need for Wan Gui to kill people and set fires. He only needs to seek refuge with Shen Yumen and then climb up.

I will give him some merit to help him gain a firm foothold under Shen Yumen. The leader will teach him a mental method and a set of martial arts so that he can protect himself.

Wan Zhenshan, this is the order of the leader, and it is also the gift of the leader. Don’t be ungrateful! "

Wan Zhenshan hurriedly said: "Thank you Holy Envoy, thank you Holy Envoy, I am willing to obey the order."

The county magistrate said: "That's right.

Although he did not get Liancheng's treasure this time, he successfully tested out a leader of the Qinglong Society, eliminated a king from the Power Gang, and exposed both of them to Shen Lian.

No credit, but still some hard work.

If you ask Wan Gui to lay it in the mourning hall, I will tell you that your body will be taken back. Remember, you must be very meticulous when doing things. Shen Lian is not someone to be trifled with. "

Wan Zhenshan nodded in agreement.

After resting for a while, Wan Zhenshan quickly returned to his home to arrange the next thing. The county magistrate went back to sleep, and suddenly found that there was an extra person in the bedroom.

Shen Lian.

Shen Lian looked at the county magistrate's account books and asked with some curiosity: "May I ask the magistrate, who is the leader you are talking about? Which sect do you belong to?"

The county magistrate was so frightened that he was so stiff that he couldn't speak. He could only make a sound of "Yeah".

Shen Lian smiled and said: "Don't be afraid, I am not a devil, I just have a few questions that I would like to ask the county magistrate to answer. I will leave after the answers are completed.

If you refuse to answer my questions, I will have no choice but to hand you over to Jin Yiwei. You should know Jin Yiwei's methods. It's not a pleasant feeling. "

Shen Lian's smile was very warm, but in the eyes of the county magistrate, he was like a judge in the underworld.

"You can try to resist. As long as you can defeat me and my two brothers, you will be safe."

"Let me remind you again, if you lie, the consequences will be very serious, so you must tell the truth. You only have one chance, so don't make a mistake."


Shen Lian roared suddenly, and the county magistrate's shaky body fell to the ground. He could no longer withstand Shen Lian's pressure and confessed honestly.

"Heaven...Destiny Sect!"

"Who is the leader?"

"I don't know their names. I only know that the leader is a trio of beauties. They are as beautiful as peaches and plums and as poisonous as snakes and scorpions. They can make people ecstasy and gnaw their bones."

"Three cult leaders?"

"There are three leaders within the Holy Cult. Each leader accepts a direct disciple, called a saint. Under the saint, there are inner disciples and outer disciples..."

"What is your identity?"

"Those who perform tasks abroad are called holy envoys. Each large state capital has a branch, and each branch has a holy envoy. The offending officer is the Jingzhou holy envoy.

The Holy Envoy has the right to recruit members on its own. Wan Zhenshan defected to the Holy Cult three years ago. In order to obtain the treasure, the prison officer promoted some things and wanted to fish in troubled waters. "

Shen Lian nodded. He originally thought it was the helmsman of the Qinglong Society, but he didn't expect it to be the Destiny Sect.

In terms of methods of stirring up trouble, the Destiny Sect is better than the Qinglong Society. It is also proficient in the art of bed and can detect all kinds of secret information between the bed and bed.

It's just that Shen Lian didn't expect that the Tianming Sect would have three leaders. I wonder where Shan Yuru ranks?

"Who else do you know about the members?"

"The canon prohibits the Holy Envoys from connecting in private. The prisoner really doesn't know anything about other Holy Messengers, but the prisoner knows about a saint named Mei Jiangxue."

"What's it called? No snowfall? How can there be snowfall in summer? It's June now, and it snows in June. Do you think I've wronged you? How dare you be dishonest!"

The county magistrate hurriedly begged for mercy: "The prisoner will write down the name of the saint right now. It means plum blossoms, purple crimson from Lun group, and snow all over the sky..."

"Mei Jiangxue, what a good name!"

Shen Lian praised her and asked: "What kind of saint is Mei Jiangxue? Which leader's disciple is she? You even know her maiden name, don't say you don't know this.

By the way, the fact that you can tell me her maiden name and tell me so easily means that you are not Mei Jiangxue's direct subordinate. Which leader do you belong to?

Think carefully before answering. If there is such a simple flaw again, it would be an insult to my intelligence.

In addition, I like to say something about the spy who caught the mysterious force. Do you think it makes sense?

How can one walk along the river without getting his shoes wet?

Since your shoes are wet, why not wash your feet?

Now that you've washed your feet, why not take a shower?

Revealing a little bit is betraying the sect, and revealing everything is also betraying the sect. Either way, you will die, so why not just tell them all in exchange for some preferential treatment? "

The county magistrate raised his head and looked at the smiling Shen Lian with horror. At this time, the dark clouds dispersed and the dim moonlight fell on Shen Lian, covering Shen Lian with a gauze.

He was as majestic as a god and cold as a devil. His aura of god-like and devilish aura made the county magistrate feel that he was not a human being, not a devil, not a ghost.

He is the judge of the underworld.

He is the god of law enforcement.

It reaches up to thirty-three days and down to the underworld.

The laws of heaven and earth must be implemented without hesitation!

"Captain Shen, if you win, I will tell you everything I know. Please give me a pleasure, Capt. Shen."

"I like cooperative people. As long as you cooperate honestly, I will definitely not embarrass you. I am not a hard worker and I don't like to torture people."

Ken Lao Ren Yan is a pair of uncles and nephews who work in the Imperial Guard Prison and are the cruelest torture masters in the world.

Hearing these two names, the county magistrate felt a chill all over his body, and he had no intention of resisting anymore.

Thanks to book friend Mr. Suihan for the tip

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