I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 117 New Defense Against the Dark Arts Classroom

Seamus stood there and laughed non-stop. Louis walked over and poked him with his wand: "Why are you laughing? You are so happy and want to share it with everyone?"

Seamus wanted to continue laughing, but looking at Louis' expression, he felt something was wrong, so he bit his mouth and tried to hold back the smile, but it kept leaking out.

It's really hard for him to hold it in like this...

"Okay, it's time to stop, Mr. Finnigan." Louis poked him again, but after being poked a few times, Seamus couldn't bear it anymore. He hugged his belly and started laughing wildly, and couldn't stop. Come down.

"Since you like to laugh so much, then keep laughing." Louis waved his wand and used the levitating spell to bring him out and put him at the front of the queue.

Seamus was still laughing. After being ridiculous for a while, he stopped laughing. Thinking about it, being singled out and laughing in front of a group of people was not something that anyone without professional training would be able to laugh at.

"Why aren't you laughing?" Louis asked.

"I can't laugh anymore..." Seamus replied honestly.

"If you want to say something, report it to the instructor! I can't laugh anymore!" Lewis yelled in a very hawk-like way to train Ma Run.

"Report to the instructor! I can't laugh anymore!" Simo repeated.

"Can't hear it! The sound is too quiet!"

"Report to the instructor! I can't laugh anymore!" Seamo shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Good! Very energetic!" Louis patted him on the shoulder: "Come back to the team! Next time, I will make you laugh all day long."

"Sir! Night!" Seamus straightened his body and shouted, returning to the queue honestly.

Lewis nodded with satisfaction and walked over to continue to see everyone standing at attention one by one.

"I only said Ron, not you, right, Miss Granger?" Louis poked Hermione's leather shoes with his wand again: "Look at the way you stand, you are such a naughty person. I thought you were just living a small life." It’s a pretty good JK.”

Hermione quickly retracted her little feet and straightened her posture.

"Put your chest up, raise your head, and tuck in your abdomen." Louis' wand clicked on three parts of Hermione's body: "Yes, yes, that's right, that's how you look like a brave and fearless Gryffindor!"

"Oh, and you, Mr. Malfoy." Louis saw Draco in front of Hermione and patted his chest with his wand: "The same style of chicken breast as Mr. Potter, right? It tastes better."

Draco quickly retracted his small breasts. He originally thought that his posture was very standard and would be praised, but it turned out to be the same as Po Te.

too difficult.

In this way, after struggling for five days, the students finally mastered some basic knowledge of queueing, such as standing at attention, looking to the right, turning left and right, walking in unison, and running.

Of course, what Louis needs is for them to learn to run and walk in line.

That's right, it's Hengzhong's running exercise.

"Professor, why do we ultimately have to learn to run and walk!" It was still Seamus Finnegan who asked.

He has almost become a problem boy.

After learning that this was the ultimate goal of this training, everyone was a little uninterested - based on the big eyes opened on the living corpses last school year, everyone thought that what kind of tricks could Lewis do this time? Learn some powerful magic, and the result - is this?

"Of course it's to train your body." Louis replied.

"Why, Professor, we are wizards, do we still have to compete with others in physical combat?" This time it was Hannah who asked.

"Oh, Miss Aibo, you are wrong about this." Louis chuckled and said: "Everyday running trains your endurance... Think about it, when you are facing off against the dark wizard, you have to dodge a few Isn’t it a pity that you lost due to lack of physical strength after magic?”

"The dark wizard will not give you any chance. It is very likely... that will be your last battle."

"Also, endurance is also very important when being chased by magical animals. Don't look down on your physique. How can a wizard be a qualified wizard without a good physique?"

Gandalf: Yes, a mage who cannot wield a two-handed sword is worthy of being called a mage?

Everyone was thoughtful, and quite a few of the little wizards were convinced by Lewis.

"In addition, since everyone has initially mastered the various training subjects, so...this training has come to an end, and there is no need to get up early every morning." As soon as Louis finished speaking, everyone burst into cheers.

"However, after class ends at nine o'clock every day, everyone has to gather here and run around Hogwarts twice. Do you understand?" Louis completely silenced their cheers with just one sentence, and a few perfunctory responses came to him. Great.

Seeing that everyone was not interested, he continued: "Okay, I assure you, the course this afternoon is exciting enough... As for the specific content, it will be kept secret for the time being, but I need a few volunteers to complete this wonderful course with me. Anyone willing?"

Everyone looked at each other, and in the end only Iron Triangle and Draco raised their hands to show dignity, and Draco even gave a military salute to show dignity.

After all, everyone has been treated so badly these past few days, so it is understandable that they dare not raise their hands.

"Okay, Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley, Miss Granger and...Mr. Malfoy, you four will be the most handsome boys in the entire class this afternoon!" Louis clapped his hands and said, "Dismissed."

The students cheered and dispersed.

Lewis looked at them and shrugged helplessly.

During the lunch break, just to be on the safe side, Louis entered the high wall of Lothric in a different dimension alone, and even let a living corpse slash him with his eyes closed.

It is true that there is no pain, but there will be a mechanism like a health bar. Generally speaking, after being hit by a living corpse four to five times, it will be teleported out.

Fortunately, it is relatively safe.

After trying the knife himself, Louis dared to let his classmates go in and try it.

Otherwise, if something happens, he won't be able to bear the responsibility.

Since the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom was occupied by Lockhart, Louis thought about it and chose to take his classmates to the Room of Requirement.

"Professor, why did you bring us to the eighth floor? Are you taking us on a day trip to the principal's office?" Justin Finch-Fletchley asked. He was as steady as an old dog and did not panic at all.

After all, it was impossible for Louis to crowd all his classmates into the principal's office, and everyone made no mistakes.

Under the puzzled gazes of his classmates, Louis slowly muttered "I want a classroom" and walked back and forth three times in front of the painting of the troll beating Barnabas.

Something magical happened, a large smooth iron door slowly appeared on the wall.

Louis waved his wand to open the door and said with a smile: "Ladies and gentlemen, don't be alarmed or surprised, welcome to our new Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom!"

A classroom full of modern atmosphere appeared in front of everyone - after all, Louis controlled this room, and with the help of the system, it was not too outrageous to be able to create some novel things.

It can also be understood that the supplier is the system.

Of course, the overall style is not much different, and the students sit more casually. Louis looked back and forth and estimated that there would be no problem for the entire school's students to sit in this large classroom.

After all, the number of people in this school is less than the number of students in his high school year.

Tom and Jerry were still his assistants. They hummed and hummed as they lifted up the Mirror of Erised and placed it next to the largest mirror on the podium.

Louis flicked his wand and connected the Mirror of Erised to the huge mirror.

A strange thing happened. The mirror was like an 8K high-definition TV, and the image of Lothrik's high wall slowly emerged.

"Cool!" the students shouted in unison.

"Honestly, I wasn't sad when you acquiesced that you didn't want to be a volunteer." Louis leaned on the podium with his elbows, looking at ease. Time, then...are you ready, our volunteer: Harry Potter!"

Harry stood up, and his classmates applauded loudly, as if they were sending off a warrior. Of course, such warm applause must not be attributed to Slytherin, after all, Mr. Savior and Slytherin are not compatible.

"Ron Weasley!"

Ron's treatment was obviously not as good as Mr. Savior's, but his Gryffindor and Hufflepuff classmates still gave him warm applause.

"Hermione Granger!"

Miss Beaver, who has always been unpopular, only received sparse applause. Her face was flushed, and even the small freckles on her cheeks were almost covered up by the red.

"And... tsk, Draco Malfoy!"

Slytherin House still gave Malfoy a lot of face, and the cheers were loud. After all, he is Lord Viper among the snake spirits, so he still needs to have the respect he deserves.

By the way, Snake Spirit is developing very smoothly in Slytherin and has almost covered half of the students.

"Okay, please stand up, yes, come to the podium." Louis greeted the four people.

The four little guys came up anxiously, not knowing what kind of work Professor Lewis was going to give them.

"Okay, don't be nervous." Lewis said: "In a moment...well, you are going to have an adventure in another world. Of course, it is a very dangerous world, full of dangers, and you may die at any time."

The faces of the four of them suddenly fell. Ron stammered and asked, "Professor, Professor, I, I, I, can we not go?"

"I'm sorry, I can't..." Lewis spread his hands.

Ron turned his head and called with a frightened face and a cry: "Harry..."

"Look at how cowardly you are... Don't worry, any harm you suffer inside will not hurt you, let alone kill you..." Lewis said gently: "You just need to treat it as a dream. When you are hurt, this dream will automatically wake up, can you understand what it means?"

Harry breathed a sigh of relief and said with a silly smile: "Oh, I understand, Mr. Professor, isn't it just a dream? I am very good at this... I have beaten Dudley countless times in my dreams."


I never thought you still have the potential of Ah Q?

"If you understand it this way, there's no problem." Louis shrugged, then turned to the other students and said, "Of course, all the fun is not only theirs, but also yours."

Everyone's heart is tight.

"Relax, classmates." Louis pointed to the huge mirror behind him and said, "Have you seen this mirror?"

The students nodded one after another. They were not blind...of course they could see.

Louis continued to explain to the students: "When these four warriors enter a different world...well, when they enter the dream world to adventure, their adventures will appear on this mirror in real time, and you, my dear classmates, you The details of their adventure will be seen.”

"Professor, is this just like watching a movie?" Muggle-born Justin Finch-Fletchley immediately understood what was going on. Not only was he no longer nervous, he was actually a little excited.

This kind of fun doesn’t happen all the time! People are more willing to watch others be unlucky than to be unlucky themselves.

"Yes, that's right, Mr. Finch-Fletchley." Louis thought about how to explain it to a pure wizard. After thinking for a long time, he said: "It's like a stage play. You will know what's going on after watching it."

He waved, and Tom and Jerry came over pushing the cart.

"Since this class is relatively leisurely for other students, the professor spent his own money to order snacks for everyone so that everyone can have a good experience while watching the movie." Louis asked Tom and Jerry to put four used wireless The small cart of the Trace Stretching Spell was placed beside the four colleges: "Everyone can choose the snacks you like carefully."

The students were very excited. This was a novel experience they had never had before.

The wall at the end of the classroom suddenly rippled, and there was a faint sound of swallowing.

Lewis saw it immediately, but he didn't say anything.

Hum... Professor Dumbledore who wants to take a peek... Just enjoy this feeling of being greedy but unable to eat.

But he still underestimated Professor Dumbledore's face. After a battle between heaven and man, he removed the Disillusionment Curse and showed his body.

"School... Principal..." The students all felt a little embarrassed when they saw Dumbledore.

Who knows if Louis will be punished by the principal if he teaches like this?

But they obviously overestimated Dumbledore. Even a fisherman like Quirrell and a fool like Lockhart could tolerate it. What else could he not tolerate?

Dumbledore stretched out his hand and pressed it twice, then smiled kindly and said, "Don't be nervous, everyone. I'm just here to see how Louis is teaching."

"Then you showed off your feet because of your greed, right?" Louis teased from the side.

"You have to be considerate of an old man's stomach. He can't help himself when it comes to his favorite food." Dumbledore said, pulling out a licorice wand from the cart, looking around, and sat down on Seamus' around.

Fortunately, Seamus was careless and didn't care who was around him. He even stretched out his arm and pulled out a large pile of snacks, ready to enjoy them slowly.

This kind of fun is not something you can see all the time, Seamus thought as he picked up a cauldron cake.

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