I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 108 Another year of school season

For wizards, modifying memory is not an easy task. After all, this kind of magic is relatively advanced and difficult to master.

But Louis’s incredible talent is not easy to master.

Especially for a loser like Andy.

It would be good to castrate some bad hobbies, and Louis tried to make him abstinent.

Well, I was somewhat of a prison type before.

After returning to the guest room, Catherine pushed Louis against the wall, still feeling frightened by the sound.

"The Unforgivable Curse, how dare you...how dare you!"

Catherine's lips trembled with anxiety and worry. She looked at Louis, her big bright eyes also showing anxiety.

However, the beautiful girl's How dare you is definitely more pleasing to the eye than a certain environmentally friendly girl. At least Catherine does not have the Weitian armor of the environmentally friendly girl.

"Are you teaching me how to do something?" Louis suppressed the violence in his heart and asked expressionlessly.

"伱...if you are discovered and enter Azkaban, what should I do? What do you want me to do!"

Catherine growled lowly, her eyes seemed to be filled with mist.

"It's just the Soul-stealing Curse. It's not a big problem. If I weren't afraid that my uncle and aunt would be sad, I would just give him a Death Curse." Louis' expression was very bloodthirsty.

The next sentence made Catherine's eyes become as gentle as water.

"I will not allow anyone to try to get involved with my woman, not even God." Louis lifted Catherine's chin frivolously, and lightly tapped her lips with his fingers.

Even if you are God, if you dare to show your health bar, I will kill you.

"Louis...promise me that you will discuss it with me in advance..." Catherine hugged Louis and squeezed him against the wall.

"Okay, I'll do it next time." Lewis promised very well.

Actually, I know how to use Avada Kedavra, but I just don’t dare to use it.

The price is too high, I can't bear it, but the Soul Imperius Curse, which only consumes mana, really doesn't matter.

After staying at his aunt's house for less than half a month, Louis took Catherine back to his home.

The first day of school is coming soon, and Louis has already listed a bunch of detailed small goals, preparing to torture the students at the beginning of the school year...no, to train the students well.

But first, he had to deal with Lockhart.

Tifa, you don’t want your brother to be expelled from school, right?

On the first day of school, Louis set out with Catherine. Grandpa said that he should go to school quickly so that he could get clean, but when Louis left home, he saw his grandfather looking at him for a long time in front of the window on the fourth floor.

He felt sour and uncomfortable.

A few days ago, grandpa's personal doctor mentioned that the old man's physical condition was very poor. When I was young, I traveled around the sea all year round and accumulated a lot of problems. It is not easy to live to this age.

In and out of words, he said that grandpa seemed to be unable to get over the hurdle.

Louis had never thought about what it would be like the day his grandfather left him. That night, he lost his temper for the first time in his life and cried secretly for a long time.

He wrote to Dumbledore repeatedly, wanting to borrow the Philosopher's Stone, but Dumbledore said that he and Nicolas Flamel had just destroyed the Philosopher's Stone two days ago to avoid future troubles.

When he received the letter, Louis almost knocked the owl down with a ball of paper.

If you don't destroy it early, you won't destroy it later, but you are doing this bad thing at this time.

He frantically searched for the collection of magical books in various houses. He looked through the Warley family, the Malfoy family and the Weasley family, but found nothing.

Catherine also felt his sadness and hugged him to give him silent support.

"Grandpa is already very old, but unfortunately... the Sorcerer's Stone was destroyed by Dumbledore..." Louis muttered to himself, and Catherine did not interrupt, but just hugged him quietly.

"Aside from the Philosopher's Stone, do you think there is any magic potion that can extend life?" Louis seemed to be asking Catherine, but also seemed to be talking to himself.

"Sorry, Louis, I..." Catherine hated herself for not working more on the potion: "I really hate myself for not being able to help you when you need it most..."

"Don't talk about yourself like that." Louis hugged her soft body and sighed softly: "It's just my incompetence as a grandson."

"Hey, the elixir of life?" Krisstrasa heard the conversation between the two people. She turned around and curled her lips in the front row: "How could there be such a thing... Doesn't this violate the basic laws?"

Lewis didn't speak, he just looked at Krisstrasa deeply.

Krisstrasa didn't feel Lewis's gaze at all, and still said to herself: "Master is completely abandoning the near in favor of the far away. You may remember that the reason why the night elves are immortal is because the dragon kings are obsessed with Nodaxi, the world tree. Your blessings.”

"But Lord Nozdormu's dragon has disappeared, so it's not easy to ask for his help... You don't know what day it will be when you see him."

"Tell me the important point." Lewis finally spoke, and the sound of his voice at least opened up a cold blood stream.

"What I mean is that the blessing of His Majesty Alexstrasza's Red Dragon Legion can still extend your grandfather's life. Although he cannot live forever, if nothing happens, it should not be a problem to live briefly for tens of thousands of years."

Christasa said easily.

Live "briefly" for tens of thousands of years.

Listen, is this human talk?

But she didn't dare to mess with Lewis. She knew what Lewis' temper was like, and it was very likely that she would rather not have the red dragon's blessing than throw her to Cordala.

At this moment, Lewis’s task reminder also rang.

*Task difficulty prompt entry has been unlocked

*Grim Batol: Big Trouble for the Red Dragonflight

A powerful orcish force still controls the wilds north of Khaz Modan. The notorious warlock Nekros, chief of the Dragonmaw clan, uses an ancient artifact called the "Demon Soul" to control the red dragon queen Alexstrasza and her red dragon clan. Nekros established a secret army in the abandoned Wildhammer fortress of Grim Batol, vowing to defend the hard-won "Legion of the Sky".

Mission requirements: Assault on Grim Batol Fortress in Khaz Modan and release the Red Dragon Queen.

Mission reward: Friendship of the Red Dragon Legion, Essence of the Red Dragon Legion (can be diluted)*20, Skill Points*10

Mission Difficulty: SSSS

Louis looked at the four golden Ss, then at the D of the Undead Settlement, the A of Alunes, and the C of Voldemort.

Are you kidding me?

The heart that was originally burning with excitement suddenly felt as if cold water had been poured on it. It felt as if Teacher Fan Wei had won three million dollars.

"What's wrong?" Catherine asked with concern.

"Nothing..." Lewis's eyes were moist.

But he can't wait any longer, time waits for no one, Louis decided to speed up the pace and work hard to complete the task, and work hard to become stronger!

Of course, we have to go to school first.

There is always a flow of people at King's Cross Station. Standing next to the small pillars of platform nine and three-quarters are two sneaky and mysterious wizards, wearing black jackets, with their hands in their hands. In his arms, if this was on the Eagle Sauce side, he would definitely be considered a "dealer" from the West Coast.

The kind of flour trader who makes Chinese characters harmonious.

But in fact, they are Ministry of Magic staff who keep Muggle-repelling spells around this wall and erase the memories of certain Muggles who have seen things they shouldn't have seen.

The luggage of Louis and his wife were all put in Christasa's big handbag. They walked into platform nine and three-quarters with their little maid, preparing to board the train to Hogwarts.

By the way, Dumbledore approved Christasa's request to study at Hogwarts and was waiting for the Sorting Hat to assign her a suitable house to study in. She was considered a transfer student and directly entered Catherine's fourth grade. .

In Christasa's words, she is actually only eight years old among the red dragon tribe.

At that time, Louis felt that his outlook on life was about to collapse. He stared at Christasa's Mount Kilimanjaro and this figure who was a little taller than Catherine with the eyes of a subway man looking at his mobile phone. He pointed at her and asked Catherine : "What the hell is this called eight years old?"

Well, eight years old for dragons might not be the same as eight years old for humans.

Let Catherine take Christasa into the car first, and Louis plans to see if Harry and the others have been stopped by Dobby.

But he walked around the platform and didn't even find anyone he knew, let alone Harry and Ron. After thinking about it, he decided to get on the bus first.

Even if Harry couldn't get into the car, wouldn't there still be a flying car?

Kids always need a little adventure.

While walking, I was just thinking about something, and accidentally bumped into someone, knocking them off their feet.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Lewis quickly supported the tall, thin and handsome guy.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's all my fault." The handsome boy's voice was very gentle.

"Well, you can't say that. We all have responsibilities." Louis stretched out his hand while brushing off the responsibilities: "Louis Mountbatten."

"I recognize you. You taught our Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Mr. Professor." The handsome boy made a little joke and held Louis' hand: "Cedric Diggory, fourth grade Hufflepuff student."

"Hello, Cedric, nice to meet you." Louis turned around and saw the girl Siris walking behind him.

"Sorry, did you drop this?" The girl's voice was gentle and she was very beautiful. The sense of déjà vu made Louis think of Mio Akiyama.

A beautiful girl with long black straight hair.

Cedric was stunned for a moment and saw the Hufflepuff-style scarf the girl was holding.

"Oh, thank you. I said I couldn't find it just now, but it turned out that I had dropped it." Cedric took the scarf and stuffed it into his bag: "I am Cedric Diggory, thank you very much, I can know your Name?"

"Qiu Zhang." Zhang Qiu replied generously, and then looked at Louis: "This classmate...ah, it's Professor Mountbatten!"

She recognized Louis.

Louis smiled softly and said in Chinese this time: "Good morning, Miss Zhang Qiu."

Zhang Qiu didn't realize for a moment that Louis was speaking Chinese, and responded with a smile: "Hello, Professor Mountbatten."

Then she froze on the spot.

After a while, she came back to her senses and apologized with some embarrassment: "I'm sorry, I haven't heard the local accent for a long time, and I'm not used to it... You speak Chinese very well. I thought I met a real Sai." Where are the Lysians?"

"My mother is a Seris. She comes from Zombestdam, the provincial capital of the Netherlands." Louis replied, thinking that I am not a Seres. At least I was a pure Seres in my previous life.

"Oh, my God, then we are still half fellow villagers." Zhang Qiu said excitedly: "Our family is also from the Netherlands..."

"Do we really want to stand here and talk?" Cedric interjected: "Why don't we get in the car first and talk in the car..."

"That's fine, but you have to come with me. My girlfriend is still waiting for me in the car." Louis shrugged.

When he heard that Louis had a girlfriend, Zhang Qiu had no reaction, but Cedric breathed a sigh of relief.

The smile spread across his face again.

"Oh, okay, we'll just go with you." He said a little excitedly.

When Catherine opened the door to their cubicle, the three of them were obviously startled.

The salesperson's trolley was inserted upright in the compartment. Kristassa kept stuffing crucible cakes into her mouth like a hamster, her cheeks were bulging, and she looked very cute.

Catherine sat quietly in her seat reading a book. When she heard Louis come in, she asked without raising her head: "Have you found your two good brothers?"

"No, stupid people are lucky." Louis said nonchalantly: "I met two new friends on the way here. I'll introduce them to you."

Catherine was not interested in meeting any new friends, but Louis' next words suddenly made her less resistant.

"You are my girlfriend, so of course you have to meet my new friends."

After everyone introduced each other, they all took their seats.

Louis pushed Christasa up and asked her to sit on the edge and eat her snack slowly.

He looked at Krisstrasa, who was still showing off like a hamster, and asked tangledly: "Are you really Kaixi, aren't you afraid of her having diarrhea?"

Catherine laughed at Louis' words. She closed the book and glanced at him: "Don't worry, even if she eats this train without diarrhea, I won't be surprised."

Louis then remembered that Krisstrasa was a female dragon. Really, worrying about whether the female dragon would have diarrhea after eating the cake was better than worrying about whether she would have enough to eat this thing...

Cedric and Zhang Qiu just thought that Catherine was exaggerating and didn't think much about it.

"Would you like some Bibi's flavored beans?" Christasa asked everyone while holding the Bibi's flavored beans after finishing the cake.

"No, thank you." Louis thanked him indifferently. He was afraid of eating some strange taste.

The others didn't want to risk their luck and try this weird thing. Krisstrasa felt displeased, picked up a multi-flavored bean and stuffed it into her mouth.

Then she spat it out.

"Yew! It smells like dragon dung..." she said with a grimace.

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