I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 140: A rat-throwing weapon

Lewis opened his mouth, wondering whether he should tell the truth to Dumbledore.

He casually glanced at Eevee, who was still looking at Luna who was so sad that he couldn't help himself. Dumbledore understood, found an excuse, and left the hospital wing with Louis.

"Tell me." Dumbledore asked softly after going out. He knew that Louis must know something.

Lewis organized his words and said with some hesitation: "Professor, do you remember that the secret room was opened fifty years ago?"

"Of course I remember." Dumbledore's eyes wandered for a moment, as if he was reminiscing about the past. "Oh, the principal at that time was still Mr. Dippet, and I was just the professor of Transfiguration."

Louis pondered for a moment and continued: "I heard that fifty years ago, the Chamber of Secrets was opened and a Muggle-born girl died?"

"There is such a thing. The deceased was a Ravenclaw student. I still remember her name - Miss Warren." Dumbledore shook his head and sighed: "The Ministry of Magic has not yet concluded who opened the door." The secret room killed that girl..."

"Then they broke Hagrid's wand?" Louis said with a look of disgust.

"Who told you?" Dumbledore asked in surprise: "Logically speaking, Professor McGonagall and I were the only ones who knew the secret back then and were still in Hogwarts. How did you know?"

"Is it possible... that the real culprit who opened the secret room told me?" Louis smiled arrogantly, looking like a villain.

Catherine wrinkled her nose behind him, as if dissatisfied with Louis' strange appearance.

Dumbledore scratched the back of his head with a question mark on his face, his white beard trembling with his movements.

"The Riddler, get out of Hogwarts." Catherine said coldly.

Louis shrugged and said with a smile: "Okay, professor, it's like this, I picked up a diary - guess who the owner of this diary is?"

Unexpectedly, Dumbledore breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the diary. He took out the candy from his sleeve and stuffed it into his mouth. The old god asked calmly: "Is it Tom?"

"It's...eh? How did you know?" Lewis was shocked.

Dumbledore smacked the honey candy with a mysterious look on his face and said nothing. After a while, he seemed to have enjoyed enough, and then he said leisurely: "Fifty years ago, Tom reported to the school that Hagrid kept dangerous pets and caused harm to people." Death, but we all know that the way Acromantula kills people is usually quite brutal - a death method like Miss Warren's with a whole corpse is obviously not the work of Acromantula."

"Since it wasn't the Acromantula, I obviously cast my doubtful eyes on Tom - of course, it also has something to do with my preference for Hagrid, he is not the kind of person who dares to do something but not take it seriously. "

"So... the scheming frog keeps touching your belly?" Louis pretended to hold his glasses and pointed forward with one hand, like a certain death-god primary school student.

Dumbledore looked interested: "I didn't expect you to speak Japanese?"

"I can speak eight foreign languages, professor." Louis said with a smile: "After all, people always have to improve their posture level, and they can't appear to be holding on to their clothes."

"You are right, Louis." Dumbledore smiled heartily and said as he walked with Louis: "Yes, there is only one truth, and that is that Tom is framing Hagrid - as for his motives, I think It's very likely that he was the one who opened the secret room, and that monster was the one he raised."

"But I have no evidence, and the Ministry of Magic finally released Hagrid because there was no evidence... But, you know the special circumstances of that era, Hagrid's broken wand was never found... eh..."

"This is your fault, Professor." Louis began to seek justice for Hagrid: "You said that you knew Hagrid was innocent, and the evidence from the Ministry of Magic was insufficient. Why didn't you vouch for him? In your opinion I’m afraid no one will question your strength and status, right?”

Dumbledore looked at Louis with a look that looked like a fool, and after a while he said leisurely: "Louis, I really didn't expect you to say such a thing... Well, I can only say that my identity is very sensitive. After I defeated Grindelwald, what I received was not the praise I imagined or anything else, but the suspicion from the Ministry of Magic. My words and deeds may all be used by them to attack me."

"It should be said that being too strong is also a distressing thing. They are afraid that there will be another person like Grindelwald in this world, so..."

"Then I think it's different from what you think." Louis clicked his tongue twice and said with a smile: "I think they don't want to have an extra emperor above their heads."

"Some things are good to know, but there is no point in saying them." Dumbledore was very open-minded. He raised his shoulders indifferently: "I have no ambitions, and I don't want to be an emperor. This is the last thing in my life. My hobby is to run Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry well and watch you grow up happily, that’s enough.”

Louis' words touched Lao Deng's old heart.

"It seems that someone has been letting the Defense Against the Dark Arts class go to waste... I see that the students are very happy in school, but as happy as they are in school, they cry so sadly when they meet the dark wizard." Louis said with all his strength. He curled his lips to express his dissatisfaction with Dumbledore's behavior of spoiling his children.

"Oh, this is my dereliction of duty, but aren't you still there?" Dumbledore smiled kindly and asked about the diary again.

Lewis briefly talked about the control of Tom's separated soul. Dumbledore did not express support or objection, but just said that it would be fine.

"What are you going to do about the basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets?" Dumbledore asked.

"There is no good way at the moment. After all, we can't kill him directly." Lewis said with some worry: "If we solve the trouble directly, we may alert the snake. If the real mastermind lies dormant, we will lose an available person. clues."

"But if this snake is allowed to cause havoc in the school, if a classmate loses his life like Miss Warren, can you afford the consequences?" Dumbledore asked with burning eyes.

"Ah, this..." Louis scratched his paws and chuckled, "Isn't there still you, principal? Don't say that the first two classmates were just petrified without your handwriting in it."

"You noticed it pretty quickly." Principal Dumbledore chuckled and said, "Yes, I can only create all kinds of coincidences and try my best to protect classmates Lovegood and Creevey to prevent the people behind the scenes from happening. Be wary." He thought for a while and then continued: "I think you may not have much time. The school board is already starting to make moves. When another classmate is petrified, they will definitely join forces with the Ministry of Magic to report to the police. I put pressure on me and forcibly removed me from my position as principal. Before that, I hope you can find out who is behind this."

"I understand, professor." Louis said solemnly.

"Okay, I won't say any more. I hope your investigation goes well, my dear Louis." After Dumbledore finished speaking, he shook his hands slightly and walked away humming a tune.

Looking at his back, he really looked like an old bee, especially when his mouth was still buzzing and humming. The sense of sight was too strong.

Louis shrugged and had nothing to say. He looked at Catherine behind him and suddenly asked: "Little Moon, do you have any ideas?"

"What ideas can I have?" Catherine hummed softly: "If you hadn't stopped me, I would have gone to the secret room and burned the snake to ashes..."

"Sorry, Little Moon, I had no choice but to do this." Louis sighed, and now a sense of powerlessness arose in his heart.

Be sure to eat that numb snake soup!

A certain horned snake sneezed.

"I know you have the last resort." Catherine opened her arms, held Louis in her arms, and whispered in his ear: "No matter what you do, I will support you..."

"Little Moon..." Louis hugged his girlfriend's soft body tightly with his backhand, sniffing the fragrance of Catherine's hair and feeling the rare tranquility.

It should be said that it was much more convenient for Louis to move into the new office. At least the class representatives from the three colleges did not have to feel awkward when they came to him again.

After all, they were not Slytherin students. Even if the Slytherin classmates did not dare to say anything under Louis' majestic suppression, their attitudes were still a bit cold after all.

Prejudice is difficult to eradicate, especially academic prejudices that have been ingrained for hundreds of years and cannot be eliminated in a short time.

Louis had no hope of dispelling this stereotype.

His purpose is to cultivate some useful people for himself. It is not a good thing for his subordinates to be too united.

No leader likes the people under him to be monolithic. Of course, this kind of statement cannot be taken openly. If you really believe in the nonsense of "a group of harmonious people", then there is something wrong.

As long as there are people, there will be disputes.

Louis, who was sitting in the office, liked this feeling quite a lot. He also asked Emeriss to buy a lot of philosophy books from the Muggle world all the way. Firstly, he planned to fill up his bookshelf and supplement his knowledge from time to time. , on the other hand, is planning to show it to the Sorting Hat.

The old hat is gathering dust on the bookshelf in the principal's office, and it's time to find some fun for him.

If people don't think, their brains will become rigid, and if a hat doesn't think, it's the same reason - who said this nonsense? Have you ever seen a hat that can think?

Louis, who had no clue about the attack, was holding the book and planned to go to the principal's office to see the sorting hat. As soon as he went out, he bumped into Draco oncoming.

"Draco? What's wrong?" Louis dodged to avoid the rash Draco, and Draco stumbled and split his head on the ground.

Ignoring the pain, he handed Louis the copy of "The Quibbler" from last week.

"Look, Louis, I found something..." Draco grinned but said to Louis very excitedly.

Louis took the magazine and found that it was the same as always. The protagonist of this issue is obviously our real Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Mr. Gilderoy Lockhart, and our Louis who stole the show.

Uncharacteristically, the article did not contradict the Daily Prophet, but instead emphatically criticized Lockhart, saying that he did not live up to his reputation. He embroidered pillows and was very good at everything. He just pointed at his nose and called you a cutie.

As for Louis, he did not hesitate to praise him. Louis couldn't stand it - I didn't give Mr. Lovegood any money either...

"So?" Louis shook the magazine and asked with a frown: "Take this magazine...wait, when is this magazine?"

His tone was a little rushed.

"It was from last week, just a few days before Luna's accident." Draco pointed to the date on the back of the magazine. Louis turned it over and saw that it was exactly what Draco said.

Louis tapped his palms, walked back and forth, and said to Draco: "Go...well, go and call Potter and the other three."

"Okay!" Draco turned and ran away.

After a while, he brought the Potter trio to Lewis's office.

After the door was closed, Lewis lowered his voice and said: "Listen, now there is a glorious and arduous task for you."

The interest of the three people was obviously aroused - it was glorious and arduous, and Lewis said it, it must be very exciting.

Young people, especially the trio, are all playful and noisy. How can they control themselves for exciting tasks? Look at Harry, the light in his eyes is almost as bright as Conan's when he saw the crime. On site.

"Come on Louis! We are definitely not here for the excitement of the mission! Just announce the mission goal quickly!" Ron was obviously not too big a fan of the excitement, and was completely unaware that he was one of them.

But Ron is actually also stupid and bold. Except for the matter of "following the spider", he has never been timid at other times.

"Okay, okay." Louis calmed the excitement of the three people and whispered about the mission plan.

"Listen, I have some clues about the heir of Slytherin." Louis whispered to the trio: "However, it is not convenient for me to come forward in this matter, so... I still need your help."

When she heard 'Heir of Slytherin', even Hermione couldn't sit still. She looked around excitedly, and then stared at Louis closely: "Louis, just tell me who you suspect. ?”

"Let me ask you, have you ever heard of Polyjuice Potion?" Lewis first asked a seemingly irrelevant question.

As a top student, Hermione blurted out without even thinking: "Polyjuice Potion is a potion that can make the drinker look like someone else. Making such a complex and challenging potion is very important for adults." It is also a challenge for wizards... This kind of magic potion is very advanced. Generally speaking, the production is divided into two stages, and the entire production process takes about a month in total."

"That's right, one point for Gryffindor." Louis blinked and sneakily added one point to Gryffindor.

"However, professor, you mentioned Polyjuice Potion... do you want us to use Polyjuice Potion to spy on intelligence?" The smart Hermione immediately reacted and realized what Louis really meant.

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