I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 114 Lockhart: The advantage is mine

"It depends on what you said, Professor." Louis shrugged: "Uniting all the forces that can be united is my standard for doing things."

"Including Muggles?" Dumbledore asked confusedly.

"We are all from Muggles, and we will eventually return to Muggles." Louis replied with great emotional intelligence.

Dumbledore nodded approvingly: "It seems that you are different from Gellert and Tom."

"I am a Muggle-born, Professor." Louis said with some disapproval: "I don't know about Senior Grindelwald, but Tom... should be said to be a convert fanatic? That's pretty much understandable."

"To be honest, I kind of regret not rectifying the situation in time." Dumbledore shrugged, but there was no regret on his expression.

"You are really a conscientious teacher." Louis' words were actually more ironic than complimentary.

But Dumbledore began to sigh.

"I hope you won't become the new generation of Dark Lord, Louis." Dumbledore said this in front of Louis for the first time.

"Who can tell what will happen in the future?" Louis shrugged: "Don't forget that sentence, the unknowability of the future is the driving force for our progress."

Dumbledore did not answer directly, but said: "If nothing happens tomorrow, the school board will come to Hogwarts together with the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge. Whether you can get what you want depends on them tomorrow." How did you make the decision?"

"To be honest, I don't really like this feeling of being controlled by others." Louis felt a little uncomfortable, but since he was under the roof, he had no choice but to lower his head.

"So, kid, you have to sit tight. I am already very old. I have seen too many ups and downs in this time. Sometimes young people go too smoothly, which is not a good thing." Dumbledore faced the man in front of him. The lovable good boy gave advice.

"You have to eat your food one bite at a time. Just like Emma said, you can't eat hot pudding in a hurry."

"You are worried about me flipping the chessboard, Professor." Louis pointedly said: "Don't worry, Professor, winning what I want within the rules is something worthy of my enjoyment."

"Then I'm relieved." Professor Dumbledore then took out a sizzling honey candy: "Eat one?"

Lewis knew that he was really relieved this time.

He took the honey candy, unwrapped it and threw it into his mouth.

"Why does it smell like leeks?" Louis asked suspiciously.

"Oh, I put a piece of green Bibi's all-flavored beans in it." Dumbledore was obviously in a good mood and even started to joke.

Louis was suffocated, not knowing how to answer, so he could only give Dumbledore a thumbs up.

"I was wronged, Professor, did you do it on purpose?"

Dumbledore laughed loudly, showing a soothing mood: "Actually, I have always been at ease with you. I just set the stage for you to eat this piece of multi-flavored beans." In the end, he was still very naughty. The ground blinked: "It's a pity that this bean doesn't smell like boogers, hey."

Louis thought it wasn't raining, but it turned out that Dumbledore had silenced him.

"You have to be careful about Fudge." Professor Dumbledore put on a serious face: "Although he was supported by me, he is very ambitious. Gilderoy Lockhart was the one he appointed to teach me. , maybe it is preparation for opening the door of the Ministry of Magic to enter Hogwarts."

"Now that you are going to take away some power from his people, I'm afraid it will be difficult to get a favor... Now that I am still here, he may not do much to Hogwarts - once I am gone, Like a fly that sees blood, he will pounce on you and take a bite of the fat Hogwarts."

"It's a pity that you misjudged the wrong person again." Lewis said meaningfully.

"It's not that I misjudged the person, Louis." Dumbledore shook his head: "The human heart is complicated, just like water. On the surface, it is calm, but there are undercurrents inside. It is impossible for you to know everything."

Little Sir Louis sighed like that, and said with emotion: "But one thing is for sure, the water goes downwards, but people's hearts always want to be higher when they are high."

"You see more clearly than I do." Professor Dumbledore did not hesitate to praise.

"Okay, Professor, it's getting late. I should go back to the Slytherin lounge. Catherine is still waiting for me." Louis stood up and wanted to leave.

"Oh, I haven't congratulated you on successfully taking off the bachelor's hat." Dumbledore teased Louis in a narrow tone.

Lewis's face was as shameless as his iron armor, and he was so easily shy. He said to Professor Dumbledore without blushing or whitening: "Then do you have to express your feelings?"

Dumbledore said "Ah" and raised his hand to call Fox: "I suddenly remembered that I was still making soup in the kitchen. Let's go first. Bye -"

After saying that, he and the Phoenix disappeared in front of Lewis.

If you understand the word "run" clearly, it belongs to "yes".

Louis was stunned and had a new understanding of Dumbledore.

During class the next day, Louis was notified to meet in the principal's office.

When he entered the principal's office, he found that there were many people, including Lucius, who was nodding to him without any trace, and the four deans. Professor Snape was looking at him with an "I'm optimistic about you" expression.

There were several people he didn't recognize, including Gilderoy Lockhart, who was looking at him unhappily.

"Our outstanding Mr. Mountbatten is here." A middle-aged man with a somewhat bureaucratic air said. Judging from his broad-minded and fat body, he was at least a special director.

"Okay, Louis, come over here." Dumbledore waved Louis over and introduced him one by one.

The fat middle-aged man just now was the current Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge.

He is different from Lockhart, that idiot who has all his emotions and sorrows hanging on his face. This person is very sophisticated at first glance. No matter who he is with, he always seems to be in harmony. Even to Louis, he repeatedly praises his young and promising people and will give them time. He will definitely grow into an outstanding wizard who can compete with Dumbledore.

Look at this person, he is flattering and sowing discord in just a few words.

The rank is much higher than Lockhart.

"Okay, no more gossiping. We are all gathered here to vote on Mr. Lewis teaching the second-year Defense Against Dark Arts class." Dumbledore said, and the scene fell silent instantly.

He looked around at the school directors and officials from the Ministry of Magic who were staring at him, and then said: "As a school with a long history, our school has always adhered to the people-oriented education policy, so we cannot fulfill the wishes of the students. Ignore, now...please raise your hands if you support Mr. Lewis.”

Most of the school directors, including Dumbledore and the four deans, also raised their hands.

"It seems that there are still many people who support Lewis." Dumbledore nodded: "Then, how many people are opposed to it?"

Almost a third of the school directors, plus officials from the Ministry of Magic, and Lockhart, unanimously voted by a show of hands.

Unfortunately, 10-10, a draw.

"I actually have a proposal." Fudge, who had been playing the role of Maitreya Buddha with a smile, spoke up: "Let Mr. Mountbatten take care of the second-year students from the two colleges, and Mr. Lockhart also take the second-year students from the two colleges, on Christmas Day. Arrange a duel between the colleges after the festival to test the teaching results of the two of them... What do you think?"

Fudge looked at Lewis with deep meaning in his eyes.

A student, no matter how outstanding he is, can never be a match for an adventurous adult wizard like Lockhart.

People from Muggle families should just stay in the Muggle world and go to the magical world to expand their power. Taking this opportunity, even if they can't knock their outstretched hands, they will still be hurt.

Fudge didn't take Louis seriously at all. In his case, the forces standing behind Louis were what he needed to care about most.

After all, the Muggle world is still unwilling to be lonely. Does it want to make the Ministry of Magic surrender like it did before the seventeenth century? Fudge was used to being the Minister of Magic, and he was used to saying the same thing, so how could he find a place for himself?

Lu Bu said it right, a man lives between heaven and earth, how can he live in a state of depression for a long time?

If Fudge knew that there was a person like Lu Bu, he would have become his confidant long ago.

"Minister Fudge's suggestion is a good one. I think it's very reasonable." Lucius answered quickly, and he was about to sit up and take the words out of his mouth based on his tone.

He was well aware of Louis' teaching ability, so he said that the piece of rotten wood in his house was almost transformed into a dragon by Louis.

Draco: No cue, even if you are my father... Oh, dad, please continue.

The other opponents couldn't find anything wrong, but everyone, except for the four deans, Dumbledore and Lucius who supported Louis, doubted whether Louis could succeed, and those who opposed Louis were waiting to see whether Louis could succeed. joke.

But Louis put forward a different opinion: "The principal, the dean, the directors, and...Mr. Minister." He deliberately put the minister at the end, "There are four colleges that applied. I can't take this lightly. Peter, right? In this case, I suggest that I take care of the second-year students from the four colleges. When Christmas comes, Professor Lockhart can choose our opponents among the fifth-year students. What do you think of this proposal?"

This time, even the expressions of Professor McGonagall, Professor Sprout and Professor Flitwick changed a little.

It's not that they don't believe in Louis, but they don't believe in the second grader... The three-year gap is not so easy to make up for.

They didn't know why Lewis said that, but they instinctively felt that it must not be possible.

Professor Sprout even stopped him: "No, Louis..."

But Fudge quickly finalized this sentence: "Okay! Mr. Mountbatten is really confident, that's it!"

Lockhart's face was still a little bitter at first. After all, after experiencing the incident of the elf in Cornwall yesterday afternoon, he began to have doubts about his teaching ability - he had secretly decided never to bring living animals to class again. .

But when he heard Louis' almost death request, he was overjoyed.

Isn't this just a pillow when you feel sleepy? He was overjoyed, what is this called? This is called fifth grade versus second grade, the advantage is mine! ! !

He looked at Louis with a smile on his face. This free victory simply made him extremely happy.

Fudge had already hinted to him that after victory and establishing himself at Hogwarts, the Ministry of Magic would offer him an honorary position.

For the vain Lockhart, this was a fatal temptation.

It’s okay, as long as it’s not the temptation to go home.

"But I would like to add that the professors at Hogwarts cannot interfere with the teaching of these two people." Fudge added.

Before coming here, Fudge had roughly investigated Louis' teaching situation last year. Regarding Louis' performance, he only regarded it as Professor Snape's secret help and did not associate it with Louis himself.

This is actually not Fudge's fault. No one would have thought that a first-year student could be so defiant. This is completely against common sense.

But many things in the world cannot be measured by common sense.

"Of course." Professor Dumbledore nodded in agreement with Fudge's request. He looked around and said in an unquestionable tone: "Then under the witness of professors, school directors and officials from the Ministry of Magic, this The bet...is established."

"If Mr. Lewis wins the bet, he will become an associate professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at his school and be responsible for the Defense Against the Dark Arts curriculum of this year... The Ministry of Magic will not have any objections." Minister of Magic Fudge laughed. Hehehe made a decision for Lockhart.

"If Mr. Lockhart wins, I will never mention teaching again during my time at school." Louis said calmly.

"You seem to have nothing to lose if you lose. This is not fair to Professor Lockhart. After all... the spread of this incident will also have an impact on his reputation." Fudge said with a smile.

Snape, who had been silent all this time, suddenly retorted: "If you could use your eyesight for a little bit, you might find that the game itself is unfair to Mr. Mountbatten."

After all, it was Snape who was still a good student who protected him at critical moments.

Louis thought to himself, thank you professor for your protection, I will definitely work hard to persecute you in different ways.

Snape: Are you polite?

After hearing what Snape said, Fudge showed no embarrassment at all, and said without blushing or heartbeat: "I'm sorry, I just want to say that Mr. Mountbatten is so good that I ignored his age for a moment. "

As he said that, he smiled politely at Lewis.

"As long as you remember, I hope you won't regret it." Snape made a smiley face and his tone was cold.

"Of course, of course, I will definitely not go back on my word." Lockhart took advantage and still behaved: "Well, if it's like this, it's really hard to win." As he said that, he pretended to be reluctant. Xian Xian sighed: "But this is everyone's request, so it's not easy for me to refute, so I can only reluctantly respect everyone's opinions."

As he said that, he winked at Louis with pride. In his opinion, I had the advantage and the chance to win in this competition.

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