I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 141 You will always be my little white rabbit

"Yes, this is my plan." Louis nodded and said: "I need you to drink Polyjuice Potion, turn into a fifth-year classmate, and then go to Professor Lockhart to spy on information-" At this point, he After a pause, "The plan is not static. You can move with the camera and choose the method you think is most appropriate to get close to him."

"Of course, guys, I don't want you to participate in such a dangerous mission. After all... you are probably facing a very vicious dark wizard. But whenever I think of my classmates being shrouded in such a crisis, I feel anxious at any time. When my life is in danger, I always have the urge to go by myself... But as Professor Lockhart's opponent, my every word and deed is under his surveillance. My disappearance can easily arouse his vigilance. ...So, at this time, I thought of you three."

Louis began to use the trick of deception, first acting with reason, and then with emotion, "To be fair, I don't want you three to take risks, but... considering that I really have no trustworthy friends around me now, only you. Only three can give me high hopes, so I can only turn to you for help."

"No problem, Professor!" The three of them said in unison, especially Hermione, whose face was flushed - the sense of justice for eliminating harm for the people was burning in her heart. At this moment, she felt like she was the one in the ancient legend. Like Beowulf, who eliminates harm to the people, the sense of mission given by history suddenly rushes to the sky.

Immersed in that illusory sense of historical mission, it took Hermione a while to realize the problem with the material. She hurriedly asked: "Louis, the ingredients for the polyjuice potion..."

"Don't worry." Louis smiled confidently: "Isn't there Professor Snape? I think he will not refuse my proposal."

Snape, who was far away in the Potions office like a bat, suddenly sneezed. He sniffed and muttered that he had never had this inexplicable cold feeling behind his back since Emma was gone. , what happened today?

He had forgotten that Senior Emma had an older son.

"You really like to persecute Professor Snape, baby deer." Catherine, who had just walked out of the bedroom, said helplessly, and she couldn't stand it anymore.

"Aren't I just showing my closeness to the professor...you don't understand men's things." Louis began to speak carefully.

"Okay, okay, I don't understand. My little deer has grown up." Catherine had a doting smile on her face, shook her head helplessly, walked over, leaned down and kissed Louis gently on the forehead.

Then she turned to look at the three little ones who didn't dare to breathe, and said hello with a gentle smile: "Hello."

"Hello...Hello, Miss Worley." The three little ones stammered in greeting, with expressions of disbelief on their faces as if they saw the sun coming out of the west.

Louis also looked at Catherine in confusion, hesitated for a long time, and asked hesitantly: "Baby, did you take the wrong medicine?"

As he spoke, he extended the Lushan Claw to Catherine's forehead, but she knocked it away.

"What a fool." Catherine gave him two big white-eye berries and turned back to Louis' bedroom.

Hermione watched Catherine's back disappear, turned her head and said to Harry and Ron with an exaggerated expression: "Oh my god, this is... is this Miss Worley? Why did she suddenly become so gentle? I'm a little agitated. I’m not used to it…”

"I must have taken the wrong medicine. To be honest, I'm not used to it." Louis said helplessly. He didn't know what kind of medicine Catherine was selling in the gourd today.

It was the first time for not only the three little animals but also Louis to see Catherine being so gentle to other small animals.

"Alright, while you are brewing the polyjuice potion, the three of you will make a good plan on what to do when you go back. I will first go to Professor Snape to get some materials, and I will also look for a few candidates... to look for a few people who are suitable for you to transform. candidate."

After sending away the three little ones, Louis returned to his bedroom.

"What's wrong with you today?" Not only Louis' tone, but also his expression revealed the meaning of "This is too evil."

Catherine smiled warmly and rolled her eyes cutely: "If our Professor Xiaolu thinks that the professor's wife should be cruel to his classmates, I can change it."

So, you admit that you are the professor’s wife, right?

Louis was overjoyed, walked over and sat next to Catherine, held her soft and delicate body in his arms, and said with a smile: "How could it be possible, I like it, of course I like it, I'm not trembling, it's just It was just a little uncomfortable at the beginning..."

"Hmph, I knew it, so you didn't like me at all!" Catherine crossed her arms, pretending to be fierce, and snorted arrogantly.

Of course Louis could see that she had no intention of being angry, it was just a joke, so he was happy to accompany Catherine and continue to act: "How could it be? Let me think about it, you used to...well, fierce Nasty, inhumane, cold-faced, irritable, and harsh with words..."

Every time he said a word, Catherine's face darkened. By the time he said the last word, Catherine's eyes almost had glacial spikes.

She was really a little angry this time, looking at Louis with cold eyes, as if looking at a plate of roasted whole deer.

Louis quickly turned the conversation 180 degrees.

"Of course, these are all other people's evaluations of you. As for me, I like Catherine, everything about her, no matter what she looks like, no matter what she looks like in the eyes of others, she is in my heart, They are all little white rabbits forever.”

The coldness in Catherine's eyes instantly melted into a pool of spring water.

"Oh, my little deer." Catherine pressed Louis on the bed and looked at him condescendingly, her eyes full of tenderness that was too thick to be melted away.

"What are you going to do?" Louis pretended to be frightened, holding the hem of his shirt with both hands, looking pitiful.

"What do you think?" Catherine's lips curved into a special smile.

When he went to find Snape the next day, Louis felt as if he were stepping on clouds.

The eldest sister is so powerful, where is Louise’s opponent?

In the Potions office, Professor Snape looked at Louis with a look of "I don't have students like you" and said slowly: "Oh, if you can't do it, I still have a lot to improve here. A magic potion for physical fitness.”

"All kinds." At the end, Snape added, adding emphasis on "all kinds."

"Who says I can't do it?" Louis became anxious on the spot. How can a man be told that he can't do it?

Snape looked obviously disbelieving: "Then you came to my place so early in the morning that you didn't want to have breakfast, right? Let me make it clear to you in advance that I only have some cooked slugs for you to eat... Or a caterpillar with shaved thorns."

"I really didn't expect that your diet, Professor, would be so wide. Even slugs and caterpillars are within your hunting range." Louis shrugged and returned the sharp points in his words to Si. Professor Nepp.

"It's hard to say that I didn't prepare this slug specially for a certain classmate. Okay, enough gossip. What's the reason for you coming to my place?" Snape quickly stopped the tendency of talking and talking and brought up the topic. On track.

If we really continue to talk to each other like this, I'm afraid it won't be over before dinner.

"I need some ingredients for Polyjuice Potion, Professor." Louis was not polite to Snape: "Give me some, Professor."

"You really..." Snape searched for an adjective for a long time and finally came up with one sentence: "You really don't regard yourself as an outsider."

"It depends on what you said, Professor." Louis smiled: "Based on our relationship, can you bear to ask for money?"

Snape smiled, a sneer, like a bat elf breathing out ultrasonic waves: "Well said, but it's meaningless... Chenghui, a thousand galleons, a child with no deception."

"Why don't you go and rob?" Louis was shocked. He took three steps back, covered his pockets with both hands, and looked at Snape with disbelief: "Professor, you are taking advantage of the situation!"

Snape showed a sinister smile, laughed twice, then suppressed his smile, and said sinisterly: "That's fine, but I'm not taking advantage of the situation. After all, you are a well-known rich man."

He sneered in his heart and complained, "I asked you to dress up Potter as Lily on Halloween to disgust me. Now I have to disgust you. If I don't disgust you all at once, you will probably make Hogg The spire of Watts Castle is lifted.

Louis was somewhat aware of Snape's evil thoughts, so he had to take out Gringotts' check, write a thousand galleons on it and hand it to Snape.

Looking at Snape's proud smile, Louis swore in his heart, don't let me get the Resurrection Stone, otherwise I have to let you know how many eyes Prince Lu has.

If I don’t blackmail you until you are so poor that you are so poor that I won’t be named Lu!

In fact, his surname is not Lu.

Before leaving, Snape grabbed Louis again and mysteriously gave him two small glass bottles.

"You can only use one drop at a time." Snape stretched out his finger and circled it twice: "No more, your small body will not be able to bear any more."

"I've actually been working out, professor, please don't look down on me, okay!" Louis quit, and made a strong gesture: "Look, I haven't been short of nourishment, and I've eaten all kinds of good things. Yes, don’t you believe it?”

Snape looked at his thin arm with suspicion and asked hesitantly: "Then it looks like a little wimp?"


You are ruthless and awesome.

He raised his head, turned around and walked away, leaving Snape with a very deep and handsome back.

When he looked at his hand, he found that he had contaminated it himself. The potion was different from what he imagined. It was really a serious potion.

"Advanced physical strength potion: greatly enhances your physical strength, lasting for one hour."

You are such a good professor to me. The rain came just in time! Louis was thinking in his mind, having already forgotten his little displeasure about Snape blackmailing him just now.

When it comes to money and a man's face, men always choose the latter.

It's time to open the eyes of senior sister, he thought viciously in his heart.

If I don’t have enough dps when fighting the BOSS, why don’t you let me take some mixture? This has always been the case, right?

The senior sister in the auditorium was radiant, and her beauty seemed to be shining, which immediately caught Louis's attention. She sat there quietly reading a book, a complete iceberg beauty.

She felt it as soon as Lewis entered the auditorium. Maybe it was a telepathy. She didn't know if it was an illusion. After last night, she always felt that the distance between their souls was getting closer and closer.

Catherine raised her head, gently brushed her hair, and gave Louis a meaningful smile.

Lewis's little face turned red.

In order to dispel the awkward feeling, he coughed and walked towards Harry.

"It's all here." Louis put the bag of ingredients in front of Hermione, and he whispered: "The ingredients are very heavy, but you three need to cook them yourself... There should be no problem, I remember Harry and Hermione's The level of potions is very good."

Having said this, he patted Ron and said, "Oh, Ron, I know your magic potion level is not much different from that of the troll, so I thoughtfully gave this task to the two of them. How about it, am I nice to you?"

Ron curled his lips and snorted: "It's okay, I can cheer them two on..."

"Nice idea." Louis patted him again, and after a few brief instructions, he returned to Catherine's side.

Catherine asked without raising her head: "Aren't you afraid that your little secret will be discovered in such a big way?"

"It's the mystery that makes people suspicious, and the big fanfare will not attract attention." Louis Hexian smiled and picked up a strand of Catherine's hair, twirling it around in his hand: "Seriously, You think I’m on the first floor, but actually, I’m on the fifth floor.”

"Do you think you are Italian lasagna?" Catherine snorted: "It reminds me that I haven't had venison lasagna in a long time!"

Louis let go of the hair in his hands, stretched out his arms in front of her, and said generously: "Bite it, I don't mind, you can eat as much as you can."

"I won't eat you, Seiya!" Catherine smiled and rubbed Louis' head, lowered her head and continued reading.

"Huh, let me let you be proud for a while! Let me fight you again today and let you experience my new magic!" Louis whispered a challenge.

Catherine didn't react at first, but then she punched his shoulder slightly and said angrily: "Don't talk nonsense... not today!"

"Why?" Louis didn't want to, and he finally recovered. What do you mean if you don't want to!

"I..." Catherine bit her red lips, hesitated for a long time and finally made up her mind and whispered: "Today is not convenient."

After saying that, her jade-white neck was stained with red clouds.

"Oh...ah!" Lewis was stunned for a moment and suddenly realized.

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