I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 113 I said that the professor has great opinions

In fact, among the Slytherin girls, there are also many who like Lockhart.

But to put it bluntly, Lockhart is no different from those popular celebrities. At least Slytherin doesn't have the kind of love for Gilderoy that he loves to death.

Of course, Lockhart was not guilty of this, at least Lockhart didn't leak.

Compared to Lockhart, Louis was actually more popular with them.

He was strong, handsome, and from an extraordinary background. If he hadn't been afraid of Queen Slytherin's fierce fire, he would have blocked Louis from confessing day and night.

Which girl doesn’t have a dream of Prince Charming?

Not to mention the male classmates, even without Louis, they would not like Lockhart.

As for why... Hexian, how many men have you seen who like to be cut, just because?

Ron secretly yelled "Cool" in his mind. He elbowed Harry and motioned for him to look at the Slytherin side.

Then Harry, a big fool, threw the pen on the table and stopped answering the paper.

Lockhart naturally did not see the scene where Louis took the lead. He only saw that the Slytherin classmates did not answer the questions. He had a pretty good temper and just smiled politely: "It seems that not all my classmates have previewed my courses. Okay, okay, it doesn't matter if you don't answer the questions."

After a while, the papers were collected. Lockhart frowned and looked at the papers on which the questions were answered, and said with disgust: "Oh, tsk, almost no one remembers that I like lavender the most - I was in "Hiding the Snowman with the East" It was mentioned in "One Year Together" that several students need to read more."

Then he picked up another test paper and stood up, putting on a happy face: "But...Miss Hermione Granger knows that my ambition is to eliminate evil in the world and promote my exclusive line of hair care potions. "

At this point, he winked greasyly at Hermione and praised, "Good girl, 100%."

But Hermione was listening intently, with a girlish look on her face, and her eyes were full of pink stars. Lockhart suddenly mentioned her name, startling her.

"Then, ten points from Gryffindor." Lockhart said very hastily. He bent down and took out a large cage covered with a cloth from behind the podium and placed it on the table.

"Now - beware, I have been tasked with teaching you the most evil things the Whispering Wizarding World has ever known! The most terrifying things you will ever face in this classroom... But remember you guys, as long as I'm here , you won’t be harmed in any way, I just need you to stay calm!”

The students all held their breaths. With the living corpse created by Professor Lewis (front) first, how could they dare to underestimate Lockhart's boast of Haikou?

But Louis knew what was in the cage. He didn't take what Lockhart said seriously, turned his head and complained to Draco: "Weird talk, full of farts."

Draco couldn't hold it back and laughed.

Lockhart only looked at the cage in front of him and did not hear clearly what Louis was saying, but Draco's laughter still attracted him. He frowned and asked unhappily: "Mr. Mountbatten, what are you talking about?" ?”

Lewis smiled gracefully and replied slowly: "I said the professor has great opinions."

Lockhart could only cough twice to hide his embarrassment and unhappiness. He put one hand on the hood and looked at his classmates mysteriously.

"I must ask you not to scream," Lockhart said in a low voice. "That will anger them."

The class held their breath as Lockhart lifted the cover, revealing the Cornish elves huddled together in a cage.

"Yes, the Cornish elf I just caught!" he said proudly, but in fact, he bought the elf in the cage with money and people.

The whole classroom burst into laughter, and the air was instantly filled with joy.

Even Lockhart couldn't have thought it was a scream of terror.

"What?" Lockhart was not angry. He looked at his classmates calmly: "They are not very dangerous, are they?"

Everyone was laughing so much that they were out of breath, and the demolition genius Seamo almost ran out of breath.

"Don't be so sure!" Lockhart shook his finger at him angrily: "They could also be cunning little saboteurs like the devil!"

The blue-skinned elves in the cage were chirping, grabbing the cage railings and swinging wildly, and making faces at their classmates.

"Okay, let's see how you deal with them!" Lockhart said, opening the cage door.

This was a good time, as the cage full of Cornish elves broke out of their cages, flew around like wild dogs, and started wreaking havoc in the classroom crazily. Louis used a little trick to induce them not to go to Slytherin to cause damage, but to concentrate on working towards the Gryffindors.

The Slytherin snakes watched as the elves grabbed the ink bottles of the little lions, splashed them randomly, and tore their books to pieces. Some flew to Lockhart's hanging painting and threw the beautiful photos out of the room. Several even flew to the podium and used return punches at Lockhart.

The Gryffindor classmates were bullied to the point of hiding under the table. Louis looked at Draco beside him and gloated so much that he could even see his stomach.

At this moment, Lockhart rolled up his sleeves, waved his wand and shouted: "Peschipixi, Pesternomi!"

The spell was completely ineffective. An elf snatched Lockhart's wand and threw it out of the window. Immediately afterwards, the chandelier from the ceiling crashed down, hitting him in the head.

His originally bright coat had already been messed up by the elves. The chandelier shattered on his forehead, causing his head to bleed, and the blood even flowed onto his clothes.

He turned around and ran outside the classroom, shouting as he ran: "This is today's class assignment! You have to catch these elves back!"

As soon as he walked out of the classroom, he slammed the door shut with a bang.

Only then did Louis take action. He snapped his fingers, and all the elves who were still acting like monsters fell to the ground like mosquitoes that had eaten insecticide.

The Gryffindor students breathed a sigh of relief, and then they realized that the professor was gone.

Draco also took the opportunity to stand up and said loudly: "Slytherin students and Gryffindor students, everyone has seen what happened just now."

"I know that the two houses dislike each other, and to be honest, I don't like Gryffindor House very much—"

"However, Louis often told me, who is our friend and who is our enemy, this is the primary question - our relationship is not that of enemies, on the contrary, we are competitors, and it is no longer possible to dislike each other. It's a normal thing, okay, some people may misunderstand me, you may say, Malfoy! Don't your family look down on Muggles and mixed-bloods the most!"

"But I want to say that times have changed now. The current Malfoy family has long abandoned the original narrow-minded thinking that was not conducive to the development of the magical world. The Malfoy family is also willing to join hands with everyone to create a better tomorrow for the magical world..."

"But that's not what I want to say today. What I want to say is that we now have a common enemy, and that is Gilderoy Lockhart, the liar!"

Lavender next to Hermione became anxious, and she blurted out: "Professor Lockhart is not a liar!"

Look, this tone is very similar to "My brother is not XXX".

"Whether he is a liar or not, I don't want to argue with you. You go back and think about it yourself. A guy who can't even deal with a Cornish elf is still a idiot even if he's not a liar!" Draco's argument was very clear and unusual. In one sentence Lavender was left speechless, and even Hermione fell into deep thought.

"I have to say, I support Draco this time, at least he convinced me." Ron said to Harry.

"Weasley, this is the first time I've seen you so pleasing to the eye." Draco immediately answered, and continued to say to the students: "Think about it, last school year when Professor Quirrell was away, Louis was How are we taught? What does Defense Against the Dark Arts look like?"

"Think about it, what have we all learned from Louis' class? Don't say you haven't learned anything - I just saw Mr. Finnigan use the Shattering Curse to repel an elf."

Louis called on the name of Seamus Finnigan. Seamus scratched his head and said with a smile: "Professor Louis taught him well."

"So, I am just asking everyone here. If you really want to learn some real skills, please join me in petitioning - as you know, my dad is the school director. If he says it, Hogwarts I will still consider it." Draco said and then said: "I will initiate a signature. If you want Louis to continue teaching our Defense Against the Dark Arts class, please sign your name on it."

For the first time, Draco's showing off his father didn't arouse anyone's resentment. Even Ron agreed with his face.

"Of course, this is not mandatory, it is all voluntary, and it is done in secret." Draco added, looked at Harry again, thought for a while and said to Ron: "Weasley, Gryffindor I’ll leave it to you to take charge of that, after all—well, Louis is your good friend.”

Draco was smart now and knew that he was useless, so he immediately pulled out Louis to play the emotional card.

"No problem!" Ron said, patting his chest.

"What about Louis? Will Louis continue to teach us?" Seamus asked impatiently.

Before Louis could answer the question, the Gryffindor little lions and the Slytherin little snakes who heard Seamus' question started to yell, wanting to ask Louis if he wanted to continue coaching.

Lewis had no choice but to stand up. When the students saw him standing up, they fell silent instantly.

He sighed, put his hands in his arms, showed a reluctant and compassionate look, and said seriously: "I have always taken it as my duty to benefit my classmates, and I never care about the so-called "professor" and other false names, but if everyone now They all want me to come on stage and think that continuing to teach in this way is the best way to benefit my classmates. I can only reluctantly take on the responsibility and completely abandon my selfishness of trying to fish..."

In fact, for true fans, this sentence can be summed up with just one word "Gou".

Now Louis was not only satisfied with Draco, he was simply satisfied.

Lucius and his wife have been training this kid a lot at home recently, he thought to himself.

You did a great job!

When Lucius's factory is opened, the awarding of honors can be done.

After receiving an almost certain answer from Lewis, earth-shattering cheers instantly erupted in the classroom.

"Long live! Long live Louis! Long live Professor Mountbatten!" The students shouted enthusiastically, but Louis was heartbroken.

Damn it, please stop shouting, you are overstepping your bounds. Hey, my aunt can live for another thirty years...

"Okay, okay, this matter has not been confirmed yet. It will not be too late to celebrate when it is confirmed." Louis said modestly.

Soon, the bell rang for the end of get out of class, and the students signed the petition almost in class.

Even Lavender Brown has forgotten Lockhart - come on, no matter how handsome Lockhart is, is he as handsome as Louis? Really...

That night, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, who heard about the petition prepared by Gryffindor and Slytherin, each selected a representative to negotiate with Draco.

The meeting was satisfactory, and that same day the two colleges filled the other side of the petition for Louis' return to coaching with names belonging to both colleges.

Draco then ran to the Owlery and delivered the petition home.

At this time, Lewis was sitting in the principal's office.

It was impossible to get around Dumbledore on this matter, so Louis had to talk to him beforehand.

No matter how good-tempered Dumbledore is and how tolerant he is, this must be done.

After hearing Lewis's narration, Professor Dumbledore suddenly laughed. He pulled out a cockroach candy and threw it into his mouth. While chewing it, he asked: "Oh, I know about this, so... …What do you think of the requests from these four college sophomores?”

Lewis waved his hand and said humbly: "I told them at that time, I said you should hire someone else. I am really not being humble. How can I, a student, be your professor? But they said, only Only then can I mobilize their enthusiasm for learning. If Lockhart continues to teach them, nothing will break down when they face dark wizards in the future."

"So, I said something at that time, probably as long as this can benefit the students and if everyone needs me to stand up, I will definitely take on this responsibility."

Dumbledore spread his hands and said with some helplessness: "Although this is the truth, the appointment and removal of personnel in the school does not entirely depend on me. It also depends on the opinions of the school board... After all, Professor Lockhart is not entirely appointed by me. Yes, as well as recommendations from the school board and the Ministry of Magic."

Lewis noticed the small details in Dumbledore's address. Generally speaking, he addressed professors by their first names. There were almost no direct names + professors...

So he was somewhat certain in his heart that Dumbledore probably didn't like this person very much either.

"The school board will definitely not bother you. Draco has already written a letter trusting his father to handle this matter." Louis said immediately.

Dumbledore stroked his beard and said meaningfully: "It seems that you have gained a lot this summer, Louis."

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