I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 107 The soul leaves the body!

Louis ran very fast, faster than any Western reporter.

He didn't want Catherine to know about his childhood embarrassments.

As soon as I went out, I was told that my aunt had made an appointment yesterday to have a casual dinner together today and take a look at my eldest nephew's girlfriend.

The check belongs to yes.

I guess what Aunt Liz means is that her two sons have been ruined by training, and such a great nephew cannot be ruined anymore.

The people on the left and right had nothing to do, and Louis planned to tease Voldemort first.

He returned to the bedroom and asked Christasa to bring him some pen and ink. He also asked her not to leave in a hurry, but to carefully lock the door and help him hold off the battle first.

He never did anything he wasn't sure about.

After everything was ready, he took out the diary and took a closer look at the rough outer packaging. There were gilded words printed on the cover.

"Tom Marvolo Riddle."

Louis shrugged, opened the diary and dropped two drops of ink on it.

Sure enough, as shown in the movie, the ink dripped on the notebook paper and left two ink marks, and then the color gradually became lighter until it disappeared.

Well, it absorbs water very well and doesn’t leak at all.

Soft and caring.

Louis wrote the words "Little Nurse" in his notebook, thought about it, and then wrote "Space7".

He suppressed his desire to write another "Sophie" and put the pen aside.

This is more or less the best explanation of the most applicable functions of this notebook.

Soon these three words disappeared, replaced by a small question mark.


"Very mysterious." Louis wrote in his notebook: "Hello? Are you there?"

Louis' Hengshui body slowly disappeared, replaced by a line of cursive characters.

"Hello, may I know your name?"

Louis couldn't hold it back and wrote the classic lines of the old gangster Richard.

"Hello, my name is Mourinho."

"Mourinho? Am I in the Iberian Peninsula now?"

This very big-toothed name obviously stopped the diary's thinking for a moment.

"Oh, sorry, I just made a little joke. Hello, Mr. Diary, my name is Harry Potter."

Anyway, Louis had no intention of telling his real name.

The diary was obviously silent for a long time. Just when Louis thought it had crashed, a line of text suddenly appeared in the notebook.

"Hello, Harry Potter, I'm Tom Riddle."

"Tom Marvolo Riddle?" Lewis wrote.

"Yes, how do you know my name?"

"Obviously, Mr. Diary, you have gilded text on the cover." Lewis paused for a moment, then added: "Why do I think your IQ is not very high?"

The diary responded quickly: "Actually, I am very smart, but it has been too long and I have forgotten it."

"Let's become friends. I can teach you a lot of interesting gadgets that you can't imagine." The diary is very tempting, just like Brother Jie who deceived Ah Wei.

“Timeo danaos et dona ferentes.”

Louis wrote a string of Latin words in his diary.

I couldn't read the diary anymore, so I slowly typed out a question mark for a long time.

"To be courteous for nothing is to be either a traitor or a thief." Louis wrote another string of Chinese characters.

"Please write something I can understand, thank you."

The diary's mentality is a bit broken.

"Look, you don't understand these two languages, how dare you call yourself smart?" Louis began to mock: "I, Harry Potter, dislike fools the most."

"Write another one! I must know it!" The diary was betting that Louis didn't know so many languages ​​​​that he didn't know.

"Selama ashal'anore!"

This time it was changed to the official language of Quel'Thalas.

"ml wrrrrmalwg wlaam?"

After writing this string of fish-man words, the diary was completely broken.

"You are making up words! Damn it! This is not what friends should do!"

"This sentence is the language of fish people, which means you are hiding something." Louis quickly gave him a lesson on what fish people are.

I even wrote him a concise fish-human language tutorial of more than 20 minutes.

If the diary showed its true form, it would be full of circles.

He has now begun to doubt whether this fish-human language really exists.

"Being able to speak multiple languages ​​is not a necessary and sufficient condition for being smart." The diary began to make amends for itself: "Perhaps, I will teach you powerful magic to give you unparalleled power and defeat enemies you cannot defeat!"

"Nothing necessary, all superfluous." Lewis wrote: "Ever heard of Voldemort?"

The diary was stunned for a moment, but still wrote: "Yes, I have heard of it."

"I, Harry Potter, could kill this boss when I was one year old. Now you say you want to teach me powerful magic?" Louis paused, rubbed his sore wrist and continued writing: "Look at that Voldemort , he and his Death Eaters are like a bunch of stupid baskets, and I, Harry Potter, am waiting for him at Hogwarts. Look, if he dares to come, his nose will be cut off by him."

The diary was down for a long time, but nothing was written in the end.

After a long while, he still said: "Okay, you win."

"Wouldn't it be better to admit it earlier?" Louis wrote in his diary.

"I think there is no need for us to beat around the bush. You are not Harry Potter at all. Who are you?"

The diary still discovered Louis' true identity.

"Your wisdom is enough to light up a bathroom." Louis wrote in the diary, and quickly added at the end of the sentence: "And it's a girls' bathroom."

Notebook shut up, obviously angry to death from Lewis.

Louis found it boring, so he closed the notebook and threw it to Christasa.

That's it?

At around four o'clock in the afternoon, Louis' family of three drove towards Windsor Castle in a car.

Diana didn't go. She and Cousin Charlie now dislike each other. Charlie felt that she didn't understand him enough to be a good vase, while Diana felt that he was a scumbag.

Old Louis was very satisfied with Catherine, especially her ambition. He had always thought that his grandson was too honest and responsible. Now having a good wife to take him with him would definitely help him get rid of his salty life attitude.

When we got off the bus, Cousin Charlie had been waiting at the gate early.

This is also out of respect for his elders. He especially respects Old Louis and often tells people that Old Louis is his honorary grandfather.

After hugging Louis Sr. and saying hello, the Guinness World Record-breaking prince hugged Louis again.

"Oh, my little Louis, you seem to have grown a little taller, you are now taller than my waist."

"Hey, just wait..." Lewis gritted his teeth and said, "Sooner or later the day will come when I will surpass you!"

"Hahaha, I hope that one day, I hope you can only grow as high as my chest." The cousin laughed and teased Louis.

"Hmph... don't be too happy, I wish you to be the crown prince for seventy years!" Louis gritted his teeth and cursed his good cousin.

My cousin was stunned for a moment, then he realized what he was doing and said with a smile: "Oh, that's really great." His face was filled with a sincere smile: "Who would still be alive when they are seventy or eighty years old? Mom, this is really a happy thing."


Wrong, I forgot that this guy is a mama's boy.

Then my cousin realized what he said was inappropriate and quickly explained: "Sorry, Louis, I didn't mean that..."

"If you don't explain, it really doesn't mean that." Louis looked at his good cousin with squinting eyes.

"Hahaha..." The cousin smiled a little awkwardly. In order to dispel the awkward atmosphere, he looked at Catherine aside: "This is your girlfriend, don't you want to introduce her?"

"Hello, Your Highness." Catherine made a ladylike salute without being humble or condescending: "I am Catherine Worley, Xiaolu... Louis' girlfriend."

"You don't have to be so polite, Catherine, you can call me Charlie." Cousin Charlie is indeed a veteran in the romance field, and he is so familiar with women.

He held Catherine's hand very carefully, just touching her fingertips a little and it was instant.

Although he is poor and ill, unlike his younger brother, he is not a copper smelter.

"Have you washed your hands, my dear cousin?" Louis tutted: "I even saw the oily spot on the back of Catherine's hand..."

"Maybe it's someone's saliva." The cousin shrugged, his teeth and mouth were no less sharp than Lewis's.

"Okay, Charlie, do we really have to stand here all day?" Grandpa finally couldn't stand it anymore, so he wanted to find a place to take a nap.

Old people are very addicted to sleep.

Only then did the cousin realize that he couldn't let his grandfather stand for too long. He led everyone into the castle with a smile.

After entering the castle, Louis suddenly felt his hands tighten.

Originally, he had been holding Catherine's hand, but at this time, Catherine added a little more strength, obviously a little nervous.

It would be strange if he wasn't nervous. Who among the average person has experienced this kind of battle?

"Louis! My dear baby!"

An exaggerated voice sounded, and without asking, he knew it was Cousin Anne. Louis felt his body light up, and the whole world began to spin.

It was my cousin's tornado that destroyed the parking lot.

"Okay Annie, put Louis down, this kid is almost out of breath."

It was Uncle Phil who came to the rescue at the critical moment.

The cousin then put down Louis, looked at his circled eyes, and couldn't help but giggle.

"Thank you, Uncle Phil, you saved my life." Louis said breathlessly.

The cousin's love was so strong and deep that Louis was silent and stranded but could not recover.

"Your kid is learning tricks in Scotland and has never come back. Your aunt misses you so much." Uncle Phil has always been the kind of person who talks a lot: "I really don't know what is worth indulging in that kind of juggling tricks." .”

"Dad!" Annie slapped her big-mouthed father angrily.

Since it was a family dinner at home, it was relatively casual, without so much red tape. Auntie was not in the living room, but waiting for Louis and Catherine in the study. After meeting Louis and saying hello for a few words, she grabbed Catherine and started talking cordially.

She still liked Catherine very much. Louis often wrote to his aunt to praise Catherine, so under Louis' influence, his aunt still had a good impression of Catherine.

Seeing Catherine, she seemed to see herself in a trance, the war-torn years, the age of burning passion, and the girlhood of driving trucks and racing Stukas...

At this time, a maid came over, handed a board to my aunt, and asked respectfully: "Your Majesty, these are the dishes prepared in the kitchen today. Please take a look."

Auntie chose a few she liked and handed the board to Catherine: "You can choose a few too."

Catherine took it as instructed and looked at the menu. She didn't understand French, so she randomly picked a few she liked and handed them back to the maid. The maid bowed and then withdrew.

After talking for a long time, it was time for dinner. Auntie took Catherine to the restaurant with her.

The restaurant is in a typical Baroque style. The gorgeous crystal chandeliers reflect the colorful light and shadow in the light. The attendants shuttle through it in an orderly manner, spreading a tablecloth with heavy gold embroidery on the huge square table, and then filling it with fruits and food. and candlesticks.

Catherine was guided by the maid to sit down on the right hand side of her aunt - this time, unlike at the Malfoy house, the guest of honor at the banquet was Catherine, so she had to sit on the right hand side of the host. She observed the others calmly, and then imitated them in laying a white square scarf on her legs.

A bell rang, and the chef and a team of maids came in pushing a cart and stood beside everyone. The head chef opened the lid on the dinner plate and gently placed the meal in front of her aunt. Then the maids served everyone the dishes in unison. Catherine found that the dishes in front of her were all those she had chosen before, and even The slightly larger food inside has been cut into well-proportioned bite sizes.

After serving the dishes, the head chef quickly led the maids away, and immediately there were attendants pouring wine and drinks for them.

Looking at the dazzling array of tableware in front of her, Catherine panicked for the first time in her life. She looked at her aunt for help and asked in a low voice: "Your Majesty... Aunt Liz, you know, I have never participated in a similar banquet. These etiquettes …I really don’t understand.”

"Actually, I also have a secret to share with you." Auntie smiled and winked at Catherine, grabbed the body of the goblet, and took a big sip of wine: "You know I have been living here, but in fact I’ve never quite understood the etiquette in this area.”

She put down the goblet, took Catherine's hand and patted it gently.

Auntie's smile is kind and relaxing.

"So you don't have to be too formal. It's enough to know how to use a knife and fork... Just tell the servants what you want to eat and they will prepare it for you."

After being comforted by her aunt, Catherine breathed a sigh of relief, but she did not completely relax. It was always right to be cautious.

After eating and drinking and leaving the restaurant, Catherine grabbed Louis. She had a question from just now.

"Little Deer, why is no one eating the food placed in the middle of the table?"

"Oh, those..." Louis touched his nose in embarrassment, "Those are for looking at, not for eating." To be honest, his Siris soul couldn't stand this kind of extravagance. It was a wasteful act, but this was the table manners of aristocrats, and there was nothing he could do about it.

It’s just that I, Louis, only have eight sets of regular clothes for all seasons, so I can’t bear to see these luxurious things!

"Hey, Louis." A disgusting voice sounded from behind the two of them. Looking back, it was second cousin Andy.

Louis was disgusted with him. Really, if he hadn't been concerned about the reputation of his uncle and aunt, he would have definitely dealt with him.

"Are you taking your little girlfriend back in such a hurry, instead of having a drink with your dear cousin?" Although Andy was talking to Louis, his eyes were staring at Catherine with malicious intent.

"I won't bother my cousin, I have something else to do, please do as you please." Louis bowed politely, but there was a hard-to-detect stern look in his eyes.

"Okay, okay, if you have time, be sure to bring your little girlfriend to have a drink with me." Andy said nonchalantly: "I'll treat you."

After saying that, he took a deep look at Catherine, turned and left.

However, the moment he turned around, he heard Louis say something. It was a word that he did not understand the meaning of. Then, he was in a trance, as if he had fallen into a happy paradise.

"Imperio! (soul out of body)"

Some titles are harmonious when written, so replace them with titles or nicknames for elders.

Say sorry to everyone.

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