I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 112 There can only be one cloud above Slytherin’s head

In order to show his fairness, Professor Sprout decided to take a random shot.

She closed her eyes and pointed casually on the roster, pointing to Crabbe's name.

"Mr. Vincent Crabbe, please answer this question." Professor Sprout said.

He didn't think much about it when his name was called, but after his name was called, Professor Sprout, who was always kind and kind, couldn't help but start to worry about what if the child couldn't answer the question and felt embarrassed, would it affect his mentality.

But there was no way to take back this reputation. Professor Sprout could only secretly hope that this child had read a little bit of books. She had already decided that even if Crabbe answered half of the answers correctly, no, even if he answered one sentence correctly, he would give it to her. Slytherin adds a point of meaning.

Hermione was still nervous about her opportunity to speak being taken away, but when she heard that it was Crabbe, that little fat boy, she couldn't help but feel reassured.

If it was Draco, she might still worry about whether the other person answered correctly and get extra points, but Crabbe? Crabbe, this fat brother, only knows how to study in class and eat delicious chicken every day, let alone answer such lofty questions as Mandrake.

Thinking of this, Hermione couldn't help but lean back tactically and looked at Crabbe with a confident attitude.

But Crabbe really opened her eyes.

"Mandrake, also called mandrake root, is a powerful recovery agent." Crabbe answered fluently, as if he had eaten Doraemon's memory bread: "It is used to treat people who have been transformed or deformed. It is the return of the cursed person to his original state.”

"Very good, ten points for Slytherin!" Professor Sprout was overjoyed. There was such a surprise. The student who had always been dull suddenly became enlightened. For a serious and responsible teacher, there is nothing happier than this. Something happened. A cheerful smile filled her plump face: "Mandrakes are an important part of most antidotes, but they are also very dangerous. Can anyone tell me why?"

Crabbe raised his hands as fast as he would grab food.

"Hearing the cry of Mandrake will cause people to faint, and in severe cases, they will die." He blurted out impatiently.

"Excellent, excellent!" Professor Sprout couldn't help but applaud: "It seems that you are really preparing for your homework. Slytherin will add ten points."

Crabbe was so happy that for the first time in his life, he received a compliment from his teacher.

"If you don't mind, can you share your learning experience with everyone? Dear Mr. Crabbe?" Professor Sprout asked.

"Well, this is actually all the result of His Highness Louis." Crabbe was still a child after all, so he immediately confessed Louis: "His Highness shared many learning methods with us, and we have benefited a lot... Well, just For example, Gregory and I are roommates, and we always check our homework when we have nothing to do. For example, when we went to bed and washed up yesterday, he asked me about the functions of mandrake."

He paused for a moment to rest, and then continued: "To be honest, I didn't completely remember the answer, so I reinforced it before going to bed to deepen the impression. I read it again while eating this morning, and then I became fluent. to answer your questions."

Now Crabbe's mentality has completely changed. The teacher's affirmation has made him experience a feeling he has never experienced before. This is an enjoyment that fishing and eating cannot bring him. Now he even starts to like learning a little bit.

After all, no one wants to deduct points from the college, and everyone wants to add points to the college.

"To add another point to your honesty, it seems that Slytherin has really changed a lot under Mr. Mountbatten's management... So, is your entire college like this?" Professor Sprout finally realized the seriousness of the problem.

Should, probably, almost...

Hufflepuff was really left behind in every aspect.

Crabbe glanced at Louis anxiously, and then secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he nodded, and replied: "That's right, Professor Sprout." At the end, he added with a naive smile: "Learning is a real thing. An interesting thing.”

What he said was so ridiculous that the entire Gryffindor House looked at him as if he had seen a ghost.

Think about it, there is a classmate in your class who has always been a loser. He plays with his mobile phone in class every day, sleeps in bed, skips classes during self-study, and suddenly one day he says that he loves studying. He wears glasses and holds a book while reading in class. Answer questions more actively than anyone else——

Think about it, do you think that some comet hit the earth to make it look like this?

The Gryffindors felt this way now, and they looked at Louis with a little more reverence in their eyes.

To be able to carve a piece of rotten wood into something like this, Louis can be considered a scorpion daddy - the only one.

"Very good, Mr. Mountbatten." Sprout gave a thumbs up, and then she said to her classmates: "Look, the mandrakes here are still very young."

She pointed to a row of dark flowerpots, and everyone was leaning forward, trying to get a better look. Professor Sprout asked everyone to take a basin and take it back to their place, and gave everyone a pair of earmuffs.

"When I tell you to put them on, be sure to cover your ears tightly!" Professor Sprout said: "When it is safe to take off the earmuffs, I will give a two thumbs up."

Everyone did as they were told, and Lewis did not dare to neglect and quickly put on the earmuffs.

The soundproofing effect of the earmuffs was particularly good. Louis immediately discovered that the outside sounds were completely isolated. Watching Hermione and Ron in Gryffindor opposite chatting, it was as funny as watching a pantomime - because Hermione was facing Ron. En was punched three times in the chest.

It looked like he had definitely said something that he shouldn't have said, which angered Hermione.

Professor Sprout put on a pair of earmuffs, rolled up his sleeves and picked up mandrakes.

A strange thing happened. The earmuffs with excellent sound insulation effect were useless at this time. An extremely subtle but very shrill scream instantly penetrated the earmuffs and stung the eardrums.

The roots of mandrake are like babies, but dry, numb, and not round at all.

Professor Sprout took out a large flower pot from under the table, stuffed the mandrake doll into it, and buried it in moist dark compost until only the clumps of leaves were exposed. She patted the dirt on her hands, gave everyone a two thumbs up, and then took off her earmuffs.

"Our mandrakes are just seedlings, and hearing their cries is not fatal." She spoke very calmly, as if she was not transplanting dangerous plants, but watering cactus. "But, it It will put you unconscious for a few hours. I don't think any of you want to miss the first day of school, so make sure you wear earmuffs when you work. When it's time to pack up, I will try to get your attention. "

Ron whispered to Harry, "Oh my gosh, I wish it was Snape's Potions class later so I could hear the Mandrake on purpose and miss Potions class."

"You still have to learn what you need to learn, Ron." Harry did not agree with his good friend's point of view: "You can only escape once, but you can't escape forever."

"Okay, then I'll just try my best to study hard." Ron was actually just trying to be nice. His best friend Harry worked so hard in his studies, but in fact he was too embarrassed to show off.

Meng's mother's principle of choosing neighbors is universally applicable. Some people are really like this, and they will be like the people around them.

At Sprout's instruction, everyone put on their earmuffs again and prepared to start transplanting mandrakes.

Louis pinched the mandrake leaf, took a deep breath, pulled it out hard, pulled out the doll and brought out the mud.

It's really ugly up close, not as pleasing to the eye as the ginseng fruit doll in the TV series.

The Mandrake doll screamed and struggled in Louis' hands, stretching its arms and kicking its legs. Louis looked a little respectful. He secretly added an electric arc to his hand. The doll trembled and hurriedly broke away from Louis. He jumped into the basin with his hand, stretched out something like a hand and pointed at his head.

Louis dumped the compost into the flowerpot. Mandrake wisely leveled the compost to almost the neck, and then left the rest to Louis.

Very interesting, Louis thought.

It seems that growing mandrake is not difficult.

Turning around, he saw Draco's finger being bitten by a mandrake.

Lewis shook his head and said he didn't care.

Why do you think you put your finger to someone's mouth if you don't have enough time...

Neville didn't faint like in the movie. Judging from the way he picked up the mandrake and stuffed it back skillfully, he was really quite skillful.

Lewis even saw a faint orange halo on his body flashing as a reminder.

"(Low-level talents have been blocked), Herbalism (15), Swordsmanship (18)"

Lewis's body trembled, yes, isn't this mission goal coming? It's time for Neville to develop his own path!

After finally getting through to the end of get out of class, the students from both colleges were all ashen as if they were yam eggs that had just been pulled out of the earth.

Spotlaw looked at the Slytherin classmates walking away, and began to think carefully about the suitable candidate in his heart - who should take the lead in bringing new gospel to the Hufflepuff classmates.

The classes are very tight, the tasks are heavy, and the next class is extremely scheduled - it is still the Transfiguration class with Gryffindor.

Professor McGonagall had been waiting in the classroom early. What made Louis a little regretful was that Professor McGonagall did not turn into a cat.

Professor McGonagall has been keeping a straight face since the students entered the classroom, especially after Ron and Harry crushed the beetles they were given - the requirement of this class was to turn beetles into buttons - Professor McGonagall His face became increasingly gloomy.

After reprimanding the two idiot brothers, there was another bang. Louis saw Professor McGonagall trembling with fright. When he turned his head to look, it was Seamus who turned the beetle into a miniature bomb.

I have to say that this is actually a kind of talent.

Two points were deducted from Gryffindor. Professor McGonagall felt more and more that these students were indifferent, so she walked to the Slytherin side.

As a result, every Slytherin student successfully and perfectly turned beetles into buttons. Draco, who had never paid much attention to the Transfiguration class, actually turned the buttons into perfect ones - there was even a coiled stripe on them. golden snake.

Professor McGonagall was so happy that she gave Slytherin ten points on the spot as a commendation for their collective performance.

The classes on Monday were very tight. Just after lunch and a short nap, the Defense Against the Dark Arts class came.

Louis' resentment was that he was a substitute professor last semester, but this semester he returned to before the liberation overnight.


Harry didn't seem very happy because he was pestered by the junior Colin Creevey for a long time at noon.

He was a good-tempered man, and he was embarrassed to say anything to Creevey's entanglement.

Due to Lockhart's excessive personal narcissism, almost all of the book lists this guy gave his classmates were his "works". Each classmate held seven books, which were really heavy for the little wizards - Lockhart's books were all hardcover editions with thick covers, so they were definitely not light.

After the whole class was seated, Lockhart arrived belatedly. He cleared his throat to quiet everyone down, walked over to Neville who was sitting in the first row, picked up the book "Walking with Trolls" and held it in his hand. , showing the photo of himself winking on the cover.

"Me." He pointed to his photo, blinking greasyly like himself in the photo: "Gilderoy Lockhart, third-class Order of Merlin, honorary member of the Anti-Dark Arts League, five-time winner "Wizard Weekly" Award for the Most Charming Smile, but I won't talk about it, I don't rely on my charming smile to drive away the Barron ghost!"

He was there waiting for everyone to laugh with him, but only a few people responded to him.

Ron complained to Harry in a low voice: "But in fact, he has already talked about his nonsense."

"I see you've all bought my complete set of books, which is great, but my sister Tifa won't be coming to Hogwarts until next week, so... I think we'll do a little test today, don't you? Afraid, just look at how much you have read and understood Gilderoy Lockhart's works..."

He held up a stack of test papers and distributed them to the students one by one before returning to the podium. "I'll give you thirty minutes," he said, "Then... let's start now!"

Lewis looked at the paper, and sure enough, there were all kinds of boring questions written on it.

It was completely fan-oriented, such as asking him about his favorite color, secret ambition and greatest achievement. It filled three pages in total.

The last question is actually an essay question: When is Gilderoy Lockhart's birthday, and what do you think his ideal birthday gift is? Please try to explain your reasons.

Louis frowned. He already had problems with Lockhart, but now he looked at him more and more displeased.

He cleared his throat and leaned back in his chair with his arms crossed.

Seeing his actions, the Slytherin classmates uniformly put down the test papers in their hands and the Silver Snake pen customized by Louis for Slytherin. Everyone had a non-violent and non-cooperative attitude, or crossed their arms, Or leaning on the table with their arms, in short, no one paid any attention to Lockhart's test papers.

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