I'm the best catcher in martial arts

Chapter 19 Lang Fanyun won’t take action against me

"Captain Shen, can you answer the prisoner's last question, how did you find me?"

The county magistrate wanted to break his head, but he couldn't figure out what was wrong with him. Death was not terrible, but it would be too sad to die without knowing how he died.

Shen Lian explained: "Actually, I didn't know you had a problem, I suspected Wan Zhenshan.

There is news in Jingzhou City about Liancheng's treasures. Who spread the news? Who would do this?

First of all, it must be a local snake in Jiangling, otherwise it would not be spread so fast. Secondly, it must be someone who knows the matter. If you don't know, you can't spread it in such detail.

Apart from Ling Tuisi, the only ones who meet this condition are Wan Zhenshan, Yan Daping and Qi Changfa.

In Ling Tuisi's hands, Ding Dian could use various means to force him to learn Liancheng Jue. Active exposure would not do him any good, as it would make him lose his biggest advantage.

If it were Brother Wan Zhenshan, all three of them would be dead, and there would seem to be no problem, but Ling Tuisi had just used this method of feigning death to escape.

Qi Changfa was killed by my eldest brother himself, Yan Daping died without a complete body, and although Wan Zhenshan suffered heavy injuries, his body was intact, so he was naturally the most suspicious.

I suspected Wan Zhenshan, so I quietly stared at him here, and then I found you giving him medicine.

To be honest, the fake death drug used by Wan Zhenshan was not very good. It actually required someone else to give him the drug to stimulate him. If he could wake up on his own, he would not be exposed. "

The county magistrate heard this and smiled bitterly: "Even if Wan Zhenshan can wake up on his own and Shen arrests him to question Wan Zhenshan, or waits until the prison officer assigns him a task, then..."

Speaking of this, the county magistrate was speechless.

Time is also fate, there is nothing to say.

"Your questions have been answered. Tell me what you know. In return, I can give you a happy death and declare that you died of an emergency."

"Is there no way to survive?"

"If your boss is an idiot, of course you can survive. So, I'll just pretend that nothing happened tonight and you can handle it yourself."

The county magistrate's smile became more and more bitter: "One mistake will lead to eternal hatred. There will be no place in the sky or on the earth."

The Destiny Sect will never tolerate traitors. If caught by the Destiny Sect, the consequences will be worse than going to prison.

The goal of imprisonment is to extract confessions, while the Destiny Cult aims for thorough punishment. The cruel and vicious methods can make people's hair stand on end just by thinking about them for a moment.

"Mei Jiangxue is the third saint. Her master is Nie Xiaofeng, the third leader. My boss is the great leader, the true direct descendant of the Destiny Sect. The identity of the saint is unknown."

"Where is the second leader?"

"I don't know. I only know that the second leader has the highest martial arts and the most beautiful appearance. The saint under her sect is not Han Chinese, but from Goguryeo."

"What else do you know?"

"The Green Dragon Society has recently launched an operation, which seems to be targeting the Escort Alliance. The General Manager of the Power Gang has a pair of wings to kill five phoenixes, and is working undercover in various sects.

I heard from the leader that the masters of the Power Gang are not very strong, but their ability to lurk, assassinate, and instigate undercover agents is the best in the world, even better than that of Jin Yiwei.

Even big sects like Shaolin and Wudang have undercover agents from the Power Gang. These undercover agents are loyal to the Power Gang and are ready to die for the Power Gang at any time. "

"Where are the six doors?"

"There is also an undercover agent in Six Doors, and it is one of the best arresters. I don't know who he is specifically."

Shen Lian sneered: "No matter how powerful the undercover agents of the Power Gang are, they can't compare to the Destiny Sect. The Destiny Sect can send undercover agents to the emperor's dragon bed, right?"

"This...how do you know..."

Before he finished speaking, Shen Lian's fist struck the Xian Cheng's chest. The Xian Cheng vomited blood and his dead body fell to the ground.

"Because that undercover agent is under surveillance at all times, and my master arranges surveillance on his own."

The night was not very good tonight, but Shen Yumen was in high spirits and invited Lan Fenghuang to have a drink and go on a boat ride.

"Master Shen, let me toast you."

"Master Lan, please!"

"You are now the leader of the Jingxiang Martial Arts Alliance. Have you ever thought about establishing a sect and creating a great cause for the ages?"

Shen Yumen said nonchalantly: "There is no such thing as a martial arts leader. The position of martial arts leader is used to take the blame and has no practical significance.

As for the great achievements of the ages, there are countless aristocratic families and famous sects throughout the ages. How many of them can be passed down for thousands of years? The Wudang Sect has only been around for a hundred years.

I just want to do my best in my limited life and live a wonderful life. I will not pursue Qinglong Chushui, nor will I pursue great power. "

Lan Fenghuang's eyes flashed, and then a bit of confusion flashed: "Master Shen's martial arts practice is swordsmanship. Why does he sound like a sour scholar? I don't understand."

"Then let's not talk about this. Although tonight is not a beautiful day, it is a rare tranquility after experiencing a lot of fighting. Come, let's have another drink."

Lan Fenghuang clenched his fist and wanted to give Shen Yumen a packet of poison, but Shen Yumen practiced the Nine Yang Divine Art to Nine Yang Qitai and was immune to most poisons.

"Master Shen, don't you want to help your brother?"

"He has his own affairs, and I have mine. I don't understand the official affairs of the court, and there is nothing I can do to help."

"Mr. Shen is the heir of the Holy Fire Mingzun, so he can make good friends with the Wudang Clan, but what about the Nu Jiao Gang? You and the Nu Jiao Gang will eventually have a fight. Do you need my help?"

"Shangguan Fei will not take action himself, nor will Lang Fanyun. Ling Zhantian can't help me."

"Why won't Lang Fanyun take action?"

"Because his wife was seriously ill, I sent a miracle doctor to save his wife's life."

Shen Yumen raised his eyebrows: "This is what my brother told me. The biggest advantage of the six sects is that they can easily obtain information from various sects."

"Does the Five Immortals Sect also have six secret agents?"

"have no idea."

"I see that within the Five Immortals Sect, there are not only spies from the Six Sects, but also Mr. Shen's spies. No, maybe they are Mr. Shen's lovers. Am I right?"


"Young Master Shen is a romantic by nature, but don't go too far with some things. Miao Nv is devoted to you. If Mr. Shen starts to fall in love with Miao Nv but ends up abandoning him, be careful of the golden silkworm poison!"

"After some time, I will go see her. I will give a generous gift to Master Lan for taking care of her."

"What kind of gift?"

"Reflecting light against the moon, the Golden Snake Sword!"

Compared with Shen Lian's combination of strength and softness, Shen Yumen's gentleness and elegance, Lu Jianxing's style of doing things is to be broad-minded, crisp and decisive in killing.

Just ask, "If you do it, everything is fine. If you don't do it, you will be punished. If you don't do it, you will be dragged out and chopped."

"Xixia Mingli Hall has such a big name. I didn't expect there to be so many weaklings. I captured a total of twelve living people, and now eight of them have confessed."

Lu Jianxing looked at the bloody spies fiercely, and said fiercely: "There are still three choices to resist, I will send them to the underworld!"

"They have all recruited, and what difference does it make whether I recruit or not? You want to induce a confession, but your methods are too despicable."

Although the blood was dripping from the beating, the spy still looked arrogant and looked sideways at Lu Jianxing with disdain in his eyes, as if he was looking at an ignorant fool.

"You are wrong. I never induce confessions, let alone lie to prisoners. All the eight people who confessed told me that you were their leader, right?"

"Impossible, they are all..."

"They are all a bunch of weaklings who can even turn their backs on their own ancestors. Why do you think they will be loyal to you? Is your brain broken?"

"I... Lu Jianxing, you bastard!"

Lu Jianxing showed a bit of a smile: "I am a very contradictory person. If the prisoners confess and cooperate with me, I think they are soft-headed. If the prisoners do not recruit or cooperate, I will feel that they are hard-core, and I want to fulfill his strong-will."

As he spoke, Lu Jianxing picked up the Yanling Sword: "This world is so strange. Soft bones can often survive, but hard bones can be dismembered."

Before the words could even be finished, Jin Yiwei brought over three bloody heads, which were the three people who had not confessed.

Lu Jianxing said: "They have all left. Now it's your turn. Don't worry, it won't hurt at all."

Looking at the bloody head, looking at Lu Jianxing's cold eyes, and thinking about all the other eight people's confessions, the secret agent's heart suddenly collapsed.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me, I'll confess, I'll admit anything, don't kill me, don't kill me!"

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