I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 166 Shadow of Azkaban

Ye Ziyan did fall into the devil's cave, but she didn't think so.

Maybe she enjoyed it, I don't know.

I don’t have many plans for the summer vacation. I plan to go abroad for the time being and take a trip to Greenland to get the staff.

Of course, he did not forget the most important thing. Under his secret operation, Arthur Weasley won the special prize in the lottery.

The grand prize of a half-month trip to Egypt, sponsored by Moonberry Workshop, went to the Weasley family.

The news that the Weasley family won the award instantly spread throughout the British wizarding world. Both those who knew them and those who did not know them were envious of their family's extremely good luck. Of course, there were also those who were openly and secretly jealous of their family's luck. But the Weasleys are big-hearted and don't care about these slanders.

Under Louis' instruction, the Daily Prophet took a big family photo of the Weasley family.

Ron stood in position C, holding the mouse in his hand, and the family smiled brightly and brightly.

The direct consequence of this incident was that the sales of moonberry juice increased fourfold that week, which was very scary for wizards in the magical world to consume.

Of course, Moonberry Juice in the Muggle world also has benefits, but the prizes are more realistic. The grand prize is 10,000 pounds.

Don't underestimate this ten thousand pounds. In that era, the purchasing power of ten thousand pounds was very powerful, unlike today's era.

Through careful operation, this newspaper was also spread to Azkaban.

The Ministry of Magic official who came to inspect "accidentally" dropped this newspaper in a small, dark and damp cell.

Of course it is unintentional, it must be unintentional.

Of course, this has nothing to do with a duck who has been single for many years and only eats rice.

After the official left, a man slowly raised his head on the damp hay in the cell.

His senses were sharp and he noticed what the official had "deliberately" left behind. He walked over fearfully, picked up the newspaper, looked at the moonlight, and saw the news that the Weasley family had won a grand prize.

"Arthur is really lucky." He said to himself, and in a blink of an eye, he saw the mouse in Ron's hand.

His eyes instantly became sharp, and he could recognize the rat's appearance even if it turned into ashes.

After a long time, when the man raised his head again, the expression on his face had become extremely distorted.

He spoke viciously, hoarse but in a low voice, like a ghost crawling out of the depths of hell.


Mountbatten Estate.

Ye Ziyan slammed the newspaper to the ground, his chest heaved violently, and he looked extremely angry.

"What's the matter, Aunt Liv?" Catherine picked up the newspaper and asked with concern.

Ye Ziyan's eyes were slightly closed and he was still breathing heavily. Catherine knew that she was weak, so she did not continue to ask, but looked at the newspaper.

"Sirius Black escaped from prison?" Her expression suddenly became exciting: "Ah yo yo, this is really incredible..."

Of course Louis knew what was going on. In fact, he planned the entire jailbreak. However, the little villain remained silent, pretending to be curious and asked: "Sirius Black? Who is that? Why is Ye Zi so angry?"

"Sirius, the secret keeper of Harry's parents, ended up betraying both of them, causing Harry's parents to be killed by Voldemort." Catherine said concisely, and then hesitated: "According to my mother's description, it seems that he should not This is the kind of person..."

"We were all deceived by him! This bastard..." Ye Ziyan said bitterly: "He betrayed Sister Yu's trust in him..."

"Hi." Lewis walked over and held Ye Ziyan in his arms, rubbed her little head, and comforted her in a low voice: "What happened back then was full of doubts. Maybe we should think on the bright side."

"How is that possible! Peter was blown to pieces by him! Do you know... Peter used to be his best friend!" Ye Ziyan said through gritted teeth.

Lewis picked up yesterday's newspaper, asked in Ye Ziyan's ear: "How many of them do you know very well?"

"Of course I understand, they and I are classmates." Ye Ziyan thought about it and continued: "At that time, James Potter, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew and Remus Lupin had a relatively good relationship. They also formed an organization called the 'Marauders', who often bullied Snape for fun."

"You should know Sister Jade's story. They were often discovered by Sister Jade when they were bullying Snape, and the result was a beating. Later, I heard that Snape almost died because of them... …”

"One day Solanlian told me that Lupine was a werewolf, and the other three predators practiced Animagus privately to accompany him. James Potter's Animagus was a stag. Sirius Black’s Animagus was a big dog, Peter Pettigrew’s Animagus was a mouse.”

Lewis said nothing and handed the newspaper to Ye Ziyan.

"Why are you reading the newspaper to me? Isn't it just a secret operation to get the Weasley family to win the grand prize?" Ye Ziyan hummed a little coquettishly.

"Look what Ron is holding in his hand?" Louis pointed to Ron, who was grinning and holding a mouse in the family photo.

Ye Ziyan saw the mouse in Ron's hand, frowned and asked, "What's so good about a mouse?"

"Look at its right paw," Louis prompted.

Ye Ziyan looked carefully and took a breath of air.

"Remember what the investigation report said? Only found at the scene..."

"A finger!" Ye Ziyan turned around and looked at Lewis in surprise: "But you...how did you find out?"

Then he felt that his attitude was not right, so he bit his lip and touched Louis' chest with his delicate hands: "Sorry, Louis, I was just a little anxious, and I didn't doubt your intentions."

"But I'm sad." How could this little bastard Louis let go of such a good opportunity to benefit? He immediately looked sad, as if he was about to cry.

Catherine, who knew him well, certainly knew what evil this boy was holding back, but she didn't want to point it out. Instead, she turned away and tried hard not to laugh out loud. She knew that Ye Ziyan, who had always doted on Lewis, would definitely fall into Lewis's trap.

As she expected, Ye Ziyan stamped his feet, made great determination and whispered in his ear: "The one you have been begging me for... I promise you will be the one!"

Louis showed a satisfied look, but at this moment, Catherine almost couldn't hold back. She coughed twice violently before suppressing the smile.

"Well, I remember Ron told me when school first started." Louis began to recall the past years: "On the train, he showed off his rat and said he had been staying in their house for more than ten years. , I paid attention to this problem at the time. Think about it, what kind of mouse can live for more than ten years? Isn’t it even ordinary domestic cats? "

"And I also noticed that the mouse's right front paw was missing a finger, so when I was free, I sent Tom and Jerry over to investigate."

At this point, Tom and Jerry, who were eating pie on the side, raised their chins in unison, smiled and nodded at them.

"The two of them told me that this rat eats a lot, almost as much as an adult. From that time I roughly guessed his true identity." Lewis said, his hands were not idle, and he gave Zi Yan Her hair was tied with a bow.

My hands are also weird.

Ye Ziyan dotes on him and is reluctant to do anything, so she can only let him make small moves.

"I'm going to Greenland in two days. Do you plan to go and see it together?" Louis asked.

"Well, it's boring to stay at home." Catherine smiled sweetly.

"I'll go too." Ye Ziyan naturally wouldn't refuse to go out and play together.

After lunch, Lewis, who had nothing to do, opened the task panel.

There has been no shortage of advancement tasks in the past six months. The Black Soul World has just been pushed to Irushil in the Cold Valley, but the junction has already been pushed to the Queen of the Full Moon.

*Irushil of the Cold Valley: Pope Sullivan

Clear out the threat entrenched in Irushil in the Cold Valley and defeat Pope Sullivan.

Mission reward: Rune: Pul, Blueprint: Linken's Sphere, Ogre's Ax

The system has also optimized the Dark Soul World for Louis. You can just fight the boss directly without clearing the mobs.

After all, it is not difficult for him to clear the mobs now. A chain lightning strike may not be able to clear the area directly.

He was not in a hurry to enter the world of black souls, but looked at the various new things in the system.

What interests him the most is the concept of the outer world and the inner world.

According to the system, there is an outer world and an inner world in this world, and the inner world has not yet been formed. The existing Muggle shielding spell actually transfers the target to the inner world.

But now the boundary between the outer world and the inner world is not obvious, as if there is only a one-way mirror between them, and they are not completely two worlds.

Lewis can capture other worlds into the inner world and continuously improve them, eventually forming a brand new world independent of the outer world.

It sounds complicated, but Louis kind of understands what's going on.

He thought for a moment and opened the list of worlds that could be merged, but found nothing.

"The world of Dark Souls, how to unlock it: kill the incarnations of the salary kings to unlock it."

"The junction, how to unlock: Unlock after killing the Beast of Elden."

"Azeroth: Unlocked after fusing with the Heart of Azeroth."

"Fire Elemental Realm: Unlocked after defeating Ragnaros, the King of Fire Elements, or obtaining Ragnaros' allegiance."

"Water Elemental Realm: Unlocked after defeating Neptulon, the King of Water Elementals, or obtaining Neptulon's allegiance."

"Wind Elemental Realm: Unlocked after defeating the wind elemental lord Al'Akir, or obtaining Al'Akir's allegiance."

"Elemental Realm of Earth: Unlocked after defeating Therazane, the Stone Mother, or gaining the allegiance of Therazane."

There is also a line of small words below, or become the Prince Consort of Marathon.

Lewis looked at the fused heart of Azeroth and breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he didn't defeat Sargeras, or defeat Titans like Aman'Thul and Norgannon... With his current small body, it would be difficult for him to fight with Alexstrasza, Queen of the Red Dragon, let alone empower the Guardian Titan. Dragon authority over the Titans.

However, what is gratifying is that the integration of the four elemental realms into the inner world has additional effects, which can provide elemental charging for mages, unlock the two professions of shaman and mage, and reduce the consumption of mental energy.

The last small words made Louis' lips twitch. He thought of the beautiful face of Princess Theradras in the copy.

Good guy, the system wants me to die...

I still remember that there was a strong young mage in the guild who fought through Marathon three to four hundred times for the Blade of Endless Darkness, and was nicknamed "The Prince Consort of Marathon"...

That was the real prince-in-law, and Louis was scared to death because of his liver failure.

This kind of beauty should be reserved for others to enjoy. Louis thought he couldn't bear it.

However, Dahai’s son-in-law... can’t do it, and neither can Dahai’s son-in-law. Jaina, this guy is a bad guy...

But when you think about these examples, there is no real evidence. Kael'thas, who is in love with Jaina, is in the book, and Storm Fortress is being brushed every day; Arthas, who is actually in a relationship with Jaina, is also in the book, and Icecrown Citadel is also being brushed every day. People brushed; although the world shaman who had an affair with Jaina did not enter the book, he lost his elemental power and could only return to the sling war from the enhanced shaman; the five-scum blue dragon who tied the knot with Jaina also became a mortal……

After thinking about it this way, it seems a bit evil that even Luo Ning, who was just a friend with her, died without seeing her whole body...

Think about it, how upright and popular Luo Ning was back then, he couldn't withstand Jaina's aura of the Lonely Star...

In other words, Kalecgos is a dragon, and his life is tougher than that of a mortal, otherwise he would have died long ago without seeing his whole body.

Having said that, there are actually many beautiful girls in Azeroth. For example, the three Windrunner sisters, such as Shandris Feathermoon, are actually quite good-looking. Of course, Louis only has an admiring attitude and will not be attracted to them. What an unreasonable thought.

Forget it, let's wait until we get back to school to cause trouble for Saliwan. Enjoy the holiday.

After all, the journey to Greenland might be tiring, and he didn't want to become sluggish.

May you catch fish all day on the boat when you have five mana.

There are also many small special skills for sale in the system, such as Zen master-level fishing, Zen master-level cooking, and Zen master-level first aid.

He spent 200 anima points to buy Zen master-level fishing and Zen master-level first aid. Forget about cooking, Catherine's cooking level was very high, and it was enough for her and Ye Ziyan to cook.

Originally, he just wanted to buy a fishing one so that he could go fishing with his grandfather and open his eyes to the old man. As for first aid, he only came up with the idea after reading the introduction. The first aid bandages are outrageous. Traumas such as fractures can be treated. The effect of applying the bandage is immediate. It would take more than a hundred days to recover from the condition, but you can be alive and kicking in a few to dozens of seconds after applying the bandage.

It still depends on the material of the bandage. The better the material of the bandage, the faster the recovery from the wound.

Louis originally thought about asking his grandfather to borrow a destroyer to go to Greenland, but his grandfather said that the Muggle community and Iceland were in trouble recently, and sending a warship there would easily cause international misunderstandings, so Louis gave up the idea.

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