I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 1 Admission Notice

Looking at the silver-gray tabby cat outside the window, Louis was lost in thought for a long time.

If nothing else goes wrong, he will soon enter high school after spending eleven years in Daiying.

As a time traveler, it’s normal to be smarter than others and skip a level, right? What's more, in his previous life, he scored 985 in the college entrance examination.

He had also been very good at school in his life. The whole school knew that there was such a master named Louis. He not only finished junior high school at the age of eleven, but also became a nightmare in the hearts of all students. Every teacher is comparing Louis with other incompetent classmates. The most common thing students hear every day is "You are not even half as good as Mr. Mountbatten."

Yes, his surname is Mountbatten. He was the winner of the last essay competition and his entry was "My Grandfather Marshal".

The symbol of old London is the symbol of the square, which belongs to the fact that its roots are so strong that it can no longer be strong.

Little Louis's mother is from China. As the saying goes, a son follows his mother. His appearance is more oriental. Coupled with the good looks in the family genes, Louis has two little plums at least in terms of appearance.

I have been burdened with handsomeness that I shouldn't have to endure since I was in elementary school. It's really tiring to say.

It was extremely hot today, and he was looking at the tabby cat outside the window with his face raised in a depressed mood. There are a few letters with little hearts on them scattered on the table. No need to ask, they are letters written by female classmates in his class.

As a gentleman among gentlemen, Louis would never be rude to girls even though he was young. After replying to the letters one by one in a gentle and polite tone, he moved his pen left and right on the table, still thinking about the email from his new friend yesterday.

"Fluttering..." The sound of flapping wings came, and Louis followed it, just in time to see an owl flying in from the open window.

The castle in his house is relatively wild, and there is always some game food coming to the door. Just like the little squirrel the day before yesterday, and the seagulls who snatched...his French fries last night.

I really don’t know where the seagulls come from in the mountains.

The little squirrel that accidentally broke into a house was let go, but the seagull that robbed the young Lord was not so lucky. He was kept in a cage for a night before being released - and as soon as he was let go, he scored two goals while Louis was not paying attention. Du, robbed his fish and chips again.

At this point, Louis had to mention that British food is actually not unpalatable except for some dark dishes. At least it is still acceptable for eating every day. Whether it's chickpeas with tomato sauce made by the in-house French chef, or common food like fish and chips, it's all pretty good. When it comes to the fact that the British are not good at cooking, it is probably because British food is not popular on the table, and there are always some dark dishes that are hard to watch.

——So, guess why he hired a French cook?

The owl landed on Louis' table, staring at him with big eyes and small eyes, and it felt like we couldn't get enough of each other.

"Little guy, are you lost?" Louis stretched out his hand to pick the owl's chin, but unfortunately the fat chicken couldn't find where the lower jaw was. His hand froze for a long time, and finally he gently picked the owl's beak to show friendly.

It's not that he's fat, it's mainly that his feathers are too thick and he looks too fat.

The owl tilted its head, as if it didn't understand what it was saying.

Louis seemed to see the owl's confusion and changed the language into Chinese: "Little guy, what are you doing here?"

The owl is still "head tilted and confused.jpg".

"What are you doing!" Louis switched languages ​​again. With this accent in World War II, he must be a brigade commander no matter what.

If his grandfather, who is on vacation in France, hears this, he may be able to rush back and give three guests.

The owl seemed to understand this time, but it didn't seem to understand. It pecked Louis' finger angrily and flew away.

Also dropped a letter.

Only then did Louis realize that the owl was here to deliver a message.

And for sending letters... no matter what, you have to reward people with three walnuts and two dates, right?

Look...this young lord is a master at pretending to be confused.

Owls are great for delivering letters, and no stamps are needed. Louis thought leisurely and opened the letter.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(President of the International Federation of Wizards, First Class of the Order of Merlin, Archmage, and Chief Magician of the Wizengamot)

Dear Mr. Mountbatten:

We are pleased to inform you that you have been admitted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Attached is a list of required secretaries and equipment.

The semester is scheduled to begin on September 1st. We will be waiting for your owl to bring your reply before July 31st.

Vice Principal (Female)

Sincerely, Minerva McGonagall.

Louis: The subway, the old man, the cell phone.

Whose prank is this? He threw the letter onto the table nearby.

Then he realized that in 1991, Aunt Rowling had not yet started writing Harry Potter.

He found the letter again, looked through it, and said to himself: "No way..."

"Where does magic come from in this world?"

Immediately afterwards, a familiar voice sounded in his mind. The terrible sound effect was exactly the same as the sound effect when he obtained achievements while playing World of Warcraft in his previous life.

The frame of achievement acquisition also appeared before his eyes.

Invitation to Admission (10)

(Receive an invitation letter for admission to Hogwarts)

Lewis was stunned for a moment, then ecstatic.

Hey, hey, here you go, the time traveler’s plug-in has arrived!

He called in his heart, system?

Along with his voice, a virtual light curtain appeared in front of him, with "The Strongest Volume King System" written in Chinese on it. There are the following options on the light screen, namely "Attributes, Inventory, Skills, Achievements".

He clicked on the attribute column, and sure enough, the talents for various magics were written on it.

Louis Mountbatten

Level 1 Wizard

Mana: 35/35

*The minimum of each talent is 1 and the maximum is 10.

(There is too much that I can’t understand. I will add that it will be mentioned later in the article that 10 is the highest limit that ordinary people can reach through hard work. Only those with talents that exceed 10 are true geniuses.)

Charms: 10 (your talent for Charms is outstanding)

Potions: 9 (your talent in Potions is excellent, it is recommended to practice more frequently)

Transfiguration: 2 (your Transfiguration may cause Professor McGonagall to sigh)

Black magic: 18 (You are the heir to the excellent tradition of leading the British and not being a good person, the orthodox descendant of the troublemaker, the dark blood of the old London square flag, every pore is seeping with the blood and tears of others, what kind of natural person do you want to be? It’s not necessary to be a good person. With the blessing of this talent, any difficult black magic can be entered into the room with just one glance.)

Flying: 1 (Even the troll shook his head when he saw your flying talent. The only remaining 1 is because the lowest talent is 1)

Defense Against the Dark Arts: 10 (The so-called cathode is the source of yang. Under the guidance of the only black magic talent in your world, your talent for Defense Against the Dark Arts has reached its peak)

Herbalism: 3 (It’s already a big improvement if you can tell the difference between celery and coriander)

Physical fitness: 10 (Who said that physics magic is not magic?)

Swordsmanship: 10 (Thanks to the excellent education in childhood, you are outstanding in swordsmanship - don't say that swordsmanship is not magic, just look at Gandalf in the distance)

Divination: 1 (You are deeply influenced by the "Zibuyu, strange, powerful and chaotic gods" in your culture, and have no interest in predicting the future)

Distributable talents: 0

Remaining chance to wash points: 0

The corner of Lewis's mouth twitched as he looked at the black magic talent in front of him, and hundreds of thousands of alpacas rushed through his heart. Didn’t it say that the highest limit is only 10? What's wrong with you being 18? ? ?

Now he just wants to find a chance to wash his hands and put this useless talent into spells and transformation.

Unfortunately, he really has no interest in black magic at all.

He slowly closed the attribute bar and clicked on the inventory bar.

Sure enough, there was an item called the Novice Gift Package, lying quietly in the first space of the inventory.

"Do you want to open it?"

Louis chose yes.

"Congratulations on obtaining the skill book: Water Creation"

"Congratulations on getting the recipe: Crunchy Spider Legs"

"Congratulations on getting the rune: Ral"

Water Creation: Create magic mountain spring water, which will restore 100 mana points within 20 seconds after drinking.

Recipe: Crunchy Spider Legs: After consumption, the mana recovery speed is increased for one hour.

Rune: Ral: A mysterious rune that will have special effects when embedded on items.

After checking the items in the inventory, Louis was overjoyed. As the saying goes, come to the pillow when you are sleepy. As a hard-working child, the most important thing to him so far is the water-generating technique.

With the water-making technique, you no longer need to worry about battery life when practicing magic.

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