I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 176 The Destruction of the Empire

Meowlington held the brim of his hat with one hand, staring intently at the movements of the battlefield, his lips moving slightly.

The current situation on the battlefield between the enemy and ourselves is unclear. Fortunately, Ney's attack seems to have been carried out by the cavalry alone, and no cooperation from the infantry was found.

This made him secretly sigh with relief.

"General Lambert is requesting additional troops!" the adjutant behind him shouted.

Meowling didn't even look back, kept holding on to the brim of his hat, and replied loudly: "I can only send my best wishes to General Lambert!"

Good guy, are you really going to give General Lambert all the support except help?

It is estimated that General Lambert now has to greet Duke Meowlington's whole family on the battlefield.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, French Marshal Ney finally led the remaining troops to retreat, and the French army captured La Haye Sainte Farm, which was heavily defended by the British army. This is a strategic location, and both sides of the battle firmly believe that whoever controls this farm will win the final victory.

Behind the French position, Napoleon learned the good news through the report of his adjutant. He happily said to Marshal Soult: "Soult, write a letter to Paris immediately and tell them... Look what time it is now. Already?"

At this point, Napoleon realized that he didn't even know what time it was.

Marshal Soult took out his pocket watch, checked it carefully and replied: "About six o'clock, Your Majesty."

The wind howled, bringing up bursts of dust, and even blew Napoleon's hat to the ground. He put his hands in front of his face and said loudly: "Tell them that we defeated Meowlington's army at six points, Meow!"

"And," he added, "we won the battle, no, tell them, we won the war meow!"

On the other side of the British position, Duke Meowlington's adjutant also saw the battle there through a telescope. He reported with a touch of sadness: "Your Excellency! The French army has captured La Haye Sainte Farm, and the tricolor flag It’s up, meow!”

Duke Meowlington lowered his cat paws slightly with trembling, slurred his lips twice, and said nothing.

"The farm has fallen, Your Excellency, we can't stop them." The adjutant reminded that even if he knew that Duke Meowlington was in a bad mood, he would still report it. After all, he still needed to decide whether to continue fighting or retreat. , just in the coach's thought.

Meowlington's sea-blue eyes were full of melancholy, and he said to a general wearing a tall bearskin hat beside him: "It looks like, Ebridge, we are losing this battle."

Ebridge responded with silence, not knowing what to say to comfort his marshal. After a while, Meowlington murmured to the sky and sighed, seemingly praying: "God, please give me another night...or give me Blücher..."

Catherine, who was not far away, asked in a low voice: "Are we going to retreat? Has... the timeline changed?"

"No." Louis squeezed Catherine's shoulders firmly: "Don't worry, it's not over yet."

On the French army's position, Napoleon looked at the battlefield in the distance, and the war between heaven and man began in his heart.

[Now, we just need to let the Old Guard advance, and then we can go straight to Brussels. 】

After much hesitation, he finally made up his mind and ordered the Old Guard to prepare for battle.

The Old Guard is the most elite force in the entire Miao Lanxi. Most of its members are composed of elite soldiers who have participated in at least twenty large-scale battles, served in the army for at least twenty years, and have an average height of 1.85 meters. , their uniforms are gorgeous, their weapons are sophisticated, and the rows of soldiers are all powerful and brave. Among them, the veteran company is full of soldiers with missing arms and legs. Some of them were even cut like zebras by bayonets. Same.

This unit has extremely high morale and organization. Through long-term high-intensity training and the experience of escaping from many actual battles, they have developed the spirit of "never admit defeat". Their never-surrender momentum is like a charge. The chanting of "Long live the Emperor" was equally grand.

The first unit carried an exquisite and gorgeous flag embroidered with the places where they had fought: Marengo, Ulm, Austerlitz, Jena, Eylau, Friedland, Essling , Wagram, Smolensk, Moscow, Vienna, Berlin, Madrid and Moscow.

This is not only their glory, but these battles have also made them famous.

Napoleon wanted to follow the Old Guard, but due to the strong petition of the generals, he had to retreat.

At this time, Duke Meowlington was washing his face. After Ebridge's repeated urging, he finally made a decision.

"I'm giving up my left wing."

"Your Excellency?" Ebridge asked in disbelief.

"I want all the remaining people to come here, here!" Meowlington ordered firmly, the hair on his face trembling with the movement.

After saying that, he leaned down and took a handful of water, put it on his face and slurped it, then stood up and ordered: "Let them come here! Every brigade, every battalion, every soldier, come here." Come here!"

After speaking, he patted Ebridge on the arm: "Go and allocate every cannon to them."

"Yes!" Ebridge turned around and ran to deliver the order.

After he left, Meowlington was wiping his face with a towel. A general wearing a bearskin hat rode up from behind. His right hand was wrapped with a circle of not-too-thick gauze. It should have been a small injury to the cat's claw. .

"My men have been reduced by 50%! Meowlington!" He shouted angrily. Seeing Meowlington turning around, he softened his tone: "But they are still holding on!"

"If Marshal Blücher hasn't come yet, they will break every bone in my body!" Meowlington handed the towel to the people around him and made a cold joke.

"The general also knew not to push the coach into a hurry. He quickly stretched out his cat's paw and unfolded it. There were a few bunches of edamame inside: "Very delicious beans, Meowlington." "

"If I know nothing about any field in the world, it would definitely be farming." He took the two beans and answered in a confused manner.

At this time, the British army suddenly became restless and commotion.

"What's wrong? Why are you panicking?" Meowlington asked with a frown.

"Your Excellency, Marshal, listen!" Lawrence reminded nervously.

He listened intently, and the beans in his hand fell to the ground with a clatter.

"It's the Old Guard! The Old Guard!" There were soldiers in the army who had fought against the Old Guard. Their courage almost disappeared instantly, and they began to whisper to each other. The uneasy atmosphere quickly spread in the army. .

No one thought that their team could compete with the Old Guard head-on, unless a miracle happened.

Not far away, the solemn Old Guards were marching towards the British position of Mont Saint-Jean, accompanied by their exclusive march song "Victory Belongs to Us".

Meowlington cursed in a low voice with some impatience: "Marshal Blücher, where the hell are you..."

Just as he bared his teeth in anxiety, a black troop suddenly appeared in the woods far away from the battlefield.

"Look over there! Your Excellency!" Louis knew that Blücher should appear at this time. In order to save Meowlington's mentality, he patted the latter on the shoulder and pointed to the woods in the distance as a reminder.

By the way, he was handed a telescope.

This time the distance was close, and Meowlington was finally able to see clearly the color of the opponent's clothes.

"It's black...it's black! Oh my God, it's Marshal Blücher! I love him so much!" Meowlington shouted excitedly: "Buck up, our reinforcements are coming! Blücher The marshal is here with his troops!"

The originally gloomy atmosphere in the army was also swept away at this moment. Will a miracle happen to be able to compete with the Old Guard? Look, isn’t this a fucking miracle?

Contrary to the joy of the British position, there was a dead silence on the French position.

A galloping horse came galloping and announced loudly: "Your Majesty! The Prussians are in the woods! Blücher has appeared in the woods!"

Napoleon was stunned for a moment, and said to himself painfully: "I made a mistake before, I should have burned Berlin!"

Walking back to the tent, he sat tiredly on the chair and murmured: "Okay, okay, we still have hope. As long as Grouchy launches an attack, everything will be fine..."

"My Majesty..." Soult stammered: "Grouchi, Grouchi..."

Napoleon raised his eyes to look at Soult, only to find that the latter had his mouth open and could not speak a word.

"Grouchy said that he could not lead his troops to come here because there was not enough time." General Duvalier added quickly.

Napoleon was stunned for a moment, stretched out his hand tremblingly, took off the hat on his head, and said in a low voice: "Stay the ones named, Soult, Duvalier, Drouot, and Cambronne. .”

When everyone left the tent one after another, Napoleon suddenly exploded and shouted loudly: "That was my order! It was an order given to Grouchy to come to support! Who is he! He is so bold, even I Do you dare to resist my orders?"

"It turns out that the situation has reached this point, and the entire command system is deceiving me! All these generals put together are just monkeys at best, vicious stinky fish and shrimps with no existence value!"

"Your Majesty, I cannot tolerate the fact that these are all soldiers who have sacrificed their lives for you..." General Duvalier spoke at a speed that was comparable to that of a contestant who would sing the Allegro Negro in the future. His speech speed was fast and his words were clear.

"Just a bunch of rotten fish and shrimps! Rebels and scum!" Napoleon roared.

"My Majesty, what you said is too serious!"

"These are not generals at all. They are simply endangering the entire Miaolanxi nation. I am so angry!"

Napoleon dropped his gloves on the table.

"The reason why they call themselves generals and marshals is because they spent enough years in the military academy, holding the blade, and learned how to eat well! For so many years, you have only been dragging me along. Meow’s hind legs!”

That's true. Don't talk about others, just talk about Ney. How many times have you gone with the wind?

Now, instead of following Napoleon's orders to expand his victory at La Haye Sainte Farm, Ney led eight Guards battalions to launch an attack on the British army's main line where Meowlington was located.

Compared with this, Shuirenbo Highlands can be regarded as a white lotus.

"I should have picked out these rebels eight hundred years ago and killed them one by one! Just like Justinian!"

Indeed, Justinian was so ruthless. Such a victorious general, Belisarius, cut him off whenever he wanted. It was like Liu Yilong cutting Tan Daoji Nei.

After roaring to this point, Napoleon was tired. He sat down with his tired body, beat his chest, and whispered: "What a great talent I have. I have always dominated the entire European territory with just myself..." "

Not to mention Napoleon who was still furious in the command post, Blücher's troops at the edge of the woods had already poured out and formed a neat queue.

Speaking of Blücher, other advantages are not obvious, but one thing is very outstanding.

That is, this person can always appear in the right position at critical moments.

"Hold the black flag high, children! No mercy! No prisoners!" The black cat Blücher had a resolute face, and his pale beard twitched as he spoke: "I will shoot anyone who shows mercy to the enemy!"

He took off his hat and shouted: "Forward!"

Accompanied by rhythmic drum beats and marching music, the Prussian army marched quickly forward.

When approaching the French army, Blücher knew that Meowlington could not hold out for long. He took off his hat and threw it to the ground, shouting: "Charge! Charge! My children!"

The Prussian Skull Cavalry received the order and began to charge at full speed, like a sharp knife, thrusting straight into the flank of the Old Guard.

Meowlington also saw the Prussian cavalry galloping. He excitedly shouted an order to the soldiers hiding in the grass on the hillside: "Now! Stand up! Prepare to fight!"

The hail of bullets bursting from the side caught the Old Guards by surprise. But they are the Old Guard after all, and they are still moving forward with determination.

"It's Grouchy! They're coming!" someone shouted excitedly after hearing the sound of the cavalry's hooves.

Immediately someone shouted: "No, it's Blücher! It's all over! The Prussians are coming!"

The Old Guards began to hesitate, and fierce artillery fire began to hit them head-on. Coupled with the charge of the Prussian cavalry, even the Iron Army could not withstand such a pincer attack, and they gradually began to show signs of collapse.

Ney shouted angrily: "Have I reached the point where I have to fight alone! Charge with me! Are you still French? Stand with me!"

"The Prussians are coming! Your Excellency!" shouted a Guardsman.

The battlefield was so noisy that few people noticed Ney's movements. The Prussian cavalry with tall horses and tall military hats embroidered with skulls continued to charge into the crowd. Coupled with the artillery support of the British army, the Old Guards It has been washed away and can no longer be scattered.

Ney pulled the soldiers one by one and shouted loudly: "Don't you know me? I am Ney! The marshal of Miao Lanxi! If we hold on for one more hour, we can defeat them! Are you still the Guards? !”

The last sentence completely recalled the glory of the Old Guard, and they began to gather around Ney to fight against the two-sided attack of the Prussians and the British army.

On the French position, someone shouted loudly: "The Old Guard has been routed!"

Napoleon turned his head and looked in disbelief. He could not have imagined that the Old Guards, for which he had always placed high hopes, would one day fail.

He sat slumped on the ground, his eyes gradually turning firm.

Napoleon drew out the sword from his waist and walked forward with determination.

"What are you going to do, my majesty!" Surte was shocked and ran over to ask.

"I want to be with my Guards!" Napoleon replied.

Soult quickly asked the generals to disarm Napoleon and carry him back regardless of his struggle.

"Let me go! I am the emperor of the Miao Lanxi Empire! I should be with my soldiers! If I want to die, I will die on the battlefield with my soldiers! Let me go!" He tried in vain He struggled, but the generals beside him had no intention of letting him go.

In this way, Napoleon was carried away from the battlefield by the generals.

On the hillside of Mont Saint-Jean, seeing that the overall situation had been decided, Meowlington, who was relaxed, smiled and joked to Ebridge beside him: "Ebridge, if I had ever seen thirty thousand people before, If we were running together, I might be scared to death."

"Move the entire front forward!" he ordered.

"In which direction, Your Majesty?" Ebridge asked stupidly.

Meowlington glanced at Ebridge with a look that looked like a fool, and pointed to the back of the charging British soldiers in front with a smile: "Of course, keep going forward, no doubt."

The joyful atmosphere was contagious, and the entire British military hierarchy was filled with warm smiles.

Behind them stood the four Louises. Catherine seemed to be in a good mood now, perhaps because of the victory, or perhaps because she had adapted to the cruel battlefield.

She looked at Louis: "The war is about to end. I really didn't expect the Prussians to come in such a timely manner. You know, I thought we were going to lose just now..."

"The battlefield is changing rapidly. No one knows which side will win the final victory until the last moment." Louis put his arm around her shoulders and looked down at Chromie: "Is this the end?"

"There's still one last step left," Chromie replied in a low voice.

The battle on the battlefield was gradually coming to an end, and the roar of artillery fire drove the remaining French soldiers together.

"Form a phalanx and hold it!" Ney ordered loudly in the center. The Old Guards also obeyed the command, and the last two hundred people formed a hollow phalanx.

People kept falling to the ground under the gunfire of the British army. Gradually, the Old Guards used up the last bit of ammunition.

The adjutant on horseback looked at the tragic scene in front of him and sighed in a low voice: "We are slaughtering, Your Majesty the Duke."

"I pray to God..." Meowlington looked ahead sadly: "——This is the last battle I command..."

The British cavalry gathered from all directions and surrounded the Old Guards like an iron barrel. After everything was ready, the adjutant just now, holding a white flag, rode his horse slowly to the front of the French army, and shouted loudly: "Brave French people! You have done everything you can, Your Majesty the Duke, Meowling." The Duke of Don asks you to save your lives, do you agree to surrender?"

The soldiers of the Old Guard were all wounded and wounded. The long battle had made them exhausted. Some even leaned their rifles on the ground to barely support their bodies. Others supported each other with their comrades, but no one Showing weak expressions, they looked resolutely at the adjutant who persuaded him to surrender, without showing any sign of weakness.

Afterwards, the remnants of the soldiers burst into loud shouts.

"The Old Guard would rather die than surrender!"

Catherine's hand holding Louis' arm suddenly became stronger. When Louis turned around, he saw her nervous and pretty face.

"Oh, no--" She wanted to stop Meowling, but she put her hand down dejectedly.

The destined ending cannot be changed.

Meowlington was stunned for a moment, raised his hand, hesitated again, and waved forward.

The cavalry who received the order dispersed, revealing cannons filled with shotguns aimed at the French formation.


The cannons fired in unison, deafening, and thick smoke enveloped the place where the French army had gathered. When the smoke cleared, there was no one left standing there, they all fell in a pool of blood.

The system’s voice also sounded in Lewis’s ears.

"*mission completed……"

Lewis was shocked, why the hell don’t I remember that I took the mission?

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