I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 159 Ron is still awake

Beating a snake is not difficult, and for Louis, he does not need to stare at the seven inches of this big snake to beat.

After testing a handful of lightning, Louis was pleasantly surprised to find that this thing could actually be used to increase proficiency.

The super high recovery ability and super high level create a wooden stake that is even better than a team copy training dummy.

At this moment, in Lewis's eyes, the snake changed from a "sustainable renewable resource" to a "training dummy", and he simply wanted to fish this big snake sustainably.

Perhaps the blue-eyed demon possessing Tifa didn't expect that this big snake would be treated like this by Louis.

To be honest, she didn't actually know Louis well, at least she didn't know Louis' true strength.

In her eyes, no matter how outrageous this kid is, he can't kill a mutated basilisk easily, right?

Lewis didn't quite understand why this guy had been waiting for him in the underground secret room, and he didn't figure it out until he left the secret room.

When returning the hat and Gryffindor sword to Dumbledore, Old Dumbledore looked at him with deep meaning.

"Why are you looking at me?" Lewis didn't understand.

"Where's the snake? For such a big snake, there's no way there's even a tooth left, right? As far as I know, you're not very good at fire magic."

Dumbledore's words can be summed up in two words.

Divide the spoils.

Lewis reluctantly took out the snake slough and put it in front of him - the huge snake slough filled the entire office.

Dumbledore looked at the snake slough with a New World look on his face, praising the hugeness of this thing loudly, which made Louis look disgusted.

"Stop pretending when it's just the two of us. You were there when we were protecting Luna and the others."

"Oh." Dumbledore didn't blush. He calmly put the snake into the small bag of the Traceless Stretch Spell, and looked at Louis with a smile.

"Speaking of which, Harry and the others are heading here with Assistant Tifa. Do you want to wait here and listen to their adventure stories?"

"So fast?" Louis was stunned. Although he wasted more than an hour in the secret room to find a way out, weren't the guys like Harry moving too fast?

He was not worried about the safety of several people, after all, Dumbledore was in charge of the school.

"I have to remind you, Ron doesn't seem to be in a good mood." Dumbledore said in a casual tone.

Only then did Louis remember that the one named Aragog was a huge Acromantula.

"By the way... I forgot to tell you." Speaking of Tifa, Louis remembered a very important thing: "When I was in the secret room, I saw Assistant Tifa being possessed by a blue-eyed demon..."

"This is impossible!" Dumbledore's expression became very serious: "When they founded Hogwarts School, the four founders painted demon expulsion runes everywhere in the school castle, even the secret room. Not missing, there is absolutely no way a demon could sneak into Hogwarts..."

"But that's the truth." Louis spread his hands: "I saw with my own eyes that her eyes radiated blue light. She is exactly the same as you described. That kind of aura gives people the first impression of being very decent. "

"Perhaps the charm has failed due to its age and disrepair." Louis added another possibility.

"But you may not know that Assistant Tifa once came to the principal's office." Dumbledore pointed to the top of his head and then to Louis' feet with a serious expression.

Louis looked up and saw a giant talisman made of smelted metal engraved on the ceiling directly above him. Then he lowered his head and lifted up a carpet. There was also a giant talisman on the ground.

"Can the spell alone have an effect on expelling demons? What if it is a high-level demon? Will it still be effective?" Louis asked a series of doubts in his heart.

"This is the law, Louis." Professor Dumbledore said softly: "The power of the law set by the Creator binds the mutual restraint of all things in the world."

Before he could say anything, Ron's cursing voice sounded.

"Follow the spider, follow the spider! If Hagrid dares to appear in front of me again, I swear that I will die with him!"

"Okay Ron, Hagrid didn't mean it."

It was Hermione's voice.

There was a knock on the door.

The trio walked in with a haggard-looking Tifa.

"Professor Dumbledore, Louis." The trio greeted.

The moment Louis saw Tifa, his whole body tensed up and became very alert, but Dumbledore patted his arm. When he looked back, Dumbledore shook his head gently, indicating that he didn't need to.

Seeing that Tifa was still in a daze, Dumbledore first looked at the three little ones: "Tell me, how did you rescue her?"

Harry cleared his throat and spoke loudly.

Since Ye Ziyan only warned lightly, Ron returned to the dormitory early. There was no point in just sitting and waiting, so he simply took a nap.

Besides, Harry, who was sent back to the Gryffindor lounge by the phoenix, rushed back to the dormitory and lifted Ron's quilt without saying a word.

"You'd better be fine, Harry." Ron opened his sleepy eyes and looked at Harry with an unhappy expression.

"It's urgent, don't fall asleep!" Harry grabbed Ron's arm anxiously and was about to take him under the bed. As a result, Ron was unprepared and fell to the ground like a dog chewing mud.

However, Harry smoothed Ron's hair out with just one sentence.

"There is danger! Assistant Tifa is in danger! She was taken to the Forbidden Forest... Louis, Louis asked me to call you to find Hagrid and rescue her in the Forbidden Forest..."

Ron suddenly became energetic.

No Gryffindor can resist the lure of adventure, just as no man can resist a lightsaber.

He asked Lavender to call Hermione, and then asked hesitantly: "If we go to the Forbidden Forest... should we inform Miss Worley, or Professor Ye and the others..."

"Are you stupid, Ron!" Harry said sadly, as if he hated iron and steel, "If we tell them, can we still go to the Forbidden Forest?"

"But... didn't you say that Assistant Tifa is in danger..." Ron was still a little worried.

"If it's an urgent matter, Louis will definitely ask Harry to inform them."

It was Hermione, walking in from outside.

"I think Louis must want to train us, so he let us go to the Forbidden Forest, what do you think?"

Hermione looked over to the duo, she had managed to convince Ron.

Of course, the smart girl has considered this issue. There is another possibility that she did not mention, and of course she does not think it is possible...

That was because Louis deliberately let them go so that Tifa could die legally in the Forbidden Forest.

She had never been afraid to speculate on Slytherins with the greatest malice, but when it came to Louis, Hermione didn't want to think the worst of him at all.

After all, how could Louis be a bad guy if he was so handsome?

Just like that, the trio arrived at Hagrid's hut, only to find that Hagrid was not there.

There is a note on the table that says "Take Fang, follow the spider, and find Aragog, my friend."

Fang is Hagrid's big black dog.

There was a mini cage next to the note, which contained a huge spider. I don't know if it was because of seeing people or something. Ever since Harry picked up the note, it kept struggling in the cage. , looks full of energy.

Ron also noticed the spider. He ducked behind Hermione and poked her shoulder.

"There are... there are spiders!"

"It's just a spider, what's the big deal?" Hermione said contemptuously: "You are such a big person, are you still afraid of spiders?"

With that said, she walked over and opened the spider cage with her bare hands under Ron's pilgrimage eyes.

"See, this little guy is actually very shy." Hermione pulled the spider out by its legs and put it on the ground: "Don't be afraid, it's not aggressive."

Ron shuddered subconsciously, knowing that Hermione was fierce, but he didn't expect her to be so violent.

When the three of them are together, they are like a barrel. Harry and Ron are the weak link, but Hermione is not only the strong link, but also the kind of long link that can make up for the shortcomings of the two of them, creating a team. Add one to the effect of three.

It's very evil and belongs to the category.

Of course, Harry and Ron add up to one, and each of them counts as zero and five...

The spider lay on the ground for a while. After seeing that the long-haired giant did nothing to it, it immediately stretched out its eight legs and fled away quickly.

Run quickly, otherwise something will happen!

Although a spider is not a big thing, it has a very evil characteristic. One second you can see it lying there, but as soon as you turn your head, it disappears.

A natural star of horror movies, coupled with its not-so-cute looks, it’s no wonder Ron is scared.

The spider in front of them was very fast. If Hermione hadn't cast a tracking spell on it, it would have disappeared from the sight of the three of them.

The trio hurriedly followed, and the twinkling starlight was moving rapidly in front of them.

"Don't worry, even if there are obstacles blocking it, we can still see the light spots formed by this tracking magic." Hermione reassured her two useless men.

"Okay." Ron took a deep breath to cheer himself up, preparing to face the worst fate: "I'm ready, God knows if this spider will bring us to a nest full of spiders..."

"I think not, Ron." Harry said optimistically: "Even if they are all spiders, they are unlikely to cause any harm to us. It only takes a little magic to make them run away like crazy."

"That's right, we can do magic." Ron's confidence suddenly increased.

Spiders are small and pose no threat. Even if a group of spiders attack together, they may not be enough to cause a blazing fire.

So, they followed the light spots on the spider into the woods, and Yaya ran after them. This was a timid dog, and it was almost impossible for it to open the way ahead.

If you only have a few leftovers a day, what are you trying to do with your life?

But at least Yaya seemed to be working hard, sniffing the roots and leaves along the way, and barking in the direction where the light spot disappeared from time to time, but in fact only Hermione's tracking magic worked.

I ran along for an unknown length of time, and no one spoke. There was only the rustling of leaves in the wind, the snapping of branches underfoot, or the occasional barking of teeth, and there were no other sounds.

As they continued deeper into the Forbidden Forest, the trees grew thicker and thicker. The stars above were also obscured by the lush canopy of trees, and the light spot on the spider's butt in front shone alone in the endless darkness. Only then did they realize that the spider guide had deviated from the tree-lined road.

The three of them had never been to the depths of the Forbidden Forest before. The last time Harry came to the Forbidden Forest, they just wandered around the edge of the forest. At this moment, Harry suddenly remembered what Hagrid said.

"Remember, Harry, never stray from the tree-lined paths..."

"What's wrong, Harry?" Ron asked with concern when he saw Harry's slightly changed face.

"I remembered Hagrid's advice. He once told me not to leave the avenue." Harry said honestly.

Ron shrugged: "Professor Dumbledore also warned us not to enter the small door on the fourth floor. Didn't we come back alive?"

"But luck may not be on our side this time..." Hermione poured a basin of cold water on her, and as soon as she finished speaking, she saw Ron tremble.

"Scared me to death, Damn Yaya!" Ron kicked Yaya. Just now Yaya inadvertently touched Ron's hand with his wet nose. Ron, who was already nervous, thought it was something, and his heart almost fell out of fear.

Yaya made a reluctant cry, seeming to blame Ron for being timid and having nothing to do with him.

"What do you think?" Harry asked Hermione.

"What else can we do? It's already here." Hermione dismissed the hesitation of the three people with one sentence.

Yes, we have come, we can’t go this far in vain, right?

So, they continued to follow the fast-moving light spots into the trees. There were tree roots and stumps everywhere. It was difficult to distinguish the appropriate road. Because the sky was too dark, it was difficult to see these roadblocks clearly. Occasionally, they would be inadvertently blocked. Stumbled.

Hermione was in a worse situation. Since it was summer, Hermione was wearing a skirt, and her thighs were scratched by sharp branches, leaving bloodstains. But she had no time to care about so much. In comparison, , Tifa’s life is more important.

"Are we going downhill?" Ron asked aloud. His little face was also cut twice by branches. It was burning, but not very unbearable.

"Looks like I'm hungry!" Harry made a hungry sound, fell to the ground with a thud, and bounced back up like a spring.

He happened to hold such a skull in his hand, and coincidentally, his fingers dug into the skull's eye socket, and there was a slippery earthworm inside.

He hurriedly shook off the skull and said a panicked thank you.

At this time, a long wolf howl came from the distance, echoing in the forest for a long time, frightening the two boys so much that their souls almost flew out of the sky.

"If I were it, I wouldn't scream so loudly," Hermione said pointedly.

Sure enough, halfway through the howl, the wolf turned into a whimpering cry.

"Unlucky guy." Hermione raised her eyebrows, her tone a bit gloating.

Ron became anxious all of a sudden, and he said eagerly: "Hermione! How long has this been, and you are still in the mood to joke...even the wolf has been killed, do you think we...oh my god..."

"Weren't you very confident just now?" Hermione had a 'can you do it?' look on her face.

Seeing that Ron was getting anxious again, Harry quickly persuaded him: "Okay, okay, we're here, let's go on."

"What are you going for? The light spot is not moving." Ron pointed in the direction of the light spot in the distance, only to find that the light spot disappeared.

"Huh?" He patted Hermione: "Hermione, your magic has failed..."

"Impossible! My tracking magic can last for several hours..." Hermione raised her eyebrows and looked at the original spot of light, but the reality hit her face.

She searched for a long time but couldn't see where it was.

Looking at Harry, Harry shrugged; looking at Ron, Ron made a helpless expression.

"I really don't know what the use of you two is!" Hermione stomped her feet and complained. These two smart people really made her feel like she couldn't lead them...

She felt very regretful now, regretting why she carried two oil bottles.

"What I want to say is that there is no point in waiting here. Now that you have arrived in the Forbidden Forest, you should search for it seriously." After Hermione finished speaking, she looked at the man who looked at her in horror. The two useless men frowned and asked, "What are you two doing?"

"Hermione..." Ron almost forced out his voice, and Hermione could clearly understand from the voice how scared Ron was now.

This made her very impatient. How could a boy, a Gryffindor boy, be so timid?

"As Gryffindors, you must know your shame! Know your shame!" Hermione roared, like Professor McGonagall who caught the twins playing pranks: "Look at what you look like! Really shame on Gryffindor!" What a shame!”

The two boys swallowed, neither spoke nor moved. They just stared at a place more than ten feet behind her with livid faces, fear written all over their faces.

Hermione also knew that she shouldn't speak too hastily or push people too hard, as this would always lead to people's rebellious psychology. She softened her expression and said to them both: "Let's go, let's go find the spider."

"I think... we don't have to look for it..." Ron looked behind Hermione, his expression uglier than crying: "They seem to have come to the door..."

As Ron finished speaking, Hermione heard a strange clicking sound. She looked up and met four pairs of dark eyes.

It was an extremely huge spider, and its size was a bit outrageous. According to Hermione's visual inspection, it was not much smaller than the cars driven in the Muggle world.

In front of the eight eyes was a pair of large black claws. The black and shiny feeling reminded her of her father's black leather shoes with shoe polish. The clicking sound came from the pair of continuously opening and closing claws. It comes from the black pincers. The spider's four pairs of legs are thick and long, covered with thick body hair - it is not fluff at all, but thick and hard body hair like boar bristles.

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