I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 3 Everyone loves Louis

Ollivander was dumbfounded, staring at the wands in front of him as if he was petrified.

Merlin's beard, he dared to swear to Merlin, even in family legends, there was no such exaggerated little wizard.

And Louis also got an achievement.

Everybody Loves Louis (Season 1) (Glorious Deeds)

Achievement description: Get the approval of all wands in Ollivander's Wand Shop.

Achievement reward: Eye of Discernment.

At this time, Ollivander also came to his senses and said with a little embarrassment: "Sorry, Mr. Mountbatten, this is the first time I have encountered this situation."

"It doesn't matter." Louis looked at the beech wand in his hand with his newly learned discernment.

Magic wand (white)

One-handed damage: 1-1

Durability: 50/50

(Wizards only)

+1 to ridiculus (ridiculous)

"I'll look at something else." Louis put the beech wand on the counter. The beech wand, which was shaking and shining brightly, suddenly shrank down. It looked like a little girl abandoned by a heartless man. The whole wand looked... Very depressed.

"Oh, holly wood, eleven inches, phoenix tail feathers." Ollivander saw the wand that Louis picked up and quickly introduced him: "This wand also has a twin brother, who is the boy who survived. The one with the scar on his head..."

It seems to be Harry Potter's wand, Louis thought to himself. He didn't intend to get this wand, he just wanted to see its properties.

Phoenix Holly Wand (Blue)

One-handed damage: 1-1

Durability: 50/50

(Wizards only)

+10% Faster cast rating

+3 to Expelliarmus (Expelliarmus)

There were two black lines drawn on Louis' head. It was indeed Expelliarmus. No wonder Porter was able to knock Snape away when he was in third grade.

Plus three...

He quickly put the staff back on the counter. He couldn't bear it anymore...

After picking and choosing for a long time, he finally chose the wand that suited him best.

Cypress wood, eleven inches, unicorn tail hair, +30% faster cast speed

It doesn't matter what he adds, the most important thing is what he needs now. He planned to practice magic spells at home before the start of school. Now that he had magic spring water as a mana recovery support, casting speed was the key to practicing magic spells.

After paying eleven Galleons, bidding farewell to Mr. Ollivander who was having an emo, Louis continued his shopping trip.

An episode occurred during this period. Louis looked at a tiger cub with affection in his eyes, but under Professor McGonagall's stern gaze, he still reluctantly chose a pure white owl.

"Just call me Emeriss, little one."

Louis named the little guy after the dragon of dreams. In his favorite Azeroth, owls are the companions of dreams.

A month passed very quickly, and Louis was not idle either. With the water-making technique, which was a bug-level contraband, the levels of various basic spells were improving by leaps and bounds.

What's weird is that the armor spell after level 2 will only gain proficiency when it successfully defends against an attack. However, this did not faze Louis. He specially spent money to build a table tennis training machine to practice the Iron Armor Curse. At first, he used table tennis balls, and gradually changed to wooden balls and shot put from the third level. After reaching the fifth level, his proficiency It came to a complete standstill.

It seems that you need to successfully protect the magic spell to increase your proficiency.

The definition of magic levels in the system is that level one is for beginners, level two is for proficient spell casting, level three can effectively shorten the casting time, level four can significantly increase the power of spells, level five can cast spells silently, and starting from level six, you can cast spells without a wand.

After level six, you can continue to increase the level of your spells. After reaching the full level of ten, you can cast spells with just your thoughts without any movement. Like Queenie in Fantastic Beasts, Legilimency can be used without leaving a trace.

As for swordsmanship, he also specially hired a swordsmanship teacher from Germany. Over the past month, his swordsmanship level has been improving day by day.

With the guidance of a teacher, your proficiency in basic swordsmanship will soar like a rocket. Having multiple teachers will naturally save you a lot of detours.

Although he has not experienced actual combat now, he is becoming more and more comfortable with the combination of fluorescent flashes and sword swings.

Perhaps due to his talent, his fluorescent flashes are naturally several times brighter than others. One night when we were practicing in the middle of the night, the rooster outside even thought it was dawn and even started to cluck twice.

The fifth-level skill achievement rewarded Louis with a crystal sword with four strange holes on it, which is said to have the effect of breaking spells, and is attached with reinforced magic, making it indestructible.

King's Cross Station.

Since his sister Diana, who had a particularly good relationship with Louis, was visiting Africa in the past two months, the person who sent him to school was the housekeeper of the Mountbatten family, who was also an old servant of his mother Ziyu.

"How happy the eldest lady would be if she saw the young master enrolling in school."

Seeing his young master crashing into platform nine and three-quarters, the housekeeper's eyes became moist.

Louis' grandfather... is enjoying his vacation in Morocco.

Louis had a lot of luggage and was dragging his owl that liked to dig into schoolbags as he walked forward, trying to find a carriage with no queues on the platform.

The Hogwarts special train is different from domestic hard-seat trains. Instead, it looks like a soft sleeper. Each compartment has sliding doors, but there are no beds. The first few carriages were crowded with people, so Louis had no choice but to squeeze towards the back carriage, find an unoccupied compartment, open his schoolbag and let Emeris come out for some air.

Emeris happily leaned back on the seat and kicked her paws wildly. After Louis fed him the butler's special beef jerky, he ignored him and read a book in peace.

Potions must be prepared carefully. In the memory, Snape's mouth was too venomous, and Louis didn't want him to spit venom because he didn't prepare the textbook carefully.

"Uh...hello, please...can I sit here?"

A timid voice sounded, and Louis followed the sound and saw that it was a chubby little boy. His eyes kept dodging Louis's eyes, and his behavior was full of unconfidence.

"Oh, yes, please come in." Louis responded gently, picking up Emeriss who was getting into her schoolbag and placing it on his side.

The little boy did not notice the existence of Emeris, but only saw the schoolbag moving constantly.

"Hi, my name is Louis, Louis Mountbatten."

Louis stretched out his hand, and the little boy hesitated, then stretched out his hand to hold it, and said with some stuttering: "Hello... hello, my name is Neville Longbottom."

Lewis smiled warmly and patted him on the shoulder: "It looks like the weather outside is not bad."

"Yes, yes." Neville was no longer so nervous. Although the classmate in front of him seemed to be a stranger, he was actually a good classmate: "Are you a senior?"

"Me? Oh, no, I'm a freshman." Louis replied with a smile.

Neville wanted to say something more, but the compartment door was suddenly opened, interrupting what he wanted to say.

"Sorry...I didn't know there was anyone in there, uh...sorry."

The uninvited guest is a little boy wearing glasses.

"It doesn't matter." Louis nodded.

"Well, can I sit here? Oh my god, the whole carriage is full. I really, really can't find an empty compartment."

While the little boy wearing glasses was talking, the snow-white owl in the cage he was holding was jumping around, trying to get out of the cage to let some air flow.

"Okay, there's room for six people in the cubicle."

Lewis was telling the truth, the compartment was extremely spacious, even wider than the soft sleeper he had sat on before.

"Thank you! Thank you!" The little boy thanked with a silly smile, dragging the heavy suitcase into the compartment.

He dragged and pulled with difficulty, preparing to lift the box over the pedal. Seeing that he was struggling, Louis walked over and helped him carry the box to the corner.

Neville was not idle either, helping the little boy put the owl cage on the table.

"Thank you, it's really helpful." The little boy took a few breaths, stretched out his hand and said, "Hello, I am Harry, Harry Potter, and I am the new student this year."

Ah... no wonder he looks so familiar, he turns out to be the savior.

Louis held it and answered with a smile: "I am Louis Mountbatten, and he is Neville Longbottom, both new students at Hogwarts."

It seems like the butterfly effect, the two boys from the prophecy actually met in the carriage?

"Well, can I sit here? There are no empty seats in the cubicles over here." A weak voice sounded from behind.

Red hair, freckles, it’s Ron who didn’t run away.

After introducing himself, Ron's eyes suddenly widened: "Ah, you are Harry Potter, the one who defeated the mysterious man..."

"Can I see yours?" Ron said something very misleading to himself.

"Wha...what?" Harry didn't understand for a while.

Ron sat on his seat and made signs on his forehead with his hands: "That's right, that's the... scar they were talking about."

Harry didn't feel too taboo, so he lifted his hair to reveal the lightning-shaped scar.

"Absolutely." Ron accidentally said the Daqin dialect.

Lewis also lost interest in reading. He stuffed his hands into his schoolbag, rubbed Emeris' plump body, and watched the conversation between the two with interest.

Needless to say, the arrival of Ron and Harry made this cubicle lively.

While they were chatting, the sound of a small cart rang, and the voice of an aunt selling snacks came from outside the door.

"Would you like to buy anything, kids?"

"No, thank you, I brought..." Ron took out a sandwich with some embarrassment.

Harry looked at his somewhat embarrassed new friend and took out a few Galleons from his pocket.

"We want them all."

"Wow..." This time not only Ron, but also Neville joined in the admiration.

Rich people, let’s be friends!

After pouring all the snacks in the car onto the seats, the saleswoman left the compartment and went to the front of the car to restock. Three little ones, you look at me and I look at you. Harry was the first to say, "Why don't we eat together? I can't eat alone anyway."

"Uh, thank you, but..." Ron looked at the squeezed sandwich in his hand with a grimace: "Mom said waste is bad behavior, I have to eat them all."

"How about you divide this sandwich into four parts, and each of us kills one part for you?" Louis suggested in a timely manner.

"Uh...this..." Ron was extremely embarrassed. The sandwich made by his mother did not look good under the squeeze, so that he was a little embarrassed now.

"You're welcome." Louis winked at Ron, took out his knife, cut the sandwich into four parts, picked up his own portion and stuffed it into his mouth.

I have to admit that Mrs. Weasley's craftsmanship is very good, and even this simple sandwich does not taste bad.

At least it tastes better than what Diana made...

"It should be said that your mother's craftsmanship is excellent." Louis' expression was not fake. He swallowed the sandwich, raised his eyebrows and said to Ron with a smile: "Compared to what my sister makes, I don't know where it is. Go, let her ask her aunt for advice if she gets the chance."

"Really?" Ron's eyes lit up. Children always take pleasure in praise.

"Of course, I like it very much." Louis smiled and patted Ron's knee - the two of them were sitting next to each other.

"I testify, it's much more delicious than Aunt Petunia's." Harry said the same.

"It's as delicious as my grandma's." This was Neville's compliment.

"Thank you." Ron smiled happily and picked up a bag of snacks from the seat: "Would you like to try this? Bibi multi-flavor beans?"

Then he saw Neville with a frustrated look on his face and asked with concern: "Neville? What's wrong with you?"

"Oh... no... speaking of grandma, I seem to have forgotten something again..." Neville said with a grimace.

"It's okay, I'll think about it while I'm eating, and maybe I'll remember it." Ron opened the multi-flavor beans and gave one to each person: "They say they have various flavors, including chocolate, mint..."

The contract has been signed, and fellow wizards can invest with confidence.

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