I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 116 What is it like to train a group of young wizards in the military?

"Hmph, you know how to lie every day, who would believe your lies?"

Catherine snorted and retorted to Louis, but the expression on her face was very happy, and the smile on the corner of her mouth could not be wiped away no matter how hard she wiped it off.

Louis knew her very well. No matter how angry she was, as long as she said a few soft words, she would soften and couldn't bear to blame herself.

Besides, women like to hear good words, and sometimes there is no need to speak all kinds of truth. If you follow her a little bit, you may lose something on the surface, but you can gain a little more in other places.

The conservation of mass and energy is an unbreakable truth, even if it is applied to the relationship between men and women - but the prerequisite is that the other person loves you.

If you use this trick on someone who doesn't like you, be careful not to leave any bones left.

Lewis hurriedly walked over, held her body and whispered a few sweet words that were so sweet.

Fragrant and soft, Louis has always been curious about whether it is just Catherine or all girls.

Of course, he was just curious, at least now there was no girl that caught his eye besides Catherine.

"You may sound nice, but in fact, that's not what you think in your heart." Catherine poked Louis' chest lightly with her finger: "You, you only think about your classmates in your own school year, and you think you are the only ones who don't like that idiot. Lesson..."

Just like what George and Fred said, the expectations before class will be the same as the disappointment after class. But Catherine was okay. She originally hated people like Lockhart, so there was no gap, and there was no gap. There is no such feeling of disappointment.

She simply hated Lockhart.

"Of course I know, but you have to eat one bite at a time." Louis smelled the fragrance of her hair and said softly: "Forgive me, Little Moon, for making you feel wronged."

"What do I have to feel wronged about, but you..." Catherine sighed: "But... I never thought that a person could be so outstanding and outstanding at your age."

As he spoke, the movements of his two arms became a little tighter, as if they wanted to hold him tightly to prevent him from slipping away.

"I have been burdened with handsomeness and wisdom that I shouldn't have to bear at such a young age. I'm so tired." Louis spread his hands.

"Silly." Catherine rolled her eyes at him charmingly.

"How is Christasa? Am I still devoted to you?" Lewis suddenly asked.

"Well, it's pretty good. I'm still very satisfied with her." Catherine praised first, then patted Louis on the shoulder: "Don't scare her anymore. Oh my God, I really don't know what Cordala you are talking about." Place, after you mentioned Kaudala that day, she cried when she slept in the middle of the night..."

"You'd better not know, it's not a good thing." Lewis shook his head, "As long as you are satisfied..."

"By the way, that Vitaly..." The two of them spoke almost at the same time, and then said together: "You speak first."

The two looked at each other for a while and smiled in unison.

"Okay, let me talk first." Lewis said with a smile, then put on a serious face: "I always feel that something is wrong with this woman, but... I can't tell what is wrong."

Catherine narrowed her eyes slightly and nodded slowly: "I understand, I will pay attention to this matter."

"What about you, what do you want to say?" Louis asked, and the paw on the other side began to become unreliable, rubbing against each other.

"Well...it's nothing. You said everything I wanted to say...ah...oh, um..."

Catherine answered in an almost nasal voice at the end.

The next morning, Louis got up early. Looking to the side, Jerry was sleeping soundly on Tom's body, and his small body even made a dent in Tom's cat fur.

I have to say that the carpet in his bedroom is quite warm. At least Jerry didn't use Tom's tail as a quilt today.

Lewis stretched and did not disturb the two living treasures, preparing to get out of bed and wash up.

When he arrived at the auditorium, he was surprised to find that all the second-grade students were sitting in the auditorium, some were communicating in low voices, some were eating, and some were reading.

No need to ask, Ron and Hufflepuff were doing the cooking, and Hermione and Ravenclaw were reading.

These two people more or less went to the wrong college.

Did the Sorting Hat sort them into Gryffindor because they took the back door? This is a question.

Students from other grades looked at their second-grade classmates in horror, wondering why they all got up so uniformly early.

After seeing Louis, everyone said hello in unison, and some students even asked if the credit information was true, fearing that the class representative had deceived them, which caused a burst of laughter.

Students in other academic years only heard a few numbers, and the only things that could grasp the key were class representatives and credits.

So they planned to wait until evening to ask what new benefits Professor Mountbatten had introduced in his class.

Time passed quickly, and after chatting for a while, it was almost seven o'clock. The second grade students dropped what they were doing and started walking outside the castle.

Louis had been waiting there early. It should be said that he went out to look for a suitable location after eating. Well... the venue for the flying lesson was very suitable for what they were going to do next.

That's right, it was military training. Louis had been pondering the results for several days.

Of course, he didn't mess around, he came prepared, and there was a proper reason for all of this.

We don't have any classes in the morning today, so we have plenty of time to have fun.

Louis took the students to the flying lesson venue, stood in front of them and started lecturing them.

"Okay, some people may not understand what we are going to do next, right?"

"You're going to lead us to play some fun, aren't you?" Old London Seamus said in a genuine tone.

"We'll talk about the fun later. There will always be time to make everyone happy." Louis wondered whether you would laugh for a while: "But what needs to be done now is training."

"Of course, you also know my origin." Louis Xixian smiled and started to talk: "Among the Muggle aristocrats, many people are willing to let their children receive higher and more advanced education."

"In this kind of education, children's character, temperament, and abilities will be cultivated. Of course, I will not be too self-conscious. I will bring this kind of high-level quality education to Hogwarts."

Louis lied seriously.

But in fact, he has the final say in this matter.

He still has this small status as a leader.

All the students held their breath.

No child can resist this temptation.

"However, I will also give you the opportunity to quit. Let me state in advance that this kind of education may be very tiring and painful, but what you gain will definitely be proportional to what you put in."

Lewis looked at the expressions of the students and began to warm up: "Of course, you should also know the credit system that the class representatives conveyed after they returned yesterday... Is there anything you don't know? It's not too late to say it now, I will definitely take care of it. A class representative.”

There was good-natured laughter among the classmates.

"It seems that everyone knows it, so it's easy to handle." Lewis said with a smile: "Now that you know the meaning of the credits here, then... what I want to say next is that in the future training, I will also give you extra points.”

"Then how can I get extra points?" The person who spoke was Ron, who was thinking about exchanging points for gold galleons to support his family.

"That's a good question!" Louis praised and continued: "I plan to count it once every day when we gather, and each person who is present will get one point; we will count it once when we are dismissed, and everyone who does not leave early will get one point; Seven days counts as perfect attendance, and each person with perfect attendance will receive five points!"

The crowd was silent at first, then burst into cheers.

They made a rough calculation in their minds. One day is two credits, which adds up to fourteen credits... and an extra five points per week. Counted as thirty days in a month, that is eighty credits... This If converted into galleons, that would be one hundred and sixty galleons! You know, the Department of Legal Enforcement once published a recruitment advertisement for strikers in the Daily Prophet - the initial salary was only seven hundred galleons per month.

And this is a high-risk job active on the front lines of crime, which is definitely higher than the normal salary level.

Maybe thirty-eight gold galleons per week does not sound like a lot, but we might as well convert it into a familiar currency and think about it from another perspective. When you were in the first grade of junior high school, a classmate asked you to study with him, and every week You can get a high salary of more than 2,000 yuan. What is the concept?

Sorry, I can learn forever.

"But," Louis changed the topic, and after saying something happy, he also wanted to say something unpleasant: "If you want to get credits, you must first persist in my training."

"Professor! Just keep training! I, Seamus Finnigan, did it to you!" Seamus said through gritted teeth, perhaps blinded by the high salary of two thousand dollars a week.

The students were very excited and expressed their determination to persevere no matter how difficult it was. Even the Slytherin pure-blood families who were not short of money also expressed their opinions one after another.

However, the reason for Slytherin's stance was not because of money, but simply because of Louis' personal charm.

Alas, this youth has nowhere to rest.

Under the petition of a group of classmates, Louis started their own devil training journey.

Of course...it can also be called "military training".

However, Louis simply trained their queue, mainly to get them to run and exercise. Only with a strong body can they better fight against the dark wizard. If they are weak, they may be able to dodge two spells. My tongue is dry and my limbs are sore.

As for why they go to such great lengths for military training just to get them some exercise, it can only be said to be Lewis's personal taste.

It's not that he admires it very much, but... he thinks it looks much better if it runs neatly than a group of wild dogs that run loose.

Look, if you don’t believe me, go back to high school and ask your principal if he thinks so too...

Everyone gathered from high to low according to Louis' instructions. There were about fifty or sixty people, so after thinking about it, they decided that it would be better to form a square team.

There are two rows for boys and two rows for girls - of course, rectangular blocks are also squares.

Looking at the square formation of this group of military training novices, Louis suddenly felt a little bit eye-catching.

It was so uneven that a team could actually line up sideways, with Neville even protruding from the team.

If the instructor in the previous life had seen this kind of formation, he would probably have fainted from anger.

But it’s understandable that it was the first time to queue up. Louis stood straight in front of the queue, as tall and unyielding as a green pine. He unconsciously said loudly: “Now, let’s start teaching everyone an action, which is to stand at attention.”

"What is standing at attention? Look, let me show you. First, your heels should be close together and your toes should be about 60 degrees apart." He said while repeating the action to try to make the students see clearly.

"Secondly, your legs should be straight, your lower abdomen should be slightly retracted, and your chest should be raised naturally; your upper body should be kept upright, leaning forward slightly, your shoulders should be flat and slightly stretched back, your arms should hang naturally, and your fingers should be together. Bend slightly naturally, with the tip of your thumb attached to the second section of your index finger, and your middle finger attached to the seam of your pants.

"The head should be upright, the neck should be straight, the mouth should be closed, the mandible should be slightly retracted, and the eyes should be looking straight forward..."

"Watch... stand at attention!"

Louis shouted slogans and demonstrated the standard standing posture for everyone.

Of course... this method of queue training is not unique to Siris. Every slogan is actually used in other countries. For example, standing at attention is "Attention" in English. It is probably like Siris shouting slogans in a long tone. .

That’s why Lewis was able to achieve a seamless transition.

"Okay, I've finished my demonstration, it's your turn next." Louis looked solemn and shouted loudly: "Everyone listen to my command, everyone - stand at attention!"

The students straightened their bodies while recalling Lewis's actions just now.

Lewis looked at the students in front of him, waved his staff like a civilized stick, walked to the edge of the square and began to lecture one by one.

"Potter...well, I can't tell. You're quite standard. Pull your breasts back, like an old hen..." Louis' mouth was so vicious that he was not fighting alone now. , with the bonus of the military training instructor's poisonous tongue, and Catherine's nurturing throughout the day, he has exerted 200% of his usual combat effectiveness.

"Oh, Mr. Weasley, look at you, are your feet pointed toe-toe apart?" Louis used the staff to criticize his feet: "You call the heels outward, tsk... Why did I say that you don't either?" Gai, why are you looking at me silly and happy? My mouth is as wide as a lotus flower, have you eaten bee poop?"

The smile on Ron's face suddenly disappeared. At this moment, he seemed to see Snape spitting venom.

He overlapped Louis' face with Snape's figure in his mind, and instantly shuddered and shook his head.

No, no, this is too much... Ron thought as he changed his posture according to Louis' request.

Seeing Lewis turn around and walk towards the next person, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

This damn oppressive feeling...

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