I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 175: Frame soldier A and go up

"Prussians, definitely Prussians." Napoleon came to a conclusion after comprehensive consideration. When he noticed the general on the side raising his telescope, he stopped him and said: "No need, don't look, they must be Prussians. Grouchy doesn't He might be in that place at this time, I know him."

"Right now they're still far away, and as far as you and I are concerned, they still have to go to Warsaw, do you understand?"

Soult reluctantly put down the telescope, and finally nodded helplessly: "Understood, Your Majesty."

"Meowlington is fighting in a new way. His butt is sitting very firmly... We have to drive him down, Meowling." Napoleon turned back to the map, looked around, and said slowly: "I need Grouchy to break through the mountain now. That village at our feet so we can be victorious.”

No one answered him, and no one knew where Grouchy was now.

Napoleon waited for a long time but did not receive an answer. An indescribable annoyance surged into his heart. He dropped the pen in his hand and shouted loudly: "Where is Grouchy! I need his army, where is Grouchy! God!" Ah, why do I have to do everything personally?"

An indescribable fire surged into his heart, coupled with the pain in the anus area, Napoleon's legs weakened and he fell to the ground.

This frightened the surrounding generals. They rushed forward to support Napoleon and asked with concern: "Your Majesty, are you injured?"

Napoleon's doctor knew what was going on. He advised in a low voice: "Your Majesty, as your doctor, I advise you to leave the battlefield. You must lie down..."

After walking a few steps with support, Napoleon saw the soldiers looking at him with concern. He knew that as the emperor and the soul of the soldiers, he could not show any weakness, so he pushed away the people who were supporting him. Standing unsteadily, although the pain was still excruciating, but with the support of willpower, Napoleon still stood firmly in front of the Old Guards.

You still have to rest when you need it. I slept on the camp bed for two hours yesterday, and even a strong-willed person couldn't bear it.

Duke Meowlington was also staring at the group of people of unknown origin. Eubridge on his left said while looking at it: "I think that is the blue cat of Grouchy's army. Your Excellency, that is exactly What we feared, look, Grouchy is coming..."

"Damn, that could also be the black color of Plumiao's army!" After Meowlington finished speaking, a cannonball whizzed past his head, and his head subconsciously followed the trajectory of the cannonball. Then he put away the binoculars, walked to a young officer at the back with his hands behind his back, and took out the binoculars to take a look. The result was the same as before. He still couldn't tell whether the person's surname was Ying or Fa.

"Haiyi, you are younger and have better eyesight. Come and see what color it is."

With that said, Meowlington handed the telescope in his hand to Hai.

"Sorry, Your Excellency, I can't see clearly either." Hai replied after looking at it carefully for a moment.

Meowlington did not get a definite answer. He paced back and forth impatiently with his hands behind his back, and finally ordered: "Lord Hay, go and ask General Lambert to retreat a hundred steps toward the slope."

"But your Excellency..."

"Execute your orders, sir!" Meowlington's tone was unmistakable.

"Yes!" Lord Hay turned the horse's head.

The order was conveyed quickly. Meowlington sat on the tall horse and watched the soldiers retreat. Next to him, there was a burning tree.

The chatty Lawrence was retreating with the troops. He noticed the situation next to Meowlington and couldn't help but remind him: "Your Excellency, what I need to say is that it is best not to get too close to the trees on rainy days... "

"I understand what you mean, thank you." Meowlington accepted the soldier's opinion calmly: "I will adopt your outrageous opinion."

With that said, he raised his whip and slapped the horse on the buttocks, and went to inform Louis that they would also retreat with the army.

When the white horse under him had taken a few steps, a cannonball landed where he had been standing.

The scale of the retreat of ten thousand people was very large and very conspicuous. Even Marshal Ney, who commanded the French cavalry in the distance, could clearly see it.

"Meowlington has retreated!" he shouted excitedly, his expression like that of a student who was studying in a self-study class when his class teacher answered the phone and hurried away.

Michelle Ney, a purebred civet cat, is nicknamed the Warrior among Warriors. He is very strong, but like Wu Guanchao, he is full of muscles.

Seeing the advantage, go ahead and go ahead, A goes up to save, save, save, that's basically it.

He was behaving like he usually played games. He framed his cavalry and pointed them directly at Meowlington's position.

In fact, Louis often did this when he played RTS games before, but unlike Ney, when Louis clicked the box and pointed to A, there were usually dozens of Apocalypse tanks...

"Meowlington has retreated!" he repeated again: "Everyone, all of them, are ready to attack Meowling!"

Single-celled organisms are like this, purely single-core and single-threaded. The excited Marshal Ney could only think about chasing the retreating Meowlington, completely forgetting about "should I ask the emperor for instructions?"

Don't miss the opportunity before it comes again, rely on asking for instructions to fight the war? Snow can’t even be eaten warm!

As long as you have a little brain, you won't have no brain at all.

"Everyone, come here!" Ney was still very excited, and his beard was trembling with his movements. He raised his arms and shouted: "Come with me! Trumpeter, blow the charge horn!"——

It didn't matter what Ney did. The cavalry troops around him looked at him leading the charge, thinking that he had received some instructions from Napoleon, and they all followed him to join the battle.

Tens of thousands of cavalry went into battle together, galloping on the vast plains. The sun's rays shone on their breastplates and raised sabers, reflecting a dazzling and captivating light.

When the reconnaissance force informed Meowlington that the French cavalry was launching a charge, he immediately made a decision-to gather on the other side of the mountain to form a hollow square formation and face Ney to charge.

It should be said that defeating cavalry with infantry is not a fantasy. The infantry will be scared when they see the cavalry charging, but the cavalry will be even more scared when they see the infantry's shining bayonets, especially the horses under them, even if they have been trained for a long time. It's also hard to overcome the fear of shiny, sharp weapons.

Maybe some people say that blindfolding the horses will solve this problem, right? So the question is, blindfold you and let you run 100 meters in an unfamiliar place?

All I can say is that romances are romances, and the things in the works of art are just for fun.

Meowlington took Louis and stood in the center of the middle square formation. In order to be less conspicuous and based on the advice of the adjutant, he chose to get off the horse to avoid being the first one to be shot.

As the French cavalry approached, the entire land gradually began to shake, and the rumbling sound sounded very oppressive. The soldiers in front of Louis rubbed their hands on their guns and swallowed hard, waiting to greet the French cavalry. impact.

But it doesn't have much to do with them. The main reason is that the hollow square array on the outside suffers more.

Finally, Ney's cavalry charged to the top of the slope. He thought Meowlington was retreating, but what he saw was multiple porcupine-like hollow phalanxes.

Modern cavalry is different from ancient cavalry. Modern systematic training has made their quality better than in ancient times. The queues are as neat as a wall, and like waves, they are rushing towards the British formation. , the shiny breastplates on the cavalry were so dazzling that people couldn't even open their eyes.

The British artillery units began to return fire, and the commanders in the middle of the hollow square formation also shouted loudly: "Shoot their horses first! Shoot their horses first!"

The effect was very good. The French cavalry began to fall one after another, but more cavalry kept coming from the rear, seemingly endlessly.

At this time, Napoleon heard the news of Ney's attack from his adjutant. He didn't even care about the pain. He stumbled over from the grass on the side and shouted frantically: "What is Ney doing? I can't stop for a moment." Leave? What is he doing there!"

Napoleon pointed angrily in the direction of Ney's cavalry and shouted hysterically: "How can the cavalry attack without infantry support? What's wrong with him!"

He never imagined that Ney, as the marshal of the first army, could actually make such a low-level mistake. He just let the cavalry attack alone, but instead attacked the infantry who were already in formation. This matter was left to Zhao Kuo and Ma Di. Not even possible.

Smoke and dust were everywhere in front of the two armies. The smoke from the infantry's shooting was mixed with the dust brought up by the cavalry charge, plus the sound of guns and cannons, the roar of fighting, the cries of the wounded, and the neighing of horses. , forming a real scene of hell on earth.

Louis admitted that he had watched many war movies, but no matter how real the movies were, they were just movies, and what was in front of him was a real battlefield...

He saw with his own eyes that a young white cat not far away was slashed on the neck artery by a French cavalry sword while loading ammunition. The little white cat fell to the ground, trying in vain to cover the gurgling water with his hands. Blood's neck and both legs began to tremble weakly, and there was also a French cavalry cat whose leg was broken by a cannonball. It was being pressed on the grass by a dead horse, holding its leg and wailing.

"Little deer, little deer..." Catherine repeated unconsciously, her eyes full of fear. Her hands tightly grasped Louis' clothes, hugged him tightly, and buried her face in his chest. She could not bear to look at her anymore. A scene of hell.

Louis said nothing and gently stroked Catherine's blond hair with his hand, trying to calm her down.

This is not to blame for her timidity, even Louis himself can't stand it. I am afraid that no one except a natural butcher can be calm in such a slaughterhouse.

Except for the silly older sister Kristraza, who was sitting aside chewing something.

It's a shame she was in the mood to eat it.

"Think of your wives, your sweethearts, your homes, think of England, soldiers, think of England!"

Louis followed the sound and saw that it was Lord Hay in the center of the phalanx. He was riding a horse, raising his command sword and shouting slogans, trying to cheer up the soldiers in the phalanx.

But his behavior was too conspicuous, and he was soon shot by the French army. A bullet hit his head. Lord Hay reached out his cat paw to touch the gunshot wound on his head in disbelief. He glanced at Duke Meowlington, but he couldn't say what he wanted to say, and finally fell to the ground helplessly, ending his young life.

Duke Meowlington moved his lips and wanted to say something, but he couldn't.

With the death of Lord Hay, the phalanx he was in also began to collapse. The bagpiper in the center was still playing hard, trying to boost the morale of the brothers. Unfortunately, the French cavalry had already come up and killed the bagpiper with a knife. on the back of the hand.

"Bastards! Come on! You bastards!" Lawrence cursed when he saw the tragic death of the bagpiper, picked up the rifle in his hand and started shooting at the people around him.

The battlefield has long become chaotic. No one knows where their bullets hit, and no one knows when the cavalry in front of them will stop attacking. The cavalry also don't know how long the enemy can hold out. Both sides have tried their best. Waiting for the moment when the other party can no longer hold on.

"Louis..." Meowlington called softly without looking back.

"Well, Your Excellency." Louis did not stop stroking Catherine's hair.

"You said..." He hesitated for a moment, then asked: "Can we win?"

"Believe in your soldiers." Louis did not give him a direct answer.

Just when Meowlington was about to say something, Jack, the calico cat in the phalanx, broke down and started to run out. The people around him immediately held him down, but Jack shouted: "Let me go! For God's sake For my own sake, can't you let me go out? Why? "

After struggling hard, he managed to break free from the obstruction of his companions. Holding the Bible in his hand, he rushed out of the square.

"Jack! Damn it, who's going to stop him?" Lawrence was anxious. This was a good boy from his neighbor's family. He wanted to break out of the square to rescue him, but he also knew the importance of discipline. It doesn't matter if he leaves, the soldiers in the first row will definitely disperse following his actions.

"Let me go! Leave me alone!" Jack roared without looking back.

"Oh God, call someone to stop him. Where is he going?" Lawrence was about to rush out and pull him back, but was held down by four or five companions.

Jack walked out of the square, looked at the French cavalry who were still charging, and shouted hysterically: "We are strangers, how can we kill each other! Why! Why! Why should we kill each other?"

"How could we! Why should we kill each other, meow!"

He collapsed and threw the rifle and hat in his hands to the ground, but on this battlefield, compared to the sound of cannons and gunfire, his voice was too small and insignificant.

No one cares about his opinion, and no one knows why they want to kill each other. Maybe Duke Meowlington knows, and Lord Hay also knows, but these big soldiers really don't know why they are fighting.

Soon, he could no longer continue to torture the French cavalry in front of him who was also born as a cat. A knight wearing a shining breastplate galloped towards him, the saber in his hand was raised high, and he was chopped down with just one blow. His young head.

The land was soaked with blood, and as he faced the direction of the phalanx, Lawrence could clearly see that the last thing burning in his cat eyes was unparalleled sadness.

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