I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 2 Choosing a wand is like pursuing a girl

When he was about to retract the system panel, Louis happened to see the silver-gray cat swivel through the translucent light curtain and gracefully jump along the window onto his desk.

"You're so awesome." Louis pinched Maomao's left front paw and made a handshake: "You are a big shot."

Only when I got closer did I realize that the cat's face had patterns like glasses. Lewis only felt familiar, but for a moment he couldn't figure out where the familiarity was.

He held the cat's head with his hands, as if he felt that the cat's head was not round enough, so he kept rubbing it. The tabby cat was shocked. The pupils of its eyes were dilated to the extreme, and its mouth was slightly open, looking confused. She never dreamed that the young gentleman in front of her would dare to rub a cat of unknown origin.

Keep coiling until there is a sound, and the achievement frame appears in front of you.

Ah meow, meow, be good! (Glorious deeds)

Achievement Introduction: Interact with Professor McGonagall in cat form

Achievement reward: Transfiguration talent +1

"Ah this..." Louis was numb, how could he catch the professor with just any cat?

He dared to swear to the lamp that he definitely didn't mean to attack Professor McGonagall. It was because he liked cats too much.

Taking advantage of Louis' daze, Professor McGonagall also regained consciousness, jumped out of Louis' clutches, stood upright under his dull gaze, and quickly transformed into an old...elderly cat lady with a cat face.

Professor McGonagall was not wearing a hat, and her black hair was neatly tied back. She wore a pair of very old-fashioned square-framed glasses. After all, she was the dean, and her eyes were a little stern.

"Ma'am, I... uh..." Louis didn't know what to say.

"I can understand your surprise now, Mr. Mountbatten." Professor McGonagall adjusted her appearance, pursed her thin lips and continued: "I hope you won't blame me for breaking into your home. I am from Hogwarts. Vice-principal and professor of Transfiguration, Minerva McGonagall.”

"Well, that's not the case." Louis stretched out his little hand: "I am Louis Mountbatten. It is an honor to meet you, Professor McGonagall."

A gentleman's gentleman, Louis' etiquette was impeccable. Coupled with the cuteness that can be said to be a disaster for the country and the people, Professor McGonagall's original unhappiness disappeared instantly.

Who would get angry with a handsome lady?

A gentleman, of noble birth and good looks, Professor McGonagall simply couldn't think of any reason to dislike him.

He's taller than that stinky little dragon from the Malfoy family. Professor McGonagall doesn't mind chatting and laughing with the little guy.

"I think you have probably received our letter." Professor McGonagall was referring to the letter that had just been delivered: "Mr. Mountbatten, you are a born wizard, did you know that?"

"I just found out too." Louis smiled politely and moved a stool for Professor McGonagall.

"Thank you." Professor McGonagall sat down and continued: "Hogwarts will send school staff to some Muggle families to guide them in buying items for school in Diagon Alley."

She paused and continued: "In view of the special situation you are currently in, it is up to me to guide you into contact with the magical world."

"Professor, what are Muggles?" Louis looked cute and his acting skills were comparable to those of Oscar-winning actors.

"Poor child." Professor McGonagall stroked Louis' head sympathetically and explained to him: "Muggles are what we call ordinary people who don't know magic."

"Then...Professor, can you tell me a story about the magical world?"

"I'm afraid that won't work, kid." Professor McGonagall touched his head. Not to mention, the soft hair felt really good.

"It's a bit late. If you agree to enter Hogwarts, I will take you to Diagon Alley to buy things."

"I have no objection, Professor." Lewis said with a smile on his face: "If we are going to leave soon, please allow me to ask the butler to prepare the car first."

"No, kid, please reach out."

Louis stretched out his little hand as he was told. After a while, Louis found himself in a noisy and dirty bar.

The expected nausea of ​​motion sickness did not appear. Louis was still wondering if there was an error in the record in the book, and Professor McGonagall's praise rang in his ears.

"You have a very good physique, Mr. Mountbatten. Generally speaking, a young wizard of your age will have a hard time being transported by Apparition."

"Thank you, Professor." Louis nodded gracefully to Professor McGonagall.

This child... Professor McGonagall thought to herself, involuntarily smoothing Louis' soft hair again.

After greeting the bar owner, Professor McGonagall led Louis to a wall. She took out her wand, pointed at the bin as if pointing at a blackboard, and said: "Mr. Mountbatten, remember this bin, count three pieces on top of it, and count two pieces across it - like this."

She gestured and tapped three times on the brick where the wand rested: "Tap three times gently, and changes will occur."

As Professor McGonagall finished speaking, the bricks began to shake continuously and retreated one by one, forming a small hole. The hole became larger and larger. After a while, a bright passage was formed in front of them.

Sunlight shines in through the open passage, illuminating the originally dark bar.

"Cool." Louis admired from the bottom of his heart.

Diagon Alley is very chaotic, somewhat like the vegetable market in his previous life. The roads for people to walk are very narrow. On both sides are various stalls set up by wizards. Some wizards stop and go, picking at the stalls and asking questions. After asking around, Louis' DNA suddenly started to move.

"Moongrass, fresh moongrass, the best moongrass, three galleons per plant!"

"Phoenix Tears! High-quality Phoenix Tears! Plenty of magic power, the best choice for high-end potions, sold at 68 Galleons!"

"Lapis lazuli, cat's eye, and magic potions will give you richer and more powerful magic power. Everything is for sale. Please come and take a look!"

Louis' first goal is to exchange for some gold galleons.

But... what was more embarrassing was that he left in a hurry without any money, only the checkbook in his arms.

Louis turned his head to look at Professor McGonagall and said dryly: "Professor, it seems that we were in a hurry when we went out. I only brought a checkbook with me."

"Oh, it doesn't matter. Gringotts has a wide range of business, and Muggles' checks can also be cashed in gold galleons."

Professor McGonagall said, taking his hand and walking towards Gringotts.

According to Louis' visual inspection, Gringotts should be the neatest building in this alley.

Passing through the bronze door, Louis couldn't help but focus on the dwarfs with long arms and legs - he had never seen such intelligent creatures, at least never with his own eyes.

"It's a goblin, a staff member of Gringotts." Professor McGonagall explained in a low voice for Louis.

She was very satisfied, and Louis' eyes were only slightly surprised before he looked back, unlike other Muggle children who stared rudely.

The goblin guarding the door bowed to the two, and then a second door appeared in front of them. Different from the previous one, it was silver and had some words engraved on it.

Lewis didn't bother to take a closer look, and just followed Professor McGonagall inside.

Two goblins, presumably the lobby managers, bowed to them and led them into a marble hall.

The goblins were doing a lot of things, including weighing gems and gold, taking people in and out, and signing autographs. Professor McGonagall found a free window and went over to ask: "Hello, we are going there." Albus Dumbledore has something in his vault."

"Do you have his key, ma'am?"

"Yes, I brought it." Professor McGonagall took out a bronze key from nowhere and handed something wrapped in a black bag to the goblin.

The goblin took it, checked it briefly, nodded and said, "No problem, just leave it to us."

"Sir, what is the exchange rate between pounds and galleons?"

Louis asked the goblin.

"1:5, but the limit is only one thousand per Muggle student per year, dear sir."

"Do you accept checks?"


Louis quickly took out his checkbook and wrote out a check for one thousand pounds. He tore it off and held it between his fingers. He smiled and said, "I want to change it for two hundred galleons."

After exchanging galleons, the first thing to do is to buy a wand.

As the saying goes, the wand is the wizard's second life. Based on this proverb, you have to be the first to buy a wand, right?

Professor McGonagall was already familiar with the road to Diagon Alley. She took Louis with ease and found the wand shop that had been eroded by time.

A solitary wand sat on a faded purple cushion in the window. The gold-lettered sign on the door has peeled off, and it reads: "Ollivanders has been making exquisite wands since 382 BC."

The shop was very small, with nothing else but a bench, and thousands of wands in narrow boxes almost reaching the ceiling. Louis finally pushed in and saw Ollivander dozing on the counter.

"Hello, hello?" Louis greeted politely.

"Huh?" Ollivander pulled his head out of his arms, and the red mark on his face was clearly visible. He shook his head in an attempt to wake up, tried hard to focus his eyes, and finally saw clearly the appearance of the person coming.

"Professor McGonagall? Oh, hello, you must be bringing new Muggle students here to buy wands, right?"

"Yes." Professor McGonagall patted Louis's little head, which felt good, and motioned him to move forward.

"Can you tell me your name, child." Ollivander then explained: "Sorry, wizards who buy wands from me need to be recorded by the Ministry of Magic."

"My name is Louis Mountbatten, sir." Louis introduced himself politely.

"Ah... Mr. Mountbatten." Ollivander's eyes flashed with reminiscence: "Is David Mountbatten yours..."

"It's my father, sir," Louis replied politely.

"Oh, yes." Ollivander chuckled: "You are more like your mother - ah, Dongfang's name is really confusing, I still prefer to call her Emma... I remember her, she is a A very kind-hearted Eastern Qi practitioner."

"Sorry, when people get old, they like to talk about the past." Ollivander looked at Louis, who was a little depressed, and said suddenly: "Mr. Mountbatten, which arm do you usually use?"

"Left hand, sir." Louis raised his arm, ready for Ollivander to measure it.

Ollivander took out a tape measure and threw it into the air. The tape measure came slowly to Louis. He first measured the dimensions, from arm to forearm, from height to head circumference, making people wonder whether his company sells wands or clothes. of.

"Please be patient, Mr. Mountbatten, the wands I sell here are all unique, so the process will naturally be a bit cumbersome."

Ollivander saw the confusion in Louis's eyes and explained to him carefully: "Only with accurate physical data can the most suitable wand be selected for you...Okay, you can come here."

The tape measure slowly returned to Ollivander's hand, and Louis followed the tape measure to the counter. Ollivander had already drawn a wand from behind: "In order to fit your body data, I already have some backup options. I hope It will meet your expectations...Here, try this one, beech, nine and three-quarter inches, unicorn hair core."

Louis took the wand, and the top of the wand flashed brightly, and the entire wand shook rapidly. Not sure if it was an illusion, but Louis felt that this wand was...a little pleasant?

"Ha, this is really the first time I have seen a little wizard who fits so perfectly after getting the first wand." Ollivander seemed to have discovered a new world: "Mr. Lewis, it seems that this wand suits you very well, I will Let me tell you, although the complicated measurement method is more labor-intensive, it is just to allow you to quickly find the wand that suits you... Just like pursuing girls, you don't think that all girls will fall in love with you, right? Now , you can try injecting a little magic into the wand, just a little bit will be fine."

Louis input a little magic power into the wand as instructed.

Who knew that it would be better not to enter it? As soon as the wand was entered, a hemispherical glow composed of golden magic quickly expanded and swept across the entire store.

"Crash..." The boxes containing wands were opened one after another, and the wands crowded around Louis one after another, and everyone tried their best to get closer to him, as if they wanted him to try themselves.

"Is this what you call complicated?" Louis looked through the gap between the wands and looked at Ollivander, who looked stunned and confused: "I think everyone likes me?"

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