I'm the best catcher in martial arts

Chapter 620 Lu Yuncheng’s Extra-Paris: The Modern Journey of the Immortal

Nantianmen Primary School, Wednesday, sunny.

Lu Yuncheng is being trained.

According to Lu Yuncheng's past temper, even if he was facing Taoist Hongjun, Yangmei Immortal, or the Lord God's Light Ball, he would not hesitate to draw his sword and chop him.

In fact, Lu Yuncheng had seen these gods during his training in the void, and had fought with them all.

Unfortunately, at this moment, I dare not take action.

Lu Yuncheng lowered his head, like the parent of a primary school student who made a mistake, being scolded by the thick bottom of the bottle in front of him.


It cannot be said that it seems like it, but it is indeed the case.

"Mr. Lu, what did you say at first? Go back and take good care of your children and accompany them well. Look at your children's homework. Is this true?"

"This is Nezha's extracurricular homework. I asked him to observe an animal. What did he observe? A golden dragon over 800 meters long. Is it a dragon? This is a large lizard with wings. This is obviously a screenshot of a game. !”

"Look at Fengyi again. At a young age, she started to learn puppy love and pass small notes in class!"

"And this, Red Boy, last time in the school kite flying competition, his kite couldn't fly. In a fit of anger, he dared to set fire to the kite..."

Lu Yuncheng felt his scalp was itchy.

He reached out and touched a bunch of hair.

It seems that when I go home tonight, before buying a belt, I should buy hair growth serum first. I, the mighty Emperor Donghua, will one day lose my hair for the sake of a naughty child...

After experiencing the void for several epochs and entering this world through the Kunlun Mirror, Lu Yuncheng arranged for the children around him to enter elementary school so that they could learn knowledge.

I never expected that they were all naughty kids.

The first is Lu Fengyi, who was born from the innate yin and yang primordial body. She inherited Huan Huan's peerless beauty and Lu Yuncheng's boldness. She was born with perfect physical training. Her hobbies are hammer swinging and puppy love with Si She.

After enrolling in school, Lu Yuncheng was strictly prohibited from using all kinds of magical powers, but certain habits were definitely impossible to change. Small notes would be passed around in class every day.

Ah Si is a top student, and his master, Chen Long, has always been "free-riding" to him. When the teacher calls him a parent, Lu Yuncheng has always been the one to take the punishment on his behalf, and she never cares.

Over time, the teacher called him Lu Yuncheng directly.

Next is his godson Nezha, who is very well-behaved most of the time, except when he sees a dragon.

The teacher's extracurricular homework was to observe animals, so Nezha went directly to Master Guanyin's home to take pictures of Master Guanyin catching... the golden dragon that transformed into a certain world.

However, the lighting, soundtrack, lines, and editing are so perfect, most likely not by Nezha.

Bai Ze should have done it for him.

How courageous!

Finally, there is Red Boy.

Red Boy is not a disciple of Lu Yuncheng, but his father Niu Dali is not good at teaching children, so he directly dumps Red Boy to Lu Yuncheng and Guanyin, and then opens a company to do business with Princess Iron Fan. Princess Iron Fan sells all kinds of fans, and Niu Dali's main business is It's... fine beef.

The other gods also have their own careers.

Maitreya opened a logistics company. Xingtian and Xiaotian both worked in the company, and the general manager was Guanyin.

Yang Jian opened a cat cafe. This guy loves furry animals the most, but because of his barking dog, he can't keep other dogs, so he only keeps dozens of cats.

Chenlong opened an antique tavern.

Lu Mingye likes reading and has opened a library, a reading website, a script sales shop, and a film and television company.

Huanwan was idle and bored, so she forced Bai Suzhen and Shi Qingxuan to open a training class, specializing in teaching classical musical instruments and classical dance, and there was an endless stream of people seeking lessons.

Feiyan opened a fortune-telling parlor.

Wushuang and Xianyun opened a restaurant.

Even the most indifferent Yang Chan opened several convenience stores under the encouragement of Ah Cha and Xiao Qing.

All financial issues in the family are managed by Sun Xiaohong and Shang Xiuxun. Sun Xiaohong is the chairman, Shang Xiuxun is the financial director, and Lu Yuncheng is a freeloader.

His wife, concubines, disciples, relatives and friends all have their own careers, but Lu Yuncheng is the only one who has not found any job and focuses on raising children at home.

Therefore, all the naughty children are in the Lu family, and Lu Yuncheng is responsible for holding all parent-teacher meetings.

If he didn't use magical powers to maintain his power, Lu Yuncheng would become the Mediterranean in two or three years at most.

After working hard for more than half an hour, Lu Yuncheng was finally freed from the teacher's "teachings" and returned home with his three naughty children. He took out the genuine Septwolves he bought on the way and showed his eyes as a lesson to the children.

"Little Bell, you are very good at passing notes!"

"Dad, I'm just... wrong! Didn't you agree a long time ago? I'm right! Which of the brothers and sisters in the family are not married? Why can't I?"

Lu Fengyi smiled and said: "Dad, if you really want to be held accountable, this is all your problem. Who made you owe Twelve Yuan Chen Karma in the first place? Otherwise, you could use your magical power to create all things and turn me into an adult, right?"

Lu Yuncheng gritted his molar teeth and said, "I originally wanted to open up a small world for you and let you experience it. You said nothing but going to school. There are rules for going to school. Puppy love is absolutely prohibited!"

Nezha said expressionlessly: "Father, there is nothing wrong with my homework. The teacher asked me to observe animals. The golden dragon belongs to animals. I was not wrong!"

Lu Yuncheng smiled coldly: "Observing the dragon is definitely correct, but writing homework for someone is obviously wrong. As a father, it is necessary to correct you. Your homework was done by Bai Ze. I will beat him tomorrow." "

Nezha: (; ̄д ̄)

Bai Ze: Ah sneeze! Ah sneeze! Ah sneeze!

Red Boy said carelessly: "My grades are at this level. As the saying goes, big stupid cow. If I am particularly smart, then there is something wrong."

"Believe it or not, I will slap you?"

"You hit me too lightly. When my father hit me, he always broke the belt. How about you punish me with something else, such as burning the boiler or letting me roast chicken wings? If you always want to eat something vegetarian, I You can roast lotus root slices.”

Hong Hai'er looked at Lu Yuncheng proudly, and glanced at Nezha with ill intentions.

As a descendant of the Bull Demon King, Red Boy is fearless. Anyway, I am a stupid cow. Whose cow is smart? I just can’t learn!

Beat him, he is thick-skinned and not afraid of beating.

If you scold him, it goes in one ear and out the other.

This guy can even taste the newly bought snacks while being scolded. He has the gift of rumination. The snacks are hidden in his stomach pouch and can be eaten at any time.

Lu Yuncheng rubbed the back of his head with a headache.

"Little bell, starting from today, you must not pass notes in class, and you must listen carefully. If you call your parents again for this, do you believe I will let you transfer to another school?"

Your mother is quite well-connected in Hangzhou, so it shouldn't be difficult to find a school for you there.

Nezha, if you do something wrong, you have to pay the price. This is the exercise book I bought for you. There is one for every subject. Every time Bai Ze is asked to do homework in the future, I will buy you double the number of exercise books and keep an eye on him. Waiting for you to finish.

Red Boy, recently there will be some exchange students coming from Greece. They are descendants of the Minotaur, a very pretty little girl. This is her photo.

If you pass the next monthly exam, I will take you to Zixuan's newly opened amusement park. There is a very fun maze there. The Minotaurs love mazes the most, and she will definitely be very happy.

Now, what else do you have to say? "

Lu Fengyi: ┗( 0﹏0 )┛

Nezha: ┗(∧`)┛

Red Boy: (ˇˇ)

Lu Yuncheng shook his phone coolly and sent a WeChat message to Bai Ze: "Dear Mr. Bai Ze, I already know about your homework for Nezha. In return for you, please come to my house immediately and conduct some homework on the three children. Tutoring, if three children fail the next monthly exam, I will break your legs! Thank you!"

Baize: ≡┏|*Д|┛

After taking care of the naughty children at home, Lu Yuncheng enjoyed his leisure time with a smile. His wife and concubines were not around, so he went to the bar with his friends to have a good time.

Sun Wukong should have time.

This guy is very idle on weekdays. His biggest hobby is to transform into a cute big orange cat and hide at the door of Yang Jian's cat cafe. When Yang Jian is attracted to him and enjoys the joy of sucking cats, he will then transform back into his original form.

Occasionally, he will become a pet dog, provoking the roaring dog to "seduce" Yang Jian...

Just when I was thinking about whom to date, I suddenly received a message.

In fact, Lu Yuncheng has a job, but this job is relatively secretive and he does not need to go to work most of the time. When he needs to go to work, it must be a special situation and he will use his supernatural powers a little bit.

I looked at the phone and saw it was the director calling.

Lu Yuncheng's work unit is called Shenmao Bureau, and the director is named Zheng Xian. He is the most versatile person.

"Hey~ Zheng Xian, what's the matter?"

"Something big happened!"

"What's the big deal? The sky is falling? Aliens are firing Star Destroyer Cannons? Or are they turning on the two-way foil?"

Zheng Xian knew Lu Yuncheng's temper, so he had no complaints about it. He said directly: "Colonel Chu Xuan, the chief scientist of the institute, disappeared without any warning. I will send you the video!"

Lu Yuncheng frowned. This world is the primitive world he accidentally encountered during his experience in the void, also known as the "primitive universe".

The original world has already entered the Age of Ending Dharma, and there is no vitality of heaven and earth. Techniques such as Tai Chi, Yi Jin Jing, and the Illustrated Book of the God of War are just aerobics.

Logically speaking, such a world is not suitable for gods, immortals, demons and ghosts to take risks here, but unfortunately, the three thousand avenues in this world are the most complete in all the worlds. If you want to reach the top, you must practice in seclusion here.

Therefore, many powerful powers have reached their tentacles.

For example, the peerless powers such as Lu Yuncheng, Hongjun, OAA, and Hongmeng "stole" Chu Xuan, which should be the main god's light ball that can communicate with all the worlds.

The big light ball majors in the laws of time and space, and can open the teleportation array anytime and anywhere, sending people to all heavens and realms.

When Lu Yuncheng encountered the light ball in the void, he used the Kunlun Mirror to locate the coordinates and chased it for three thousand years. The tear-stained sword was almost useless, and it was still just scraping.

Hearing Zheng Xian's words, Lu Yuncheng knew in his heart that it was the big light ball that was behind it, and said with a smile: "It's okay, someone took Chu Xuan out for training. In a few days, there may be people who will undergo training. They should not be in danger."

"There may be others... Lao Lu, can you give me some definite news? I don't ask for much, just give me a little bit, for example, a name."

"Uh... Wang Zongchao, chief instructor of individual training of the Fifth Special Forces, he should have gone too."

"Old Lu, what kind of opportunity can allow Chu Xuan and Wang Zongchao to undergo training at the same time? Can your disciples go and have a look? Can you help me a little bit?"

"This is their opportunity. Forcible interference will only cause accidents. Do you think the plans we made can be hidden from Chu Xuan?"

Zheng Xian did not insist and asked instead: "Can you arrange for a few more people to undergo the training?"

Lu Yuncheng smiled and said, "I remember you have a nephew named Zheng Zha. He has already gone to practice."

Zheng Xian: ┐(‘~`;)┌

"Old Zheng, is there anything else?"

"I think you should watch TV."

"Which channel?"

"news channel!"

Zheng Xian hung up the phone and sighed.

It's too difficult to deal with these great gods. If you don't pay attention, you will be in danger.

When I first met the Erlang God Yang Jian, I thought about Yang Jian's good friend Xiaotian Dog, and mistakenly thought that he liked raising dogs, so I specially gave him a few cute dogs, but they were chased and bitten by Xiaotian.

When he met the Jade Rabbit Spirit for the first time, he said that the Jade Rabbit's duty in the Moon Palace is to make medicine and make moon cakes. The bright moon was also known as the Toad Palace in ancient times. He specially sent golden toad moon cakes. Unexpectedly, the Jade Rabbit's eyes turned red and stuffed all the moon cakes one by one. It came into his mouth and almost choked him to death!

When I first met Xingtian, although Xingtian was the God of War, he was very kind and even prepared a gift for Zheng Xian.

——Xingtian’s favorite eyepatch!

As we all know, Xing Tian has squinted eyes. The eyepatch he uses needs to cover his chest. Moreover, his body is very strong and the size is obviously larger.

The latest model, E cup, black lace!

Zheng Xian brought Xing Tian's gift home, but was kicked out of the house by his wife and slept in the office for a week.

When I met Chen Long for the first time, he got very drunk. He hugged the trash can and scolded the leader with great passion.

When he first met Niu Dali, he was dragged to a nightclub, and then he was caught by Princess Iron Fan. With a wave of the banana fan, Zheng Xian was sent from Kyoto to Malaysia by the strong wind...

Even Guanyin, the great merciful, merciful and merciful Master, keeps hundreds of strange and rare animals at home, including giant dragons that are hundreds of meters tall, Behemoths that are tens of feet tall, Xiangliu, Ghost cars are not easy to mess with. If you are not careful, your body will be gone.

The most helpless thing is that although Master Guanyin is tolerant, he is not without bad taste. He likes horses very much.

If someone offended Him, He would transform the person into a foal for about three days.

Lu Yuncheng's house is even more haunted by ghosts and monsters.

A naughty kid with endless strength and a penchant for puppy love; a demon girl with peerless appearance and enchanting aura; Lu Chenxiang, the "Legend of Filial Piety" who spends all day sharpening an ax in the basement, preparing to slash his father's neck; Shen Shen Taotao, a mother and daughter who like to tell people's fortunes; there are even King Yama, Little King of Hell, Po Meng...

A little carelessness can result in serious injury.

Fortunately, the eldest lady of the Lu family is more reasonable and will apologize with all the treasures of heaven and earth. However, after too many times, Zheng Xian feels physically and mentally exhausted, especially certain characters, such as Bai Suzhen, Xiaoqing, and the female King of Hell. Zheng Xian felt like his outlook on life was shattered. Without contact with Lu Yuncheng, Zheng Xian would never visit.

Even if Chu Xuan disappeared, he would just make a phone call.

Lu Yuncheng put down the phone and thought to himself, in this world where demons are dancing around, what big news can there be?

Turn on the TV and tune into the news channel.

"The latest news from our station is that Tony Stark, the head of Stark Enterprises, suffered a terrorist attack. All the bodyguards accompanying him died. Stark has disappeared..."

Lu Yuncheng put down the remote control slightly bored.

Take out your cell phone and call Ah Cha.

"Acha, is Stark dead?"

"Call me Queen!"

"Okay Acha, no problem Acha!"

"That place is not under my control!"

"I was just asking."

"Not dead, what do you want to do?"

"According to the rules of time travellers, I should be shorting Stark Enterprises' stocks now. By the way, you have some funds in hand. Lend them to me first..."

"Bah! No money! Also, the debt you left behind must be repaid. My brother is about to wake up and Xuan Nu has recovered his memory. I have sent Zhao Li and Hua Mulan to guide them. The next thing is up to us. for you.

By the way, your precious apprentices, Zi Nu and Yan Ling Ji, have both been reincarnated. The place of reincarnation is a martial arts world. Zi Nu has been reincarnated in the land of Miao, and Yan Ling Ji has been reincarnated in the prince's home. The two of them are surrounded by love. There should be some romance, so be prepared! "

After saying that, Ah Cha hung up the phone.

Thinking of his reincarnated disciples, Lu Yuncheng took out the Kunlun Mirror from his arms, copied a teleportation order, and threw it to the world where they were reincarnated.

Lu Yuncheng turned off the TV and looked at Bai Ze, who was helping three naughty children with their homework. He was so tired that he was dizzy and had lost a lot of hair, and he collapsed on the sofa.

So tiring!

What a messed up world this is!

The power of the projection is almost not enough!

Note: Lu Yuncheng is the protagonist of the last Zhutianwen I wrote. The extra chapter is of course also the comprehensive world of Zhutian. This book is so long ago that even I have almost forgotten the plot. The situation of Lao Lu’s family is as follows:


Zhu Wushuang: Madam, God of Cookery, from "Wulin Gaiden", gave birth to her eldest son Lu Mingda;

Xianyun: It comes from "Wulin Gaiden". In order to test Lu Yuncheng's sleeping ability, Eunuch Cao took the initiative to send chess pieces. Later, he used the aura of the Dapeng golden-winged eagle that Lu Yuncheng killed to conceive an heir. He gave birth to a child, Lu Mingfei, whose surname is Peng. Ju, that is, the Xianxia version of Yue Fei;

Sun Xiaohong: From "Xiao Li Fei Dao", she has the destiny of empress, the first king of the daughter country, gave birth to her second son Lu Mingyi, and her hobby is planting peonies;

Wei Zhenzhen: From "The Legend of Two Dragons of the Tang Dynasty", she is a personal maid, Lu Yuncheng's personal darling, who conceived an heir with innate yin energy and gave birth to her daughter Lu Biyou;

Shang Xiuxun: From "The Legend of Two Dragons of the Tang Dynasty", she gave birth to daughter Lu Xinyao for Lu Yuncheng;

Shi Qingxuan: From "The Legend of Two Dragons of the Tang Dynasty", she gave birth to daughter Lu Jingxian for Lu Yuncheng. Her hobby was planting various lotus flowers, and He Xiangu was born in the lotus pond;

Huanwen: From "The Legend of Two Dragons of the Tang Dynasty", she gave birth to a descendant with the innate yin and yang primordial fetus, and gave birth to a daughter, Lu Fengyi, for Lu Yuncheng, whose nickname was Xiaolingdang;

Fei Yan: From "Qin Shi Mingyue", Dong Jun of the Yin Yang family gave birth to daughters Lu Xiaomeng and Lu Qianlong, who are Xiaomeng and Gao Yue in the original plot;

Bai Suzhen: From "Wind and Cloud", the demon lord Bai Suzhen was infused with the power of creation by the goddess Nuwa in the world of wind and cloud. She became the snake demon Bai Suzhen in the mythical world and gave birth to Nuwa's descendant Zixuan.

Note: Zixuan fell in love with Zhuge Wuwei, a disciple of Lu Yuncheng, but was forcibly stopped by Fahai. For this reason, the Jinshan Temple was flooded. She was the most ferocious descendant of Lu Yuncheng;

Xiaoqing: Xiaoqing, the goddess from the chapter of "Wind and Cloud", was infused with the power of creation by the Nuwa Empress in the world of Wind and Cloud, and became the snake demon Xiaoqing in the mythical comprehensive world. She gave birth to a child, Lu Mingye, whose nickname was Qiye. That is the Seven Nights Saint in the original plot;

Acha: From the comprehensive world of mythology, Chi You’s sister, the King of Hell, and his remaining child, Lu Mingming;

Note: Acha, the king of Hades in "Soul Ferry";

Yang Chan: From the comprehensive world of mythology, the Three Holy Mothers of Huashan gave birth to children with innate yang energy, and gave birth to their son Lu Minghao, also known as "Agarwood";


Biography of Two Dragons of the Tang Dynasty: Kou Zhong, Xu Ziling, Dugu Feng, Song Shidao;

The bright moon of the Qin Dynasty: Zi Nu, Yan Ling Ji;

Fengyun: Bu Jingyun, Nie Feng, Duan Lang;

Myths: Zhuge Wuwei, Baiyun, Han Xiangzi, Xiao Longnu, Jinmao Shu;

Note: Baiyun comes from "A Chinese Ghost Story 3" and Xiao Longnu comes from "Spring Scenes of Zhu Bajie".

Adopted daughter: Nongyu, Sanqi;

Note: Nongyu comes from "Nine Songs of Heaven", and Panax notoginseng comes from "Soul Ferry: Huangquan Chapter".

Adopted son: Nezha, Huluwa;

Lu Yuncheng himself: The first human being created by Empress Nuwa, Huang Tian, ​​was later reincarnated as Emperor Donghua. After experiencing great catastrophes, he continued to be reincarnated and became Lu Yuncheng.

Lu Yuncheng’s life mentor: Dayu.

——Any time-honored layout, if you don’t know who made it, it must have been made by Dayu!

Lu Yuncheng’s experience: Wulin Gaiden → The Passionate Swordsman and the Ruthless Sword → The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng → The Legend of Two Dragons of the Tang Dynasty → Qin Shi Mingyue → Wind and Cloud → Mythology Comprehensive (Origin of White Snake + A Chinese Ghost Story + Soul Ferry) → Mythology Comprehensive (Happy Seven Fairies + Multiple Versions of Journey to the West +Journey to the East+Journey to the West Postscript+Lotus Lantern)

My favorite part: Fengyun, that was the first time I wrote the complete plot of Fengyun, including the early stage of "The Amazing Young Man", "Search for the Gods", "Devil's Crossing of All Living Beings", "Love in a Fallen City", "Night Cross of the Four Heavenly Kings", and "The Reincarnation of Love in the Tribulation of Thousand Gods" , Heavenly Cry, and the later Legend of Shenwu Ji...

Actually, I'm not very good at epilogues. I just look at novels I've written in the past and fill in some holes, or add a sequel.

The most important thing is to retrieve the code word status.

After resting for so long, I almost don’t know how to code! (End of chapter)

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