I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 165 The end of the semester

Lewis was able to make Ye Ziyan happy with his sweet talk.

After understanding the role of the fire-proof woman, the two people's attitudes turned 180 degrees, and Louis once again understood the truth that women are chameleons.

Only Krisstrasa was not very happy. She felt that her family status had been reduced.

The final exam was also going on in an exciting way. After the last Potions subject, it was Louis' turn to take the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Yes, the examination subjects are practical.

Different from the original plan, Louis originally planned to let them bravely venture into the underground cemetery of Casas, but the Mirror World suddenly updated with new features.

Everyone can choose to play against their own clone, or choose someone else's clone.

It is impossible to get hurt, and it is absolutely impossible in the mirror world. The products produced by Louis are still guaranteed.

Now the fun was getting even bigger. The exam location was changed directly from the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom to the auditorium, and students from all grades came over to watch the fun.

After all, life is so difficult, who doesn’t want to have some fun?

This exam is a bit like a later variety show. There is a big screen behind the rostrum. The judges and teachers are sitting on the guest seats next to it. Below are the students waiting for their turn to take the exam and other grades watching the fun.

There were also many parents who had nothing to do. Louis even asked the system to secretly record the battle scenes and send them to those parents who did not come to watch the fun.

Well... Harry doesn't need to send it, just leave a copy for Sirius to enjoy.

Harry: What the hell...

They are still sorted alphabetically by last name, but this time the roll call is changed from Professor McGonagall to Snape.

This was what Louis had to say, but Snape accepted it awkwardly.

"Hannah Abbott!" Snape looked at the parchment roster in his hand with half-open eyes, his voice was high but still greasy.

When Hannah stood up, she stumbled and almost fell over.

The onlookers burst into laughter, not in good faith, but simply gloating about others' misfortune.

Hogwarts is like this. It is not the pure land that everyone imagines. Campus bullying still exists objectively.

Hannah held the blacksmith's hammer tightly in her hand and turned back to glare at the crowd. Her fierce eyes made them tremble in their hearts.

Of course, it might not be a problem with the eyes. The main reason is that Hannah's blacksmith's hammer doesn't look like an easy thing to deal with at first glance.

After turning into the screen and entering the mirror world, Hannah felt a little confused looking at the options in front of her.

Option one is to fight against yourself, option two is to randomly select a classmate, and option three is to face three red-eyed Lothric knights at the same time.

Hannah thought about it and chose three red-eyed Lothric knights.

The countdown of the game started, and Hannah first trapped the two knights with obstacles, and then rounded the blacksmith hammer against the last knight who rushed towards him, making a huge muffled sound, and knocked this Losli away. The knight's helmet and head were hammered flat.

For Hannah, the battle is so plain and boring.

When she came out, there was silence wherever she looked.

Those who originally laughed at her didn't even dare to raise their heads, for fear of being remembered by Hannah.

Dumbledore took the lead in raising his sign and gave a hundred points; the three deans also happily gave full marks. Only Snape reluctantly pulled a face and glanced at Louis, but still Ninety-nine points to Hannah.

It's a bit of a personal grudge.

The students also gave their own ratings. Most of them were concentrated between 100 and 99 points. Only some of the shady Slytherin students gave 90 points.

Shameless, but not completely shameless. This is how Louis evaluated his college. He shook his head and raised his hand to give a hundred points.

All directions are guilty, all directions are guilty, what does it have to do with me?

After a while, it was Hermione's turn, and she was the first to choose to fight her own clone.

On the big screen, two identical Hermiones were looking at each other, but they were easy to distinguish. The little face of one of them was blue, a bit like the illusion of a clone ax in a turret.

I don’t know what the reason behind the illusion being blue is, Lewis still hasn’t figured it out yet.

This was an extremely exciting battle. The two sides were evenly matched. From transfiguration to various small curses to Defense Against the Dark Arts, Hermione was able to do it at her fingertips. Even Catherine commented in a low voice that it was good.

You must know that she has always been the kind of person whose eyes are higher than her head. It is really a bit of a dream to want her to praise others.

This should be the first welding conference at Hogwarts. Hermione's skill is comparable to that of Big Brother decades ago, and she is rated as a model worker.

After a wonderful duel, the clone Hermione was hit by a strike that turned everything to stone, and then another strike that shattered her body into dust.

It's not that the family doesn't come into the house anymore, but it belongs to the family, replicating Mrs. Weasley's craftsmanship a few years later.

This time even the harsh Slytherin reluctantly gave her full marks.

This exam lasted for a day and a half. After the results were released, the semester was over.

Louis was in a cubicle with Ye Ziyan and Catherine. He had just chatted about astronomy before he was called away by Harry.

Magic can be used in the car, and these are the last few hours they can legally use magic.

"Want to play something exciting?" Fred took out several small packages of cylinders from his pocket.

"What is this?" Harry looked over curiously and recognized it immediately: "Ah! It's a fireworks display!"

Hermione looked at the fireworks in the hands of the two twins with some indifference: "I think, uh, it should be dangerous to play this in such a sealed place..."

"Oh, this is different from those gunpowder fireworks in our Muggle world." Harry explained with a smile: "Don't worry, it won't cause any harm to us, and it won't hurt the train either."

With that said, Fred and George looked at each other and threw the fireworks in their hands - towards Louis.

Li Liba's fireworks exploded in front of him, like a miniature version of a fireworks display. The tiny fireworks looked so cute. Hermione also let go of her fear and began to like these gadgets.

"Where can I buy these things?" She asked: "Uh, well, I plan to buy some to take home and play with. After all, my parents haven't seen them yet."

It wasn't that she wanted to play, Hermione really wanted to show her parents the new gadgets in the wizarding world.

"Give me an address, and I will mail you some when I get home." George stretched out his hand and said, "I think I can also come to the door in person. After all, our little baby Ronnie will definitely miss you during the summer vacation..."

This sentence made Ron blush, but Hermione said generously: "Of course you are welcome to come to my house to play. Speaking of which, my parents also like our family very much."

With that said, Hermione tore off a piece of parchment from the notebook and wrote her address on it.

"Then it's settled." George took the piece of parchment and patted Ron seriously, but Ron raised his shoulder resistingly.

"Our little baby Ronny is shy." George smiled happily, teasing Ron was the twins' daily fun.

Gradually, the Hogwarts Express slowed down, and everyone knew that it was about to arrive at King's Cross Station.

Before stopping, Harry took out his quill and a piece of parchment, wrote a few words and then turned to Ron and Hermione.

"This is the phone number." He said to Ron, then tore the parchment in two and handed it to both of them: "Last summer, I told your dad how to use the phone. He will understand. Don't Forgot to call me at the Dursleys, okay? My head is spinning every time I think about having only Dudley to talk to for two months."

While they were talking, they had already gotten out of the car.

"Your uncle and aunt would be proud of you if they heard about your results this year, wouldn't they?" Hermione looked at Harry meaningfully - Harry actually ranked second, just behind her One point less.

This had to make her feel a sense of crisis.

Louis did not take the exam, so it will not be counted in the ranking. His current salary is almost the same as that of a professor, except that he will not be paid...

Oh, by the way, Professor McGonagall teased him that he was like the vice-principal of Hogwarts, bringing his own dry food to give benefits to the professors.

Harry stopped immediately when he heard what Hermione said: "Proud? Are you confused? If they are proud of my achievements, then I will stand on my head and eat... eat!"

Harry wanted to say Snow, but... he still held back the vulgar language.

"I don't believe it. All parents in the world are good for their children." With that said, they had passed the magic wall.

Since all the luggage was held by Christasa, Louis walked quickly and followed them all the time.

"Then why don't you bet something? Since Harry said he lost and ate while standing on his head, what about you, Hermione?" Louis started to get angry like crazy.

"Hmph, then I'll eat while standing on my head too!" Hermione looked at Louis angrily, as if she was dissatisfied with his nosy nature.

As he said that, he saw the Dursley family of three not far away.

Harry looked at them before they spoke, and saw Uncle Vernon staggering up, waving his hand: "Harry! Harry, oh, my dear nephew..."

It sounds disgusting.

"How are you doing at school?" Uncle Vernon put his arm around Harry's thin shoulders, and the strong body odor made him roll his eyes a bit.

"Okay, okay," Harry replied.

Uncle Vernon didn't rush to answer because he saw Louis next to Harry.

"Your Highness." He quickly let go of Harry and saluted.

Harry gasped for air. He felt as if he had been trapped by Uncle Vernon for a whole century. For the first time in his life, he felt that the fresh air was so beautiful.

"Hello, Mr. Dursley." Louis nodded politely and patted Harry on the shoulder: "Harry came second in school. I thought you might be able to celebrate today."

Uncle Vernon's face showed a look of shock, which was soon replaced by ecstasy. He picked up Harry again, turned to Aunt Petunia and Dudley and said, "Harry came second in the exam! Oh my God, I really So proud of him!”

Petunia also had a happy face, and seemed to be genuinely happy for Harry.

"It would be great if Lily were here." Aunt Petunia looked directly at Harry and said this without thinking.

In Lewis's view, she actually still has deep feelings for Lily. As for our attitude towards Harry, that is another matter. It is best not to hold ordinary people to the standards of moral saints.

Harry, on the other hand, looked as if he had eaten a fly. He was stunned for a long time and even subconsciously ignored Uncle Vernon's body odor.

He turned his head mechanically to look at Louis and Hermione, who were lip-syncing together.

"Eat while standing on your head."

Harry's whole body feels bad...

Since Solanlian was on a business trip to the Ministry of Magic, there was no one at home, so Catherine decided to go back with Louis first.

When I got home, my grandfather was fishing in the garden.

Yes, fishing in the garden. Due to some unpleasant events in the past few years, my aunt has always banned my grandfather from approaching various lakes and other things. But as a navy man, my grandfather was naturally close to water, so he built an artificial lake in the garden.

Well, it's not a pool, it's an artificial lake...

"Grandpa, I'm back." Louis greeted.

Grandpa looked back and the fishing rod in his hand fell to the ground with a clatter.

"Did you eat something strange?" This was my grandfather's first sentence.

"Huh?" Lewis obviously didn't react.

Catherine walked over and helped Grandpa pick up the fishing rod and handed it over.

Grandpa looked Louis up and down, took the fishing rod from Catherine's hand and looked at Ye Ziyan again.

"Okay, boy, he has the same demeanor as your grandfather did back then."

Louis thought to himself, I can't be like you...

Grandpa just doesn’t know what Louis is thinking, otherwise he would definitely beat him up with a fishing rod.

This bastard should die of piety.

"Uncle..." Ye Ziyan bowed politely, but he didn't sound very confident.

Come to think of it, as someone's mother's best friend, she ended up cheating on someone else's child. No matter how you think about it, it's a bit embarrassing.

The old man was also happy. He laughed for a while and pointed at Ye Ziyan: "You, if Emma knew, maybe she would laugh at you."

"Uncle!" Ye Ziyan quit.

"You still call me uncle?" The old man glanced at her sideways.

Ye Ziyan blushed instantly, and it took him a long time to say calmly: "Grandpa..."

"Hey, you are so good." Grandpa was very happy. He looked at Louis and said earnestly: "Okay, the responsibility of continuing the Mountbatten family will be left to you. Don't let grandpa live up to his high expectations."

The old man's eyes were also full of meaning.

Lewis was so thick-skinned that he couldn't help it. He laughed dryly and hurriedly led the two girls into the mansion.

The room was naturally his room, and the bed was big enough for three people to sleep together. Ye Ziyan was still a little shy. She repeatedly said that she wanted to go out and find a room alone, but Catherine held her down.

"You have fallen into a devil's nest, Aunt Liv." Catherine smiled evilly.

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