I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 164 The Fireproof Girl of Hogwarts

The next day, the Daily Prophet, which had been brewing for a long time, published a short article.

The title is: "Gilderoy Lockhart, a good writer, a good professor, and a good man."

("Gilderoy Lockhart, Good author, Good professor, Good guy")

It also comes with a black and white GIF of Lockhart's photo. In it, Lockhart is smiling with all his white teeth exposed. This time, no one will think he is greasy, even those who are not used to looking at him. Because death is a big deal, I sighed "Alas" to his photo.

Of course, only they themselves know what this sigh means.

The general idea is to praise Lockhart's rich adventure experiences and his best-selling works, and also mention his excellent teaching skills.

And emphatically pointed out that the loss to Louis was not a matter of his form.

This is of course what Louis meant. After all, belittling his opponent is tantamount to belittling himself.

Only by making your opponent's image taller can you highlight the difficulty of winning.

On the day of the funeral, the entire Hogwarts auditorium changed its color. The main guest seat in the auditorium had been removed and replaced by Lockhart's coffin. A huge black and white photo hangs behind the coffin. In order to prevent the students from laughing, the photo is static.

The students also "spontaneously" changed into black and white clothes and came to the auditorium to participate in the memory of Professor Lockhart.

Of course, Louis would not be absent. He took his girlfriend and aunt to attend the memorial ceremony.

The two girls were wearing very plain, traditional British dresses today. Catherine wore a black V-neck suit skirt and a black mesh hat with a large brim. The white lace gloves she was used to wearing were also replaced by black ones today.

Ye Ziyan was wearing a black dress, no hat, and just had a simple little yellow flower pinned to her ear.

As the saying goes, women should be pretty and filial. Louis admitted that he was a little distracted now.

I'm not very trustworthy when I'm in the office. If I don't have to attend a funeral soon, I have to have a good time first.

Solemn and solemn, Hogwarts is a professional team after all, and has hosted various banquets for many important people, including but not limited to weddings, funerals, promotions, etc.

Since he was a substitute professor, he did not stand among the students. Instead, he stood among the professors with Catherine and Ye Ziyan.

Lockhart's popularity is really not that good. At least among the professors, except for Professor McGonagall, who is really sad, the other professors are expressionless.

Especially Professor Sprout, who still hasn't forgotten the incident where his arm was broken by the Whomping Willow. Besides, Lockhart also gave him a lot of trouble after that. She wouldn't say anything about Lockhart's death. The gongs and drums and the blast of firecrackers are enough fun.

Many people from the Ministry of Magic also came, and Fudge even came to Hogwarts in person to express his condolences to Lockhart - even if he didn't like Lockhart, he still had to make a show of it.

After all, as we all know, Lockhart is his man. If he shows the intention of leaving the tea at this time, then he, the Minister of Magic, will not have to do it.

Who else would follow him sincerely?

Lewis stood next to Fudge, said a simple hello, and then stood there with a solemn face.

After a while, everyone arrived.

Catherine looked at Vitali's beret with a black gauze on her head, and whispered pityingly: "I don't think you will be able to take off your beret in this life, Vitali."

"It's up to you to take care of it." Vitaly retorted in a low voice, giving her a fierce look.

"The white flowers on your chest don't look good." Catherine glanced at the small white flowers on Vitaly's chest.

"Huh? Why?" Vitaly was a little concerned about Catherine's evaluation. Doesn't white flowers look good? How could it be? This has been carefully selected for a long time...

"I think a small white flag is more in line with your nationality." When Catherine said this, she almost stopped laughing, but luckily she suppressed her laughter in time.

"You!" Vitaly stamped her feet: "We are allies! How could you insult me ​​like this..."

"To a certain extent, France is our uncertain ally." Louis took over the words. This kind of thing must be done by the husband and the wife, and the mixed doubles between men and women is interesting.

Vitaly was so angry that she rolled her eyes at him and did not continue to speak.

Catherine chuckled and reached out to hold Louis' hand.

After a while, the funeral ceremony officially began.

First, Dumbledore delivered a speech as the principal, but Dumbledore felt that this eulogy was too difficult to express, so he waved to Louis to come up and mourn Lockhart on his behalf.

Of course, Louis has no problem. He is very emotional and has no moral baggage at all about telling lies.

He brewed up his emotions and put on a sad face almost instantly.

"Ah, why do you change your face so quickly?" Ye Ziyan asked curiously in a low voice.

"I took your place for a moment and imagined how you would feel when I abandoned you." Before Lewis could finish his words, Ye Ziyan pinched him.

"Sigh, you're not serious!" Ye Ziyan spat at him in shame and annoyance.

Louis chuckled and was pinched by Catherine again unexpectedly.

"What are you doing?" Lewis rubbed his sore waist, he was really defenseless this time.

Catherine snorted: "Let's deal with the scumbag together!"

"..." Louis had a complicated expression and his face became even more sad. In the end, he said nothing and walked onto the podium.

Under the spotlight, he sighed and began to speak.

"Today we lost a great writer, a great adventurer, a great professor, and I also lost a good friend.

Gilderoy Lockhart's life was always full of joy and exuberance, which made it easy for him to forget the daunting dangers he encountered in his adventurous life. He is committed to expelling dark creatures, saving ordinary people who are persecuted by dark creatures, and bringing happiness to wizards in the magical world. The completion of these tasks is very arduous and arduous, and involves many risks. Accomplishing these undertakings also requires a lot of strength.

In the life of Professor Gilderoy Lockhart, he embodies an ideal, which is what Arnold Bennett once called "the great theory that lifts the human spirit." His optimistic attitude and positive yearning for life infected many of us who came after us; and his humor often transcended the meaning of the humor itself; and his bravery lit up our way forward like a torch. Beacon.

Today, we share Tifa's sadness and her pride. We can be sure that the One in heaven will not forget those who remember Him. The faithful pilgrim had stepped out of the night into the dawning heaven, and, in Bunyan's words, 'on the other side the trumpet of welcome had sounded. ’

Now, we are still walking in the dusk, but there is a lighthouse guiding us, which Lockhart does not have, and he is turning into a lighthouse to guide us on the way forward. Today, let us express our gratitude to this man who dedicated his life to the magical world. "

Louis' words were very contagious, and he was completely involved in his eulogy. The sadness from the heart even made the classmates who didn't like Lockhart cry softly.

Not to mention those Lockhart fans, some were beating their chests and bursting into tears, and some were already kneeling on the ground sobbing.

The exceptions are the professors at Hogwarts. Professor McGonagall's face is expressionless, Professor Sprout's eyes are dull, Professor Flitwick is in a daze, and our Professor Snape's expression at this time is like using Potter. Brand shampoo.

Seeing that the atmosphere was almost exaggerated, Louis sighed in a low voice: "At the end, let me use a short poem to mourn this poor professor."

"Severn handed him back to the Ness -

His unbeating heart has grown gray;

They buried him on the beautiful river bank,

The sound of water waves can be heard there.

The River Severn rises twice a day,

At this time, the salty sea water flows past,

Make the gurgling Ness half silent,

It made the mountainous area quiet. "

At the end, Louis sighed softly and dissipated the amplification magic.


He was completely absorbed in the drama.

Tifa's legs were as weak as noodles. She had completely leaned on Lockhart's coffin and couldn't help herself for a long time.

Louis shook his head and waved his hand to indicate that the band was ready to play.

The sudden sound of the suona frightened the grieving crowd, especially Tifa, who was leaning on the coffin. He even chewed a hole in the coffin, exposing the yellow wood color underneath, which seemed so inconsistent. .

Of course, this was not something Louis cared about. He walked to his original position and prepared to stand for a while and touch Catherine to relieve her mood.

But he heard Fudge accosting him.

"What a touching speech, Louis." Fudge spared no effort in praising him: "I never expected that your literary talent would be so outstanding."

Louis thought to himself that this is not my literary talent. This is the condolence speech of the Iron Lady and Mrs. Mei Lingzong in memory of Mei Lingzong who did not have this history...

Of course, he couldn't say this out loud, so he could only laugh: "I'm sorry, Minister Fudge, for making you laugh by showing my true feelings for a moment."

"How could it be?" Fudge smiled like Maitreya Buddha: "Your Highness treats others with sincerity. This virtue is something that people nowadays lack."

"You're honored." Louis said, and the orchestra's suona became louder. It really made those who heard it sad and those who heard it shed tears.

It also completely covered up the conversation between the two people.

In short, what the two of them talked about was not even heard by Vitaly who was close at hand, but the atmosphere between the two was always very harmonious.

Anyway, everyone is very happy, hello, hello, hello everyone.

A world where only Tifa was injured has been achieved.

After Lockhart's funeral, the exciting final exam also ushered in.

Since the basilisk hasn't caused any trouble for half a year, the lessons haven't fallen behind.

Louis' exam was quite special. He specially prepared new scenes for the students to try.

Anyway, the learning progress and magic level of each grade are the same, so it doesn't seem to matter if the maps are the same.

Of course, the only people watching were Lewis and a few deans, who rated the students who were taking the mirror world trial.

It is impossible to spoil the new scenes, and I will never spoil them in this life, so I can only maintain the mystery in this way.

Of course, the Defense Against the Dark Arts exam came last.

Before the exam, Louis had other things to do.

He found Neville first.

"Actually, you have always had unknown talents that have not been developed." Louis said straight to the point, both in tone and expression, he sounded like an Amway salesman.

"Ah?" Neville was a little flustered. Could Louis be teasing me? He thought so.

He has always been ridiculed for his lack of brains. Not only Slytherins, but also Gryffindors themselves have no problem making fun of him. Even his own grandmother thought he was stupid and forgot things, so she bought him a memory ball.

It was really the first time that Louis said that about him.

"I'm not teasing you. In fact, I don't need to." Lewis said something serious. Under Neville's extremely surprised gaze, he took out the dark sword from his sleeve and handed it to Neville.

If he hadn't been afraid of scaring Neville, he would have taken it out of his pocket.

Neville looked at the long, dark sword in front of him, and felt an inexplicable desire in his heart.

"Pick it up and try it." Louis' words were tempting.

Neville nodded and solemnly picked up the big sword in front of him.

Strangely enough, after acquiring this sword, Neville felt as familiar as meeting a long-lost relative.

With two attempts, he chipped off a small piece of the backrest of a chair in the Gryffindor common room.

"Okay, okay Neville, put it down." Louis held down Neville, who was still unfinished, and took out a few pieces of paper with an expression that said, "Great Sage, please take away your magical powers."

They are some basic swordsmanship, as well as various combat skills, such as upward thrust, lunge, lion slash, great Kalia, frost treading the ground, savage roar and so on.

Neville is also an amazing kid. He can master all kinds of swordsmanship and combat skills at a glance, which makes Louis feel a little ashamed.

This thing was just given to him, and he was already playing so smoothly. It’s like the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and life is unpredictable. The big intestine wraps up the small intestine...

After testing it with an energy shield, the power of Neville's sword was about between a fourth and fifth level spell.

It's enough, but combat skills can have higher bonuses.

Louis incidentally attached a war ash called a force feedback shield to his sword, which consumed his own mana.

As a forgetful scumbag, Neville's mana is not even one-tenth of Ron's...

So it's enough to let him specialize in one spell, and wait until one day to go to Azeroth and get him some warrior skills.

What is a good druid called a mage who can't charge?

The system also prompts that the task is completed.

A fireproof female was rewarded.

Louis, who was left alone in the Room of Requirement, was staring at the fire girl.

After a long while, it was the fireproof girl who couldn't help but ask first:

"Lord Ashes, is this...the world after the fire is extinguished?"

"Put out the fire?" Lewis was a little shocked. Why did he put out the fire? You still look familiar to me?

No, this is the first time we've met, right?

Louis' emotional intelligence is definitely not that low, and he definitely can't ask directly.

What he chose was to ask what was going on with the system.

The answer he got was that the person in front of him was the fireproof girl from his game save in his previous life.

This is difficult to handle, they are really acquaintances.

Don't you think so? Louis reached hundreds of levels by touching her darkness.

You think so, Lewis is really not very familiar with her.

"Perhaps this is a world where the fire has not yet been extinguished. I feel the long-lost warmth..." the fireproof woman said to herself.

Oh, Louis remembered, the fire girl came here blind.

You said the same goes for Hidetaka Miyazaki, the three main female characters of Soul III and Ring of Magic, together they just have a pair of eyes...

Lani’s eyes are still fake...

"Well, this is another world." Louis nodded.

"It's amazing. I feel like I'm full of new power." The fireproof girl's voice is very gentle. She is truly the dream lover of many players.

*System prompt: The fire-proof virgin can start the career inheritance. Anyone can consume a certain amount of anima to inherit the career according to their own qualifications. It is currently unlocked: wizard.

*To be unlocked: Warrior, Hunter, Shaman, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Warlock, Demon Hunter, Rogue, Mage, Druid, Death Knight.

Note: Anima can be obtained by trying the Mirror World with units other than the host. Currently, 2000 Anima has been obtained.

Louis glanced at the fire-proof woman, and then sent a message to Krisstrasa, asking her to come pick him up.

He happened to see Filch on the way, and Louis whispered to the fireproof woman out of curiosity, asking her how much anima it would cost to open the wizard inheritance for Filch.

The result surprised him, Filch... only needed to consume 100 points of anima.

He wiped his sweat and thought the system would open its mouth, but it turned out that this was what it needed...

It's time to seek some benefits for the workers of Moonberry Workshop. It should be said that currently only the workers of Moonberry Workshop are the most loyal to him.

Welfare must give priority to those who work loyally. This is Louis' consistent principle, but it cannot be given in vain. He is not a philanthropist. He is... the biggest reactionary feudal imperialist leader in the magic world.

At the end of the 18th century, it must have been the kind of meal that wanted to separate the body and the head.

Of course Filch didn't know all this, he just looked at Louis, the savior of the Squibs, with reverence.

Back in the office, Catherine's first words when she saw the fire prevention girl were: "It seems you have to find ten sisters for me this year before you give up..."

"How could it be?" Louis hurriedly walked over and rubbed Catherine's hair: "Don't worry, Ye Zi is just an accident... It's enough for me to have you two..."

"Humph, it was just an accident, right?" Ye Ziyan happened to hear these words when she walked in from the door. She folded her arms and snorted, turned around and left, just as smoothly as she could without taking away a piece of cabbage.

This little bastard was so angry that Ye Ziyan gritted his teeth in his heart and wished he could bite him hard so that he could improve his memory.

"No, hey, Ye Zi..." Lewis found that he was pressing the gourd to lift the gourd. He really didn't expect this to happen.

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