I'm the best catcher in martial arts

Chapter 81 I swear, I really didn’t cheat you

Destiny Sect.

The biggest shit stirrer in the world.

It is not the rivers and lakes that are stirred, but the world.

In particular, Shan Yuru, the "orthodox member of the sect", inherited the ideas of the Yingui sect, which were even more extreme.

The purpose of Tianming Sect is just three words

——Honey trap!

This "beauty" refers not only to women, but also to men who have undergone professional training.

These disciples have been professionally trained and pretend to be ladies, weak scholars, or knights in order to deceive others.

Shen Lian once caught a male disciple.

The man's name was Zhou She. He was somewhat talented and gentle on the surface, but in fact he was cunning and cunning. He secretly colluded with countless good families, extorted money, and even abducted people.

When Shen Lian caught Zhou She, he had already harmed more than 20 people, so it would not be an exaggeration to cut him into pieces.

That's it, he's just a "silver medal player".

It is said that the most powerful group of disciples disguise themselves as Buddhist monks, Taoist disciples, or even nuns.

In any case, it is to train the most suitable disciples according to the target person, and then design various "plots" to attract people step by step.

Some hooked up with martial arts tycoons, some hooked up with wealthy widows, some hooked up with the children of officials, and some were even sent to the palace to hook up with the emperor.

(PS: In the original work of "Changing Rain and Turning Clouds", Zhu Yuanzhang's beloved concubine and Zhu Biao's concubine were both disciples trained by the Tianming Sect, specifically used to deal with Zhu Yuanzhang.)

Relying on the skills in bed, the Destiny Cult has laid out a huge network, covering all parts of the world.

The Central Plains, Mongolian and Yuan Dynasties, Jin Kingdom, Manchu and Qing Dynasties, Tubo, Xixia, Oara, and Japan all had separate rudders.

Even if Shen Lian kills Nie Xiaofeng and then kills all the two leaders, he still won't be able to kill them all.

Being able to surround and kill Nie Xiaofeng this time was already the luck of luck. No one expected that the talented Wenquxing of the Li family would turn out to be a martial arts master.

Nie Xiaofeng is dead, but the matter is not settled, especially the so-called big operation.

What the hell is the assassination of Zhu Xi?

It must be really assassinated but not killed, but in the process of assassinating, the princess must be accidentally killed?

What are you doing to assassinate the princess?

Could this be to free up space for Zhu Ping to straighten his concubine Deng?

Could it be that Deng is a disciple of the Tianming Sect?

Is it to sow discord, make Wang Baobao angry, and give Zhang Wuji eye drops?

The most important thing is who is the real person behind this assassination and who is the real mastermind.

Is it Shan Yuru?

Why did Shan Yuru do these things?

Is Zhu Ping suspected?

What is the relationship between Zhu Xi and Shan Yuru?

What kind of interests would allow Nie Xiaofeng to obey Shan Yuru's orders without knowing the whole situation.

Nie Xiaofeng was only responsible for part of it, but what about Shan Yuru's part? Where is the mysterious second leader of Tianming who claims to be superior to Shan Yuru in martial arts?

These are all doubtful points.

These doubts are not only very troublesome, but also involve royal matters. It is best not to touch them if possible.

Shen Lian scratched his head and looked around.

Huo Tianqing was very discerning and just came over to give him hot tea and a cloak, and then left simply.

Do not listen!

dont see!

Not curious!


Shen Lian sighed deeply: "You have posed a big problem for me. I might have gotten rid of you before, but now I have to save your life."

Lan Xiang shivered from the cold and said nothing.

She was a specially trained undercover agent, not a beauty used to charm, and had no intention of seducing Shen Lian.

Besides, the beauty of the third leader made women's hearts flutter when they saw her. Without saying a word, Shen Lian took out his spear and started stabbing her, resolutely showing no mercy.

Seducing Shen Lian?

It’s better not to think about such things as seeking death.

Shen Lian might not be good at women at all, or he might have some medical emergency, so he brought Zuo Shi with him just to cover it up and preserve his self-esteem.

This kind of thing is very common in the Destiny Sect.

Some men who failed in training, or male disciples who were left with psychological shadows and hidden illnesses, would also make similar choices. Lan Xiang had seen dozens of cases.

Shen Lian didn't know what Lan Xiang was thinking, so he just pretended that she hadn't recovered yet and asked someone to take her back, bathe and change her clothes, guard her carefully, and then send her back to the capital.

Who will deliver it?

You definitely can’t talk to Zhu Xi about this!

He couldn't even ask for help from the masters of Prince Qin's palace.

Shen Lian thought silently.

After a while, Shen Lian found Zhang Danfeng.

"Brother Zhang, you have nothing to do recently. Do you want to go to Jinling to see me? By the way, help me see someone off."

Zhang Danfeng's face was full of black lines. If the injuries on his body were not serious, he would definitely beat Shen Lian violently.

Are you talking human language?

There is a huge gap between Yun Lei and I. It's okay if you don't help me. You even help me pour three tablespoons of vinegar.

This is really trying to trick me to death!

Seeing Zhang Danfeng's unkind look, Shen Lian immediately began to draw a cake: "First of all, you have nothing to do now, just go to Jinling to relax, and it's just a way to give it away.

Secondly, I am not good at persuading people, but my senior sister is very good at it. I will write a letter for you and ask my third senior sister to provide help. My third senior sister is very capable! "

Zhang Danfeng made a look of contempt.

Are you doubting my intelligence?

Do you think I will believe your nonsense?

Damn... I really believe it!

Shen Lian has already thought of all the plans.

"This is my fake identity. You pretend to be a traveling scholar, and Lan Xiang is your book boy."

"Jinyiwei Zhao Zheng? Is this a scholar? Your Jinyiwei is a scholar? How can there be a scholar in Jinyiwei?"

"Don't get me wrong, this is the ultimatum I use to let you enter the capital. There is indeed a Zhao Zheng in Jinyiwei, who is quite famous in the capital. His appearance is similar to yours."

"What should I do if I meet Zhao Zheng?"

"Zhao Zheng will say that you are his younger brother. This is the agreement that Zhao Zheng and I made. He once asked his brothers to pretend to be me. Naturally, I can pay him back."

"Will this letter be useful?"

"Don't worry, my senior sister is very capable, and the current situation can't get any worse. It's already been messed up, so it doesn't matter how much we mess up."

"You won't trick me, will you?"

"My eldest brother, my sworn brother, my fellow disciples, my brothers, my sisters, and my master can all testify for me that I will never cheat anyone!"

Shen Lian looked serious and vowed.

If it were normal, Zhang Danfeng would definitely agree, but when it comes to Yun Lei, he can't help but feel a little worried.

"What if this doesn't work out?"

"Then I will help you find another person. Now it should be two people. In two years, it may become three people, or even four people.

I can tell you responsibly that what you have experienced is not as tragic as what he has experienced. "

"It's a deal!"

“Happy to work with!”

The next day, Zhang Danfeng took Lan Xiang to Jinling.

From a certain level, this should be regarded as a sheep entering the tiger's mouth, but Zhang Danfeng doesn't care about this kind of thing.

Living in Oara for more than 20 years, he has long wanted to see the scenery of the Central Plains and the imperial capital of Jinling.

Sending Zhang Danfeng away does not mean that matters in Guanzhong are over. Shen Lian still has many things to do.

For example, Bai Cuiping's mission.

The Yan family in Guanzhong is the largest jeweler and sells a large amount of jewelery every month. Boss Yan has cultivated himself over the years and left most of the business to Huo Tianqing.

Unfortunately, Huo Tianqing was borrowed by Shen Lian.

Of course, even if Huo Tianqing was at home, he would only be responsible for counting the jewelry, and the transportation was the responsibility of the escort agency.

The largest escort agency in Guanzhong is Dawang Escort Agency.

Originally, Wang Wanwu was assassinated, and the reputation of the King's Escort was greatly reduced. However, Wang Wanwu's younger brother, Wang Zhaoxing, single-handedly attacked several copycats, quickly smoothed the relationship with the government, and preserved the prestige of the Escort.

Having said that, I am still a little worried.

In previous years, the jewelry sold by the Yan family was escorted by the King's Escort Agency, but this month a new escort agency was added.

The name of this escort agency is very festive, and it is also the biggest pursuit of all escorts - peace!

Taiping Escort Bureau, the chief escort is Zhuge Taiping.

After the Three Kingdoms of the Later Han Dynasty, as long as people with the compound surname Zhuge are mentioned, people will subconsciously think they are very smart.

Zhuge Tian Taiping is definitely not the case.

Anyone who sees Zhuge Taiping will never think that he is smart, only greasy.

Zhuge Taiping is really too fat.

His weight would not be less than 400 kilograms. From a distance, he looked like a mountain of meat. The swaying fat and the sound of chewing were enough to give people nightmares at night.

Of course he couldn't ride a horse if he was so fat.

So Zhuge Taiping needs to take a car.

It's not an ordinary carriage, but a carriage specially made by the masterful boss Zhu Ting, which cost fifteen thousand taels.

This was a friendly price given by Zhu Ting. He only paid for the raw materials and did not charge any processing fees.

The reason why Zhu Ting, a stingy guy, can voluntarily give up all his profits is of course because of his obesity.

When he was around Zhuge Taiping, Zhu Ting looked very slim, so he liked Zhuge Taiping the most.

Zhuge Taiping also liked Zhu Ting very much. The carriage he made for Zhu Ting was spacious and comfortable.


"Everything is stable and the world is at peace~"

The agents from the two escort agencies started to compete with each other. They kept raising their voices, shouting until their throats were filled with smoke, but they still kept shouting. No one was willing to show weakness to the other.

Wang Zhaoxing carries a long leather barrel on his back. Inside are two gun barrels, which have been tempered many times and can be hard or soft.

It can sweep away thousands of armies, and it can also make thousands of pear trees bloom. Its marksmanship can unfold like a violent storm, or it can turn into gentle breeze and drizzle, everywhere and pervasively.

In terms of pure marksmanship, Wang Zhaoxing is even above Wang Wanwu, but his reputation is somewhat worse than Wang Wanwu's due to his calm personality and official duties in the court.

This is the most important escort he has received since he took over the King's Escort Bureau, and it is from a regular customer.

It’s not just jewelry, it’s about something big.

Once this is done, the King's Escort Bureau can open a branch in Jingxiang and have passes from various states.

If this matter is not done well, not only will the business with Yan Tieshan be cut off, but it will also be difficult for the court to explain.

As calm as Wang Zhaoxing is, he can't help but feel a little nervous.

Zhuge Taiping had no discernible expression. The thick fat on his body was the perfect disguise.

No matter how good a person is at observing words and emotions, he will feel fat when he sees a fat face. If he looks at it for a long time, he will feel like he has eaten three bowls of fat stew in a row.

Being bored can even make people sick to death.

"Mr. Escort Wang, don't worry. With the combined efforts of our two families, how can any thieves dare to come and provoke us?"

"Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of what happens."

There is a small hill in front of them, which is a perfect ambush location. You can even see figures in the distance.

It was a small teahouse.

Made of slender and tough moso bamboo, it doesn't seem very big from a distance, but up close it covers half of the hillside.

The furnishings in the tea house are also made of bamboo and wood.

Bamboo tables, bamboo chairs, bamboo leaf fruit plates, bamboo coasters, bamboo tube tea bowls, bamboo tube rice dumplings...

Everything here is related to bamboo. Although the work is not very exquisite, it is natural and integrated with the hillside, full of unique elegance.

This teahouse is run by a couple.

The boss is a middle-aged man who is a bit overweight. The wife of the boss is not a beauty, but she is very capable.

There are two tables of guests in the tea shed.

Sitting at a small table near the outer door was an old man wearing a gray cloth coat. His luggage was a yellow cloth baggage carried with an iron-framed umbrella.

The old man was drinking at the moment, and he was drinking with a plate of broad beans boiled in salt water and a plate of fried peanuts.

A small mouthful of half a cup.

He didn't drink much, nor fast, but he kept drinking, as if he would never get drunk.

The largest table seats four.

a husband;

a wife;

a wet nurse;

a baby.

The baby was still swaddled and held by a wet nurse.

The husband is in his thirties, dark and earthy, and looks like a wealthy young man with a little wealth. He is married to a beautiful wife and has a lovely child.

Such a life is enviable.

Especially those who have been in the world, especially those who have been in the world for twenty or thirty years, are the most envious of this.

Wang Zhaoxing was not envious at all.

Because his eagle eyes have already seen that everyone here is a killer. What is the purpose of so many killers gathering together to block their way?

For the jewelry, of course.

Killers are always only after money.

The killer's goal is always money.

So, they took action.

The boss's wife was the first to take action, using a thin lancet to slash Zhuge Taiping's ear.

One knife missed, and then another, sixty-four cuts were made in an instant, as if catkins were flying, and the weapon used was the famous Liuye Ecstasy Knife!

I break the willows to say goodbye, I miss the willow leaves, and I am in ecstasy.

The knife flashed.

Willow leaves fall.

People lose their souls.

Zhuge Taiping has a bloated figure, but his shooting speed is not slow at all. His famous martial arts is not the steady and heavy palm power, but the exquisite and small kung fu.

Her fat hands, as thick as bear paws, could point the light of the sword with extreme precision. No matter how swift and sharp the boss lady's attack was, she could not cut even a hair.

The boss waved his hands continuously and threw out twenty or thirty pairs of bamboo chopsticks. One end of these chopsticks was sharpened, and the sharpness was as sharp as a thousand arrows.

Wang Zhaoxing clenched the spear with both hands, and with one move, thousands of soldiers rushed towards him. All the bamboo chopsticks were knocked down by the roaring wind, and the spear went straight into the palace and hit Huanglong.


The spear pierced the boss's chest.

Wang Zhaoxing pulled out the bloody spear and said seriously: "Since you are already here, why are you pretending? Let's do it together!"

"Wang Wanwu is dead, how much reputation does the King's Escort Bureau have left? Even Yan Tieshan doesn't trust you!"

"Then let's see if this gun in Mr. Wang's hand can keep the reputation of the escort agency!"

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