I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 142 Cheating on Your Husband

Louis was extremely happy when he got what he wanted. He whistled all day long, looking like I was super, super, super happy.

Even in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Louis gave everyone two extra credits for the first time. Everyone was discussing privately, thinking that Professor Louis had taken the wrong medicine today.

But in fact it was not Louis who took the wrong medicine. Louis didn't take anything.

This happiness lasted until she returned to the office. When Catherine saw him, she coughed twice subconsciously.

"What's wrong with you?" Louis asked cheerfully.

"Get out of here..." Catherine rolled her eyes, and after a while, she complained: "As soon as I saw you, that feeling of hanging in my throat came back again..."

"Hahahahahaha..." Louis laughed hahahaha for a while, then walked to sit next to Catherine.

He copied a copy of the magic of the giant sword array and gave it to Catherine.

"What is this?" Catherine picked up the magic paper with interest.

"Giant sword array, very powerful magic." Louis waved his hand, and three blue giant swords shining with blue light appeared on his left and right shoulders and above his head respectively. They were almost two meters long by visual inspection and looked very scary. .

He opened the window, and with a flick of his hand, three giant blue swords roared out, as fast as the wind and lightning, and chopped down three big trees in the forbidden forest in the distance to the ground.

Dashu: I didn’t offend any of you...

"Not bad magic." Catherine put away the paper recording the magic of the giant sword array and nodded with satisfaction: "The power looks pretty good...is there anything else special about it?"

"Actually, these three giant swords can be driven by thoughts." Lewis said with a smile: "You can even search for targets around you that are hostile to you and attack them... But you have to wait until you have mastered this spell to a particularly advanced level."

"I understand." Catherine nodded and asked with a chuckle: "So, what does my Mr. Fawn want as reward?"

As he said that, he even winked at Lewis.

"Let's talk about it after you get better..." Louis stretched out his hand to twist Catherine's earlobe. Not to mention, the warm and soft feeling was countless times more painful than the feel of any kind of jade in the world.

It was better not to say this. After saying this, Catherine coughed twice more. She put down her hand and glanced at Louis resentfully.

Louis laughed dryly twice and continued to play with Catherine's earlobe.

"But... are your health really okay?" Catherine still asked hesitantly. Although she had confirmed it countless times before, she was still a little worried about Louis and worried about affecting his development.

"Haha...it's okay, I'm doing it for my husband." Louis made a humorous joke.

Principal Dumbledore recently issued an order to implement a curfew system in the school, and notified students to try not to be left alone, while he organized the school's professors to patrol the school.

Lewis knew that Dumbledore was buying himself time to act in his own way.

Dumbledore's warning was indeed effective. The "Heir of Slytherin" seemed to be dormant. There have been no incidents of students being attacked recently.

But Dumbledore did not slack off at all. He still started at six o'clock in the morning and continued to patrol each floor with the professors until around nine o'clock in the evening to avoid the recurrence of attacks.

In this way, the days flew by day by day, and a month passed quickly. On the day when the polyjuice potion was brewed, Louis made a special appointment with Percy, Penelo Crevat and Percy's close friend Jack. The three Campbells borrowed Harry's invisibility cloak by the way and brought the three of them into his own office one by one.

Mainly to avoid being noticed by interested people, even the Harry trio was taken over one by one by Louis like this.

In the office, the Harry trio and the fifth-year trio gathered together.

Penello still looked at Louis with that heart-felt look, making him feel a little uncomfortable.

This senior is pretty good-looking, but...how to put it, Lewis has no idea about that for the time being.

"...That's the basic situation." After Lewis finished telling the plan, he looked at the six people in front of him with burning eyes.

Of course Percy had no objection. In fact, he didn't like Lockhart - it should be said that no one liked him in the entire fifth year.

Penelo and Jack had no objections, and Louis even provided them with generous rewards - while waiting for the Harry trio to complete the task, they could experience the mirror world in Louis' office as many times as they wanted.

As soon as this benefit came out, the three of them had no objections - they had long heard their second-year classmates brag about how powerful, good, and real Professor Lewis's mirror world was, and they never thought that they would one day experience it.

It is a great honor to even experience it earlier than the entire fifth grade students.

It should be said that no one had any expectations for Lockhart. They had already planned that if the second-year students they faced were defeated, they would let loose in the duel and drive away the hateful Professor Lockhart. .

Even if Assistant Tifa is good-looking, no matter how good-looking she is, it can't offset their dislike of Lockhart.

The three of them almost hit it off with Louis, especially Penello, who even cut off a small amount of hair and handed it to Hermione, which meant "I have enough hair here".

The transformations were happily decided, with Harry turning into Jack, Ron turning into his brother Percy, and Hermione turning into Penelope, who is also a woman.

In order to maintain their transformed appearance for a long time, the three of them, at Lewis's suggestion, each prepared two pints of Polyjuice Potion - almost enough for them to last until they went to bed at night.

Of course, Louis did not forget the most important thing - he asked the three little ones to change their clothes in advance, otherwise it would be uncomfortable to wear small clothes when their bodies grow up.

The clothes were all spare clothes for the other three people. Harry and Ron had nothing to do with it. After all, they were used to picking up clothes and wearing them. Hermione was still a little awkward, but urged by that sense of historical mission, She temporarily put the awkward feeling behind her, and all she could think about was how to successfully spy on information.

The two boys went to Louis' room, and the girl Hermione went to "Catherine's room" - which was actually where Kristassa lived. After changing their clothes, the three little ones dragged their long sleeves. He walked out with his trouser legs rolled up and his shoes that were too big, looking extremely funny.

The four of them laughed for a long time, out of breath, and finally stopped smiling under the unhappy eyes of the three little ones.

The three little ones angrily glared at the three unreliable seniors and good brother Louis, put their hair into their respective polyjuice potions, picked up the big cups and looked at each other in unison, with a shudder in the wind. Xi Yi Shui Han's aura, raised his neck and drained him directly.

Even before drinking the Polyjuice Potion, the trio had a "cheers."

Under everyone's gaze, the three people's bodies kept changing - like a lump of plasticine, they were constantly being kneaded together, and finally, they turned into Jack, Percy and Penello respectively.

"It's quite similar." Louis clapped his hands, and the other three also clapped. He looked at the three people and said with a smile: "But if Harry takes off his glasses, it will be more like that."

"Oh...oh!" Harry put his glasses into his pocket belatedly.

"What I need to remind you is, try not to talk too much with friends who are close to them...so as not to reveal your secrets." Louis reminded kindly.

Then he looked at the three senior students: "You also tell them individually what happened today. In addition, see if there is anything that needs their attention, so as not to know what to do... Oh my God. , Fortunately it is an evening course, otherwise I really don’t know what to do.”

The three Percys nodded and walked towards the three little ones who had transformed into them. They couldn't help but feel awkward in their hearts - this was actually a normal reaction. Normal people would feel uncomfortable seeing people who looked exactly like themselves. It's normal.

After finally enduring the awkwardness, they recounted the important things that happened today and what they were going to do. Under the eager eyes of the four people, the three little ones puffed up their chests and walked outside.

"Oh, by the way." Louis stopped them: "Remember not to eat dinner in the auditorium, just go back to my office and eat it."

After saying that, he waved his hand, indicating that they could leave: "I wish you good luck. I'm here waiting for the good news of your victorious return."

The three senior classmates all looked excited, unaware of how much black spots the third grade student could only put on their image.

Not to mention how the three senior students started an exciting adventure in the mirror world. Just say that the three little ones left Louis' office and walked towards Lockhart's Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. Subconsciously, she walked to the Room of Requirement on the eighth floor. Thanks to Hermione's reaction, she was able to avoid the accident of going the wrong way.

"Wait a minute!" The magical circuit in Ron's brain started to flash again: "I have an immature idea!"

"Tell me, tell me about your 'immature' thoughts." Hermione stretched out her hands and gently raised her middle and index fingers to formulate the words "not too mature". Put quotation marks.

Yes, there are two words in English for immature, immature idea.

"We can be late on purpose and let Professor Lockhart lock us up tonight!" Ron came up with the idea excitedly.

Don't tell me, Ron's idea is really good, at least Hermione thinks it's a good idea.

Of course, there's no sense of 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder', not really.

"I think it's okay, too." Jack, played by Harry, had a fool-like smile on his face, and it looked like he had been released from a mental hospital.

"I suggest you put away that silly smile of yours, Harry." Hermione reminded in a low voice, and quickly changed her words: "Oh, no, it's Jack. Your idiot-like smile is obviously not in line with Jack's. Personality..."

Harry reluctantly made a face, but Ron was still making faces at him behind Hermione, so he didn't hold back and laughed again.

"Pfft, hahahaha..."

Hermione took Lockhart's biography and slapped Harry hard on the back, making a muffled sound.

"Look, look, a Ravenclaw woman is treading two boats!"

A very annoying voice came from above their heads. The three of them looked up and saw that it was Peeves.

"Shut up, Peeves." Hermione threatened fiercely: "If you dare to talk nonsense again, be careful I ask Bloody Barrow to deal with you!"

"Why would a girl from Ravenclaw know about this? Ah -" Peeves shouted and disappeared without a trace. It was obvious that the threat to him from Bloody Baron was really great.

Hermione put her hands on her hips proudly and giggled as she watched Peeves slipping away.

Ron and Harry also looked at each other and laughed heartily, but they didn't notice the sound of footsteps behind them, and Professor McGonagall's voice sounded behind them.

"Miss Crevat, Mr. Weasley, and Mr. Campbell." Professor McGonagall's expression was very serious: "I think it is time for the fifth grade Defense Against the Dark Arts class. If you three don't go to class, why are you there? Are you in the mood to giggle here?”

Hermione put her hands behind her back to signal them to shut up, and said herself: "Oh, sorry, Professor, we were teased by Peeves just now."

"Well, Peeves..." Professor McGonagall nodded to indicate that she understood: "Forget it this time, why don't you hurry up and go to Professor Lockhart's classroom?"

"Okay, Professor!" The three of them responded in unison, turned around and ran away.

Professor McGonagall looked at the backs of the three of them and shook his head, muttering: "Why do the three of them look a bit like the Potters? Is it possible that their behavioral habits will also be contagious?"

Then she smiled. It seemed that she had been under a lot of pressure recently. She had been patrolling the corridors for many days and had not had enough sleep. Look, isn't this causing hallucinations?

But Professor McGonagall never imagined that the three guys in front of her were Harry and the others pretending to be...

How could the staid Professor McGonagall have imagined that a student would use Polyjuice Potion to transform into another person in school?

Along the way, he met many acquaintances. Harry's sharp eyes even saw Hagrid walking towards the principal's office carrying two big roosters.

"Hagrid!" he greeted cheerfully.

He regretted the greeting as soon as he said it - what if Hagrid is not familiar with this senior Jack?

Fortunately, Hagrid should be familiar with him. He came over and said hello to Percy first, then stretched out his big hand like a cattail fan and patted Harry on the shoulder. He smiled honestly and said, "Oh, it's Jack. You My father sent me a letter two days ago, asking me to see how you are doing at school recently - well, you said that it was true that you had trouble with your family, but you didn't send any news to your family. I see. Your parents are worried to death. If the Ministry of Magic hadn't sent them to guard Azkaban, they would have come to Hogwarts to see you..."

"Listen to me and write a reply home as soon as possible, okay? Promise me..." Hagrid pursed his lips and looked at Harry...turned into Jack with encouragement.

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