I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 160 The reason why a top student is a top student

Hermione had forgotten that this was the first time she had been frightened like this since she came to Hogwarts, but she still had the instinct to fight back after being well trained in Louis' mirror world. Unlike the two useless men who only knew how to huddle together in fear, Hermione's first reaction was to pull out her wand and fire a thunderbolt explosion.

Explosions are art, an artist named Patrick once said.

An artist with both virtue and art.

The spider was in pain, hissed, and retreated quickly along the hanging silk.

"Don't be stupid!" Hermione reminded loudly: "It seems there are some on your heads too, I can't see clearly..."

Ron came back to his senses, but it was too late. He felt as if he was being hugged by something. It was long, furry and a little pricked, and a clicking sound was heard behind his ears.

"Ron!" Hermione shouted anxiously, shooting out a blue-white light.

A very dull explosion sounded, and Ron felt as if something exploded behind him, and something wet splashed on his face and body. The fishy smell almost made him faint. .

This feeling was so sour that Ron immediately started vomiting, as if he was going to vomit out all the food he had eaten yesterday.

"Harry..." Ron, who was vomiting, still didn't forget his good brother Harry. He raised his head and looked at Harry, only to find that Harry was rolling like a lazy donkey to avoid the spider's death from the sky. You can even give it an Expelliarmus.

The big black claws that were disarmed flew out and hit Ron on the head.

It hurts.

Hermione cleaned him up and got rid of the dirt on him, which stopped his nausea.

To be honest, spiders are indeed disgusting and scary, but Ron couldn't care less when his life was threatened, and he began to draw out his wand to fight back.

There didn't seem to be a lot of spiders. After a while, no more new spiders joined the battle. Looking at the messy battlefield, the three of them looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

Now they don't know whether they should thank Louis or scold him - without him letting the three people come to the Forbidden Forest, they would not be in danger - but without Louis' dedicated teaching, they would not be able to deal with what they just did. That kind of situation.

"We... why don't we go back." Ron suggested. He was really tired of this feeling of fighting spiders.

To be fair, if it weren't for spiders, Ron would definitely not give in, but there was no way, who gave him arachnophobia?

Arachnophobia is one of the seven major phobias in the world. People with zoophobia will be afraid of specific animals, such as snakes, insects, sharp-beaked animals, etc. Contact with these animals will give them a strong sense of rejection. In severe cases, cold sweats, rapid heartbeat, and even suffocation may occur.

This is not Ron's fault, after all, it was the shadow that his two bastard brothers scared him when he was a child.

"We're here now, do we really want to give up?" Hermione asked reluctantly.

The same goes for Harry. He organized his words so that they would not hurt Ron: "Ron, we have reached this point, do you really want to give up?"

Ron shook his head hesitantly.

"I think the best way to eliminate fear is to face it." Harry's tone emphasized a serious meaning: "Besides, human life is at stake, and the life of Assistant Tifa is what we carry on our shoulders..."

"Ron, you don't want such a cute beautiful teacher to be eaten by spiders, do you?"

The last sentence was undoubtedly the most important weight. Ron was immediately moved. No matter what, the kindness in his heart would not let him ignore Tifa's life.

"Let's go, um, sorry." Ron apologized to the two of them: "Let's continue looking..."

Yaya barked reluctantly. As a coward, he really didn't want to continue walking with these three iron-headed boys seeking death.

But there is no way, it doesn't want to go back alone...a dog.

After walking downhill for a long time, it was finally no longer pitch black in front of us. When we looked up, the lush tree crowns had disappeared, replaced by the bright night sky. The moonlight poured down, and we could clearly see the road ahead.

This was a wide valley, with spider webs scattered randomly everywhere. Under the moonlight, they saw the most terrifying scene they could imagine in their lives.

Spiders, the ground is full of spiders, densely packed all over the valley. Each one is as big as a car, black and furry, surrounding a misty hemispherical spider web in the middle. I don’t know. What they are doing, maybe it is a religious ceremony for the spiders.

The spiders didn't notice what was going on here. They were engrossed in performing their rituals without any distractions.

Yaya, who could still bark twice, had completely lost his temper and curled up into a small ball. He was as cowardly as he wanted.

Hermione looked at the grand occasion in front of her, her eyes widened, and it took a long time before she said a curse word to express her mood at this moment.

"Jesus, his mother, what the hell is this!" Hermione almost yelled, and Ron also used the classic blood mother hell to answer Hermione.

Oh, sharp-eyed Harry saw that among the spiders was something tightly wrapped in spider silk, about half the length of a spider - and the thing was twisting constantly.

Harry was so blessed that he quickly pushed Hermione and whispered: "Did you see the object wrapped in cobwebs in the center of the spider?"

"Where is it?" Hermione didn't see clearly. Because she liked reading too much, she was actually a little short-sighted.

"That's it...did you see that?"

Hermione squinted her eyes and searched for a long time, and even added an eagle eye spell to herself, and then she could clearly see the twisting and struggling spider web over there.

"I saw it." Hermione nodded and said, "Why does it feel a little strange?"

"That's a person! Hermione!" Harry whispered: "That shape, Hermione, only a person can make sense..."

"Isn't it Assistant Tifa?" Ron interjected.

"Even if it's not Assistant Tifa, we can't just sit idly by!" Harry's sense of justice suddenly came to his mind.

"Your idea is very good, Harry. I also want to save people." Hermione pointed at the endless spiders and said: "But have you ever thought about how we deal with the sea of ​​spiders..."

"Ah..." As soon as Hermione said this, both of them lost their enthusiasm.

"Then we can't do nothing, right?"

Compared with Britain, which lacks great virtues, its people are actually not like his country. At least ordinary people will not watch others in trouble and do nothing, but give them all support except help.

"But we can't be reckless." Harry said, remembering the content on the note again, "These spiders should be Hagrid's friends..."

"Hagrid? Will he have these strange friends?" Ron's voice changed: "I would say it was all his bad idea, following the spider..."

At this time, the Acromantula finally discovered them. A team of spiders surrounded them from behind, and another wave confronted them from the front.

"They should be intelligent creatures. Since they are Hagrid's friends... I will try to negotiate with them."

Harry held down Hermione's wand, walked forward and said, "Do you know Aragog?"

The spiders that were still moving forward stopped instantly, including the spiders that were outflanking behind.

Soon, the spiders whispered to each other for a long time and elected a representative.

Harry listened hard for a long time before he realized that it was talking. It was hard to tell what they were talking about because they clicked their large claws for a long time every time they said a word.

"How do you know Aragog?" The spider struggled to raise its eight compound eyes and looked warily at the human cub in front of it.

"He is a friend of my friend." Harry said: "Hagrid, you should know him. He seems to be in trouble. Let us come here to find Aragog."

The spider turned back, touched its claws with several other spiders, then turned around and said, "Follow me."

"Uh... we won't be in danger, right?" Harry asked cautiously.

"Do you think you have a choice?"

After the spider finished speaking, the spiders in the main valley all began to play with their large claws, and the uniform sound resounded throughout the valley.

The terrifying feeling is indescribable. Think about it, it's almost equivalent to a whole pack of wolves grinding their teeth in front of you.

What's more, judging from the size of the Acromantula and the size of the group, it is probably not enough for the wolves to fill their teeth.

The three of them had no choice but to walk towards the middle with Yaya.

The three of them stood next to the object that was still twisting, and they could still hear the "wuwu" sound it made, just like the sound made when a person is gagged and unable to speak.

"Assistant Tifa?" Harry asked tentatively.

The object moved more violently.

"Don't struggle yet. If you are Tifa's assistant, you will struggle three times. Otherwise, feel free to do whatever you want." Hermione said.

The object really only struggled three times, and it was very honest. After the struggle, it lay down and stopped.

"Wait a moment. We'll negotiate with the spider and rescue you right away." Hermione comforted Tifa.

Tifa was very good, lying down and motionless.

"Aragog, Aragog." The spider that first communicated with Harry shouted into the round spider web.

Then all the spiders started calling Aragog's name in unison with him.

After a while, I walked out of the hemispherical spider web and saw a huge spider that was several sizes larger than all the spiders. It was almost as big as a small truck.

Its body is black with gray, giving people the impression of an aging person. Each of the eight eyes on the head with big pincers was covered with white shadow, and it was most likely that he was old and blind.

"What's going on?" He asked, his voice was very old, and there was an unpleasantness in his tone. Harry could tell that Aragog's tone was like that of Ron who had been disturbed from his dream. If he said One sentence: Blood Mother Hell, that is the living spider version of Ron.

"Human..." the spider replied.

"Is it Hagrid? How many times have I told you not to show hostility to Hagrid? He is the benefactor of our family..." Aragog said, approaching Harry, his eight milky white eyes blank and expectant. He looked around, seeming to miss Hagrid quite a bit.

"No, it's not." The spider quickly explained: "It's a stranger."

Aragog's mood suddenly turned into impatience: "You have to ask me for this little thing? I'm sleeping, just kill me... Oh, remember to leave a thigh for me."

Aragog's voice was so loud that not only Harry, but also Ron and Hermione heard it clearly. The three of them suddenly felt like they were falling into an ice cave, and their hearts were beating loudly, as if they were about to burst out of their throats. Same.

When Harry heard this, he quickly argued: "We are Hagrid's friends, don't kill us..."

Click, click, click, just like Morse code, the Acromantulas seemed to be communicating by rubbing their claws together, and the entire depression was filled with the sound of spiders rubbing their claws.

Aragog hesitated and asked suspiciously: "Hagrid has never sent anyone to the depression."

"Hagrid is in trouble." Harry said quickly and breathlessly, "That's why we came to you for help."

"Trouble?" Aragog asked, and Harry felt that it was probably not an illusion. He could hear concern from the spider's tone, after all, its large claws began to click rapidly.

"But why did he send you?"

Harry's mind was spinning rapidly. At this moment, the man's instinct made him quickly make up a lie. He weighed the newly made story for a moment, then suppressed his fearful emotions as much as possible, and said in a calm tone: "In school, someone recently released a monster. Many students were petrified because of the monster, and a classmate was captured. So Hagrid decided to hunt the monster in the secret room, but he felt that he was no match. , so let us come to the Forbidden Forest to seek help from your... um, tribe."

It would be a pity not to have such eloquence on Zhihu.

Share your story. Thank you for the invitation. I was in the Spider Cave and just got off the plane...

"Nonsense! That happened many years ago, fifty years ago!" Aragog waved his claws angrily: "You are deceiving me, human cub. I remember it very clearly. It was because of this incident that they They just let me leave the school at that time. They believed that I was the so-called monster in the secret room, and thought that Hagrid opened the secret room and let me out, but Hagrid was wronged!"

"Yes, yes, Hagrid told us about this." The witty Hermione answered, pretending to be enlightened: "No wonder Hagrid was talking about clearing Aragog's name. Words, it turns out..."

Aragog suddenly stopped waving his claws and asked hesitantly: "Hagrid...Hagrid really said that?"

"Yes! I remember it very clearly!" Hermione said firmly.

Aragog was silent for a long time and said in a low voice: "When I met Hagrid, he was just a child. He took me in and fed me the bread crumbs on the table - it should be said that he was my best friend. friend of mine, who was also a good man, but someone discovered me, a bad boy named Tom Riddle, and he slandered me and made me responsible for the death of a girl - what the hell, I said to Hagrid at the time , Hagrid, you know me, if that was what I did, what you would see would be a small ball of cobwebs and melted corpses..."

"But only Hagrid believed me, and he hid me. Since then, I have been in this woods. Hagrid often comes to see me. He even found me a wife - you see, we How prosperous our family is now is all thanks to Hagrid."

At this point, all the spiders waved their claws excitedly and made clicking sounds, as if catering to Aragog's words "the family is prosperous", which was really creepy.

"But I have never hurt anyone! I respect Hagrid and am not willing to hurt his kind... I think it is precisely because of this that he is willing to clear my name..."

"Then Hagrid is in danger now, aren't you going to help him?" Harry choked with sobs and forced to ask this question.

This time it was good, there was a clicking sound, countless long legs were moving rustlingly, and a huge black shadow was dangling around.

"The monster in the secret room is the ancient creature that we spiders are most afraid of! It is our natural enemy!" Aragog's voice was filled with fear: "You can't force me to help Hagrid. The beast was active in the castle at that time. At that time, I begged Hagrid to let me go... No, even if Hagrid is kind to me, we can't help him due to the suppression in his blood."

Aragog said this with a very excited tone.

"What is that monster and why does it scare you so much?" Harry asked curiously.

It was a good thing that he didn't say this, but as soon as he said it, the commotion among the spiders became even more chaotic. Aragog said emotionally: "We won't tell its name! I didn't even tell Hagrid its name, even though he had more than He asked me once, but I didn’t dare to tell him!”

Harry didn't want to continue talking, he felt it was time to say goodbye.

"Well, since you don't plan to help your benefactor, we can only go back to the secret room to fight with him." Harry looked righteous, but his guilt was visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, the surrounding leaves were rustling, and the rustling sound became stronger.

"Let's go? I don't think it's feasible..." Aragog said slowly.

"Why?" Harry was anxious, why didn't you, old guy, talk about Wood?

"My children obey my orders and do not harm Hagrid, but when other fresh human flesh is delivered to their door, I cannot stop them from enjoying it. So... adios, Hagrid's friend..."

Aragog also spoke Spanish with great fashion.

Almost instantly, spiders surrounded it from all directions and formed a solid copper wall. Their large claws clicked and countless pairs of eyes glowed with dark light, twinkling like stars in the sky, but they were ugly and disgusting. .

Harry was desperate. The Acromantulas in front of him seemed not to let them go, but there was nothing he could do.

In despair, Hermione heard a sharp cry.


Aragog heard the unfamiliar shout and was stunned on the spot. He subconsciously turned around and faced the direction of the sound - even though he was blind.

In Harry's eyes, Hermione almost turned into an afterimage and threw herself at Aragog.

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