I'm the best catcher in martial arts

Chapter 82 The Mystery of the Sunflower Sect’s Destruction


An iron umbrella was thrown at Wang Zhaoxing.

The one who took action was the old man, whose surname was Lu. He had been in the assassin business for forty-five years.

Assassin is the fastest-changing profession. After working as an assassin for forty-five years, the old man's martial arts, wisdom, agility, and experience have all reached their peak.

Even the physical strength that has gradually declined due to old hidden injuries can be temporarily restored with the help of elixirs.

A killer can't keep his money.

When he was young, he made money and drank wildly. He threw his money in brothels and casinos and spent money like water.

When you get old, you earn money to see a doctor, and give your money to the quack doctor to buy elixirs to treat hidden wounds.

At this age, Old Man Lu could have gone out of his way and joined a killer organization to be an instructor for young killers, or to manage rewards and punishments.

Old Man Lu chose to take action.

Because this escort trip is really valuable.

Because the people they hired were so arrogant.

As long as he gets the bounty from this business, he can gather the medicinal materials for alchemy and ask the miracle doctor Wan Chunliu to refine a furnace of rejuvenation pills to completely cure the hidden wounds in his body.

So he must take action.

He could find no reason to refuse.

Now that he has decided to take action, there must be no hesitation at all. Old Man Lu is nearly seventy years old, but his actions are fierce and sharp, with a faint sound of wind and thunder.

The fine steel umbrella has been propped up and is spinning rapidly, as if it is being crushed by a wheel. If you are not careful, your head will be cut off by the edge, or your skull will be smashed.

This umbrella is exquisite in shape. The ribs and handle can hit people's vital parts, and each rib is a sharp blade that can fly out of the hand, making it difficult to guard against.

Using the umbrella leaves as a cover, Old Man Lu can unleash his destructive moves at will, and various hidden weapons emerge in endlessly.

At this moment, the happy couple, who seemed to be content with their small fortune, had already drawn their swords at the same time.

Their knives were about three feet long, as thin as cicada wings, as cold as autumn water, and seemed to be transparent.

It is made of hundreds of Burmese iron. It can be hard or soft. It can be rolled up into a ball and hidden in the sleeves of clothes.

When you don't take action, you don't show off your strength.

When taking action, no one can underestimate them.

The sword shines like a waterfall and stretches like a cloud.

The martial arts skills of this couple are even higher than that of Old Man Lu, especially the sword skills they perform, which are the unique skills of the "Tie Yan Couple" of the Western Region Demon Cult.

——The swallows fly together, the two swords join together!

They were originally two people with two swords, but at the moment when the sword was released, the two people seemed to merge into one, and the two swords seemed to suddenly become one sword.

What's even more surprising is that the two knives have obviously merged into one, but they were struck from two different directions. No matter whether you dodge left, right, up or down, your throat will be cut by the sword's light!

What a wonderful trick!

How wonderfully gorgeous this is!

What a desperate killing situation!

The swords and iron umbrellas were blasting at Wang Zhaoxing at the same time. Wang Zhaoxing only had a gun in his hand. How could he avoid the killing?

Of course he can!

Because he has a good son Wang Zhenwei!

The gun comes out with a dragon roar!

A spear flew from a distance, and when Wang Zhaoxing reached the highest point, it happened to fall into his hands.

Overlord's double guns!

Wang Zhaoxing’s strongest secret skill!

The two spears were like two black dragons, strangled from mid-air. The young couple's swords were firmly locked by the two spears. Old Man Lu's iron umbrella was stepped on by Wang Zhenwei, who had risen through the air. feet.

Brothers fighting the tiger, father and son go into battle!

Wang Zhaoxing threw the gun to Wang Zhenwei. The father and son looked at each other and smiled, and the two spears came out of the forest like tigers.

Wang Zhaoxing is calm and sophisticated, with a spear as bright as water.

Wang Zhenwei is young and vigorous, and the rain is heavy and the wind is strong.

As for Old Man Lu, who was holding the iron umbrella, he was held back by Zhuge Taiping. Although his iron umbrella was heavy and his acupuncture technique was powerful, it was completely defeated by Zhuge Taiping.

No matter how heavy it is, is it as heavy as Zhuge Taiping?

No matter how powerful it is, can it penetrate the fat layer?

In an instant, except for the nanny who was nursing the child, all the other killers were held back and at a disadvantage.

Where's the wet nurse?

Is the wet nurse a killer?

Of course she is!

She is not only a killer, but also one of the cruelest killers in the world. In her arms is not a child, but a special fire cloud thunder bullet, which contains a bone-corrosive poison.

This person is none other than the "Son-Mother Heavenly Demon" among the eighteen soul seducers of the Western Region Demon Sect.

According to usual habits, the mother-in-law demon should throw out the "baby" in his arms and use other people's kindness to sneak attacks and plot. This method can be said to be unfavorable.

At this time, her face was full of panic.

Just when she was about to take action, an invisible force hit her lower back, blocking her movement.

People stopped moving, but the lead was pulled.

In the desperate eyes of the child mother demon, the Fire Cloud Thunderbolt bomb exploded. The upper half of the body was blown to pieces by the firearm, and the flesh and blood mixed with poison scattered everywhere.

Old Man Lu hurriedly waved his iron umbrella to block the poisonous flesh and blood. Wang Zhaoxing and others quickly retreated, while Zhuge Taiping took the opportunity to pull up his wrist guard and eject three flying needles.

This is Zhuge Taiping's ultimate attack, called the Three Immortals Plum Blossom Life-Destroying Needle, which is silent and impossible to guard against.

The left half of Old Man Lu's body suddenly went numb, and his movements suddenly became sluggish. The flying needle immediately pierced Old Man Lu's right leg, making his legs weak and he fell to the ground.

The knife-wielding couple was also sneak-attacked, but their upper bodies were not affected. They slashed off the plum blossom needle with the knife.

The deadly needle is easy to break, but the Overlord Spear is difficult to defend against.

Two long spears fell from the sky. When the two men ran out of strength, they went straight into the palace, piercing the chest and abdomen.

With two "puff" sounds, these two top killers from the Demon Cult were nailed to the ground with spears.

Old Man Lu was about to take action to save himself, and even took out a dagger, but he was unable to save himself. Zhuge Taiping pressed down on him and stepped on his back.

"Crack, click, click!"

Along with a series of crisp sounds, dozens of Old Man Lu's bones were broken by trampling on him, causing more air to come out and less air to enter.

All the killers were killed, but Wang Zhaoxing was not careless. He guarded the door with a gun and observed all directions.

With his eyesight, he could naturally see that someone was attacking in secret. Although this person provided help, in this case, who knew whether this person was an enemy or a friend?

Caution is the boat.

People who work in escort agencies can live longer and may not necessarily have high martial arts skills, but they must be particularly careful.

You won’t survive without caution!

It's okay if he dies. People are attacked and assassinated every day in the world, but if the escort agency is ruined because of this, it would be a big sin.

The same is true for Zhuge Taiping.

He is an expert in concealed weapons, so he naturally knows how powerful those fingers are in the air. There is no smile on his fat face, and he is full of seriousness and coldness.

After about a minute of tea time, Wang Zhaoxing was the first to put down his spear, and Zhuge Taiping also put away his concealed weapon.

"Brother Wang, do you want to clean up the battlefield?"

"Of course it is necessary, otherwise the poisonous flesh and blood left here may kill innocent people."

"Okay, I'll listen to Brother Wang!"

It is necessary to clean up the battlefield, but it is not to dig holes and bury people, but to destroy the corpses and eliminate traces.

If someone examines the bodies, it can only be confirmed that these people died in the hands of the escort, and no trace of a sneak attack can be found, thus ensuring the safety of the sneak attackers.

That person is a friend.

Escorts like to make friends.

The escort agency will protect all friends.

After passing this small hill, and walking forward for about forty or fifty miles, you will see a small village.

It was an ordinary small village, with everything that a normal village and town should have. There were even farmers farming the land and hawkers selling food along the street.

The hydrological climate of the small village is very suitable for the growth of sunflowers, so it is full of sunflowers. The main industry is spiced fried melon seeds and sunflower seed oil.

This place is called Sunflower Village.

This is not a village at all, but a notorious martial arts sect - the Sunflower Sect!

How notorious is it?

The famous Thief Saint, Thief God, and underworld hero Gongsun Wulong are all disciples of the Sunflower Sect.

Not only do the Sunflower Faction do all kinds of evil, but at least they run all the businesses spread by the underworld, especially theft and assassination, and they are even more expert at it.

The leader of the Sunflower Sect is known as the Patriarch of the Sunflower Sect.

This man's martial arts skills are unfathomable, and his fingering skills are even more superb. In the past, he defeated the Four Dharma Kings and Five Sanren of the Ming Cult with his sunflower point-pointing hand, and exchanged fingers with Zhang Wuji.

Although he was defeated by Zhang Wuji, he managed to escape from the Nine Sun Divine Sword, which shows his strong finger strength.

Over the years, Ancestor Sunflower lived in seclusion and practiced martial arts in the sect, and his skills became more and more refined and powerful. Even Gongsun Wulong did not dare to go back to the sect to act wildly.


In fact, it may be that I don’t want to.

With Gongsun Wulong's temper and unique brain circuitry, he can run wild wherever he likes.

Just assume that he doesn’t dare to go back!

Anyway, this is what the Sunflower Sect promotes to the outside world. Gongsun Wulong has never denied this, and even his three disciples have maintained a tacit attitude towards it.

Ancestor Sunflower has four great elders under his command. These four are not from Kuaihua sect, but from martial arts families of major martial arts sects, and each has a profound inheritance.

Elder Dong was once a consultant to the Six Doors. Due to some taboo matters, he was forced to leave the Six Doors. He has a pair of insightful eagle eyes and can see through all kinds of undercover agents.

Elder Xi, who was born in the Duan family in Dali, has practiced his Yiyang finger to the fourth level. With a light touch on the wall, no matter how rough the wall is, it will be as smooth as a mirror.

Elder Nan, a disciple of Southern Shaolin, rebelled against the Buddhist discipline because he couldn't stand it. He was good at Thirty-six Ways of Thunder Palm, and he was good at taking things from a frying pan without getting his hands wet with oil.

Elder Bei, the execution elder of the Sunflower Sect, claims to the outside world that he does not know martial arts. He is just the elder of the other three elders, so he can sit on the position of elder.

This must be nonsense.

In Bai Zhantang's words, Elder Bei is the second uncle of the other three elders. How is this possible?

The second uncle is different from the second uncle and the second uncle.

The uncle and the uncle are not related by blood, but the second uncle is not only related by blood, but also has the same surname.

The second uncle is his father's second brother, that is, he has the same surname. Elder Xi is a Duan family of Dali, so the other elders are all Duan family of Dali?

Is this the Sunflower School or the Tenryuji Temple?

With Lao Bai's temperament, he talks a lot about things not once or twice, so just listen and don't take it seriously.

The only truth is that he is indeed from the Sunflower Sect, which no one can deny.

Ancestor Sunflower looked at Bai Cuiping with no expression on his face. No one knew what he was thinking.

"Is there really jewelry in the car?"

"Jewelry from the Yan family in Guanzhong."

"There are only two escort agencies?"

"The King's Escort Agency and the Taiping Escort Agency."

"Are there no other masters following you?"

"No, but Wang Zhaoxing and Zhuge Taiping were stronger than the rumors said, and all those killers were killed."

"What do you think we should do?"

"If you want to do this business, you must send at least two elders and a hundred elite disciples. If you want to ensure absolute safety, it is best for the elders to take action together."

"you sure?"

"I can see very clearly that Wang Zhaoxing's son is very good at martial arts, and the combination of father and son is even more powerful."

"Why didn't you borrow a knife to kill someone?"

"My subordinates are worried about alerting others."

"Sanniang, haven't you found the whereabouts of your son? If there is a Thief Saint to help, why do you need to take action yourself for such a trivial matter as detecting information?"

"After searching for so many years, I haven't found any trace. I'm about to give up now."

Speaking of this, Bai Cuiping's face was filled with sadness.

Ancestor Sunflower waved his hand: "I will arrange the escort robbery, you don't need to interfere in this matter."

Bai Cuiping took the order and retreated.

Elder Dong walked out from behind the gauze curtain on the side, looked at Bai Cuiping's back, and sighed: "It's really not easy for Sanniang to have a son who likes to make trouble."

Sunflower Patriarch said: "She asked for it. Who told her not to educate her well when she was a child? Besides, among us Sunflower Sect disciples, who doesn't like to cause trouble?"

"Leader, do we want to take action?"

"If the wealth that comes to your door slips away from your eyes in vain, I, the leader, will no longer have to do anything."

"As far as I know, although Wang Zhaoxing's martial arts is not as violent as Wang Wanwu's, he is more difficult to deal with. Zhuge Taiping's fat pig is also unfathomable."

"I'd like to hear your advice."

"I agree with Sanniang's suggestion."

"Okay, pass on the order. The three elders from the east, west and south will each lead fifty elites to rob the escort. You are the commander-in-chief of this operation and have absolute command authority."

Generally speaking, underworld sects would not trust six-door agents, especially agents of this level.

But Patriarch Sunflower trusted Elder Dong very much.

The mistake that Elder Dong made back then meant that he would never be able to be in the imperial court. He would either shrink back to the Sunflower Sect, or he would have no choice but to seek refuge with a foreign race. There would be no place for him to establish himself in the White Way.

A bitter plot?

It’s not that painful!

Sunflower Pie is not worth Six Doors!

Guo Bujing, that old fox, is best at weighing the pros and cons and never makes a loss-making deal.

Regarding Elder Dong's matter, Guo Bujing really suffered from his boss, and he is still being gossiped about behind his back to this day.

How did you suffer the loss?

It turns out that when Elder Dong left, it was Guo Bujing's cousin who took his place. Guo Bujing said that he would not avoid relatives during his career. How many people would believe him?

The imperial censor repeatedly participated in the performance, and those who disagreed with him were added insult to injury and were almost dismissed by the emperor.

Thinking of those things back then, Patriarch Sunflower murmured a few times and took out a secret book from his arms.

He was also involved in that incident back then, and even obtained a incomplete volume of secret books. Unfortunately, this thing only had the second half of the volume, and no matter how he practiced, he couldn't get it right.

It would be great if something like this happens again and he gets the first half of the secret book.

Ancestor Sunflower unfolded the secret book and saw four big characters written on the cover.

——Sunflower Collection!

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